• Country: Russia
  • State: Udmurtian Republic
  • City: g Izhevsk
  • Street, House: ul Pushkinskaya, dom 274
  • Postcode: 426008
  • Site: http://vs.udm.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (3412) 66-08-15, 60-01-10
  • Longitude: 53.211275
  • Latitude: 56.866002
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court hours


8. 30-17. 30


8. 30-17. 30


8. 30-17. 30


8. 30-17. 30

Friday, holidays

8. 30-16. 30

Lunch break: 12. 00-12. 48


Day Off


Day Off

Contact Details

< figure class = "table">

< td> Reception of the Deputy Chairman - Chairman with Board of Criminal Cases< td> (341-2) 600-171

Unit name Telephone, fax
Reception of the Chair

(341-2) 66-08-15

fax 64 -95-47

Reception of the Deputy Chairman in charge of the review of cases in the cassation and supervisory instance (341-2) 600-106
Reception of the Deputy Chairman - Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases (341-2) 600-108
(341-2) 600-107
RECEIVING COURT (341-2) 600- 177
Assistant Chair ( 341-2) 660-815
Administrator (341-2) 600-167
Office of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases (341-2) 600-174
Office of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases (1 instance) (341-2) 600-173
Office of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases (2nd instance) (341-2) 600-172
Office of the Presidium (341 -2) 600-175, 600-196
Office of the Judicial Call Administrative Cases (341-2) 602-429, 602-430,602-431
Financial and Economic Department (341-2) 600-189, 600-192
Head of Department (341-2) 600-187
Department of public service, personnel and paperwork (341-2) 600-193
Head of department
Department judicial statistics, codification, legal informatization and generalization of judicial practice (341-2) 600-182
Head of Department ( 341-2) 600-145
Department of material technical support (341-2) 600-191
Services and units of the court  
Expedition (341-2) 600-169
Responsible for media relations (341-2) 600-168
Archive (341-2) 600-170

Organizational structure of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic

Acting President of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic -

Alexander Polushkin

tel. Reception 66-08-15

Fax 64-95-47

Assistant to the President of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic -

Lepikhina Olga Georgievna

tel. 660-815

Deputy Chairman - Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases -

Kalmykov Vladimir Yurievich

organizes the consideration of civil cases in the first and second instance

tel. Reception 600-108

Deputy Chairman - Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases -

Nikulin Alexander Leonidovich

organizes the consideration of criminal cases of the first instance, provides appeal review of criminal cases

tel. Reception 600-107

Deputy Chairman - Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases -

Polushkin Alexander Viktorovich

organizes the consideration of administrative cases on first and second instance.

tel. Reception Center 600-184

Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases
Assistant Judges Assistant Judges Assistant Judges
tel. (fax) Chancery 600-174

tel. (fax) Chancery:

600-173 - first instance

600-172 - appeal court

tel . (fax) chancery:

602-431 - 1 instance

602-429 - 2 instances

602-430 - fax

Financial and accounting department Department of logistics, operation and repair of the building Department of public service, personnel and records management Department of judicial statistics, codification, legal informatization and generalization of judicial practice

The head of the department is Kubyshkina Natalya Olegovna

tel. 600-187

The head of the department is Kuznetsov Eduard Vladimirovich

tel. 600-191

The head of the department is Rafael Balasanyan

tel. 600-171

The head of the department is Irina Alexandrovna Perminova

tel. 600-145



Timofeeva Tatyana Borisovna, Soboleva Olga Nikolaevna

tel. 600-170


tel. 600-169

Reception of the court

tel. 600-177


Izmestiev Viktor Arkadevich

tel. 600-167

Responsible for media relations:

Anatoly Nikolayevich Polinkin

tel. 600-168

Organization of reception of citizens in the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic

Time of reception :

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu - from 8. 30 to 17. 30

Friday - from 8. 30 to 16. 30

Sat, Sun - days off

lunch - from 12. 00 to 12. 48

The phone number by which you can get information of a help nature: (3412) 66-08-15

Reception of citizens is carried out by employees of the Reception of the Supreme Court

Reception of citizens by chancelleries and archives is carried out daily during the working day in accordance with the above schedule.

Reception of supervisory complaints is carried out in the cabin. No. 101

Operating schedule of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic

Mon, VT, CP, Thu - 8. 30-17. 30

Fri, holidays - 8. 30-16. 30

Sat, Sun - weekends

Lunch - 12. 00-12. 48

Video conferencing

426008, g. Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, d. 274

Tel. : (3412) 66-08-15, 60-01-10

Informatization department: (3412) 600182

The difference with Moscow is +1 hour (GMT + 4)

Hall IP address IPS IP Phone Number (Fax) Tech. videoconferencing capability
201 10. 18. 1. 50 6180103 is
204 10. 18.1.100 6180102 is
206 10. 18. 1. 102 6180099 is
207 10. 18. 1. 104 6180098 is
223 10. 18. 1. 54 6180105 is
301 10. 18. 1. 106 6180014 is
304 10. 18. 1.60 6180100 is
308 10. 18. 1. 108 6180016 is
324 10. 18. 1. 52 6180101 is

For information:

Every Monday and Wednesday, the court of civil appeal for holding hearings through video-conferencing reserved rooms 223 and 324.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the court of criminal appeal for holding judicial meetings rooms 201, 204, 206, 207 are reserved through video-conferencing.

Responsible for media relations:

POLINKIN Anatoly Nikolaevich

Tel: (341-2) 600-168
Fax: 64-9 5-47


Telephone numbers by which you can get information on:

- filling the vacant position of a judge of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic:

(3412) 600-171 - head of the department of public service, personnel and office management of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic Balasanyan Rafael Vladimirovich,

(3412) 60-24-34 - Secretary of the Qualification Collegium of Judges Udmurt Republic Salamatova Ksenia Valerievna;

- vacant civil service posts in the apparatus of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic and:

(3412) 600-171 - Rafael Vladimirovich Balasanyan, head of the civil service, personnel and office management department of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic,

(3412) 600-193 - deputy head of the state department service, personnel and clerical work of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic Konstantin Shadrin.

(3412) 602-403 - chief specialist department of public service, personnel and office management of the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic Khuzina Gulnara Rinalovna.

Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases

Akhkyamov R. R.

Bagautdinova G. R.

Zakharchuk O. B.

Mashkina N.F.

Sentyakova N.N.

Soloviev V.A.

Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases

Neat A.V.

Bulatova Oh. B.

Batrshina F.R.

Glukhova I. L.

Walking A.V.
Dolgopolova Yu. V.
Dubovtsev D.N.

Ivanova M.A.

Kalmykov V. Yu.
Konstantinova M.R.
Kopotev I. L.

Nartdinova G.R.
Nurgaliev E.V.
Pitirimova G.F.
Rogozin A. A.
Solonyak A. V.
Stupak Yu. A.

Chests A. Yu.
Khokhlov I.N.

F Tin, Yu. V.
Shalagina L. A.

Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases

Bryzgalov D.A.

Buldakov A . V.

Glukhova N. Yu.

Dementiev D. E.

D. Dulesov

Zimina E G.

Kolegov S. O.

Krasnoperov V.V.

Krylasov O. I.

Kudryavtsev A . R.

Malyutina V.I.

Mitrofanov S.G.

Mullanurova E.Z.

Tebenkova N . E.

Temeev A. Yu.

Schneider P. I.

Yaremus A. B.