• Country: Russia
  • State: Irkutsk Region
  • County: Ekhirit-Bulagatskij r-n
  • City: p Ust-Ordynskij
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 18A
  • Postcode: 669001
  • Site: http://ehirit.uso.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (39541)3-12-02
  • Fax: (39541)3-11-01
  • Longitude: 104.754333
  • Latitude: 52.805028
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district of the Irkutsk region: municipalities with the status of rural settlements Aluzhinskoye (the villages of Aluzhin, Bolshaya Kura, Kharanut), Akhinsky (village of Ahiny, villages of Baitog, Bukhtumur, Serafimovsk, Timoshinsk), Gakhanskoe (village of Gakhany, village of Bozoi), Zakhalskoye (village of Elovka, village of Zahal, village of Krasny Yar, villages of Kuyada, Murino, Rudovshchina, village of Sverdlovo), Kapsalskoe (village Kapsal, the villages of Batkhai, Zady, Solyanka), Korsukskoye (the village of Korsuk, the villages of Gushit, Ishiny, the village of Ordinsk, the villages of Sagaruk, Totokhon, Shokhtoy), Kulunkunskoye (the villages of Barda, Batkhai, Bulusa, Upper Idyga, Kudareyka, Kulunkun, Lower Idyga, Tolodoi), Novo-Nikolaevskoe (villages of Novonikolaevsk, Muromtsovka, villages of Khabarovskaya, Khuty, Shertoy), Oloyskoye (villages of Bayangazui, Oloy, Otonkhoy), Tugutuyskoye (village of Tugutui, Komoy village), Ust-Ordynskoye (Ust-Ordynsky settlement), Kharazargayskoye (Kharazargay village, Kukunut village), Kharatskoye (village o Kharat, the villages of Upper Kukut, Lower Kukut, Oktyabrskaya, Svetly).

Court opening hours:
Monday - Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00
Friday from 09:00 to 16:45
Lunch break from 13:00 until 13-45


Full name Position Day of the week Hours of appointments
Ekaterina Semyonovna Mankhaeva Assistant to the Chairman of the Court Monday
9. 00-13. 00
13. 45-18. 00
Pavlova Olga Feliksovna assistant referee Alkheeva G. D. Tuesday
9. 00-13. 00
13. 45-18. 00
    Wednesday 9. 00-13. 00
13. 45-18. 00
Shisteev Felix Sergeevich Chairman Wednesday 9. 00-10. 00

Reception of the chairman of the court Shisteev F. S.
Assistant Mankhaev E. S. . - tel.

Composition of the court
President of the court: Felix Sergeevich Shisteev
Gennady Dorzhievich Alkheev

Court divisions
Court administrator Yury Borisovich Kondratiev
office. 139, tel. 3-15-16
General department
cab. 134, tel. 3-12-02
Head of the General Department Aleksandra Ankhaevna Mandranova
office. 141, tel. 3-11-01
Yankhaeva Valentina Gerasimovna
office. 140, tel. 3-11-01
Responsible for media relations Ekaterina Semyonovna Mankhayeva
office. 315, tel. 3-11-34
Responsible for informatization Ertagaev Nikolay Yurievich
office. 318, tel. 3-06-24

Responsible for media relations
Ekaterina Semyonovna Mankhaeva
office. 315, tel. 3-11-34

State duty

Name of the bankBranch of the Irkutsk Bank of Russia/UFK in the Irkutsk region, Irkutsk
Name of the payee UFK in the Irkutsk region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 16 for the Irkutsk region)
OKTMO code 25657444
Recipient's account number 03100643000000013400
BIC of the Bank 012520101
KBK 18210803010011050110
Name of payment State duty for cases under consideration in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)*

* indicate the necessary name meaning

Video conferencing

Time difference from Moscow + 05:00 o'clock
Courtroom equipped with videoconferencing system 2nd floor, courtroom No. 225
IP – Polycom codec address 10. 85. 53. 50
IP-telephone no. 7855302
IP-fax no. 7855399
Contact details of persons responsible for conducting the videoconferencing Sarapov Alexey Alexandrovich 06-24