• Country: Russia
  • State: Voronezh Region
  • City: g Voronezh
  • Street, House: pr-kt Revolyucii, dom 14A
  • Postcode: 394000
  • Site: http://oblsud.vrn.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (473) 269-45-02, (473) 269-45-03
  • Fax: (473) 269-45-14
  • Longitude: 39.211965
  • Latitude: 51.676561
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox



9. 00-18. 00


9. 00-18. 00


9. 00-18. 00


9. 00-18. 00


9. 00-16. 45

Break 13. 00-13. 45


day off


day off




Office Department

tel: (473) 269-45-03


Civil and Administrative Court Litigation Department:

tel./fax: (473) 269-45-09,
(473) 269-45-08

Judicial Support Division
in criminal matters:

tel./fax: (473) 269-45-07

Chancellery for Criminal Cases (1 instance)

tel./fax (473) 269-45-04

Jury Advisor:

tel./fax: (473) 269-45-12,
(473) 269-45-13
room 121

Presidium Group:

tel/fax: (473) 269-45-22

Reception of citizens, their representatives, as well as legal entities is carried out during working hours, in a specially designated room - Reception of the Voronezh Regional Court, in accordance with the following schedule:


09:00 - 13:00

13:45 - 17:30


09:00 - 13:00

13:45 - 16:45

Lunch break

13:00 - 13:45


09:00 - 13:00


Saturday, Sunday

Court Management


Tarasov Vasily Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Court

Anisimov Vladimir Filippovich - deputy chairman of the court

Kalyuzhnaya Victoria Alexandrovna - deputy chairman of the court

Syrovatsky Vladimir Petrovich - deputy chairman of the court

Presidium of the Court

Tarasov Vasily Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Court

Vladimir Anisimov Filippovich - Deputy Chairman of the Court

Kalyuzhnaya Victoria Alexandrovna - Deputy Chairman of the Court

Syrovatsky Vladimir Petrovich - deputy chairman of the court

Khrapin Yuri Vladimirovich - judge of the regional court

Chernyshov Petr Sergeevich - judge of the regional court

Judicial boards


I. Criminal Judicial Collegium of the Voronezh Regional Court composed of 24 judges, including:

Kosenkov Nikolay Fedorovich - Chairman of the Judicial Board

Criminal Court Judges (First Instance):

Avdeev Mikhail Alekseevich
Popov Petr Nikolaevich
Chistyakova Olga Stepanovna
Shingareva Olga Viktorovna

Judges of the Criminal Cases Board of Appeals:

Belyaeva Emma Aleksandrovna
Borisova Vera Pavlovna
Vlasov Boris Sergeevich
Karifanova Tatyana Viktorovna
Ledeneva Svetlana Petrovna
Livintsova Irina Aleksandrovna
Matveev Andrey Nikolaevich
Novoseltsev Andrey Nikolaevich
Ochneva Olga Vyacheslavovna
Perepelitsa Alexander Viktorovich
Chernik Sergey Alekseevich
Shcherbakov Alexander Vladimirovich

Judicial composition for reviewing enforceable criminal cases:

Danilova Valentina Yurievna

Litovkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Nepomnyashchiy Alexander Elizarovich
Starilova Svetlana Frantsevna

II. Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Voronezh Regional Court composed of 23 judges, including:

Agafonova Raisa Georgievna - Chairman of the Judicial Board

Babkina Galina Nikolaevna
Vostrikova Galina Fedorovna
Glazova Natalia Vladimirovna
Zelepukin Alexander Vladimirovich
Kvasova Olga Alekseevna
Kozieva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Kuznetsova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Kopylov Vitaliy Viktorovich

Rodovnichenko Svetlana Gennadevna

Igor Trunov
Fofonov Alexander Sergeevich
Khnykina Iraida Viktorovna
Yurchenko Elena Pavlovna

In accordance with Article 7. 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation" dated 26. 06. 1992 No. 3132-1 Retired judges brought to justice:

Zhukova Natalia Alekseevna
Kozhevnikova Alla Borisovna

Judicial review panel:

Khrapin Yuri Vladimirovich
Rakova Valentina Egorovna
Trofimova Maria Vasilievna
Chernyshev Petr Sergeevich

III. 11 Judicial Board of Administrative Cases:

Yasinskaya Irina Ivanovna - Chairman of the Judicial Board
Andreeva Natalya Vladimirovna
Dyomina Olga Vyacheslavovna
Dorovskikh Igor Aleksandrovich
Kobzeva Irina Viktorovna
Meremyanin Ruslan Valentinovich
Sukhov Yuri Petrovich

First instance judges (civil and administrative cases):

Lesnichevskaya Elena Viktorovna
Privalov Alexey Alekseevich

Court departments


Office Department

Head of Division
Fursova Zoya Semyonovna
Class 2 State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation
tel: (473) 269-45-02, 269-45-03


Criminal Justice Support Division

Head of Division
Nikulina Lyubov Vasilievna
Class 2 State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation
tel: (473) 269-45-06

Civil & Administrative Proceedings Division

Head of Division
Popova Tatyana Vasilievna

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Grade 3
tel: (473) 269-45-09

Presidium Group

tel: (473) 269-45-22

Department of statistical reporting and generalization of judicial practice

Head of Department

Kozhuhova Marianna Vladimirovna
Justice Advisor 2 classes

Tel: (473) 269-45-12

Department of public service, personnel

Head of Division
Lozova Olga Alekseevna
State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Grade 3

tel: fax (473) 269-45-23


Finance and Economics Department

Head of Department

Chastukhina Olga Gennadyevna
State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Grade 3

tel: (473) 269-46-08

Logistics Department

Head of Department

Butkov Alexander Yurievich
tel. 269-45-17

Administrator of the court

Administrator of the Voronezh Regional Court - Tatar Gennady Albertovich

Contact Information:

tel. 8 (473) 269-45-25