• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Daghestan
  • City: g Maxachkala
  • Street, House: ul Daniyalova A.D., dom 22
  • Postcode: 367000
  • Site: http://vs.dag.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (8722) 67-07-12
  • Longitude: 47.509569
  • Latitude: 42.98306
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Contact information:

Area code - 8722
General office:
Office for 1 instances
(criminal and civil cases):
67-47-56 (Fax)
Chancery of Appeal
(criminal cases):
67-36-53 (Fax) < br> Chancellery of Appeal
(civil and administrative cases):
67-36-49 (Fax)
Chancellery of appeal
(criminal and civil cases):
67-38 -76 (Fax)
Human Resources and State Department services:
The financial and economic department:
The archive of the court:
The administrator of the court:
67 -49-10 ()
Reception of the chairman of the court:

Address: Makhachkala, st. Daniyalova 22
How to get by minibus №: 3; 12; 21a; 19; 103; 15.  


Monday-Thursday: 9: 00-18: 00
Friday: 9: 00-16: 45

Break: 13: 00-13: 45

Monthly reception of citizens:
President of the court
Suvorov S. A. - first Tuesday of the month < br>
Deputy Chairman of the Court A. Ortskhanov - the first Friday of the month

Recording is carried out on the day of admission
from 9:00 in the court reception.
Reception time: 10:00 - 12:00

The court reception is receiving
on working days from 9:00.

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan is part of the system of federal courts of the Russian Federation and, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first instance, appeal, and cassation and for newly discovered circumstances. It is a higher authority in relation to district (city) courts operating in the territory of the Republic of Dagestan.

When making an appointment, a citizen presents a document proving his identity.

Citizens who are not on the list are given oral explanations about the jurisdiction of the consideration of issues of interest to them and the order of treatment.

Reception of citizens by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan is carried out in the presence of an assistant judge in the order of priority from 10 to 12 hours in his office, in which the visitor is conducted by an officer of the bailiff service.

At a personal reception, the proposals, applications and complaints of citizens that are not related to the appeal of court-resolved disputes in specific cases and procedural decisions of judges are reviewed and verified.

In accordance with Articles 1, 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1 "On the Status of Judges of the Russian Federation" by the chairman, deputy chairmen and judges of the Supreme Court, citizens are not admitted in specific cases.

Reference information on the number: 68-26-76 (Askerkhanova Diana Yusupovna). Complaints and appeals are accepted at the reception of the court.

The Reception of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan hosts reception from Monday to Friday from 9:00.

Reference information by number: 67-07-12 (Shmelev Dmitry Leonidovich).

Composition of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan:

  Last Name   First Name   Patronymic   Note
1. Suvorov Sergey Afanasyevich Chairman of the court
2.   Ermakova  Oksana  Alexandrovna Deputy. President of the Court
3. Ortskhanov Arthur Israpilovich Deputy. President of the Court
4. Abdulkhalimov Murad Magomedovich  
5. Zagirov Nariman Velibekovich  
6. Kolub Alibek Azhikanovich <  
7. Mustafaev Zumrud Krymsultanovna  
8. Ustaeva < Naiba < Khanakhmedovna  

The leadership of the court:

Suvorov Sergey Afanasevich - President of the court.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 203 of May 7, 2018.

Ortskhanov Arthur Israpilovich - Deputy President of the court.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 570 of August 5, 2014.

Ermakova Oksana Aleksandrovna - Deputy Chairman of the court.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 106 of 18. 03. 2019.

Composition of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases (Chairman of the Collegium - Andrey Isuropilovich Ashurov)

The Judicial Composition of the First Instance - consideration of administrative and civil cases referred to the Supreme Court under the first instance Courts of the Republic of Dagestan according to Art. 26 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, Art. 20 CAS RF; consideration of applications for the enforcement of decisions of foreign courts, as well as foreign arbitration courts (arbitration).

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Abdulkhalimov Murad Magomedovich Rajabov Gaziakhmed Fikretovich 67-47-56
Khavchaev Khizri Abdulaevich Abdulgapurova Albina Raupovna 68-28-37

Judicial composition of the appeal instance for administrative cases and cases of administrative offenses - consideration on appeal of administrative cases arising from public law relations; on complaints of decisions and actions (inaction) of institutions, enterprises, organizations, their associations and public associations; in claims for compensation for damage from unlawful actions of bodies of inquiry, investigation, prosecutor's office and court; on the protection of honor, dignity, business reputation; on the suspension and termination of activities of public organizations, parties; related to the rehabilitation of victims of political repression; on disputes of internally displaced persons and refugees; on appeals and representations on jurisdiction over decisions and determination of the judicial composition of the first instance; consideration of cases of administrative offenses for which decisions and decisions have not entered into legal force.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Dzharullaev Abdul-Nasir Kurbanovich (Chairman of the composition) Murzageldiev Shamil Osmanovich  
Igor Goncharov Alekseevich Gadzhialiev Ismail Rasulovich 68-26-73
Omarov Dalgat Mukhtarovich Ilyasova Muminat Abdulgilanievna 68-22-03
Khavaev Abubakar Gazimagomedovich Bilalova Naida Bashirovna 67-16- 86

Compositions of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases (Chairman of the Collegium - Ustaeva Naiba Hanakhmedovna )

The court of Civil Cases - consideration of the appeal instance of civil cases on disputes related to land use, arising out of the ownership and lease relations; on compensation for damage to property as a result of emergencies and loss of ownership of the premises; on compensation for damage from traffic accidents; collection of amounts under a loan agreement; about collecting insurance compensation; other lawsuits.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Biremova Angela Alifendievna (Chairperson of the composition) Ilyasova Amina Gabibulaevna 67-16-86
Abdulaev Magomed Magomedrasulovich Indy Mansurovna Garunov 68-28-37
Bagautdinova Shamsiyat Magomedovna Magaramova Suvar Gamludinovna 68-28-37
Hasanova Jariyat Gadzhikurbanovna Abdulkadyrov Abdusalam Abdulkadyrovich 68-22-03
Gomlenko Nina Kondratievna Israpov Shamil Isaevich 68-25-92
Zaynudino and Shakhruzat Magomedovna Yusupov Ali Magomedgadzhievich 68-29-58
Mustafaeva Zumrud Krymsultanovna Abdurazakov Pakhrudin Askhabovich  
Satybalov Soltanali Kazimbekovich Mejidov Murad Muhtarovich 68-28-33
Khiraev Shamil Magomedovich Azizova Dzhamilya Mukhtarovna 67-36-61

Judicial composition for labor and social disputes.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Magomedova Asiyat Magomedovna (Chairperson of the composition) Gazaraliev Fazil Ezeralievich 68-28-32
Aliyeva Elmira Zainalabidovna Khabibullaeva Patimat Shamilyevna 68-28-37
Beitullaeva Zarifa Asadullaevna Saladikhanova Saniyat Muradisovna 68-22-03
Zagirov Nariman Velibekovich Pashaev Malik Kurbanovich 67-00 -53
Osmanov Tamirlan Seyfullaevich Eskendarov Murad Nusretullahovich 67-00-53

Court bny structure for family affairs and child protection cases.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Ibragimova Angela Magomedovna (Chairperson of the composition) Ibragimov Arsen Magomedgadzhievich 67-36-86
& nbsp ; Abdullaev Murad Kaybullaevich Gudaev Rasul Shuaevich  
Gadzhiev Baimirza Garumovich Alieva Zarema Ruslanovna 68-26-73
Omarov Khadzhimurad Magomedovich Magomedov Omar Magomedalievich 67-16- 86
Tashanov Ibrahim Rizvanovich Shakhbanova Patimat Ismailovna 68-28-33

Judicial counts egii in Criminal Matters (Chairman of the Board - Rasul Magomedov Salmirzaevich)

The judicial structure in the first instance - the consideration of criminal cases in the first instance referred to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan of jurisdiction under Art. Z1 Code of Criminal Procedure; consideration of applications submitted in accordance with part three of Article 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation; consideration of complaints against court decisions on the extradition of a person located in the territory of the Russian Federation; resolution of issues related to the execution of sentences of foreign courts.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Israfilov Zakir Efendievich Dalgatova Marina Magomedovna 68-26-74
Kurbanov Mukhtar Magomedovich Magomedov Gadzhimurad Magomedovich  
Suleimanov Suleiman Magomedovich Magomedova Leyla Magomedovna 67-59-40

The first judicial composition is consideration of criminal cases and materials on appeal received from the Soviet and Leninsky district courts of Makhachkala; Buinaksk, Kizilyurt, Kizlyar, Khasavyurt city courts; Babayurtovsky, Botlikhsky, Buinaksky,
Gergebilsky, Gunibsky, Kazbekovsky, Kizilyurtovsky, Kizlyarsky, Kumtorkalinsky, Laksky, Novolaksky, Nogaysky, Tarumovsky,
Tlyaratinsky, Untsukulsky, Khasavyurtsky, Khunzakhsky.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Askhabov Abdulnasir Abdullaevich (Chairperson of the composition) Ashurov Veli Kakhrimanovich 67-00-53
Gadzhimagomedov Timur Salmanovich Sultanova Elikhan Navruzbegovna 67-36-57
Gimbatov Abdulnasir Rasulovich Musaev Ali Magomedkamilovich 68-22-03
Kolub Alibek Azhikanovich Ganiev Rustam Magomedraufovich 67-36 -61
Magomedov Magomed Anvarovich Magomedov Huseyn Magomedzagirovich 68-22-03

Second Trial composition - consideration of criminal cases and materials on appeal received from the Kirovsky District Court of Makhachkala; Dag-Ogninsky, Derbent, Izberbash, Caspian city courts; Akushinsky, Akhtynsky, Derbent, Kaitagsky, Karabudakhkent, Kayakentsky, Levashinsky, Magaramkentsky, Sergokalinsky, Suleiman-Stalsky, Tabasaransky, Khiva district courts; appeal review of interim judicial decisions in criminal cases considered in the first instance by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan.

Judge Assistant Assistant Phone
Zulfigarov Kurban Zulfigarovich (Chairman of the composition) Abakarov Magomed Lumanovich 68-32-94
Ibragimov Ibrahim Magomedmirzaevi Askerkhanova Diana Yusupovna 68-26-76
Magomedrasulov Kurban Tinovich Mukhtarov Magomed Ziyavudinovich 67-00-53
Mirzametov Aslan Mirzagasanovich Akhmedova Zaira Abdullaevna 68-28 -33
Ponomarenko Dmitry Vitalievich Pirmagomedova Shamsiyat Abdukerimovna 67-36-57

third party court

Judge Assistant Assistant phone
Mintemirova Zulzhat Akhiyadovna Shamkhalova Asiyat Kuramagomedovna 68-26-74
Umariev Murad Magomedovich Arslanbekova Zukhra Yusupovna 68-26-73

Head of the press service of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan:

Mamaeva Zarema Irazievna

Phones: 68-26-73,

+ 7-988-645-70- 05