• Country: Russia
  • State: Trans-Baikal Territory
  • County: Kalarskij r-n
  • City: s Chara
  • Street, House: ul Geologicheskaya, dom 12
  • Postcode: 674150
  • Site: http://chara.cht.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (30261)22-6-30
  • Longitude: 118.2555
  • Latitude: 56.896932
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Kalarsky district of the Zabaykalsky Krai: Kalarsky municipal district (settlements at Ikabya station, Kuanda, villages of Kyust-Kemda, Nelyaty, town Novaya Chara, the village of Middle Kalar, the village of Udokan, the villages of Chapo-Ologo, Chara).

Court Schedule

Day of the Week Opening Hours Lunch break
Monday - Thursday 08. 45-18. 00 13. 00-14. 00
Friday 08. 45-16. 45 13. 00-14. 00
Saturday-Sunday Weekend.

Pre-holiday opening hours from 08. 45-16. 45

Schedule of reception of citizens
Reception of citizens is carried out daily throughout the working day by assistant judges.
Schedule of reception of citizens:
Monday-Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00
Break from 13-00 to 14-00
Friday from 9-00 to 16-45
Break from 13-00 to 14-00
Saturday, Sunday - days off
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - reception is conducted by assistant referee Sorokina Irina Borisovna,
Tuesday, Thursday - reception is conducted by assistant judge Averchuk Elena Gennadievna
Contact phones: 8 (302-61)2-26-30, 8 (302-61)2-22-24

Archive mode

Days of the week First half
working day
Second half
working day
MONDAY - FRIDAY from 08-45 to 13-00 From 14:00 to 18:00
LUNCH BREAK from 13:00 to 14:00

To get a copy of a judicial act (decision, ruling, sentence) from the archives of the Kalar District Court, you need to apply in writing to the general department located on the 1st floor of the court building (office No. 1). You must have an identity document with you.

Responsible person
Senior specialist of the 1st category Satina Tatyana Sergeevna, for the period of her absence - senior specialist of the 1st category Averchuk Anastasia Ivanovna.

Telephones of the Kalar District Court
Reception (fax) (302-61) 22-6-30
Secretaries of the court session (302-61) 22-2-24
Assistant to the chairman of the court, responsible for the website Sorokina I.B. (302-61) 22-6-30
Engineer of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IAC of the Judicial Department in the Trans-Baikal Territory Sitnikova Olga Alexandrovna (302-61)22-630

Composition of the court
Chairman of the Kalarsky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory Peshkova Olga Nikolaevna. Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated January 02, 2017.
Irina Borisovna Sorokina, Assistant to the Chairman of the Kalarsky District Court
Visitors must have an identity document (passport, identity card, etc.), as well as a document (if necessary) confirming their authority (power of attorney, warrant, etc.) . P. ).
The Chairman receives citizens on the organization of the activities of the court, complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, appeals against judicial acts and procedural actions of judges on Monday from 15.00 to 17.00 . JUDGES OF THE KALAR DISTRICT COURT OF THE TRANS-BAIKAL TERRITORY
Maxim Viktorovich Khapov. Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2012 No. 1687. Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 939 of June 30, 2012.
Assistant Judge Khapova MV Averchuk Elena Gennadievna.
Visitors must have with them an identity document (passport, identity card, etc.), as well as a document (if necessary) confirming their authority (power of attorney, warrant, etc.)
The judge conducts a reception citizens on the organization of the activities of the court, complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, appealing judicial acts and procedural actions of judges on Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00. Shageeva Olga Viktorovna. Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 106 of March 18, 2019.
Assistant judge Shageyeva O. V. Khokhlova Maria Olegovna
The judge receives citizens on the organization of the activities of the court, complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, appealing judicial acts and procedural actions of judges on Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00 hours.

Court administrator
Sarkisova Karina Gennadievna, appointed by order of the Judicial Department in the Trans-Baikal Territory No. 635k/s of 19. 12. 2018
Phone: 8 (30 261) 22 -630

List of employees of the court apparatus
Assistant to the chairman of the court Sorokina Irina Borisovna, tel. 22-630
Judges' assistants
Khokhlova Maria Olegovna, tel. 22-170
Averchuk Elena Gennadievna, tel. 22-224
Leading specialist of the court Mikhaleva Olga Innokentievna 22-630
Secretaries of court sessions
Desyatova Izolda Vasilievna
Sukhomesova Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Contact with the secretaries of the court session is carried out by tel. 22-224
Senior specialist of the court of the first category
Tatyana Sergeevna Satina, 22-630
Ksenia Sergeevna Polukaitis (on maternity leave), 22-630
Averchuk Anastasia Ivanovna, 22-630
Evdokimova Elena Vitalievna, 22-6-30
Responsible person for the website Sorokina Irina Borisovna, 22-630, 22-224

For information on HR matters, please call
(30261) 2-26-30.

Person responsible for interaction with the media - assistant to the chairman of the court Sorokina Irina Borisovna, tel. 8 (30261) 22-630.
In the absence of assistant judge Averchuk Elena Gennadievna, tel. 8 (302 61) 22-224

Powers of the District Court
art. 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011 No. 1-FKZ “On Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation”
1. The district court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. The district court has the right to apply on the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request on the constitutionality of the law to be applied in a particular case.
4. The district court considers appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

Requisites for payment of state duty

Name of payment State duty
Name of the beneficiary UFK for the Trans-Baikal Territory (UFTS of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory)
KPP 753601001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 7536057354 Federal Tax Service for the Trans-Baikal Territory (UFNS of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory)
OKTMO code 76515000
Payee's account number 40102810945370000063/ 03100643000000019100
Budget classification code (BCC)
state fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction, by justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state duty ina paid when applying to the courts)
182 108 030 10 01 1050 110
Budget Classification Code (BCC)
state fee for cases, considered in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)
182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110

When filing an appeal to the applicant in the payment order for the payment of the state fee, it is necessary to indicate in the "Recipient" requisite the abbreviated name of the Federal Treasury body and in brackets - the abbreviated name of the tax authority at the location of the court in which the appeal will be considered.
For example: when filing an appeal against a judicial act of the district court of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the appeal will be considered in the Trans-Baikal Regional Court of the city of Chita, that is, in the requisite "Recipient" it is necessary to indicate the Federal Tax Service for the Trans-Baikal Territory (FNS of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory).

Name of payment State duty
Name payee UFK for Zabaykalsky Krai (UFTS of Russia for Zabaykalsky Krai)
Checkpoint 753601001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 7536057354 Federal Tax Service for the Trans-Baikal Territory (UFTS of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory)
OKTMO code 76701000
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 031 006 430 000 000 191 00
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (number of the bank account included in the single treasury account (TSA) 40102810945370000063
Name of the bank Branch of CHITA BANK OF RUSSIA//UFK in the Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita
BIC of the beneficiary's bank (BIC TOFK) 017601329
Budget classification code (BCC)
State duty for cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)
182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110

When filing a cassation appeal with the Eighth Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction:

Name of payment State duty to courts of general jurisdiction
Name of the payee UFK for the Kemerovo Region (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for city ​​of Kemerovo)
Checkpoint 420501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 4205002373
OKTMO code 32701000
Payee's account number 40801810400000010007
Name of the bank Department of Kemerovo
BIC 043207001
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1000 110

The activities of conciliation procedures are provided by mediators of the Department for the Trans-Baikal Territory of the Union of Mediators of the Far East and Transbaikalia Shelemetyev Vasily Konstantinovich - Head of the Department, mediator, certificate of mediator No. 013594 RIA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, tel. 8-914-125-48-46, - and Strelnikova Natalya Vladimirovna - Deputy Head of the Department, mediator, tel. 8-914-469-3110, certificate of the mediator No. 002026 RIA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.
In the room of conciliation procedures, cases are considered, including cases of courts of general jurisdiction.
The parties have the right to settle the dispute using conciliation procedures, have the right to apply at any stage of the process in order to resolve the dispute for assistance to an intermediary, including a mediator.

Bank details for payment of security deposits, examinations
UFK in the Trans-Baikal Territory (Administration of the Judicial Department in the Trans-Baikal Territory, ph. 05911883120)
TIN 7536096018
KPP 753601001 OKTMO 76701000001
r/s 40302810000001000022
KBK 0000 0000 0000 0000 0130
BIC 047601001
Department of Chita Chita

In the Kalarsky District Court of the Zabaikalsky Territory, it is possible to notify participants in a court session about the place, date and time of a case in court using an SMS message. To receive notifications on a mobile phone, it is enough to issue a receipt of consent to notifications via SMS at the Reception Court or send it by e-mail. You can also use the section of the site "Appeal of citizens".
According to the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2012 No. 3 "On amendments to some decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation" SMS notification is one of the appropriate ways to notify participants in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings.

Time difference: +06:00
There is one courtroom in the Kalarsky District Court , equipped with a videoconferencing system - criminal hall No. 1.
VKS departmental network telephone - 77 55 802
VKS departmental network fax - 77 55 899
VKS departmental network IP address - 10. 75. 58. 50
In accordance with the court’s work schedule
By Order No. 30 of 11.04.2019 - connection to the VPN network using the PI VKS software, assistant judge of the Kalarsky district court Averchuk Elena Gennadievna was appointed, for the period of her absence, assistant judge Sorokina Irina Borisovna. Phone 8 (30261) 22-630, 8(30261)22-224