• Country: Russia
  • State: Kemerovo Region
  • City: g Myski
  • Street, House: ul Pervomajskaya, dom 10
  • Postcode: 652840
  • Site: http://myskovsky.kmr.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (384-74)2-64-90, 2-16-16
  • Longitude: 87.803824
  • Latitude: 53.711731
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Myskovsky urban district of the Kemerovo region: the villages of Aksas, Balbyn, Berezovy, Berenzas, Borodino, Kazas, Kameshek, Kolchezas, city Capes, villages Podobas, Selkhoz, Toz, Tutuyas, Chuazas, Chuvashka.

Court Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 17:15
Recess 12:00 - 12:45
Friday 8:00 - 14:30
break 12-00 - 12-30
Saturday, Sunday - day off

Schedule of the reception court
Monday - Thursday from 8-00 to 12-00 . and from 12:45 to 17:15.
Friday from 8-00 to 12-00 o'clock. and from 12:30 to 14:30.
Reception of statements of claim, petitions and other procedural documents in the order of civil, criminal and administrative proceedings is carried out by a court specialist in the reception of the court, during the entire duration of the working hours of the working week in turn for all categories of visitors on a general basis. Reception by the chairman of the court Dementiev Viktor Gennadievich on the organization of the court, complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, is carried out in office No. 10 on Wednesdays from 11.00 to 12.00
tel. (38474)2-11-50

Contact information:
Reception of the chairman of the court: tel. (38474)2-11-50
Citizens' appeal reception, archive: tel. (38474) 2-00-30
Administrative affairs department: tel. (38474) 2-27-87
Civil Affairs Department: tel. (38474)2-27-87
Criminal Affairs Department: tel. (38474)2-27-87

Composition of the Myskovsky City Court
Chairman Viktor Gennadievich Dementiev (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 01, 2021 No. 565 “On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in qualifying collegiums of judges of constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
Judge Andrey Yurievich Pakhorukov (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 01, 1999 No. 1142 “On the appointment of judges of district courts”).
Judge Fisun Dmitry Petrovich (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2014 No. 373 "On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts").
Judge Kazakova Inga Vladimirovna (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 23, 2017 N 506 “On the Appointment of Judges of the Federal Courts and Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Qualification Boards of Judges of the Subjects of the Russian Federation”).
Judge Kukovinets Nikolai Yuryevich (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2020 No. 779 "On the Appointment of Judges of Federal Courts").
Judge Ulyanova Olga Aleksandrovna (appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2018 No. 695 "On the Appointment of Judges of Federal Courts").

Judges and employees of the apparatus of the Myskovsky City Court
Chairman of the court Dementiev Viktor Gennadievich
office No. 10
Pakhorukov Andrey Yuryevich
office No. 11
Ulyanova Olga Aleksandrovna
office No. 19
Fisun Dmitry Petrovich
office No. 14
Kazakova Inga Vladimirovna
office No. 17
Kukovinets Nikolai Yuryevich
office No. 5
Apparatus court:
Court administrator Tyurin Sergey Gennadievich
office No. 6
tel. : 2-64-94
Consultant of the court Gnezdilova Galina Vasilievna
office No. 15
tel. : 2-15-18
Head of department Alena Nikolaevna Mitkovskaya
office No. 12
tel. : 3-00-31
Assistant to the chairman of the court: Ageeva Olga Yurievna
office No. 19
tel. 2-64-93
Judges' assistants:
office No. 20
Elena Viktorovna Lysenko
tel. 2-21-24
Nesterova Liya Nikolaevna
tel. 3-00-43
Bychkova Elena Evgenievna
tel. 2-21-24
Secretaries of the court:
Secretary of the court for criminal cases Samarina Elena Sergeevna
office No. 4
tel. Tel. : 2-27-87
Secretary for Administrative Affairs Natalya Ivanovna Maksimova
office No. 3
tel. 2-27-87
Court secretaries:
office No. 16
tel. 2-21-24
Anna Sergeevna Boriskina
office No. 9
tel. : 3-00-43
Ananina Tatyana Pavlovna
office No. 13
tel. : 2-64-93
Yulia Sergeevna Karaeva
office No. 18
tel. :2-22-46
Elena Pavlovna Guryasheva
office No. 9
tel. :2-11-50
Verholantseva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
office No. 3
tel. 2-64-90
Senior specialists of the 1st category
Olga Nikolaevna Budkova
Svetlana Vladimirovna Donguzova
office No. 8
tel. 2-00-30
Post of bailiffs to ensure the established procedure for the activities of the court
tel. : 2-06-00

The powers of the court
In accordance with Article 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation", the district court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
In cases established by federal law, the district court considers cases of administrative offenses.
A district court has the right to apply, on the basis of part 4 of article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request about the constitutionality of the law to be applied in a particular case.
A district court considers appeals, submissions against decisions of magistrates acting in the territory of the corresponding judicial district.
A district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

Additional information can be obtained from the Mysk City Court by phone (8-38474) 3-00-31 (Head of the Department Mitkovskaya Alena Nikolaevna)

List of phone numbers of the Myskovsky City Court

Reception 2-11 -50/fax
S/C Secretary Judge Fisun D.P. 2-64-93
Secretary s/z of Judge Kukovinets N. Yu. 2-22-46
Administrator 2-64-94
Head of Department 3-00-31
Chancery for Criminal and Administrative Cases 2-27-87
Civil Affairs Office 2-27-87

Official representative of the Mysk City Court of the Kemerovo Region, who interacts with the media editors:
consultant of the Mysk City Court Gnezdilova Galina Vasilievna, tel. : (384-74) 2-15-18.


Name of the payee UFK for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 8 for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass)
Checkpoint 421401001
TIN of the tax authority 4214005003
OKTMO code 32 728 000
Payee's account number 03100643000000013900
Name of the bank BRANCH OF KEMEROVO BANK OF RUSSIA //UFK for the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass city of Kemerovo
BIC 013207212
Budget code Classification (CSC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State fee to court
Kor. account number 40102810745370000032

Name of payment State fee to courts of general jurisdiction
Name of the payee Central District of Novosibirsk)
KPP 540601001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5406300124
OKTMO code 50701000
Payee’s account number 40101810900000010001
Name of the bank Siberian State Bank of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region
BIC 045004001
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 18210803000011000110

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing a cassation appeal with the Eighth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction

tr>BIC of the beneficiary's bank013 207 212
Name payee UFK for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Kemerovo)
Checkpoint of the tax authority 420 501 001
TIN of the tax authority 420 500 2373
OKTMO code 327 010 00
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (number of the bank account included in the Single Treasury Account (TSA ), (corresponding account) – to fill in the field “15” 4010 2810 7453 7000 0032
Payee’s account number (treasury account number) – to fill in field "17" 0310 0643 0000 0001 3900
Budget classification code (BCC) 1821 0803 0100 1105 0110
Name of payment State fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state fee paid when applying to the courts)

Requisites for payment of collateral and measures to secure a civil claim
On a personal (deposit) account for accounting for transactions with funds received for temporary disposal, the following are deposited:
- cash, which are the subject of bail, chosen as a measure of restraint in a criminal case in accordance with Article 106 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation; of the Code of the Russian Federation;
- amounts of money payable to witnesses, experts and specialists, or other expenses related to the consideration of a civil case, recognized by the court as necessary, in accordance with the first part of Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation;
- monetary sums payable to witnesses, experts and specialists or intended to pay other recognized courts house the necessary expenses associated with the consideration of an administrative case, in accordance with the first part of Article 109 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation.
If the case is in court proceedings, the above funds are transferred to the account of the Judicial Department in the Kemerovo Region.

Bank details:
TIN 4207054289 KPP 420501001
UFK in the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass Kuzbassa g Kemerovo
bik TOFK 013207212
EX 40102810745370000032
account 03212643000000013900
KBK 43811705010016000180
43800105110024 - PLACED COMPLEMENTS - PERSONAL COMPLESS monetary funds in exchange for the measures taken by the court to secure the claim (paid by the defendants); monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case, arbitration case or administrative case; arbitration court of appeal or cassation instance.
438001051110025 - Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - Monetary funds to be paid to witnesses, experts and specialists, or other expenses related to the consideration of the case, recognized by the court as necessary.
438001051110028 - Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation - Funds that are the subject of pledge, funds in exchange for measures taken by the court to secure a claim (paid by the defendants); monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case, arbitration case or administrative case; arbitration court of appeal or cassation instance.
438001051110029 - Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation - Monetary funds to be paid to witnesses, experts and specialists, or other expenses related to the consideration of the case, recognized by the court as necessary.
On a personal (deposit) account to account for transactions with funds received for temporary disposal, the following are deposited:
cash, which are the subject of pledge;
funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of cases in court (expertise, translators).
In the payment document, it is mandatory to indicate in field 22 NPA CODE *, in the purpose of payment, the last name, first name, patronymic of the payer appointed by the court, case number, name of the court.

Judicial fines
Details of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass for the transfer of a criminal fine
RECIPIENT of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Kemerovo region (UFSSP of Russia for the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass l/s 04391785360 )
TIN 4205077474
BIC 043207001
KPP 420501001
Settlement account 40101810400000010007 Branch of Kemerovo
KBK 322 1 16 17000 01 0000 140
Name of payment p>

Video conferencing
Time difference: +04:00
VoIP – Avaya 1608 on dhcp 7426102 Clerk in the courtroom
VoIP – Avaya 1608 on dhcp 7426103 Consultant
VoIP – Avaya 1608 over dhcp 7426101 VoIP Administrator – Audiocodes MediaPack 112 10. 42. 61. 51 7426199 Courtroom clerk
Polycom RealPresence Group 300 codec IP address 10. 42. 61. 50
Contact phone: 8(384-74) 2-15-18
IP 74261-03