• Country: Russia
  • State: Udmurtian Republic
  • County: Syumsinskij r-n
  • City: s Syumsi
  • Street, House: ul Bazarnaya, dom 7
  • Postcode: 427370
  • Site: http://sumsinsky.udm.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (34152)2-15-42, (34159)3-15-64
  • Fax: (34152)2-13-10, (34159)3-24-93
  • Longitude: 51.606354
  • Latitude: 57.106747
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Syumsinsky District Court of the Udmurt Republic is located at:

427370, Udmurt Republic, p. Syumsi, st. Bazarnaya, 7
tel./fax: (34152) 2-13-10

427270, Udmurt Republic, p. Selty, st. Jubilee, 6
tel./fax: (34159) 3-15-64, 3-24-93


Monday 8:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 8: 00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 17:00
Thursday 8:00 - 17:00
Friday 8:00 - 17:00
Lunch break: 12:00 - 13:00
Saturday Day off
Sunday Day off

reception of the court
s. Syumsi (office No. 6) tel. (34152) 2-15-42
p. Celty tel. (34159) 3-24-93


Reception citizens (Syumsi village) (34152) 2-15-42
Phone/Fax (34152) 2- 13-10
Reception of citizens (Selty village) (34159) 3-24-93
Fax (p. Selty) (34159) 3-15-64

Territorial jurisdiction

Syumsinsky district:
Vaskinskoe municipal district: der. Vaskino, der. Blazh-Yus, der. Kuzmino, der. Udmurt Vishorki, st. Pigil; MO "Gurinskoe": der. Berezovka, der. Vizil, village Gura, der. Zyattsy, der. Klyuchevka, der. Lemy, der. New Gainy, der. Old Gainy, der. Old Kuzluk, der. Tylygdud, der. Khodyri, der. Shmyki; MO "Gurtludskoe": der. Gurtlud, Lekshur village, der. Markelovo, der. Syumsil, der. Tukanovo, der. Yuberi; MO "Dmitroshurskoe": der. Bolshaya Inga, der. Big Sardyk, der. Gurkludchik, der. Dmitroshur, der. Left Gainy, der. Lyalino, der. Malaya Inga, der. Right Gainy, der. Chazhi; MO "Kilmezskoe": der. Balma, Kilmez village; MO "Muki-Kaksinskoe": der. Krasny Yar, der. Muki-Kaksi, der. Polyanka, der. Surek, Art. Surek; MO "Orlovskoe": der. Badzimlud, Zon village, der. Nertsy, der. Orlovo, Orlovskoe village, der. Kharlamovskaya Wharf; MO "Syumsinskoe": der. Akilovo, der. Verkh-Yus, der. Vylyngurt, der. Settlement, der. Keylud, der. Small Syumsi, der. Pumsey, der. Russian Babia, Syumsi village, der. Udmurtskaya Babia;
Seltinsky district:
MO "Seltinskoe": Selty village; MO "Valamazskoe": der. Aksenovtsy, Valamaz village, der. Egorovtsy, der. Small Valamaz; MO "Kilmezskoe": der. Big Kilmez-Biya, der. Vinyashur-Biya, pos. Vinyashur-Biya, pos. Goloviznin-Yazok, settlement Druzhny, der. Kvashur, der. Ludzi-Zhikya, der. Madyarovo, der. Malaya Kilmez-Biya, der. Small Zhaigil, der. Ryazanovo, pos. Yugdon; MO "Kolesurskoe": der. Bolshaya-Nyrya, der. Kelmovyr-Zhikya, der. Kolesur, pos. Lnozavodsky, der. New-Zhikya, der. Pozhgurt, der. Horns, der. Umetigurt, der. Chibyanshur, der. Shackleys; MO "Kopkinskoe": der. Amani, village Andreevtsy, der. Botino, Kopki village, Kopkinsky settlement, der. Kucher-Kopki, der. Kyrchim-Kopki, der. Lysai, der. Old Kopki, der. Usaygurt, Ut-Syumsi village, Ut-Syumsinsky settlement, der. Fedora; MO "Novomoninskoe": der. Vutno, der. Gamberovo, der. Gobgurt, der. Kochegurt, der. Round Key, der. Muglo, der. New Monya, Orlovsky settlement, der. Pokrovtsy, der. Old Monya, der. Eshmetgurt; MO "Syuromoshurskoe": der. Ayashur, der. Big Chibir, der. Keylud-Zyunya, der. Syuromoshur, der. Chashkagurt, village. Chibir-Zyunya, der. Yumga-Omga, der. Yakimovtsy; MO "Uzinskoe": der. Antoshkino, der. Babashur, der. Zenkey, der. Lystem, Uzi village; MO "Khaldinskoe": der. Bigeney, der. Istomino, der. Melnichata, der. Proy-Balma der. Toloshur, Khaldy village, repairs Yuberinsky, der. Yuberinsky Perevoz.

Judges of the Syumsky District Court

Chairman of the Syumsky District Court Oleg Valentinovich Mikryukov (appointed to the current position by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 253 dated 05.21.2015) Natalya Vasilievna Smirnova
Assistant to the President of the Court
tel. (34152) 2-15-42
Bayusheva Yulia Gennadievna
Secretary of the court session
tel. (34159) 3-15-64
Nikolay Baygozin Kurochkin Dmitry Germanovich - Assistant judge
tel. (34152) 2-15-42
Morozova Elena Aleksandrovna
Secretary of the court session
tel. (34152) 2-11-56
Dmitry Peskishev Karpova Maria Vladimirovna - Assistant judge
tel. (34159) 3-15-64
Malkova Tatyana Viktorovna
Secretary of the court session
tel. (34152) 2-18-64
Bazilevskikh Mikhail Semenovich (appointed to the position held by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06. 06. 2010 No. 675, in the office of a judge since 29. 10. 1996) Olga Sergeevna Shishkina
Assistant to the judge
tel. (34159) 3-24-93
Court clerk
tel. (34159) 3-15-64

Court staff

Head of General Department Mezentseva Lyudmila Anatolyevna (34152) 2-13-10
Court clerk (in the village of Selty) Oksana Alekseeva (34159) 3-15-64
Court Archive Specialist Yakovleva Nadezhda Nikolaevna (34152) 2-13-10
General Department Valentina Maltseva (34152) 2-13-10
Reception c. Xiumsi Reception with. Selts
tel. (34152) 2-15-42
Smirnova Natalya Vasilievna
Assistant to the chairman of the court
Kurochkin Dmitry Germanovich
Assistant to the judge
tel. (34159) 3-24-93
Shishkina Olga Sergeevna
Assistant to the judge
Karpova Maria Vladimirovna
Assistant to the judge
tel. (34159) 3-15-64

SMS notification of the participants in the proceedings

The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, which, along with the information about the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, indicates the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent.
SMS notification will not be sent if there is a need to send any documents to the participant in the proceedings.
A receipt of consent to the SMS-notification can be provided to the participant in the proceedings at the reception of the court: cab. 6 (Syumsi village), office. 4 (village Selty) - when filing a statement of claim (statement), directly at the court session, and can also be attached by the participant in the proceedings in a completed form to the statement of claim (statement) filed with the court.

Powers of the Syumsinsky District Court

In accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation "On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation" dated December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ, the district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
The jurisdiction of criminal cases to a district court is provided for by Articles 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
The jurisdiction of civil cases to the district court is provided for by Article 22, the jurisdiction of civil cases to the district court is provided for by Articles 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
The jurisdiction of administrative cases to the district court is provided for by Article 17, the jurisdiction of administrative cases to the district court is provided for by Articles 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation.
The jurisdiction of cases of administrative offenses to the district court is provided for by Article 23. 1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

Basic details for processing payment documents upon payment of the State duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state duty paid when applying to courts) and justices of the peace in the judicial district of the Syumsinsky district of the Udmurt Republic:

KBK 18210803010011050110
Payee UFK for the Udmurt Republic (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 6 for the Udmurt Republic)
Beneficiary's bank OFFICE-NB UDMURTSKAYA REPUBLIC OF BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Udmurt Republic of Izhevsk
INN/KPP 1821005586/182101001 (the value of the TIN, KPP of the tax authority where the organization in which the legally significant action is performed is registered is indicated)
OKTMO code 94641488 ( MO "Syumsinskoe") - code of the municipal entity on the territory of which the statement of claim is being considered
94639455 (MO "Seltinskoye") - the code of the municipality on the territory of which the statement of claim is being considered
BIC 019401100
Single Treasury Account 40102810545370000081
Treasury account (current account) 03100643000000011300
Basis of payment indicated by TP
Tax period specific date of payment of state duty
Type of payment indicates GP (payment of state duty)

Basic details for processing payment documents when paying State duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction , justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits) and justices of the peace in udebny area of ​​the Syumsinsky district of the Udmurt Republic:

KBK 18210803010011060110
Payee UFK for the Udmurt Republic (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 6 for the Udmurt Republic)
Beneficiary's bank OFFICE-NB UDMURTSKAYA REPUBLIC OF BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Udmurt Republic of Izhevsk
TIN/KPP 1821005586/182101001 (the value is indicated TIN, KPP of the tax authority where the organization in which the legally significant action is performed is registered)
OKTMO code 94641488 (MO "Syumsinskoe") - code of the municipality in the territory of which the statement of claim is being considered
94639455 (MO "Seltinskoye") - the code of the municipality in which the statement of claim is being considered
BIC 019401100
Single Treasury Account 401028105453700 00081
Treasury account (checking account) 03100643000000011300
Basis of payment TP is indicated
Tax period specific date of payment of state duty
Type of payment indicates GP (payment of state duty)

Bank details for funds in temporary disposal and for depositing cash funds to a deposit account from 2021

account 03212643000000011300
account number 40102810545370000081
l/account 05131419630
BIK 019401100
TIN 1835037450 KPP 184101001
KBK 43800000000000000000
OKPO 49632438
OGRN 1021801668569
Name of payment: - bail in a criminal case against. ... ... ; - Full name of the pledger; - for whom the pledge of full name is made; - case number.

Phone numbers for obtaining information of a reference nature, including the passage of cases in court:

p. Syumsi: no. 427370, Udmurt Republic, s. Syumsi, st. Bazarnaya, 7
Tel/fax: (34152) 2-13-10
Reception court (34152) 2-15-142
Office work and statistics department (34152) 2-13-10

Selty village:
427270, Udmurt Republic, s. Selty, st. Yubileynaya, 6
Tel/fax: (34159) 3-15-64
Reception court (34159) 3-24-93
Office (34159) 3-15-64

List of judicial conciliators

In accordance with the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 01.28.2020 No. 1 "On approval of the list of judicial conciliators" in the Udmurt Republic, the following conciliators:

F. I.O. Length of service, years Specialization Name of the court - place of work before retirement Name of the settlement and region residence
Akhmetova Larisa Garafeevna 27 civil proceedings Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
Galina Vladimirovna Degtereva 37 civil proceedings Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
Olga Anatolyevna Sidorenko 35 civil proceedings Arbitration court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic

Video conference call

Syumsinsky the district court is located at: Building 1: 427370, Udmurt Republic, Syumsinsky district, with. Syumsi, st. Bazarnaya, 7;
Building 2: 427270, Udmurt Republic, Seltinsky district, s. Selty, st. Yubileynaya, d. 6.
Both court buildings are located in UTC +4 time zone (MSK +1)
Halls # 1 are also equipped in both buildings with the videoconferencing system

Building in s. Xiumsi Building in the village. Selts
Ip address of the videoconferencing 10. 18.73.50 10. 18.72.50
Phone ip number 7187307 7187203
ip fax number 7187399 7187299

According to the letter of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic No. 01-20/197 of March 21, 2016, it is recommended not to use the communication channel every Tuesday and Thursday during the period from 9-00 to 14-00 in connection with the consideration of criminal cases by the appeal instance of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic.
Responsible for the technical support of videoconferencing: consultant Kasatkina Anna Anatolyevna, ip phone 7187303, work phone 8 (34152) 21320.


Regarding the issues of filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus:

Head of General Department Mezentseva Lyudmila Anatolyevna tel. 8 (34152) 2-13-10

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Responsible for the content of the site - consultant Anna Anatolyevna Kasatkina
Phone: (34152) 2-13-20
Fax: (34152) 2-13-10

Responsible for interaction with the media - assistant to the chairman of the court Smirnova Natalya Vasilievna
Phone: (34152) 2-15-42
Fax: (34152) 2-13-10