• Country: Russia
  • State: Irkutsk Region
  • County: Kachugskij r-n
  • City: rp Kachug
  • Street, House: ul Kalandarashvili, dom 33
  • Postcode: 666203
  • Site: http://kachugsky.irk.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (39540)3-13-80
  • Longitude: 105.87543
  • Latitude: 53.960857
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Kachugsky district of the Irkutsk region: the urban settlement of Kachugskoye (the working settlement of Kachug), the rural settlements of Anginskoye (the village of Anga, the villages of Durutuy, Zagulan, Kuznetsy, the village of Mys, the villages of Rykova, Tarai), Belousovskoye (the village of Belousovo, the villages of Gogon, Zhitova, Ikhinaguy, Magdan, Obkhoy, Talma, Ust-Talma, Hobanova, Shemetova), Biryulskoye (the village of Biryulka, the villages of Bolshoy Kosogol, Kukuy , Makrushina, Malaya Tarel, Podkamenka, Chemyakina, Yushina), Bolshetarelskoye (the village of Bolshaya Tarel), Butakovskoye (the village of Butakovo, the villages of Atsikyak, Bolshoi Ulun, Buredai, Shevykan, Sheina, Shchapova), Verkholenskoye (the villages of Alekseevka, Bolshedvorova, the village of Verkholensk, the village of Kartukhay, the village of Kozlovo, the villages of Kunitsyna, Remizov, Tolmacheva, Tyumentsev, Khabardin, Chelpanov, Shishkin), Vershino-Tuturskoe (the village of Vershina Tutury, the villages of Tyrka, Chinong), Zalogskoe (the village of Zalog, the villages of Boloto, Chanchur), Zarechenskoe (village Zarechnoye, the villages of Koptsygai, Kopylova), Karluk skoe (the village of Karluk, the village of Argun), Kachugskoe (the village of Lesnoy, the villages of Bolshie Goly, Bosogol, Iset, Kisteneva, Krasnoyar, Malye Goly, Sutai, Sukhanai-Baybet, Timiryazeva, Cheptykhoy), Manzurskoe (the village of Manzurka, the villages of Zueva, Poloskova) , Kharbatovskoye (the village of Kharbatovo, the villages of Korsukova, Litvinova, the village of Nikilei, the villages of Novokharbatova, Khalsk).

Court Schedule

Monday - Thursday from 9 am to 18:00
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45

Lunch from 13:00 to 13:45

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45
Lunch break from 13:00 to 13-45
weekend: Saturday, Sunday

Schedule of reception of citizens by the chairman of the court
Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court is carried out every Wednesday from 17-00 to 18-00

Composition of the court
President of the court: Cherkashina Daria Sergeevna
Konovalova Irina Viktorovna
Pustyntseva Tatyana Yurievna
Administrator: Shemetov Alexander Yulianovich tel. 31 481
Judges' assistants
Elena Viktorovna Sokolnikova tel. 31 660
Antonov Alexander Alexandrovich
Chief Specialist Kramorova Natalya Alekseevna tel 31 380
Secretaries of court sessions
Kurtova Marina Vladimirovna (reception 32-465)
Zueva Olga Yuryevna
Prudskikh Maria Vladimirovna
br>Court clerks tel. 31-661
Natalya Alexandrovna Tuktarova
Victoria Albekovna Alekseeva

Responsible for working with the media in the Kachugsky District Court is assistant judge Antonov Alexander Alexandrovich
contact phone: 8(39540) 31-6-60


Name of the payee UFK in the Irkutsk region (MIFTS No. 20 for the Irkutsk region) name
Code OKATO /OKATMO 25618151
Number payee's account: corr. account
Bank name BRANCH OF IRKUTSK BANK OF RUSSIA/UFK in the Irkutsk region Irkutsk td>18210803010011050110
Name of payment State fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction

List of judicial conciliators of the Irkutsk region:

F. Acting name Senior service Specialization Court name - place of employment before retirement Name of locality and region of residence
Bryukhanova Tatyana Andreevna 31 administrative proceedings Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District Irkutsk, Irkutsk region
Rylov Dmitry Nikolaevich 26 y.o. administrative proceedings The Fourth Arbitration Court of Appeal Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region
Svetlana Vladimirovna Apanasik 43 Civil Litigation Irkutsk Regional Court Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region
Burdukova Svetlana Vladimirovna 30 y.o. Civil Litigation Irkutsk Regional Court Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region

Video conference call
Court address: 666210, r. p. Kachug, st. Kalandarishvili, 33
Time difference (+5 hours) Moscow time
Courtroom No. 15
Responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing - assistant judge Antonov Alexander Alexandrovich, tel. 8 (395 40) 3 13 80
Responsible for the technical support of the HQS - assistant judge Antonov Alexander Alexandrovich
Administrator of the court - Shemetov Alexander Yulianovich, tel. 8(395 40) 3 14 81
Telephone numbers of the VKS departmental network:
- 7385701 Chairman of the court;
- 7385702 Secretary in the courtroom;
- 7385799 Secretary in the courtroom