• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Daghestan
  • City: g Izberbash
  • Street, House: pr-kt Lenina, dom 5
  • Postcode: 368500
  • Site: http://izberbashskiy.dag.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (87245)2-48-48
  • Longitude: 47.868787
  • Latitude: 42.563488
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
The territorial jurisdiction of the Izberbash City Court of the Republic of Dagestan includes the urban district "City of Izberbash", as well as the village of Primorsky and the village of Rybny.

Izberbash City Court of the Republic of Dagestan

Mondayfrom 9:00 amto 6:00 pm(break from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm)
Tuesday from 9:00 a.m.to 18:00 p.m.(break from 13:00 to 13:45)
Wednesdayfrom 9:00 amto 18:00 pm(break from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm)
Thursdayfrom 9:00 amto 6:00 pm (break from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm)
Fridayfrom 9:00 amto 4:45 pm(break from 1:00 pm until 13:45)
On the holidaydecreases by 1 hour

Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court

President of the Court
F. ActingPositionDays of admissionTime of appointment
Nurbagandov Nurbagand MagomedovichMonday09:00 to 11:00
Fridayfrom 09:00 to 11:00

Reception of citizens by the chairman of the Izberbash City Court RD takes place every week on Mondays and Fridays.
The organization of the reception of citizens is carried out by a court employee by conducting a preliminary record of citizens on the day of reception from 9 o'clock.
When making an appointment, a citizen presents a document proving his identity.
At a personal reception, consideration and verification of proposals, applications and complaints of citizens not related to the appeal of disputes resolved by the court in specific cases and procedural decisions of judges are carried out.
Extra-procedural appeal to the chairman of the court in cases pending before the court is not allowed (Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation” dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1).
A written appeal accepted during a personal reception is subject to registration and consideration in the prescribed manner.
Reference information on the number: 8 (87245) 2-41-08 (Engineer Gasanov Gasan Guseinovich).
Complaints and appeals are accepted in the reception of the court.
Reception of complaints, petitions for court decisions submitted by representatives of the parties in the case is carried out upon presentation of a power of attorney.
Please note that appeals against court decisions in civil and criminal cases are filed through the court that issued the judgment in the first instance.
The reception of the Izberbash City Court of the Republic of Dagestan receives from Monday to Friday from 09:00.
Reference information by number: 8 (87245) 2-38-78 or 2-41-08.
Judges on personal matters do not receive citizens and representatives of organizations.

Organizational structure of the Izberbash City Court of the Republic of Dagestan

Assistant RefereeChief Specialist
Chairman of the Izberbash City CourtNurbagandov Nurbagand MagomedovichAppointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 241 dated May 23, 2016
Assistant JudgeMurtuzaliyeva Laura Yusupovna8(87245) 2-48-48
Secretary of the court sessionAbakarova Olga Ivanovna8(87245) 2-48-48
Federal JudgeAkhmedkhanov Murad MagomedovichAppointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 20 11. 2020 No. 721
Secretary of the court sessionBagomedova Aishat Bagomedovna8(87245) 2-70-79
Federal JudgeIsaev Isa MagomedovichAppointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.12.2008 No. 1682
Magician Omedova Shugaydat Omarovna8(87245) 2-42-99
Secretary of the court sessionMagomedova Zugra Aygubovna 8(87245) 2-42-99
Federal judgeNaida Isaevna MagomedovaAppointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31. 05. 2017 No. 246 14
Secretary of the court session8(87245) 2-35-14
Subdivisions of the court apparatus
Court administratorSuleimanov Abdulla Rasulovich8(87245 ) 2-30-90
Head of DepartmentDinara Medzhidovna Magomedova8(87245) 2-38-788(87245) 2-38-78
Chief SpecialistOmarova Liana Askhabalievna8(87245) 2-41-08
Diana Alievna Aliyeva8(87245) 2-38-78
Leading SpecialistLeading SpecialistNaripat Omaraskhabovna Hajiyeva8( 87245) 2-38-78

Personnel support
(87245)-2-48-48 - reception of the chairman of the court
(87245)-2-38-78 - office of the court
(87245)- 2-30-90 - court administrator

Press service
Persons responsible for the content of the official Internet site and the direct placement of information on the site:
Engineer Gasanov G. G., contact phone 8 (87245) 2 -41-08.
Judge's assistant, contact phone 8 (87245) 2-70-79

Phone numbers where you can get information of a reference nature,
including the progress of pending cases:

Court Office
Court AdministratorSuleimanov Abdulla Rasulovich 8(87245) 2-30-90
Head of DepartmentDinara Medzhidovna Magomedova8 (87245) 2-38-78
Chief SpecialistAlieva Diana Aliyevna8(87245) 2-38-78
Chief SpecialistOmarova Liana Askhabalievna8(87245) 2-41-08
Leading SpecialistNaripat Omaraskhabovna Gadzhiyeva8(87245) 2-38-78
Reception of judges of the Izberbash city court
Reception of the chairman of the court Nurbagandov N.M.8(87245) 2-48-48
Judge Akhmedkhanov M.M.>
Reception su d'i Isaeva I. M. 8(87245) 2-42-99 8(87245) 2-35-14

Requisites for paying the state fee

Name of the payeeUFC Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan (MRI of the Federal Tax Service for Russia No. 6 for the Republic of Dagestan)>TIN of the tax authority0548112705
Number payee's account40102810945370000069
Bank nameGRCC Nat. Bank according to the Republic of Moldova, Makhachkala /td>18210803010011000110
Name of paymentState duty
Invoice No. 03100643000000010300

About SMS notification
Notification of the participants in the trial via SMS is carried out if they agree to be notified in this way and upon fixing the fact of sending and delivering the SMS notification to the addressee. The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the data on the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent is indicated.
SMS notifications are transmitted using a special Internet resource that records the fact of sending and delivery of the message and is delivered to the recipient within 5-10 minutes. If the SMS notification was not delivered to the subscriber after two attempts to send it again, then the notification or summons to the court to the participant in the court sessions is sent by a court summons with a notification of delivery.

Video conferencing
Time zone Moscow (UTC+3)
Hall 1 IP-10. 5. 64. 50
Hall 2 IP-10. 5. 64. 52
Responsible for VKS
Gasanov Gasan Guseinovich, engineer,
tel. 8(872) 45-2-41-08