• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Mari El
  • City: g Joshkar-Ola
  • Street, House: ul Kremlyovskaya, dom 13
  • Postcode: 424000
  • Site: http://vs.mari.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (8362) 69-17-00
  • Fax: (8362) 41-43-89
  • Longitude: 47.895826
  • Latitude: 56.638075
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

The working order of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic:

from 8:00 to 17:00,

lunch from 12:00 until 13:00,

days off - Saturday and Sunday.

Reception of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic:

Phones: 8 (8362) 69-17-00, 8 (8362) 69-17-33, 8 ( 8362) 45-19-59;

fax: 8 (8362) 41-83-89.

Reception of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari Eltelephone: 8 (8362) 69-17-33, tel./fax: 8 (8362) 41-43-89

Department for the provision of criminal proceedings

tel. : 8 (8362) 69-17-41

Department of Provision of Proceedings in Civil and Administrative Cases

tel. : 8 (8362) 69-17-71

Since February 1, 2017, the judicial collegium for administrative cases and the judicial collegium for civil cases Of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El are located at: Yoshkar-Ola, st. Volkova, 103.
Acceptance of documents is made at the address: Yoshkar-Ola, st. Kremlyovskaya, 13

Organizational structure of the court


    < li> Alexander Sergeevich Davydov - Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, judge of the first qualification class.
  • Artyom Vyacheslavovich Grachev - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, judge of the second qualification class.
  • Bulat Gabdulhaevich Bariev - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, judge of the third qualification class.
  • German Vitalievich Popov - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, judge of the first qualification class.
  • Olga Vladimirovna Volkova - judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, judge of the first qualification class.

The judicial composition of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic

the judicial composition for the consideration of criminal cases in the first instance

  • -

the first court of appeal to consider criminal cases

  • Sutyrin Aleksey Petrovich- chairman of the court
  • Vedernikov Sergey Gennadevich
  • Yury Ivanovich Dyomin
  • Nikolay Alexandrovich Kovalchuk
  • Alexander Vyacheslavovich Reshetov

second criminal court on appeal

  • Mamaev Alexander Kimovich - chairman of the court
  • Ivakov Anatoly Viktorovich
  • Olga Lashmanova
  • Elena Gennadyevna Cherednichenko
  • Shitova Irina Mikhailovna

Judicial composition of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic

composition of the civil courts

  • Volkova Olga Vladimirovna - chairman of the court
  • Vaulin Alexander Anatolyevich
  • Ivanov Andrey Viktorovich
  • Koltsova Ekaterina Valerievna
  • Loskutova Nadezhda Gennadevna

court composition in labor and social affairs

  • Alexey Sosnin - chairman of the court composition
  • Marina A. Grinyuk
  • Klyukina Olga Vyacheslavovna
  • Lelekov Nikolay Gennadevich
  • Skvortsova Olga Vladimirovna

Judicial board on administrative cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El

  • Petrova Olga Aleksandrovna
  • Salikhova Elisa Ildarovna
  • Haliulin Alfred Damirovich

Apparatus of the Court

Assistant to the President of the Court: Romanov Alexey Vitalievich
Administrator of the court: Vasyankin Nikolay Vyacheslavovich

Department for the provision of legal proceedings in criminal cases

Head of the department: Romanova Lyudmila Evgenievna

Department for the provision of legal proceedings in civil and administrative cases

Head of department: Polyanina Asiya Galyamutdinovna

Department of public service, personnel and paperwork

Head of department: Epifanov Ivan Ivanovich

Department of methodological support of judicial activity

< p> Head of Department: Sergey Y. Tangeev

Financial and Economic Department

Head of Department: Nadezh Rudenko and Nikolaevna

Apparatus of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El

Reception of the Chairman 69-17-00

Reception of the Court 69-17-33

Assistant to the Chairman 69-17-24

Department of Provision of Proceedings in Criminal Cases 69-17-41

Department of Provision of Proceedings in Civil and Administrative Cases 69-17-71

Department of public service, personnel and paperwork 69-17-32

Department of methodological support of judicial activities 69-17-43

< p> Financial and economic department 69-17-35

Administrator of the court 69-17-46

Spokesperson 69-17-44

area code - (8362).

List of judges of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic

< td> Position< td> Lashmanova Olga Yuryevna < tr>25judgeSutyrin Alexey Petrovich
P/N F. I.O. judges
1 chairman of the court Davydov Alexander Sergeevich
2 deputy chairman of the court Grachev Artyom Vyacheslavovich
3 deputy chairman of the court Bariev Bulat Gabdulkhaevich
4 deputy chairman of the court Popov German Vitalievich
5 judge Alexander Vaulin
6 & nbsp ; judge Vedernikov Sergey Gennadevich
7 judge Volkova Olga Vladimirovna
8 judge Grinyuk Marina Aleksandrovna
9 judge Dyumin Yuri Ivanovich
10 judge Ivakov Anatoly Viktorovich
11 judge Ivanov Andrey Viktorovich
12 judge Klyukina Olga Vyacheslavovna
13  judge Nikolay Kovalchuk
14  judge Ekaterina Koltsova
15 judge
16 judge Lelekov Nikolai Gennadevich
17 judge Loskutova Nadezhda Gennadievna
18 judge Mamaev Alexander Kimovich
19 judge Petrova Olga Aleksandrovna
20 referee German Popov V talevich
21 judge Reshetov Alexander Vyacheslavovich
22 judge Salikhova Eliza Ildarovna
23 judge Skvortsova Olga Vladimirovna
24 judge Alexey Sosnin
26 judge Haliulin Alfred Damirovich
27 judge Cherednichenko Elena Gennadyevna
28 judge Shitova Irina Mikhailovna

< hr>

The personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations leads I was President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, his deputies at: Yoshkar-Ola, st. Kremlevskaya, d. 13 in accordance with the following schedule:

< td> organization of the work of judicial collegiums in civil and administrative cases for the consideration of cases in the first instance, appeal, consideration of complaints, protests in cases of administrative offenses< td> organization of the work of the judicial collegium for criminal cases on the consideration of criminal cases in the first instance of appeal
Officer Questions on which reception is underway reception time

Davydov Alexander Sergeevich,

Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El

organization of court work, complaints about actions (inaction) of judges or court staff, organization of work in lower courts


from 14 up to 17 hours

cab. 317

Popov German Vitalyevich,

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El

court organization, complaints about the actions (inaction) of the court apparatus employees


from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

room. 113

Bariev Bulat Gabdulhaevich,

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El


from 14 to 17 hours

cab. 113

Grachev Artem Vyacheslavovich,

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El


from 9 to 12 hours

room. 113

Video conferencing help

Time difference, in hours: Moscow +0 (GMT +3).

Technical availability of video conferencing:

Address: 424000, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, st. Kremlevskaya, 13

Hall Availability Technical information
No. 1 Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays IP 10. 12. 1. 50
No. 3 Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays IP 10. 12. 1. 54, fax 12003
No. 4 Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays IP 10. 12. 1. 60, fax 12000, 1215
No. 5 Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for organizing multi-point video conferencing * IP 10. 12. 1. 56, fax 6120098 (no more than 7 connection points)

Address: 424000, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, st. Volkova, 103

Hall Availability Technical information
No. 1 Available only to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Mari El Republic IP 10. 12. 15. 52
No. 3 Available on Mondays and Wednesdays IP 10. 12. 15. 50, fax 6121501

* - on the application from the court of the Mari El Republic considering the case

Responsible persons and contacts:

  • responsible for organizing the videoconferencing : secretaries of court hearings of criminal proceedings, landline: 8 (8362) 69-17-41, departmental tel. : 6120137; and court clerks, mountains. tel. : 8 (8362) 69-17-78, Ved. tel. : 6120185;
  • Responsible for technical support: Gamburskaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, mountains. tel. : 8 (8362) 69-17-44, Ved. tel. : 6120140 (or Gavrilin Evgeny Vladimirovich, city phone: 8 (8362) 69-17-73, head phone: 6120180);
  • responsible for maintenance: Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IAC in the Republic of Mari El mountains tel. : 8-800-301-21-02 ext. 1203, Ved. tel. : 5122003.


Paygeldina Victoria Stepanovna - and. about. consultant (press secretary) of the Supreme Court of the Mari El Republic, phone:
8 (8362) 69-17-44, 8 (8362) 69-17-45

Department of State services, personnel and paperwork - office. No. 206, tel. (8362) 69-17-32