• Country: Russia
  • State: Penza Region
  • County: Kuznetskij r-n
  • City: g Kuznetsk
  • Street, House: ul Rabochaya, dom 199
  • Postcode: 442530
  • Site: http://kuznetsky.pnz.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84157)3-10-66
  • Longitude: 46.603133
  • Latitude: 53.122107
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region

The territorial jurisdiction of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region is determined by:
1. The boundaries of the city with the status of an urban district - Kuznetsk;
2. A rural area with the status of a municipal district - Kuznetsky, consisting of:
a) workers' settlements with the status of an urban settlement:
Verkhozim, which includes the following settlements: Borovaya village, Verkhozim working settlement, Verhozim village; Yevlashevo, which includes settlements: the working settlement of Yevlashevo, the village of Ulyanovka; b) village councils with the status of a rural settlement:
Annenkovsky, which includes settlements: the village of Annenkovo, the village of Nizhnedubensk, the village of Nizhnee Ablyazovo, the village of Radishchevo, the village of Tyutnyar;
Bolshetruevsky, which includes the settlements: the village of Bolshoy Truev, the village of Maly Truev, the village of Tatarsky Kanadei;
Komarovsky, which includes the settlements: the village of Dvoriki, the Zhurchalka farm, the village of Komarovka , the village of Novostroika, the village of Sosnovka;
Makhalinsky, which includes the settlements: the village of Makhalino, the village of Progress, the village of Russkaya Pendelka, the village of Stary Kryazhim, the village of Tatarskaya Pendelka;
Nikolsky, which includes the settlement of the village of Nikolskoe ;
Poselsky, which includes settlements: the village of Blagodatka, the village of Poselki, the village of Trakhaniotovo;
Syuzumsky, which includes the settlements: railway station Yeluzan b, Morozovka village, Syuzum railway station, Syuzum village;
Tarlakovskiy, which includes settlements: Bestyanka village, Maryevka village, Pervoe Tarlakovo village;
Chibirleyskiy, which includes settlements: Vtoroe Tarlakovo village, Chibirlei village;
Yavleisky, which includes the following settlements: Babarykino village, Kazakovka village, Kozlyakovka village, Monastyrskoe village, Rzhavka village, Surmino village, Tikhmenevo village, Chasy village, Shelemis village, Shishovka village, Yavleika village;
Yasnopolyansky, which includes the following settlements: Alekseevka village, Zlobinka village, Kamenka village, Pioner village, Sukhanovka village, Yasnaya Polyana village.

Working hours of the Kuznetsk District Court

Start of the working day 9. 00
Lunch break 13. 00-13. 45
End of business 18. 00
Friday - 16. 45

On pre-holiday days, the working hours of the Kuznetsk District Court are reduced by 1 hour.
Reception of the court (1st floor, office number 101) receives citizens during the entire working hours.

Reception of the Kuznetsk District Court

Reception of citizens is conducted by court employees without prior appointment in the order of priority. Upon admission, a citizen presents a document proving his identity, and in cases specified by law, a power of attorney.

Working hours of the reception office of the Kuznetsk District Court:

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:45
Saturday Day off
Sunday Day off

Contact numbers of the court reception:
tel. : (841-57) 7-37-69
tel./fax: (841-57) 3-10-66



16:00 - 18:00

Composition of the court

Chairperson of the Court Bugaeva Irina Andreevna - appointed Chairperson of the Kuznetsk District Court of the Penza Region By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 573 of 11. 10. 2018 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegium of judges of the Republic of Dagestan", 3rd floor, office No. 301
Deputy chairman of the court Sebryaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna - appointed Deputy Chairman of the Kuznetsk District Court of the Penza Region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 345 dated 18.07.2019 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation"
1st floor, office No. 113
Judge Svetlana Vladimirovna Lamzina - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk District Court of the Penza Region by Decree President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of 21. 04. 2012 "On the appointment of judges of district courts"
3rd floor, office No. 302
Judge Natalya Konstantinovna Zinchenko - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of 21. 04 2012 "On the appointment of judges of district courts"
3rd floor, office No. 304
Judge Afanasyeva Nadezhda Vasilievna - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 361 dated 07.08.2017 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts»
3rd floor, office No. 303
Judge Proshina Svetlana Evgenievna - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 432 dated 06.30.2020" On the appointment of judges of federal courts "
2nd floor, office No. 201
Judge Oksana Vladimirovna Tarasova - appointed as a judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 509 dated 05.23.2013 "On the appointment of district court judges"
2nd floor, office No. 203
Judge Andrey Kravtsov Ivanovich - appointed as a judge of the Kuznetsk district ud of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of 21. 04. 2012 "On the appointment of judges of district courts"
2nd floor, office No. 205
Judge Mankova Svetlana Alekseevna - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 265 from 01. 05. 2021 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts"
2nd floor, office No. 208
Judge Bryuzgin Sergey Alekseevich - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1326 of 20. 11. 2009 "On appointment of judges of district courts "1 floor, office No. 110
Judge Koroleva Ekaterina Arkadyevna - appointed judge of the Kuznetsk district court of the Penza region by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 506 of 23.10.2017" On the appointment of judges of federal courts "
1st floor, office No. 112

Court apparatus

Reception room of the court
1st floor, office No. 101, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-69
tel./fax: (841-57) 3-10-66
Reception of the chairman of the court on 3rd floor, office No. 305, tel. (841-57) 7-37-63
tel. /Fax. (841-57) 3-03-54
Legal Proceedings Department
Head of Department Elena Ivanovna Konnova, 1st floor, office No. 104, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-66
General department
Head of department Oreshkin Alexander Petrovich, 1st floor, office No. 104, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-88
Legal proceedings in criminal cases
Chief specialist of the department of legal proceedings Ulyanova Elena Alekseevna, 1st floor, office number 103, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-72
Leading specialist of the department of legal proceedings Osokina Natalya Viktorovna, 1st floor, office number 103, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-73
Litigation in cases of administrative offenses
Leading specialist of the department of legal proceedings Aparina Tatiana Nikolaevna
1st floor, office 102, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-75
Litigation in civil and administrative cases
Consultant of the department of legal proceedings Gracheva Zoya Nikolaevna, 1st floor, office number 102, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-71
tel. : (841-57) 7-37-77
Administrator of the court Pankratov Mikhail Valerievich, 3rd floor, office No. 306, tel. : (841-57) 7-37-65

Contact information

tel./fax: (841-57) 3-10-66
Information on civil and administrative cases (841-57) 7-37-71, (841-57) 7-37-77
Information on criminal cases (841-57) 7-37-72, (841-57) 7-37-73
Information on cases of administrative offenses (841-57) 7-37-75
Information on personnel (841-57 ) 7-37-88
Information on the filling of vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the court can be obtained from the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region, tel. : 8 (8412) 63-80-21 or on the USD website.
For information on filling the vacant position of a judge, please visit the website of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Penza Region


Time difference relative to Moscow: 0:00:00
room number with video conferencing - 3
IP phone number in hall 7586401
IP fax number in hall 7586499
technical capability - Polycom QDX6000
video conferencing schedule - by inquiries (except Tuesday from 10:00 to 17:00)
On the basis of an agreement between the First Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction, the Penza Regional Court, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Penza Region on interaction in the use of videoconferencing, a work schedule has been established, according to which the First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction, the software and hardware complexes of the videoconferencing installed in the Penza Regional Court, district (city) courts of the Penza region and the city of Penza, institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Penza region, are used in court sessions weekly on Tuesdays from 10 hours 00 minutes to 17 hours 00 minutes.
contact information:
person in charge of organizing videoconferencing - court administrator Mikhail Valerievich Pankratov, tel. 8 (84157) 73765
person in charge for technical support of videoconferencing - consultant of the general department Klyanchin Sergey Valerievich, phone 8 (84157) 73778

Details for paying the state duty when filing statements of claim (applications, complaints) to the Kuznetsk District Court and when filing appeals against the decisions of justices of the peace of the judicial districts of Kuznetsk and the Kuznetsk district.

TIN of the recipient 5803011545
Recipient's checkpoint 580301001
Recipient's name UFK for the Penza region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 1 for the Penza region)
Beneficiary's bank account number 40102810045370000047
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 03100643000000015500
The number of the current bank account opened by the UFK in the Penza region in the branches of the Bank of Russia on balance sheet account No. 40101 40101810222020013001
Bank name Penza branch of the Bank of Russia/UFK in the Penza region, Penza
BIK of the recipient's bank (BIK TOFK) 015655003
OKTMO code 56705000
Budget classification code (BCK) 18210803010011050110

Details for payment of g special duties when filing an appeal

KBK 18210803010011050110
Account 40102810045370000047
Penza Branch of the Bank of Russia/UFK in the Penza Region, Penza
BIK 015655003
Gearbox 583601001
Treasury account number 03100643000000015500
Recipient of the UFK in the Penza region (IFTS RF for the Leninsky district of Penza)
INN 5836010018
OKTMO 56701000

Court fines

Details for transferring payments to the budgets of the Russian Federation, which are administered by the Russian MIA Administration for the Penza Region (administrative fines)
TIN of the recipient 5834011778
KPP of the recipient 583601001
Beneficiary name UFK in the Penza region (UMVD of Russia in the Penza region)
Single Treasury Account
Treasury account (beneficiary's account number)
04551460330 (personal account is indicated only by legal entities)
Bank name Branch of the Penza Bank of Russia. UFK for the Penza region, Penza
BIK bank 015655003
OKTMO Code 56701000 (for Penza)
56705000 (for Kuznetsk)
56640000 (for the Kuznetsk municipal district)
Budget Classification Code (BCK) depending on the type of administrative offense
Administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Name of income code, articles of the administrative code The level of the budget to which funds received from the payment of administrative fines are to be credited
Under article 12.21, 12.21.1 h. 1, 12.21.1 h. 2, 12.21.1 h. 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30011 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the rules for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on public roads of federal importance.
To the federal budget
Under article 12.21.12. 21.1 h. 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30012 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the rules for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on public roads of regional and intermunicipal importance.
To the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at the place of the offense
Under article 12.21, 12.21.1 h. 1, 12.21.1 h. 2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30013 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the rules for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on public roads of local importance in urban districts.
To the budget of the city district, at the place where the offense was committed
Under article 12.21.12. 21.1 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30014 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the rules for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on public roads of local importance in municipal districts.
To the budget of the municipal district, at the place where the offense was committed
Under article 12.21.12. 21.1 h. 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30015 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the rules for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on public roads of local importance of settlements.
To the budget of the settlement, at the place where the offense was committed
Under article 12. 1 - 12. 21; 12.22 - 12.32; 12.35- 12.37 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30020 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety
To the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at the location of the body or official that made the decision to impose a fine
Under article 11. 21; 11.22; 11.29;; 12.33; 12.34 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 30030 01 6000 140 Other monetary penalties (fines) for traffic offenses
To the budgets of municipal districts, at the location of the body or official who made the decision to impose a fine
Other administrative offenses
According to Articles 5. 6; 5.10-5. 12, 5.14-5. 16; 5.22; 5. 38; 5.40; 5.47; 5.49; 17. 1-17. 3; 17.7; 17.9-17. 13; 20. 2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 07000 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, on the state power of the Russian Federation, on the state service of the Russian Federation, on elections and referenda of the Russian Federation, on the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russian Federation
To the federal budget
According to Articles 6. 8; 6. 9; 6.13; 6.15; 6.16; 10.4; 10.5; 10.5.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 12000 01 6000 140
Monetary penalties (fines) for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism, on the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
To the federal budget
Under article 14.16.14. 17.14. 18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 08000 01 6000 1401 Monetary penalties (fines) for administrative offenses in the field of state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing and tobacco products.
To the budget of the municipal district, at the place where the offense was committed
According to article 20. 25. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 43000 01 6000 140 Monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses provided for in Article 20. 25 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
To the budgets of municipal districts, at the location of the body or official who made the decision to impose a fine
According to articles 9.1, 9.3 ZPO 1506 dated 02.04.2008
KBK 188 1 16 90020 02 6000 140 Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines), and other amounts in compensation for damage credited to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (revenue credited to the budget of the Penza region)
To the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at the place of the offense
According to Articles 5. 37; 5.43; 6.11; 6.12; 7.12; 7.15; 7.17; 7.19; 7.27; 7.27.1; h. 2 tbsp. 8.28; h. 2 tbsp. 11.3; h1,3,4 and 5 tbsp. 11.1; h. 7 art. 11.5; 11.9; 11.14; 11.15; 11.17; 11.22; Art. 11.23; 12.1; h. 1-4 art. 12.2; h1,2,3 st. 12.3; h. 3 tbsp. 12.4; h. 1,2,3 approx. 1 tbsp. 12. 5; Art. 12.6; h. 1 and 3 st. 12.7; 12.8; Art. 12.9; Art. 12.10; Art. 12.11-12. 15; 12.16-12. 21 approx. 1; Art. 12.21 approx. 3; Art. 12.22; h. 1 tbsp. 12.27, art. 12. 28-12. 34, art. 12.36 approx. 1; Art. 12.37; 13.10; h. 5 art. 13.12; 13.14; h. 2 tbsp. 13.15; 13.21; 13.24; 14. 1; 14. 1. 1:14. 4: 14.10; 14. 14; 14. 23; h. 1 and 5 of Art. 14. 34; 14. 26; 14. 37; 14. 43; 18.11-18. 13; 19. 1-19. 7: 19.11-19. 13; 19.15; 19.20; 19.22; 19.23; 19.24; 19.33; 20. 1; 20.3: ch1, 3-5st. 20. 8; Art. 20.09-20. 21; Art. 20. 23; Art. 20. 24; 20.28 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 90040 04 6000 140
Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines) (including those provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and other amounts in compensation for damage credited to the budgets of urban districts (revenues credited to the budget of the city of Penza, the city of Kuznetsk)
According to Articles 5. 37; 5.43; Art. 6.11; 6.12; 7.12; 7.15; 7.17; 7.19; 7.27; 7.27.1; h. 2 tbsp. 8.28; h. 2 tbsp. 11.3; h 1,3,4 and 5 st. 11. 1: part 7 of Art. 11.5: 11.9; 11.14; 11.15; 11.17; 11.22; Art. 11.23; 12.1; h. 1-4 art. 12.2; h1,2,3 st. 12.3; h. 3 tbsp. 12.4; h. 1,2,3 approx. 1 tbsp. 12. 5; Art. 12.6: h. 1 and 3 st. 12.7; 12.8; Art. 12.9; Art. 12.10; Art. 12.11-12. 15:12. 16-12. 21 approx. 1; Art. 12.21 approx. 3; Art. 12.22; h. 1 tbsp. 12.27, art. 12. 28-12. 34, art. 12.36 approx. 1; Art. 12.37; 13.10; h. 5 art. 13.12; 13.14; h. 2 tbsp. 13.15; 13.21; 13.24; 14. 1; 14. 1. 1; 14. 4; 14. 10; 14. 14; 14. 23; h. 1 and 5 of Art. 14. 34; 14. 26; 14.37: 14.43; 18.11-18. 13; 19. 1-19. 7; 19.11-19. 13: 19.15; 19.20; 19.22; 19.23; 19.24; 19.33; 20. 1; 20. 3; h1, 3-5 st. 20.8: Art. 20.09-20. 21; Art. 20. 23; Art. 20. 24; 20.28 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
KBK 188 1 16 90050 05 6000 140
Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines) (including those provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and other amounts in compensation for damage credited to the budgets of municipal districts (income credited to the budget of municipal districts of the Penza region)
Details for transferring payments to the budgets of the Russian Federation, which are administered by the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Penza Region (administrative fines)
g. Kuznetsk, Penza region
TIN of the recipient 5837023563
KPP of the recipient 583701001
Beneficiary name UFK in the Penza region (Territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Penza region)
Current account 40101810300000010001
Bank name Penza Branch, Penza
BIK bank 045655001
OKMTO code 56705000
Budget Classification Code (BCK) 14111628000016000140
Kuznetsk district of the Penza region
TIN of the recipient 5837023563
KPP of the recipient 583701001
Beneficiary name UFK in the Penza region (Territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Penza region)
Current account 40101810300000010001
Bank name Penza Branch, Penza
BIK bank 045655001
OKTMO Code 56640000
Budget Classification Code (BCK) 14111628000010000140
Details for transferring payments to the budgets of the Russian Federation, which are administered by the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Penza Region budget by court order or decision)
TIN of the recipient 5837045670
KPP of the recipient 583701001
Beneficiary name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Penza Region (Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Penza Region, l/s. 04551A59020)
Current account 40101810300000010001
Bank name Penza Branch, Penza
BIK bank 045655001
OKTMO Code 56701000
Budget Classification Code (BCK) 41711621010016000140


For information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the court, you can get in the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region, tel. : 8 (8-412) 63-80-21 or on the website of the Office.
Information on filling the vacant position of a judge can be obtained on the website of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Penza Region, tel. 8 (8412) 99-51-55.


Responsible employee for interaction with the media and content of the website of the court - court consultant Timonina Marina Viktorovna, contact phone (841-57) 7-37-78.