• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Mordovia
  • City: g Saransk
  • Street, House: ul L.Tolstogo, dom 21
  • Postcode: 430005
  • Site: http://vs.mor.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (8342) 47-52-86
  • Longitude: 45.185654
  • Latitude: 54.186084
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court mode

Monday - Thursday 08:30 - 17:30   lunch break 12:30 - 13: 15
Friday 08:30 - 16:15      
Saturday, Sunday day off      


Leadership of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

I. about. Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases
Alexei Lukshin
Cabinet: 401
Tel. Reception: (8342) 47-28-53
Assistant Judge - Kovaleva Angelika Ivanovna
Tel. Assistant: 47-17-69

Vice-President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia
Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases
Tamarov Yuri Pavlovich
Cabinet: 503
Tel. Reception: (8342) 47-96-27

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia,
Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases
Lityushkin Valeriy Ivanovich, Cabinet: 211
Tel. Reception: (8342) 24-22-82
Assistant judge - Zamotaeva Svetlana Vladimirovna
Tel. Assistant: 47-90-25

Reception of citizens by deputy chairpersons and federal judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia is not carried out.

Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

  Judges Assistant Judges
President of the Presidency  

Assistant to the President of the Court -

Tel. :

Members of the Presidium   Tel. :
Valery Ivanovich Lityushkin Svitlana Zamotaeva
Tel. : 47-90-25
Lukshin Alexey Vyacheslavovich Kovaleva Anzhelika Ivanovna
& nbsp ; Tel. : 47-17-69
Oldnova Lyubov Dmitrievna Kosolapova Anna Alexandrovna
& nbsp ; Tel. : 48-26-25
Secretaries of the Presidium Yuskaeva Lyubov Mikhailovna tel. (8342) 47-28-65

Board of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

(the composition of the judicial board for administrative cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia was approved by

by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia of December 12, 2019)

< tr> JudgesAssistants
Chairman of the Board Tamarov Yuri Pavlovich & nbsp ; Uprunina Tatyana Asymovna
Tel. : 48-26-25
  Sereda Lyudmila Ivanovna Palatkina Anna Sergeevna
tel. : 47-46-77
  Alexander Bazhanov Olga Ovchinnikova, Tel. : 47-37-26
  Filimonov Stanislav Ivanovich Ivashkina Ekaterina Vasilievna
Tel : 48-06-14
  Mikheev Oleg Sergeevich Davydova Nadezhda Vasilievna
Tel : 47-37-26
  Martyshkin Vasily Nikolaevich Tatyana Dementieva
tel. : 47-96-27
Board Secretaries Anastasia Kornilova, Ekaterina Piskunova tel. (83422) 24-22-82

Reception of citizens by federal judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia is not carried out.

Board of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

The composition of the board is approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia of June 23, 2016

(as amended) . from 22. 09. 2016, 15. 12. 2016, 12. 12. 2019)

  Judges Assistant judges
Chairman of the board Valery Lityushkin,
Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia
Zamotaeva Svetlana Vladimirovna
tel. : 47-90-25
The first judicial panel Alexey Veryulin,
Chairman of the panel
Saraeva Olga Nikolaevna
tel. : 48-26-69
Kozina Elizaveta Grigoryevna Sedova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
tel. : 48-26-64
Puzhayev Vladimir Anatolyevich Pankova Marina Alekseevna
Tel. : 47-37-72
Erina Nina Pavlovna Yashkina Julia Vyacheslavovna
Tel. : 47-46-77
Lyubov Dmitrievna Starinova, < br> chairman of the composition Kosolapova Anna Alexandrovna
Tel. : 48-26-25
Adushkina Irina Viktorovna Danilina Tatyana Leonidovna
tel. : 47-37-72
Smelkova Galina Fedorovna Raskina Anzhelika Nikolaevna
tel. : 47-28-46
Inessa Nazarkina Tsybulskaya Marina Hafizovna
Tel : 47-18-14
Third judicial panel Lesnova Inessa Stanislavovna,
chairman of the composition
Pronina Natalya Alekseevna
Tel. : 48-03-27
Ganchenkova Violetta Anatolyevna Demidova Julia Andreevna
Tel. : 48-03-27
Skipalskaya Lyubov Ivanovna Batrshina Evgeniya Alekseevna
Tel. : 48-26-69
  Shtanov Sergey Valentinovich Tatyana Yashkova Vasilievna
tel. : 48-11-14
Board Secretaries

Kornilova Anastasia Sergeevna

Piskunova Ekaterina Olegovna

tel. (8342) 24-22-82

Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

(the composition of the judicial board for criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia of December 12, 2019)

  Judges Assistants
Chairman of the Board Lukshin Alexey Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia Kovaleva Angelika Ivanovna
Tel. : 47-17-69
The first judicial composition Kolbov Evgeny Anatolyevich,
chairman of the composition
Vostrukhina Kristina Aleksandrovna
Tel. : 48-06-14
  Deryabin Evgeny Viktorovich Ekaterina Melisheva
Tel. : 47-17-69
Oleg Burkanov Tatiana Trushkina
Tel. : 47-17-69
Matyaev Dmitry Nikolaevich Koroleva Larisa Aleksandrovna
Tel : 47-40-90
Meleshkina Olesya Viktorovna Morozov Anton Georgievich
Tel : 47-32-04
Second Judicial Panel Kichaev Yuri Vladimirovich,
Chairman of the staff
Petrova Elena Nikolaevna
Tel. : 47-17-69
  Volkov Vladimir Vasilievich Anna Anoshkina
Tel. : 47-32-04
Yevdokimova Elizaveta Ivanovna Gordina Marina Aleksandrovna
Tel. : 47-32-04
Petelina Larisa Gennadevna Kashtanova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Tel. : 47-40-90
Third Judicial Panel Elkhovikova Marina Semenovna,
Chairman of the composition
Paramonova Irina Aleksandrovna
Tel. : 47-40-90
  Antokhin Alexander Vasilievich Utesheva Irina Yuryevna
Tel. : 47-40-90
Kotkova Elena Alexandrovna Averina Natalya Gennadevna
Tel. : 47-17-69
Makarov Alexander Vladimirovich Koroleva Tatyana Gennadyevna
Tel. : 48-11-14

Judicial composition for the consideration of administrative and criminal cases, materials of the first instance

(consideration of operational-search measures restricting the constitutional rights of citizens, solving the issue of bringing administrative judges of the peace, judges of a district court to administrative responsibility and other issues arising from the provisions of paragraphs 4.6.7 of the article 16 of the Federal Law of 26. 06. 1992 No. 3132-1 “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation”)

(the judicial composition was approved by a decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Courts of the Republic of Mordovia dated December 12, 2019)

Ponizovskaya Veronika Sergeevna
Tel. : 48-13-55

< tr> Filimonov Stanislav IvanovichIvashkina Ekaterina Vasilievna
Tel. : 48-06-14
  Judges Helpers
Chairman of the Judiciary Matyshkin Vasily Nikolaevich Tatyana Dementieva
Tel. : 47-96-27
  Oleg Burkanov Tatiana Trushkina
Tel. : 47-17-69
  Alexander Makarov  
Secretary of the cassation instance Adushkina Irina Sergeevna tel. (834-2) 47-32- 36

Apparatus of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia

< td>< td> office: 426< td> cabinet: 319
Department of Civil and Administrative Court Proceedings      
  department head office: 305a tel/fax: (834-2 ) 47-35-16

court of appeal (for civil cases) and
appeal court (for administrative cases) )


cabinet: 214 tel/fax: (834-2) 24-22-82
Criminal Proceedings Support Department     & nb sp;
  head of department
Soldlana Anatolyevna Poldyaeva
cabinet: 428 tel: (834-2) 48-12-79

deputy head of the department

first instance

Adushkina Irina Sergeevna

cabinet: 325

tel: (834-2) 47-32-36

tel/fax: (834-2) 47-52-86


court of appeal < br> (in criminal matters)


cabinet: 403 tel/fax: (834-2) 47-28-53
Office, Public Service and Human Resources Department      
  department head
Kruchinkina Elena Ivanovna
to Binet: 415 tel: (834-2) 24-90-94
  deputy head of department < br> Vershina Inna Vyacheslavovna office: 417 tel: (834-2) 47-28-65
Elena Davydova
cabinet: 105 tel. (834-2) 47-28-46
Department of judicial statistics, codification and systematization of legislation, generalization of judicial practice    
  department head
Torbina Irina Vladimirovna
cabinet: 524 tel./fax: (834-2) 48-11-99
  deputy head of the department
Pustakina Dina Andreevna
tel: (834-2) 48-10-92
Department of legal informatization and logistics      
  head of department
Sivova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
office: 305a tel: (834-2) 47-35-16
Financial and accounting department      
  department head
chief accountant
Tatyana Fedorovna Kurkina
office: 311 tel./fax: (834-2) 47-87-29
  deputy head of the department
Ivanova Natalya Evgenievna
tel./fax: (834-2) 48-07-38
  Aksyaitov Shamil Karimovich cabinet: 103 tel./fax: (834-2) 48-07-40

Appeal instance (for civil and administrative cases)

Court clerks - tel./fax: (834-2) 24-22-82:

Kornilova Anastasia Sergeevna

Piskunova Ekaterina Olegovna

Reception of citizens on issues of familiarization with the materials of civil cases The Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia, considered by the court of appeal, and the administrative cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia, considered by the court of cassation, and applications are carried out by the Admission Court.

The appellate court (in criminal cases)

Court clerk - tel./fax: (834-2) 47-28-53:

Novikova Tatyana Borisovna
Chudaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna

Reception of citizens regarding familiarization with materials of criminal cases, materials of the Supreme The courts of the Republic of Mordovia, considered by the court of appeal, and applications are carried out by the Admission Court.

Archive of the court

Acceptance and issuance of documents from the archive of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia is carried out by a state civil servant - senior specialist of the 3 category, Davydova Elena Alekseevna.

Tel. (8342) 47-28-46, tel/fax (8342) 47-52-86

Reception of citizens, acceptance of applications for the issuance of copies of archival documents from materials of criminal, civil cases, as well as certificates is conducted in the Reception court.

First Instance

Deputy Head of the Department Adushkina Irina Sergeevna tel. (8342) 47 -32-36; tel./fax: (8342) 47-52-86

Reception of citizens on questions of acquaintance with materials of civil and criminal cases is conducted in the Reception of the Court.

Videoconference- communication

Video-conference communication takes place in Moscow time.

Courtrooms equipped with VKS systems: 1 room; 2 hall; 6 hall; 7 hall

Telephone numbers (faxes) of the departmental network: Hall 1 - 13015; Hall 2 - 13000; Hall 6 - 13002; Hall 7 - 13001.

Technical support of the videoconferencing: Dolgov Nikolay Nikolaevich, leading specialist of the department of MTO EiRZ, tel. 8 (834-2) 47-94-56

The reception of citizens is located in the building of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia, at the address:

Saransk, st. L. Tolstoy, 21, office number 102 on the 1st floor,

tel./fax (8342) 24-81-12

Reception of citizens, representatives of legal entities is carried out daily during all working hours Monday - Thursday from 8. 30 to 17. 30 Friday from 8. 30 to 16. 15 lunch from 12. 30 to 13. 15. Reception is conducted without prior appointment in order of priority.

At the reception, a citizen presents a document proving his identity, a representative of legal entities - a power of attorney or another document confirming the authority of the person.

Disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as disabled people of group I are accepted out of turn.

Press Secretary ,

Deputy Head of the Department of Judicial Statistics and Legal Informatization,

codification and systematization of legislation, generalization of judicial practice

Pustakina Dina Andreevna

st. L. Tolstoy, 21, Saransk, 430005,

tel. : (834 2) 48-10-92