• Country: Russia
  • State: Trans-Baikal Territory
  • County: Nerchinsko-Zavodskij r-n
  • City: s Nerchinskij Zavod
  • Street, House: ul Krasnoarmejskaya, dom 104
  • Postcode: 674370
  • Site: http://nerzav.cht.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (30248)4-12-33
  • Longitude: 119.627913
  • Latitude: 51.3126

Territorial jurisdiction
Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory: rural settlements of Argunskoye (villages of Argunsk, Domasovo, Ishaga, Srednyaya), Bolshe-Zerentuiskoye (villages of Bolshoy Zerentui, Zolotonosha, Transverse Zerentui), Bulduruiskoe (villages of Buldurui 1st, Buldurui 2nd, Chalbuchy-Kilga), Georgievskoe (village of Georgievka), Gorbunovskoe (village of Gorbunovka), Gorno-Zerentuiskoe (village of Gorny Zerentui), Ivanovskoye (the villages of Baika, Ivanovka), Mikhailovskoye (the village of Mikhailovka, the village of Mikhailovsky Uchastok), Nerchinsko-Zavodskoye (the village of Nerchinsky Zavod), Olochinskoye (the village of Olochi), Urov-Klyuchevskoye (the village of Urovskie Klyuchi), Chashino-Ildikanskoye (the village of Chashino-Ildikan ), Shirokovskoye (the villages of Solonechnaya, Shirokaya), Yavlenskoye (the village of Yavlenka).

Court Schedule

Monday - Thursday from 8- 45 to 18-00 (women until 17-00)
Friday from 8-45 to 16-45
Saturday day off
Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00

Contact information
Fax phone: 8(30248) 4-16-53
Court administrator: 8(30248) 4-12-33
Archive: 8( 30248) 4-16-53
Office management department: 8(30248) 4-16-53
Court reception: 8(30248) 4-12-33
Archive - Office No. 5
Court reception - office number 8
Reception of citizens is carried out by consultants of the reception of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district court, without prior appointment in the order of priority. Upon admission, a citizen presents a document proving his identity.

Court Reception
Reception Office Secretaries:
Irina Sergeevna Gordova - Assistant Judge
Tel. : 8(30248) 4-12-33
During the absence Terpugova Olga Viktorovna - assistant to the chairman
phone: 8(30248) 4-16-53

Schedule of the court reception
tel. (8-30248) 4-16-53 -00Fridayfrom 8-45 to 16-45Saturdayday offSundayLunch breaks 13-00 to 14-00

Hours and opening hours
Monday - Thursday from 8:45 am to 6:00 pm
Friday and pre-holiday days from 8:45 am to 4:45 pm
Break for lunch: from 13:00 to 14:00
Responsible for the work of the archive
Leading specialist of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district court Dontsova M. S.
At the time of absence, the secretary of the court Khokhlova T. Yu.

Composition of the court
Chairman of the court: Skubeva Svetlana Adolfovna
Grounds for empowerment:
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. Zavodskoy District Court of the Zabaikalsky Territory;
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 41 dated January 30, 2014 - appointed to the post of Chairman of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky District Court of the Zabaikalsky Territory.
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 195 dated March 18, 2020 - appointed to the position of Chairman of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
Judge: Bylkova Veronika Aleksandrovna
Grounds for vesting powers:
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1010 dated August 14, 2010 - appointed to the position of a judge of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Court administrator
According to order No. 501 C/S dated October 13, 2020, Oleg Sergeevich Kuzmin was appointed to the post of administrator of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Court apparatus
Chairman of the court Skubyeva Svetlana Adolfovna
(30248) 4-17-34
room 4
Assistant to the chairman of the court Olga Viktorovna Terpugova
(30248 ) 4-16-53
room 7
Judge's assistant Gordova Irina Sergeevna
(30248) 4-12-33
room 3
Secretary of the court session Emelyanova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
(30248) 4-12-33
office 3
Judge Veronika Aleksandrovna Bylkova
room 2
Judge's assistant Svetlana Nikolaevna Sarafannikova
(30248) 4-12 -33
office 3
Court administrator Shaposhnikova Alla Viktorovna
(30248) 4-12-33
office 5
Leading specialist Dontsova Maria Sergeevna
(30248) 4-16-53
room 5
Court secretary Oleg Sergeevich Kuzmin
(30248) 4-16-53
room 5
Senior specialist Zhgileva Irina Innokentyevna
(30248) 4-16-53
>office 5
Secretary of the court session Victoria Viktorovna Raspopova
(30248) 4-16-53
office 3

Additional information on filling vacancies in the state civil service in the court apparatus can be obtained at: 674370, p. Nerchinsky Plant, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 104 or by phone (30248) 4-12-33 - Assistant to the Chairman Terpugova Olga Viktorovna,

Responsible for media relations at the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky District Court
Leading Specialist – Maria Sergeevna Dontsova
tel. /fax: (830248) 4-16-53

The powers of the court
The powers of the district court are determined by Article 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation No. 1-FKZ dated December 31, 1996 "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" (as amended on 30. 10. 2018
1. The District Court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The District Court is a directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace, acting on the territory of the corresponding judicial district.
3.The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the district court are established by federal constitutional law.

Notifications about the place, date and time of a court session via SMS messages
The service for a participant in a court session is free.
After filling out the consent form, give it to the secretary of the court session or hand it over to the court records department.
After obtaining your consent, notifications of the date, time and place of the court session will be sent to you in the form of an SMS message.
The fact of sending an SMS notification is confirmed by information about the date and time of its sending, recorded automatically in the PS "SDPS" GAS "Pravosudie".
The fact of delivery of an SMS notification is confirmed by a report on its delivery (information about the date and time of sending the SMS message, the text of the sent SMS message, the date and time of delivery of the SMS message to the addressee), which is printed on paper.
A printed report on the delivery of an SMS notification on paper is submitted by the person responsible for notifying the participants in the proceedings via SMS messages to the judge in charge of the case for inclusion in the case file.
If you do not receive information about the delivery of the SMS notification within one day from the moment it was sent, the SMS notification will be resent.
If the SMS notification was not delivered to the addressee after two attempts to send it again, then the notification or summons to the court to the participant in the proceedings is sent on paper with a court summons with a notification of delivery.
SMS notification is not sent if the participant of the legal proceedings needs to send documents or materials.
Notice or summons to court in this case takes place in the usual manner by sending a court summons along with a set of documents by registered mail in accordance with the Instructions and Guidelines for record keeping.
Sending SMS notifications through PS "SDPS" GAS "Pravosudie" is allowed only for the purpose of proper notification by the court of participants in legal proceedings and cannot be carried out for other purposes not related to the performance of official duties by employees of the court apparatus.

Responsible for notifying via SMS messages
Assigned responsible for preparing the texts of SMS notifications and sending them (re-sending) to addressees, preparing (forming) and attaching reports on the delivery of SMS messages to the case file notifications - senior specialist Zhgileva Irina Innokentievna.

Details for paying the state fee:

Name of the payee Federal Tax Service for the Trans-Baikal Territory (FTS of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory) body and its name debtor)
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 031 006 430 000 000 191 00
Name of the bank Branch of Chita of the Bank of Russia//UFK in the Trans-Baikal Territory of Chita
BIC of the beneficiary's bank (BIC TOFK) 017601329
Account number of the beneficiary's bank 401 028 109 453 700 000 63
Budget classification code (BCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
State duty for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction and, justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state fee paid when applying to the courts)
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110
State fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) (state fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)

Payment orders must necessarily indicate the account number of the beneficiary's bank (the number of the bank account included in the single treasury account (TSA)

UFK for Zabaykalsky Krai (Name of tax authority) Federal Tax Service of Russia for Zabaikalsky Krai
TIN of the tax authority 7530010409
KPP of the tax authority 753001001
OKTMO - Name of municipalities
76630445 Rural settlement "Nerchinsko - Zavodskoye"
76630405 Rural Argunskoe settlement
76630410 Bolshe-Zerentuiskoe rural settlement
76630415 Bulduruiskoe rural settlement
76630420 Georgievskoe rural settlement
76630425 Gorbunovskoe rural settlement
76630426 Gorno rural settlement -Zerentuiskoe
76630430 Rural settlement "Ivanovskoye"
76630440 Rural settlement "Mikhailovskoye"
76630445 Rural settlement "Nerchinsko-Zavodskoe"
76630450 Rural settlement "Olochinskoe"
76630455 Rural settlement "Urov- Klyuchevskoye
76630460 Rural settlement "Chashino-Ildikanskoye"
76630465 Rural settlement "Shirokovskoye"
76630470 Rural settlement "Yavlenskoye"

Zabaikalsky Krai

Yuri Ilyushchenko 29 y.o. Civil Litigation Arbitration Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory
Oleg Alexandrovich Kuklin 22 y.o. Civil Litigation The Fourth Arbitration Court of Appeal Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory
Dorovsky Nikolai Grigorievich 34 y.o. Civil Litigation Zabaikalsky Regional Court Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory
Babikova Olga Safronovna 32 y.o. Civil Litigation Kalarsky District Court of the Trans-Baikal Territory Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory
Oleynikova Svetlana Leonidovna 17 y.o. civil and administrative proceedings Court district N 8 of the Ingodinsky judicial district of Chita Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory

Requisites for the transfer of a criminal fine
UFK in the Trans-Baikal Territory (UFSSP of Russia in the Trans-Baikal Territory)
GRCC of the State Bank of Russia in the Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita
KBK 32211621010016000140
l/s 04911866070
BIC 047601001
OKATO at the place of residence of the debtor
TIN 7536090062
KPP 753601001
r/s 40101810200000010001

Requisites for transferring an administrative fine
UFK for the Trans-Baikal Territory (MIA of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory) ph.

Video conferencing
Courtroom No. 1 is equipped with a video conferencing system.
ip 10. 75. 77. 50
Departmental HQS numbers:
Phone in the chairman's office 7757701
Phone in the courtroom 7757702
Fax in the courtroom 7757799
Responsible for organization Videoconferencing:
Emelyanova Lyudmila Mikhailovna - secretary of the court session, tel. (30248) 4-12-33
Victoria Viktorovna Raspopova - secretary of the court session, tel. (30248) 4-12-33
Responsible for maintenance:

Music production services and recording studio - Raz Klinghoffer