• Country: Russia
  • State: Kemerovo Region
  • City: g Tajga
  • Street, House: pr-kt Kirova, dom 23
  • Postcode: 652401
  • Site: http://taiginsky.kmr.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (384-48)2-49-25
  • Longitude: 85.628338
  • Latitude: 56.064334
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
In accordance with the Law of the Kemerovo Region dated December 17, 2004 No. 104-OZ "On the status and boundaries of municipalities" provides that the city of Taiga is considered the status of an urban district, which includes settlements: the village of Kedrovy, the Kuzel, Pikhtach, Suranovo junctions, and the village of Taezhny.

Court work schedule

  Clock court work break
Monday - Thursday 8-30 17 -30 13-00 13-30
Friday 8-30 15-00 from 12-30 to 13-00
Saturday closed      
Sunday closed      

Reception on the organization of activities of the court, as well as complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, are carried out by the Chairman of the Court every working Tuesday from 16-00 to 17-30 for all categories of visitors to the general grounds, office No. 28, tel. reception: 8(38448) 2-49-57.

Reception by the assistant to the chairman of the court, assistant judge and the judicial department is carried out daily during the entire working day in accordance with the schedule on a first-come, first-served basis for all categories of visitors on a general basis.
Assistant to the chairman of the court - Yu. -49-58, office No. 20.

Working hours of the Judicial Proceedings Support Department - tel/fax: (38448)2-49-25, office No. 3
Monday - Thursday from 8:30 to 17:30
Friday from 8:30 to 15:00
Issuance of court documents:
Monday from 9:00 to 11:00
Wednesday from 15:00 until 17-00 Judges of the Taiginsky city court do not accept.
The post of bailiffs for ensuring the established procedure for the activities of the court tel: (38448) 2-49-59.

Composition of the Court
Chairman of the Court: Timofeev Fedor Viktorovich (2nd floor, office No. 28) (appointed for a 6-year term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2021 No. 211 "On the appointment judges of federal courts).
Tsyganova Tatyana Vladimirovna (1st floor, office No. 19) (appointed for an unlimited term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2008 No. 1060 "On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts").
Tatyana Leonidovna Kovaleva (2nd floor, office No. 33) (appointed for an unlimited term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2021 No. 755 "On the Appointment of Judges of Federal Courts"). Julia Aleksandrovna Gromyshova, assistant to the chairman of the court, tel: 2-49-58, (first floor, office No. 21).
Assistant judge Sergeeva Olga Yurievna, tel. 2-49-58, (I floor, office No. 20).
Department of Legal Proceedings:
Chief Specialist - Krekshina Alena Alekseevna, tel: 2-49-25, (first floor, office No. 3).
Court clerk - Yuliya Gennadievna Vorokhova, tel: 2-49-25, (ground floor, office No. 3).
Administrator Kirilyuk Sergey Mikhailovich, tel: 2-49-89, (ground floor, office No. 7).
Chief Specialist Antonov Sergey Evgenievich, tel: 2-49-89, (first floor, office No. 7).
Secretaries of the court session: tel: 2-49-57
Fedotova Lyubov Nikolaevna, (second floor, office No. 27).
Lyubimova Marina Vladimirovna (II floor, office No. 32).
Boloshko Natalya Petrovna, (I floor, office No. 18).

Consultation on the replacement of the state civil service can be obtained by phone: (38448) 2-49-25.

Interaction with the media in the Taiginsky city court is carried out by:
assistant to the chairman of the court Yulia Aleksandrovna Gromyshova, tel. : (38448) 2-49-58.

The powers of the court
By virtue of Art. 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ (as amended on December 25, 2012) "On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation", the district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of the first and second instance and exercise other powers provided for by the federal constitutional law. A district (city) court is a directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the corresponding judicial district. The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the district court are established by federal constitutional law.
In accordance with Art. 24 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, art. 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the competence of the district (city) court includes the resolution of all disputes that are not assigned by law to the Supreme Courts of General Jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation, the justice of the peace, the system of military courts and specialized courts (if they are regulated federal law).


Name of the UFC in the Kemerovo RegionFederal Treasury Administration for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 9 for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass)
TIN of the tax authority 4246001001
Checkpoint of the tax authority 424601001
Name of the bank BRANCH OF KEMEROVO BANK OF RUSSIA//UFK for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass city of Kemerovo Cor. account
KBK 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
name State fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction , justices of the peace
OKTMO 32740000


BIC of the beneficiary's bank013 207 212
Name of the payee UFK for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Kemerovo)
Checkpoint of the tax authority 420 501 001
TIN of the tax authority 420 500 2373
OKTMO code 327 010 00
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (number of the bank account included in the single treasury account (TSA), (corresponding account) – to fill in field “15” 4010 2810 7453 7000 0032
Payee’s account number (treasury account number) – to fill in fields "17" 0310 0643 0000 0001 3900
Budget classification code (BCC) 1821 0803 0100 1105 0110
Name of payment State fee payable when applying to the courts

Name of payment State duty for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state duty paid when applying to the courts)
Name of the payee of the UFK payment for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass (MRI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass)
KPP 420501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 4205002373
OKTMO code 32701000
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (number of the bank account included in the single treasury account (TSA) - indicated in field "15" of the payment order) 4010 2810 7453 7000 0032
Account number of the beneficiary (number treasury account - indicated in field "17" of the payment order 0310 0643 0000 0001 3900
BIC 013207212
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 1821 0803 0100 1105 0110

Information for people with limited mobility
Information can be obtained: about the organization of assistance for people with limited mobility at the entrance to the courthouse; organization of escort to the necessary department of legal proceedings, the courtroom; organization of access to information about the activities of the court.
The porch of the court building is equipped with a wheelchair access ramp. Some inconvenience can be caused by overcoming the thresholds of the entrance doors to the court building.
Also, if necessary, you can agree in advance the necessary amount of assistance in arranging access to the court building, indicating the date and time of arrival, or send a corresponding request to the electronic public mail of the court.
Responsible for organizing access for people with limited mobility to the courthouse:
Court administrator Sergei Mikhailovich Kirilyuk
Contact phone: 8 (38448) 2-49-89

Details of the Department of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Kemerovo Region
TIN 4205077474
KPP 420501001
UFK for the Kemerovo Region (UFSSP of Russia in the Kemerovo region)
l/s 04391785360
r/s 40101810400000010007
BIC 043207001 GRKTS GU Bank of Russia in the Kemerovo region Kemerovo
OKTMO 32701000
KBK 322 1162101001>

Video conferencing
Time difference with Moscow: +4 hours (UTC +7)
Courtroom equipped with video conferencing system: No. 1
Telephone numbers (fax) private video conferencing network:
VoIP IP address - Avaya 7428103 Court administrator
VoIP IP address - Avaya 7428102 Courtroom clerk
VoIP IP address - Avaya 7428199 Courtroom fax
br>1. Polycom RealPresence Group 300 Codec 10. 42. 81. 50 - Criminal Hall
2. Codec Polycom RealPresence Group 300 10. 42. 81. 52 - Civic Hall
Contact details of persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing:
secretaries of the court session - 8 (384-48) 2-49-57 court - Gromyshova Yu. A. 8(384-48) 2-49-58
assistant judge - Sergeeva O. Yu. - communications:
chief specialist Antonov Sergey Evgenievich
contact phone: 8(384-48) 2-49-89