• Country: Russia
  • State: Altai Territory
  • County: Pospelikhinskij r-n
  • City: s Pospelikha
  • Street, House: ul Leninckaya, dom 76
  • Postcode: 659700
  • Site: http://pospelihinsky.alt.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (38556)20-9-95
  • Longitude: 81.827934
  • Latitude: 51.988801
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Pospelikhinsky district of the Altai Territory: rural settlements Borkovsky village council (Borok, Kotlyarovka, Khleborob villages), Kalmytsko-Mysovskaya village council (Kalmytskiye Mysy village), Klepechikhinsky village council (Berezovka village, Klepechikha village), Krasnoaltaisky village council (Vavilonsky village, Fakel Socialism village), Krasnoyarsky village council (Krasnoyarskoye village, Novy Mir village , the village of Polomoshnoye), Mamontovsky Village Council (the villages of Krutoy Yar, named after Mamontov), ​​Nikolaevsky Village Council (the village of Gavrilovsky, the village of Nikolaevka), Ozimovsky Village Council (Ozimaya railway station), Pospelikhinsky Village Council (the villages of Bolshevik, Makhanovo, Pospelikhinsky), Pospelikhinsky Central Village Council (village Hasty).

Working hours of the Pospelikha District Court

Monday - Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Friday from 8.00 00 to 16.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

Reception of citizens

  Day of the week Time for reception Office No.
Chairman Monday from 09.00 to 10.00 cab. 1

Citizens' applications
are accepted in the court reception (office 2)

Monday - Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00 (lunch from 12.00. 00 to 12.48)
Friday from 8.00 to 16.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Saturday applications are not accepted

Reception of citizens by the head of the department
(certificates on cases accepted for production of the court, familiarization with case materials, issuance of copies of court decisions and writ of execution, rooms 3, 4)

Monday - Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Friday from 8.00 to 16.00  
Saturday not accepted

From October 9, 2020, the acceptance of documents through the court reception, as well as personal reception of citizens, has been suspended. Restricted access to the court building of persons who are not participants in trials.
At the entrance to the court building, all citizens are required to undergo body temperature control and hand sanitizing. Persons with signs of an acute respiratory illness (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) are not allowed into the courthouse; when in the courthouse, court employees and other persons are required to use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators), and maintain social distance.
Submission of documents is possible by postal service, as well as through the section "Submission of procedural documents in electronic form" on the website of the court.
These measures are valid until the lifting of the regime of increased measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

Composition of the court
Chairman of the Pospelikhinsky district court Antonova Natalia Vladimirovna. cab. 1.
. . . . . cab. 21.
Ershova Inna Valerievna. cab. 23.
Tarakhova Galina Pavlovna. cab. 22.

The grounds for empowering the chairman of the court, a judge
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 241 dated May 23, 2016, Antonova N.V. was appointed to the position of chairman of the Pospelikha District Court.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2006 N 916 Yershova IV was appointed to the position of a judge of the Pospelikhinsky District Court for an unlimited term of office.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 N 688 Tarakhova G.P. was appointed to the position of a judge of the Pospelikhinsky District Court without limitation of the term of office.

Court administrator
tel. 8 (385 56) 21-4-42 office 4

Subdivisions of the court
Head of the office work and legal proceedings department Gerasimenko Natalya Yuryevna
tel. 8 (385 56) 22-1-89
Cab. 3
Department of office work and legal proceedings
Deputy head of the department Krakhmal Dmitry Mikhailovich
Secretary of the court Blinov Artem Yuryevich
tel. /fax 8 (385 56) 22-1-89
Cab. 4
Assistant to the chairman of the court Timofeev Alexander Vladimirovich
tel. /fax 8 (385 56) 20-9-95
Cab. 2
Assistant judge Vertlyugina Natalya Borisovna
tel. /fax 8 (385 56) 20-9-95
Cab. 2
Secretaries of court sessions
Chigareva Svetlana Alexandrovna
Chaplygina Yulia Vladimirovna
Yudina Yulia Alexandrovna
tel. /fax 8 (385 56) 22-3-27
Cab. 5

Information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus can be obtained by phone
(8-385-56) 2-09-95
Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Contact information for media representatives.
For questions about the coverage of the activities of the court, you can contact
Assistant to the chairman of the court
Timofeev Alexander Vladimirovich
tel. (38556) 20995

Free legal assistance
Regional autonomous institution "Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Altai Territory" - 656064, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Pavlovsky Trakt, 58-g, ( 3852)200-550, 8-800-775-00-25, www. mfc22. ru.
Biysk branch: 659303 Biysk, st. Promyshlennaya, 6, (3854) 40-40-85
Blagoveshchensky branch: 658672, Russia, Altai Territory, Blagoveshchensky district, r. Blagoveshchenka, st. Lenina, 97, (38564) 23-9-65
Rubtsovsk branch: 658224, Rubtsovsk, st. Lenina, 64, 8-800-775-00-25
Branch in the Leninsky district of Barnaul: 656060, Barnaul, st. Shukshina, 32a, 8-800-775-00-25 Kosmonavtov, 6, 8-800-775-00-25
Branch in ZATO Sibirsky: 658076, ZATO Sibirsky, st. 40 years of Strategic Missile Forces, 7, 8-800-775-00-25
Pavlovsky branch: 659000, Pavlovsky district, s. Pavlovsk, st. Comintern, 1/1, 8-800-775-00-25
Pospelikha branch: 659700, Pospelikha district, s. Haste, st. Vokzalnaya, 5, 8-800-775-00-25
Shelabolikha branch: 659050, Shelabolikha district, s. Shelabolikha, st. Solnechnaya, 8, 8-800-775-00-25

List of lawyers participating in the activities of the state system of free legal aid to citizens

F. Acting lawyer Registry number Lawyer education, address
Palochkina Elena Igorevna 22/1024 Law office of Pospelikha district (Pospelikha village, Leninskaya st., 73)

Requisites for paying the state fee when applying to the Pospelikha District Court

Name of the payee UFK in the Altai Territory
Checkpoint 220401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 2204019780 MRI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 1 for the Altai Territory
OKTMO code 01634495
Beneficiary's bank account number 40102810045370000009
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 03100643000000011700
Name of the beneficiary's bank Barnaul Branch of the Bank of Russia (UFK in the Altai Territory, Barnaul)
BIC 010173001
Budget Classification Code (BCC) 18210803010011050110, 18210803010011060110
Payment name State duty

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing appeals against decisions of the Pospelikhinsky District Court with the Altai Regional Court:
Recipient: OFK for the Altai Territory (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 14 for the Altai Territory)
KPP: 222501001 TIN: 2225099994
OKTMO code: 01701000
Account number of the recipient's bank: 40102810045370000009
Settlement account of the recipient
(Treasury account number): 031006430000 Russia (UFK in the Altai Territory, Barnaul)
BIC of the beneficiary's bank: 010173001 K/ac. :____________________
Budget Classification Code (BCC): 18210803010011050110
Payment: State fee for cases considered by the Altai Regional Court Requisites for paying the state fee when filing appeals with the Pospelikhinsky District Court on the decisions of the justices of the peace of the Pospelikhinsky district:

Name of the payee UFK in the Altai Territory
Checkpoint 220401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 2204019780 MRI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 1 for the Altai Territory funds
OKTMO code 01634495
Beneficiary's bank account number 40102810045370000009
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 03100643000000011700
Name of the beneficiary's bank Barnaul branch of the Bank of Russia (UFK in the Altai Territory, Barnaul)
BIC 010173001
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Name of payment State duty

Requisites for paying an administrative fine
Recipient: UFK for the Altai Territory (Pospelikhinsky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
Checkpoint: 226501001 TIN: 2265002705
OKTMO code: 01634495 P/ sch. : 40101810100000010001
to: GRCC of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Altai Territory, Barnaul
BIC: 040173001 C/ac. : ____
Budget classification code (BCC): 18811690050056000140
Payment: Administrative fine

Penalty in criminal cases
Recipient: Federal Penitentiary Department for the Altai Territory (Pospelikhinsky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
Checkpoint: 226501001 TIN: 2265002705
OKTMO code: 01634000 P/ac . : 40101810100000010001
to: Branch of Barnaul, Barnaul
BIC: 040173001 To/account. : ____
Budget classification code (BCC): 18811621010016000140
Payment: fine in criminal cases

Video conference call
Court address: 659700, Altai Territory, Pospelikha district, s. Haste, st. Lenina, 76.
Time difference between Kaliningrad +5, Moscow +4, Yekaterinburg +2, Novosibirsk +1, Krasnoyarsk -0, Irkutsk -1, Yakutsk -2, Vladivostok -3, Magadan -3;
Hall No. 1 is equipped with a video conferencing system - the IP address of the video conferencing kit is 10. 22. 87. 50;
The phone number of the private video conferencing network is 7228705; HQS and persons responsible for the technical support of the HQS (last name, first name, patronymic, position, telephone number).

Responsible F. I. O. position phone number
Responsible for the organization 1. Timofeev Alexander Vladimirovich
2. Vertlyugina Natalia Borisovna
3. Chaplygina Julia Vladimirovna
4. Chigareva Svetlana Aleksandrovna
5. Yudina Yulia Aleksandrovna
6. Lel Maria Vladimirovna
Judge's assistant
Judge's assistant
Court secretaries
8 (38556)20995
IP 7228706
8 (38556)20995
IP 7228706
8 (38556)22327
Responsible for technical support 1. Kovtun Alexander Ivanovich Administrator 8(38556)21442
IP 7228702