• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Daghestan
  • County: Akushinskij r-n
  • City: s Akusha
  • Postcode: 368330
  • Site: http://akushinskiy.dag.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (87260)21-3-07
  • Longitude: 47.342662
  • Latitude: 42.274919
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Akushinsky district: rural settlements Akushinsky village council (villages of Ainikabmakhi, Akush, Bergeinzi, Gandaramahi, Gumramakhi, Inzimakhi, Karsha, Kertukmakhi , Semgamakhi, Urgubamahi, Tserkhimakhi, Chankalamakhi), Alikhanmakhinsky village council (Alikhanmakhi, Upper Kamkamakhi villages), Ameterkmakhi village, Balkharsky village council (Balkhar, Kuli villages), Burgimakmakhinsky village council (Akhsakadamakhi, Burgimakmakhi, Upper Kavkamakhi, Kakmakhi, Uznimakhi, Chinimakhi, Yaraimakhi villages ), the village of Butri, the village of Verkhniye Mulebki, the village of Gapshima (the villages of Gapshima, Megva), the village of Geba, the village of Gerkhmakhi, the village of Ginta, the village council of Dubrimakhinsky (the villages of Aimalabek, Baikatmakhi, Burgimakhi, Dubrimakhi, Kamkadamakhi, Khazhnimakhi, Khenklakar, Tsundimakhi, Shinkbalakada, Shumkhrimakhi ), the village of Kavkamakhi, the village council of Kassagumakhinsky (the villages of Bikalakhi, Bukkamakhi, Upper Karshli, Upper Chiamahi, Gunnamakhi, Kaddamakhi, Karashimakhi, Kassagumakhi, Lower Karshli, Lower Chiamahi, Urkhulakar), the village of Kurkimakhi, the village of Mugi, se Nakhkinsky village council (villages of Arassamahi, Nakhki, Utsulimakhi), Natsinsky village council (villages of Giyagaramahi, Karayamahi, Kubrimakhi, Kuliyamahi, Murlatinamahi, Natsi, Tuzlamakhi, Urzhagimakhi), Tanty village, Tebekmakhinsky village council (villages of Guladtymakhi, Kurkabi, Tebekmakhi), Ulluchara village, village council Urkhuchimakhinsky (villages of Kurimakhi, Urkhuchimakhi, Tsunimakhi), Usishinsky village council (villages of Zilmukmakhi, Usisha), Tsugninsky village council (villages of Gulebki, Urgani, Tsugni), Shuktynsky village council (villages of Tsulikan, Shukty).

Court Hours

Mondayfrom 9:00 amto 6:00 pm
Tuesdayfrom 9:00 am to 18:00
Wednesdayfrom 9:00to 18:00
Thursday9:00 amuntil 6:00 pm
Friday from 9:00to 18:00

Reception of Claims

Mondayfrom 9:00until 18:00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Tuesdayfrom 9:00until 18:00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Wednesday from 9:00 amto 06:00 pm(lunch from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm)
Thursdayfrom 9:00 amto 06:00 pm(lunch from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm)
Friday9:00 amuntil 6:00 pm(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Saturdayapplications accepted
not carried out

Reception at the Civil Litigation Support Division
(certificates on cases accepted for court proceedings, familiarization with cases, obtaining copies of decisions and writ of execution).

Monday9:00 amuntil 6:00 pm(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Tuesdayfrom 9:00to 18 :00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Wednesdayfrom 9:00 until 18:00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Thursdayfrom 9:00: 00until 18:00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Fridayfrom 9:00 amto 6:00 pm(lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)
Saturday not accepted

Criminal Litigation Support Reception

Mondayfrom 9:00 amto 06:00 pm(lunch from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm)
Tuesday9:00 amto 6:00 pm(lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)
Wednesday9:00 amto 6:00 pm(lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)
Thursday9:00 amto 6:00 pm(lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)
Fridayfrom 9:00 amto 6:00 pm(lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm) 00)
Saturdayno admission

Reception time
Reception of citizens is carried out on weekdays
from 09:00 to 18:00
Court reception phone:
8 (260) 2-11-54
8 (928) 045-06-90

Phone numbers where you can get information of a reference nature
Chairman of the court Ismailov M.A.
Phone 8 (260) 2-13-07
Reception of the chairman of the court
Phone 8 ( 260) 2-11-54
8 (928) 045-06-90
Aliev M.N. Phone 8 (260) 2-13-09
Ismailov M.M. Phone 8 (260) 2-11-56

Organizational structure of Akushinsky District Court of Dagestan

Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2007 N 747
tel. Tel. Tel. 8 (260) 21 154 No. 1293
tel. 8 (260) 21 309 Tel. 8 (260) 21-156
Chairman of the CourtIsmailov Murad Akhmedovich
JudgeIsmailov Murad MagomedovichAppointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 27.10. No. 1430
tel 8 (260) 21-156
Judge's assistantMusaev Shamil Gasanovichtel. Tel. 8 (260) 21-156
Structural subdivisions of the court apparatus
AdministratorOmarova Shakhrizat Magomedovnatel. 8 (260) 21-154
Court SecretaryPatimat Magomedovna Gasaynievatel. Tel. 8 (260) 21-156

Responsible for content Internet site of the court - tel. : 8 (260) 2-11-54
Replacing the employee responsible for the content of the court's Internet site during his absence - court administrator Sh. M. Omarova, tel. : 8 (260) 2-11-54


Name of the payeeUFK for RD (MRI FTS for Russia No. 9 for RD)
TIN of the tax authority and its name0521010985
OKTMO code 82603000
Name of the bankGRCC NB RD
Budget classification code (BCC)18210803010011000110
Payment nameState duty


Name of the payeeUFK for RD (MRI FTS for Russia No. for RD)
TIN of the tax authority and its name052100987 7
OKTMO code82603000
Payee's account number 40101810600000010021
UFK for RD (MRI FTS for Russia No. for RD)
Name of the bankGRCC NB RD
Budget Classification Code (BCC)18211617000010000140
Name of paymentFine

Video conference communication
Moscow time +3
numbers of courtrooms equipped with video conferencing systems: courtroom No. 1
phone number of the videoconferencing departmental network: 88726021154
periods of availability; available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00, from 14:00 to 18:00; unavailable during the period of time occupied by court sessions
contact details of persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing: Assistant judge Magomedaliev Ramazan Magomedalievich, phone 88726021156.
For Technical support Nimatullaev Magomed Kazbekovich