• Country: Russia
  • State: Karachayevo-Circassian Republic
  • City: g CHerkessk
  • Street, House: ul M.Gadzhaeva, dom 4
  • Postcode: 369001
  • Site: http://vs.kchr.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (8782) 22-06-35
  • Fax: (8782) 22-06-35
  • Longitude: 42.056112
  • Latitude: 44.222212
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

The Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is included in the system of federal courts of the Russian Federation and, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first instance and appeal, on appeal and because of new or new discovered circumstances. He is the higher authority in relation to the district courts operating in the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Civil and administrative cases are considered by the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic as a court of first instance, on appeal, on appeal and in view of new or newly discovered circumstances.

Reference information

Address of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic:

369000, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk, st. 4 Madzhira Gadzhaeva

Working hours

Monday - Thursday

9:00 - 18:00


13:00 - 13:45


9:00 - 16:45


13 : 00 - 13:45

Reception of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Reception of citizens is conducted by Ruslan Chomaev


< p> Monday - Thursday

9:00 - 18:00


13:00 - 14:00


9:00 - 16:00


13:00 - 14:00


The reception (information service) is located on the ground floor in the building of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic at the address: 369000, KCR, Cherkessk, ul. Madzhira Gadzhaeva 4


Reception of citizens

Based on the provisions of the Federal target program "Development of the Russian judicial system" for 2007-2011, approved by Government Decree The Russian Federation of September 21, 2006 N 583, from the activities of the courts should be excluded the practice of personal reception by judges of citizens and preliminary consideration of their applications and complaints - in order to exclude conditions that contribute to suspicions of corruption of judges.

Given the above provisions of the Federal Target Program and in order to ensure access to justice for citizens and to provide an opportunity to submit applications and complaints, in the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic citizens, their representatives, as well as representatives of legal entities are carried out by information workers information desk (reception).

Reception of citizens is carried out daily throughout the working day. Reception is carried out in order of priority without prior appointment, with the exception of the registration of citizens who attended appeals meetings and cassation instances of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, as their registration is carried out as a matter of priority.  

Archive of the court

All appeals and applications are submitted through the Reception of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic in a live queue.

Citizens with benefits and advantages established by applicable law, as well as pregnant women and visitors with young children are admitted out of turn.


Monday - Thursday

9:00 - 18:00


< p> 13:00 - 14:00


9:00 - 16:45


13:00 - 14:00


Responsible official - Semenov Aslan Abugalievich

The leadership of the court

Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Semenov Ruslan Zakeryaevich

Born on January 27, 1953 in the village of Leninpol, Talas Oblast, Kyrgyz SSR.

Has 4 qualification judges.

In November 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Contact information:

Reception: (8782) 09/22/05

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

< p> Fedotov Yuri Vladimirovich

Born on May 19, 1983, in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory.

In July 2018, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. .

Has 4 qualification judges.

Contact information:

Reception: (8782) 22-06-13

Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic:

Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - R. Z. Semenov

Members of the Presidium:

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic -

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - Yu. V. Fedotov

Judge of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic-I H. Bai Amukova

Judge of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - L. Yu. Ninskaya

Judge of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - S.K. Matakayev

Judicial boards of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic


Judicial board in criminal cases:

1. Uzdenova Lyudmila Sergeevna, chairman of the judicial board for criminal cases, tel. Reception (87822) 2-02-95

2. Gerbekova Fatima Otarovna;

3. Gerbekov Islam Iskhakovich;

4. Dzhukkaev Albert Vladimirovich;

5. Kagiev Ramazan Bashirovich;

6. Karaketov Zaur Saparbievich;

7. Laipanova Zinaida Hamitbievna;

8. Lepshokov Nauruz Abrekovich;

9. Makova Natella Marselevna;

10. Ninskaya Larisa Yuryevna;

11. Pariev Rustam Ramazanovich;

12. Rastova Svetlana Dzhambekovna;

13. Khachirov Murat Hamitovich;

14. Shorov Murid Polevich.  

Registrar of the Court:


1st category specialist:

1. Tekeeva Reslana Khadzhievna

Judicial board in civil cases:

1. Grishina Svetlana Georgievna, chairman of the board; tel. reception office (87822) 2-05-68

Chomaeva Ilona Kazbekovna, assistant to the judge

The first judicial composition:

2. Bairamukova Indira Khazrailevna, chairman of the composition;

3. Negriy Natalya Sergeevna.  

Second court:

5. Matakaeva Sofya Klychbievna, chairman of the composition;

6. Adzinova Albina Eduardovna;

7. Bolatchieva Albina Abidinovna;

8. Botasheva Amina Ruslanovna;

9. Korkmazova Larisa Askhatovna;

10. Laipanov Ademey Iskhakovich;

11. Sych Olga Anatolyevna.  

Registrar of the Court:

1. Kumratova Radima Radionovna.  

Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases:

1. Dzyba Zarema Ibragimovna, chairman of the board;

2. Aslanukov Aslan Khamzetovich;

3. Karasova Naima Harunovna;

4. Ezova Marina B.

Board on the issue of bringing judges to administrative responsibility


Judges of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic:

one. Uzdenova Lyudmila Sergeevna

2. Bolatchieva Albina Abidinovna

3. Makova Natella Marselevna

4. Khachirov Murat Hamitovich

5. Shorov Murid Polevich


Adzinova Albina Eduardovna

Aslanukov Aslan Khamzetovich

Indira Bayramukova Khazrailevna

Albich Bolatchieva Abidinovna

Botasheva Amina Ruslanovna

Gerbekov Islam Iskhakovich

Gerbekova Fatima Otarovna

Grishina Svetlana Georgievna

Dzhukkaev Albert Vladimirovich

Dzyba Zarema Ibragimovna

Ezaova Marina Borisovna

Kagiev Ramazan Bashirovich

Karaketov Zaur Saparbievich

Karasova Naima Harunovna

Korkmazova Larisa Askhatovna

Laipanov Ademey Iskhakovich

Layp Nova Zinaida Hamitbievna

Lepshokov Nauruz Abrekovich

Makova Natella Marselevna

Matakaeva Sofya Klychbievna

Negriy Natalya Sergeevna

Ninskaya Larisa Yurievna

Pariev Rustam Ramazanovich

Rastova Svetlana Dzhambekovna

Sych Olga Anatolyevna

Uzdenova Lyudmila Sergeevna

Khachirov Murat Hamitovich

Shorov Murid Polevich

Apparatus of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic


Assistant to the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the KCR - Tambiev Ramazan Burkhanovich

Reception of the Supreme Court of the KCR I’m a service) - Ruslan Borisovich Chomaev

Financial and accounting department - Gubzhokova Anzhelika Zaudinovna, head of the department

Department of judicial statistics, codification, legal informatization and generalization of judicial practice - Botashev Alibek Vladimirovich, head department

Department of public service and personnel - Dzhanibekov Marat Umarovich, head of department

Office management department - Chimov Arthur Vladimirovich, head of department

Department of ensuring criminal proceedings - Korkmazov Eldar Kemalovich, Head of Department

Department both civil proceedings court cookies - Zhanna Abafakirovna Lafisheva, head of department

Logistics support department - Ilyas Borisovich Uzdenov, head of department

Court administrator - Yusuf Enverovich Adzhiev,

Qualification board of judges of the KCR - Yulia Tarabanova


Telephone numbers of management, assistants, judicial boards and the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

F. I.O. Position Phone No.
SEMENOV Ruslan Zakeryaevich Chairman of the Supreme Court of the KCR 22-09-05
TAMBIEV Ramazan Burkhanovich Assistant Chair 22-04-99
FEDOTOV Yuri Vladimirovich Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the KCR -
BONDARENKO Yana Vladimirovna Assistant Judge 22-06-13
CHOMAEV Ruslan Borisovich   22-06-35
UZDENOVA Lyudmila Sergeevna Chairman of the panel of judges -
TEKEEVA Reslana Hadzhievna Specialist of the 1st category 22-02-95
ASLANUKOVA Alina Zaudinovna Registrar of the court 22-02-95
GRISHINA Svetlana Georgievna Chairman of the Board -
KUMRATOVA Radima Rodionovna Secretary court 22-05-68
BAYRAMUKOVA Indira Khazrailevna Chairman of 1 court -
MATAKAEVA Sofya Klychbievna Chairman 2 of the court -
DZYBA Zarema Ibrahimovna Chairman of the board -
Finance and Accounting Department    
GUBZHOKOVA Angelika Zaudinovna Head of Department 22-09-06
Logistics Department, exp building maintenance and repair    
UZDENOV Ilyas Borisovich Head of department 22-06-18
Department of judicial statistics, codification, legal informatization and generalization of judicial practice  
BOTASHEV Alibek Vladimirovich Head of Department 22-03-31
Department of public service and personnel    
DZHANIBEKOV Marat Umarovich Head of Department 22-05-78
Office Work Department   & nbsp ;
CHIMOV Arthur Vladimirovich Head of Department -
& n bsp;
Criminal Proceedings Support Department    
KORKMAZOV Eldar Kemalovich Head of Department 22-02-37
Department for the provision of civil proceedings    
Lafisheva Zhanna Abubakirovna Head of department 22 -02-37
BAYRAMUKOV Soltan Khanapievich Consultant 22-09-50
Court archive    
Markarova Dilyara Aslanbekovna Registrar of the court 22-08-57
Chancellery court and    
SALPAGAROVA Anastasia Artemovna Specialist 22-09-08
ADZHIEV Yusuf Enverovich Administrator of the court 22-05-50
POST No. 1 (bailiffs)   22 -06-70

Archive of the court

All appeals and applications are submitted through the Reception of the Supreme Court of Karachayev- Circassian Republic in a live queue.

Citizens with benefits and advantages established by applicable law, as well as pregnant women and visitors with young children are admitted out of turn.

Reception is carried out:

Monday - Thursday

9:00 - 18:00


13 : 00 - 14:00


9:00 - 16:45


13:00 - 14:00  

The responsible official is the deputy head of the office department Chimov Arthur Vladimirovich


The main functions and tasks of the archive are:

- familiarization with the materials of the cases stored in the court’s archives;

- preparation of answers to statements and inquiries received from citizens, institutions and other organizations;

- making photocopies of sentences and other materials;

- selection for documents, cases and their execution for destruction;

- transfer of cases and court orders for storage to the archive.  

The competence and procedure for exercising the functions of the archives of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic are determined by the Instruction for judicial record-keeping in the supreme courts of the republics, regional and regional courts, courts of cities of federal significance, autonomous courts oblast and autonomous okrugs, the Instructions on the procedure for the selection of documents for storage in the archives of federal courts of general jurisdiction, their completion, recording and use, as well as the Regulation on the Archives of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Information for visitors of the Reception of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Reception of citizens is carried out without prior appointment in order of priority. Upon admission, the citizen must present a document proving his identity.

By order of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the following procedure for the Admission Office was established:

On Saturday and Sunday, the Admission Office of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic does not work.

Reception of citizens is conducted

Chomaev Ruslan Borisovich (fax, tel: (8782) 22-06-35)

In the Reception of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic can supervisory complaints should be filed against judicial decisions in criminal, civil, administrative cases, as well as other statements, appeals, complaints related to the consideration of criminal, civil cases and cases, about administrative offenses in the district and city courts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic , complaints of a non-procedural nature, complaints about the actions of judges and court workers.

At the reception, the issue of compliance with the requirements of the procedural legislation for processing complaints and applications is considered.

The Reception of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic can be contacted to obtain copies of court documents in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

An employee of the Reception Office has the right to provide information and advice on clarifying procedural legislation and organizing court proceedings, as well as provide advice on the following issues:

- forms of a statement of claim (application for a court order, complaints, etc.);

- a list of documents attached to the statement of claim (complaint);

- the procedure for accepting a statement of claim for court proceedings;

- grounds refusal to accept, return, leave without motion a statement of claim (complaint) by presenting submission of a counterclaim;

- payment, exemption, reduction of state duty, submission of deferral of payment;

- procedure for issuing copies of court documents, personal documents, physical evidence, writ of execution;

- other matters of legal proceedings, with the exception of advisory matters relating to the assessment of evidence affecting the nature and extent of legal relations.

The reception (information service) is located on the 1st floor in the building of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic at 369000, KCR, Cherkessk, ul. Madzhira Gadzhaeva 4

Press Service of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Spokesperson: Bayramukov Soltan Khanapievich

tel: (878-2) 22-09-50