• Country: Russia
  • State: Irkutsk Region
  • City: g Irkutsk
  • Street, House: ul 4-ya Zheleznodorozhnaya, dom 34a
  • Postcode: 664029
  • Site: http://sverdlovsky.irk.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (3952)38-75-35, 38-76-57
  • Fax: (3952)38-37-70
  • Longitude: 104.248725
  • Latitude: 52.276167
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk
Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk region: MELNIKOVO (Almaznaya st., Argunov st., Afanasiev st., Birch grove st., Botanicheskaya st., Voronezhskaya st., Elanskaya st., Elovaya st., Yerevanskaya lane 3rd Irkutny lane 4th Irkutny Lane 2nd Irkutny, Kryazheva St., Left Bank of Kai St., Lesogorskaya St., Maksimovskaya St., Medvedev St., Irkut Embankment St., Kai Embankment St., Right Bank of Kai St., Rakitnaya st., Rodnikovaya st., Sergeev st., Sosnovaya st., Fadeeva lane, Tsvetochnaya st., Cheremukhovaya st., Chukotskaya st., Yagodnaya st.), pos. ENERGETICS (Akademicheskaya St., Bezbokov St., Beloborodova St., Varlamov St., Garazhnaya St., Geologists St., Gidrostroiteley St., List St., Listvenichnaya St., Lobachevsky St., Starokuzmikhinskaya St., Stasova St.) , 2nd HPP VILLAGE (Mukhina St.), 3rd HPP VILLAGE (Geologov St., Goncharov St., Industrialnaya St., Kalinina St., Kostychev St., Levitan St., Novgorodskaya St., Obrucheva St., Pomyalovsky St.), RAINBOW MICRODISTRICT (Druzhby St., Mozart St., Novgorodskaya St., Obruchev St., Stasova St., Tselinnaya St., Chaplygina St.), KUZMIKHA (Mayskaya St., Novokuzmikhinskaya St., Ovrazhnaya St. , Starokuzmikhinskaya st., Energetikov st.), SOUTH MICRODISTRICT (Vedovaya st.), STUDGORODOK (Avtomobilnaya st., Belinsky st., Herzen st., Gogol st., Griboyedov st., Dobrolyubov st., 4th Zheleznodorozhnaya st. , 5th Zheleznodorozhnaya st., Zhukovsky st., Zvezdinskaya st., Ivan Franko st., Igoshin st., Kasyanov st., Kolkhoznaya st., Koltsov st., Korolenko st., Academician Kurchatov st., Lermontov st., street Lesi Ukrainky, st. Lomonosov, st. Mironova, st. Novokshonova Pr. Ofitsersky, st. Rodnikovaya, st. Flukov, st. Chernyshevsky), ACADEMGORODOK (Kostromskaya St., Lermontov St., Starokuzmikhinskaya St., Favorsky St.), PRIMORSKY MICRODISTRICT (Akademicheskaya St., Angargesstroy St., Bazhenov St., Bezbokov St., Borodina St., Bochkin St., Brodsky, Kasatkina St., Krupskaya St., Mukhina St., Salatsky St., Sechenov St.), YUBILEYNY MICRODISTRICT (Bagration St., Berezovaya St., Kropotkina St. Olkhonsky Lane, Uralskaya St., Kharkovskaya St., Chitinskaya st., Yubileiny st., Yuzhnaya st.), PERVOMAISKY MICRODISTRICT (Alexander Vampilov st., Bazhov st., Bakinskaya st., Granitnaya st., Izvestkovaya street, Kursky lane, Mamin-Sibiryak st., Molchanov st. -Sibirskogo, 1st Olkhovaya St., 2nd Olkhovaya St., Omskaya St., Orlovskaya St., Pestel St., Postalovsky St., Rodnikovaya St., Rubinovaya St., Sergeeva St., Smolenskaya St., Sosnovaya per. Fadeeva), SINYUSHINA GORA MICRODISTRICT (Aluminevaya st., Dorzhi Banzarov st., Birch grove st., Bulavina st., Marshal Konev st. ), GLAZKOVO (st. Aksakov, st. Alyabyeva, st. Botkin Ave. Spring, st. Vilkova, st. Gogol, st. Dargomyzhsky, st. Jambula, st. Vasily Dolgopolov, st. Dostoevsky, st. 1st Railway, st. 3rd Railway, st. 2nd Railway, st. 4th Railway, st. Zvezdinskaya per. Green, st. Ivan Sivko, st. Irkutnaya, st. Kayskaya, st. Kasyanov, st. Clara Zetkin, st. Koltsova, st. Lermontov Ave. Mostovoy, st. Embankment of Irkut, st. Nikitina per. Nikitin, st. Ostrovsky, st. Profsoyuznaya, st. Pushkin, st. Rumyantseva, st. Ryleeva, st. Float lane Sports pr. Station, st. Tereshkova, st. Turgenev, st. Furmanova, st. Tchaikovsky, st. Chelnokov, st. Shapovalova, st. Schmidt), JAKOBI STREET AREA (Anosov St., Bagration St., Zakharov St., Teatralnaya St., Yakobi St.).

Court opening hours
Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00
Friday from 9.00 to 16.45
Pre-holidays from 9.00 to 17.00 00
Lunch from 13.00 to 13.45
Days off: Saturday, Sunday

Schedule for submission of claims:
Monday-Thursday from 9 00 to 18.00
Friday from 9.00 to 16.45

Archive opening hours:
Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00
Friday from 9.00 to 16.45

Issuance of copies of judicial acts upon applications, requests of citizens, representatives of organizations, state institutions is carried out daily, except Friday, from 15-00 to 17-00.
Issuance of copies of judicial acts to nonresident citizens is carried out during the whole working day.

Composition of the Court (phone directory) — Sverdlovsky District Court of Irkutsk

Cabinet No. Judge Assistant Chairman Secretary of Court Telephone
Cab. 40A Latypov Roman Raefovich Tatyana Valerievna Karelina
Oksana Pavlovna Filshina
Arsentyeva Maria Vladimirovna 38-75-22

Deputy Presidents of the Court

Cabinet No. Judge Judge's Assistant Court Secretary Telephone
  Fedotycheva Ekaterina Vladimirovna      


Cabinet No. Judge Assistant Referee Secretary of the court session Telephone
Office no. № 12 Olga Vladimirovna Zatsepilina Maria Nikolaevna Yalovaya Alexandra Maksimovna Barhunova 43-71-37
Cab. № 14 Kozhukhova Irina Viktorovna Kholodova Tatiana Sergeevna Davidenko Diana Valekhovna 38-75-33
Cab. № 15 Shovkomud Sergey Petrovich Zvereva Victoria Andreevna Bunaeva Marina Alekseevna 38-00-10
Cab. No. 21       38-90-11
Kab . No. 22       38-03-45
Kab . No. 23 Shakurova Ekaterina Vladimirovna   Pyatieva Saglana Sergeevna 38-74-11
Cable. No. 24 Alexander Valerievich Smirnov Galina Ivanovna Shlyaining Anna Alexandrovna Bimbaeva 38-76-33
Cab. № 26 Alekseeva Natalia Vladislavovna Ermakova Maria Ivanovna Lyubarskaya Yulia Alekseevna 38-01-02
Cab. No. 27 Oleg Viktorovich Lobach Olga Sergeevna Astafieva Karina Yurievna Surikova 38-72-82
Cab. № 28 Dmitry Vladimirovich Lysenko Kristina Andreevna Zabrodskaya Maryana Konstantinovna Abidueva 38-04-68
Cab. № 31 Alexandra Yuryevna Kamzalakova Elena Alexandrovna Darmaeva Rushana Mubarizkyzy Jafarova 38-75-40
Cab. No. 32 Dubrovskaya Zhanna Innokentievna Yanysheva Svetlana Nikolaevna Myasoedova Anna Viktorovna 38-75-39
Cab. No. 33 - Fedun Anastasia Igorevna - 38-37-63
Cab. No. 35 Evgenia Alexandrovna Lazareva Yana Vasilievna Emelyanova Emma Vadimovna Solovieva 38-75-19
Cab. No. 36 Novoseletskaya Elena Ivanovna Olzoeva Svetlana Igorevna Goryachkina Anastasia Sergeevna 38-73-46
Cab. No. 37 Irina Aleksandrovna Fedorova Anna Nikolaevna Zhilinskaya Yana Sergeevna Terentyeva 38-73-77
Cab. № 38 Freidman Konstantin Feliksovich Sheptunova Elena Nikolaevna Kuzmenkova Maria Sergeevna 38-37-53
Cab. No. 39 Andrei Vasilyevich searches Tatyana Alexandrovna Pomorgailo Daria Olegovna Zhilina 38-76-29
Cab. No. 44 - Olga Konstantinovna Dubinchuk - 43-71-92
Cab. No. 45 Palaguta Yulia Gennadievna Tsybykova Anastasia Igorevna Donskaya Tatyana Andreevna 38-37-62
Cab. No. 46 Tatyana Viktorovna Smirnova Veronika Viktorovna Viktorova Tatyana Alexandrovna Poptsova 38-04-33
Cab. No. 47 Zhilchinskaya Larisa Vladimirovna Sasin Viktor Sergeevich Zhukova Elena Evgenievna 38-76-48
Cab. No. 48 Ilyina Valentina Aleksandrovna Meklyaeva Natalia Sergeevna Dyachuk Ilya Andreevich 38-75-13
Cab. No. 49 - Misharina Alla Innokentievna - 38-73-49

Judges considering civil and administrative cases

F. Acting Qualification class Appointment
Latypov Roman Raefovich Fifth Decree of the President No. 468 of 08.16.2021


F. Acting Qualification class Appointment
Kamzalakova Alexandra Yurievna Sixth Decree of the President No. 596 of 14.12.2017
Zhilchinskaya Larisa Vladimirovna Fifth Decree of the President No. 162 of 08. 02. 2010
Freidman Konstantin Feliksovich Fifth Decree of the President No. 73 of 15.01.2010
Smirnova Tatyana Viktorovna Fifth Decree of the President No. 1149 of 05.09.2011
Elena Ivanovna Novoseletskaya Fifth Presidential Decree No. 600 dated 02.07.2013
Zhanna Innokentievna Dubrovskaya Fifth Presidential Decree No. 1251 of 24.10.2003
Zakharenko Valentina Viktorovna Seventh Presidential Decree No. 40 dated 08.02.2019
Irina Alexandrovna Fedorova The Fifth Decree Presidential No. 1373 dated 15. 10. 1999
Zueva Anna Nikolaevna Seventh Decree of the President No. 496 of 14 10. 2019
Yulia Gennadievna Palaguta   Decree of the President No. 696 of 08.12.2021
Olga Yunitskaya Ninth Decree of the President No. 696 of 08.12.2021
Ilyina Valentina Aleksandrovna Seventh Decree of the President No. 358 of 11. 06. 2021

Judges considering criminal cases and cases of administrative offenses

F. I. O. td> Decree of the President No. 937 of 21.07.2007
Lysenko Dmitry Vladimirovich Fifth Decree of the President No. 1430 dated 27. 10. 2011
Alekseeva Natalya Vladislavovna Fifth Decree of the President No. 644 dated 25.07.2013
Oleg Viktorovich Lobach Fifth Presidential Decree No. 688 of August 29, 2013
Shovkomud Sergey Petrovich Fifth Decree of the President No. 1768 of 12. 12. 2008
Smirnov Alexander Valerievich Sixth Presidential Decree No. 506 dated October 23, 2017
Irina Viktorovna Kozhukhova Seventh Presidential Decree No. 695 of 06.12.2018
Shakurova Ekaterina Vladimirovna Seventh Decree Presidential No. 496 of 14. 10. 2019
Olga Zatsepilina Seventh Decree ta No. 496 of 14. 10. 2019

Chairman of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk: Latypov Roman Raefovich
Judge of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk, having the 5th qualification class. Latypov R. R. was appointed to the position of a judge of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2008 No. 1768 for a term of office of three years. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2012 No. 74 Latypov R. R. was appointed to the position of a judge of the Sverdlovsky District Court of Irkutsk without limitation of the term of office. Prior to his appointment as a judge, Latypov R.R. served in the penitentiary system of the GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the Irkutsk Region; worked as a lawyer at CJSC Innovative Technologies of Growth; lawyer, head of the legal department of LesEx LLC; Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs of Lesnoye Delo LLC; assistant judge of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk. By the decision of the qualification board of judges of the Irkutsk region of February 22, 2017, judge R. R. Latypov was assigned the fifth qualification class. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 361 dated August 7, 2017, Latypov R. R. was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 468 dated August 16, 2021, Latypov R.R. was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk.

Court administrator: Kazankov Mikhail Viktorovich.
Time of reception of citizens
Monday - Friday: from 9. 00-17. 00
Lunch break from 13.00-13. 45
office No. 21
Admission time can be agreed by phone: (3952) 43-72-16

Organizational Structure of the Court Staff
Civil Cases Department

Cabinet No. Position F. IO Phone Working hours
Cab. No. 16 Head of the Department of Civil Affairs Klimovich Larisa Evgenievna 38-75-35 Monday - - Thu.
from 9:00 to 18:00
Friday -
from 9:00 to 16:45
from 13:00 to 13:45
Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Affairs Sokolova Lyubov Stanislavovna  
Chief Specialist Zulmatova Olga Nikolaevna  
Court clerk Ignatovich Olga Anatolyevna  

Criminal Case Management Department

Office No. Position F. IO Phone Working hours
Cab. No. 10 Head of the Criminal Records Department Natalia Aleksandrovna Komyagina 38-76-57 Monday - - Thu.
from 9:00 to 18:00
from 9:00 to 16:45
from 13:00 to 13:45
Reg. Head of the Department of Records Management in Criminal Cases  
Court Secretary Nadezhda Viktorovna Kazachenko  

General Department

Room# PositionF. I. O. Phone Working hours
Office. No. 42 Head of Department - Responsible for Human Resources Anastasia Sergeevna Chubarkova 38-37-54 Monday - - Thu.
from 9:00 to 18:00
Friday -
from 9:00 to 16:45
from 13:00 to 13:45
Cab. No. 18 Informatization consultant Sergei Bykov 38-75-08
Chief Specialist Bauman Evgenia Alexandrovna
Court Secretary Pavlova Diana Alexandrovna
Senior specialist of the 1st category Marina Vladimirovna Andreychenko

The powers of the court
FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF 31. 12. 1996 No. 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation"
Article 21. District Court
1. The district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The district court is the directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
3. The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the district court are established by federal constitutional law.

Responsible for media relations
assistant to the chairman
KARELINA Tatyana Valerievna
Mr. Irkutsk, 4-Zheleznodorozhnaya, 34a, office 40a
work. tel. : (3952) 38-75-22


Name of the payee Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 22 in the Irkutsk region
OKTMO code 25701000
Payee's account number 03100643000000013400
Bank name Irkutsk branch
BIK 012520101
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Name of payment State duty on statements of claim and complaints filed with courts of general jurisdiction/ state duty for issuing a duplicate writ of execution/ receiving copies of documents


Name of the payee UFK in the Irkutsk region ( Department of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Irkutsk Region) its name
OKATO 25401000000
beneficiary's account number payment 40101810900000010001
Name of the bank GRKTs of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Irkutsk Region
BIC 042520001
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 32211621040040000140
Payment name Fine name


Name of the payee UFK for IO (OFK 05, Directorate of the Judicial Department in the Irkutsk region, ph. 05341439420)
Current account 40302810200001000001
BIC 042520001
Payment name collateral

Bank details for transactions with funds received for temporary disposal (deposit) from January 1, 2021
Judicial department in the Irkutsk region
TIN 3808050255 KPP 380801001
UFK on of the Irkutsk region (Department No. 5, Office of the Judicial Department in the Irkutsk region)
l/s 05341439420
Irkutsk branch of the Bank of Russia// UFK for the Irkutsk region, Irkutsk
BIC 012520101
Single treasury account (correspondent account) 40102810145370000026
Treasury account (settlement account) 03212643000000013400
OKTMO 25701000
It is obligatory to fill in field 22 "Code" of the payment order.
Attention is drawn to the need for the court to provide the payer with a code (in accordance with the table) for mandatory filling in field 22 "Code" of the payment order when transferring funds to the personal (deposit) account of the Department.
When transferring funds, the payment document must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the payer, purpose of payment, case number, name of the court (for example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, payment for the examination in case No. 1-151/2015, Angarsk court) (According to 2.1 of the Regulations). A copy of the payment document, according to which funds were deposited to the personal (deposit) account of the Department, is submitted by the payer to the court for attachment to the case file.

List of court mediators in the Irkutsk region
Bryukhanova Tatyana Andreevna (administrative litigation)
Rylov Dmitry Nikolaevich (administrative litigation)
Svetlana Vladimirovna Apanasik (civil litigation)
Tuglakova Larisa Grigoryevna (civil and administrative proceedings)
Svetlana Vladimirovna Burdukova (civil proceedings)

The Sverdlovsky District Court of Irkutsk is equipped with a videoconferencing system.
The difference with Moscow time is +5 hours.
Court building at the address: Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, st. 4th Railway, 34a.
Courtroom room. No. 20 is equipped with video conferencing.
IP address of the codec 10. 38. 83. 52
IP phone number: t.>Persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing:
Assistant to the Chairman: Karelina Tatyana Valerievna, tel. 8 (3952) 387522
Persons responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing system:
Consultant to the court: Sergei Viktorovich Bykov, tel. 8 (3952) 387508