• Country: Russia
  • State: Altai Territory
  • County: Eltsovskij r-n
  • City: s Eltsovka
  • Street, House: ul im Lenina, dom 12
  • Postcode: 659470
  • Site: http://elcovsky.alt.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (38593)2-21-01
  • Fax: (38593) 2-25-01
  • Longitude: 86.261138
  • Latitude: 53.254435
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Eltsovsky District Court
Eltsovsky District of the Altai Territory: rural settlements Verkh-Neninsky Selsoviet (villages Verkh-Nenya, Kedrovka), Yeltsovsky village council (Eltsovka village), Martynovsky village council (villages Aksenovo, Bragino, Martynovo), Novokamensky village council (Novokamenka village), Pushtulimsky village council (Anamas, Bakhta villages, Vyatsk, Kazansk villages, Kaltyk, Poslednikovo, Pushtulim villages, Troitsk village, Chistaya Griva village ), Cheremshansky village council (Cheremshanka village).

Court opening hours

Monday - Thursday from 8. 00 until 17.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Friday from 8.00 to 16.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)

Saturday day off
Sunday day off Reception at the department of office work and legal proceedings
(certificates on cases accepted for court proceedings, familiarization with cases, obtaining copies of decisions and executive sheets) is produced in the cab. Department of Records and Litigation

Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 12.00 from 13.00 to 17.00
Friday from 9.00. 00 to 12.00 from 13.00 to 16.00
Saturday no reception

Schedule of the reception court
Acceptance of statements of claim
Carried out by the assistant to the chairman
Monday - Thursday from 8.00 to 12.00, from 12.48 to 17.00 ( lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Friday from 8.00 to 12.00, from 12.48 to 16.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 12.48)
Saturday, Sunday no reception carried out

The responsibility for the management of the reception is assigned to and. about. the chairman of the court Dmitrievsky Sergey Alexandrovich, the responsibility for receiving citizens - on the assistant to the chairman of the court Kammer Valentina Evgenievna.

Personal welcome and. about. Chairman of the Court
In accordance with the Federal Law of May 02, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, in order to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, the following schedule has been established for the personal reception of citizens and. about. the chairman of the court.
Monday from 9.00 to 11.00
Thursday from 14.00 to 16.00
Citizens arriving from another locality are accepted and. about. the chairman of the court on any day of the week in his free time from the trial.
Personal reception is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

The following operating mode is set:
1. Only participants in legal proceedings have access to the building of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory. In order to expedite the procedure for admission of participants in the proceedings to the court building, you are kindly requested to have a notice of the hearing with you.
2. Persons who enter the trial on the same day of visiting the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory must present documents confirming their authority to participate in the case (warrant, power of attorney).
3. Access to the building of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory is carried out no earlier than 1 hour before the start of the court session.
4. The entrance to the building of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory is carried out in the presence of personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators), as well as after measuring body temperature with a special device. Persons without personal respiratory protective equipment, as well as those with fever or other signs of respiratory illness, will not be allowed into the court building.
5. When in the building of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory, citizens must keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters (social distance).
From October 08, 2020, the personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations by the leadership of the court, the public reception of the court and departments of the court is temporarily suspended until the sanitary and epidemiological situation improves.
Information on the progress and results of the consideration of cases is provided by telephone, or on the official website of the Yeltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory in the "Courtwork" section.
Representation of procedural and non-procedural applications and complaints is carried out by mail, facsimile or electronically using the services of the Internet page of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory.
Submission of claims, administrative statements of claim is carried out by mail or in electronic form using the services of the Internet page of the Eltsovsky District Court of the Altai Territory - the menu "Submission of procedural documents in electronic form".
To gain access to the "Electronic Justice" service, you should log in to the portal using your ESIA account (Unified Identification and Authentication System).

Contact information
Information of a reference nature, including the progress of cases in court, and information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus can be obtained by phone
(8-385-93) 2-25-01
Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
Information reference nature can be obtained by sending a request to the postal address:
659470, st. Lenina, d. 12, p. Eltsovka, Eltsovsky District, Altai Krai
Information information can also be obtained by sending a request to the e-mail address of the court.

Composition of the court
Based on the order Altai Regional Court No. 11-RSG dated March 19, 2021 "On the temporary performance of duties"

Subdivisions of the Court
Assistant to the Chairman of the Court
Marina Yurievna Khvorova
tel. /8-385-93/ 22-1-01
Court administrator
Borisenkov Sergey Ivanovich
tel. tel. tel. /8-385-93/ 22-5-01

For information on the procedure for filling civil service positions in the Eltsovsky District Court, you have the right to contact the head of the record keeping and legal proceedings department - Elena Mikhailovna Lapenkova tel. (38593) 22-2-53

Responsible for working with the media
Court administrator Sergey Ivanovich Borisenkov
tel. 8(385-93) 22 5 01
Assistant to the chairman of the court Khvorova Marina Yurievna
tel. 8(38593)22 1 01
st. Lenina 12, p. Eltsovka, Eltsovsky district, Altai Territory 659470

STATE DUTY on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction
Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 for the Altai Territory, 659305
Biysk, per. Martyanova-59/1
Beneficiary's bank: GRCC of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Altai Territory, Barnaul
BIC of the beneficiary's bank: 010173001
Account number of the beneficiary's bank: No. 40102810045370000009
Beneficiary's account number: No. 03100643000000011700
TIN of the recipient: 2204019780
KPP of the recipient: 220401001
Date of state registration 30.12.2004
Recipient: Federal Treasury Department for the Altai Territory (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 for the Altai Territory)
OKTMO 01610422
KBK: 182 108 03010 01 1050 110 (in the tax field)
Name of payment: State fee for cases heard in courts of general jurisdiction in the Yeltsovsky District Court.

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing a cassation appeal with the Eighth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction

Name payment State duty to courts of general jurisdiction
Name of the payee UFK for the Kemerovo region (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Kemerovo)
KPP 420501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 4205002373
OKTMO code 32701000
Payee's account number 32701000
Beneficiary's account number 40101810400000010007
Bank name Branch Kemerovo>182 1 08 03010 01 1000 110

Requisites for paying a fine
Recipient: Federal Treasury Department for the Altai Territory (Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 for the Altai Territory, Biysk)
KPP: 222501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name: 2204019780, UFK MF RF for the Altai Territory, interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 1 for the Altai Territory
OKATO/ OKTMO: 01705000
Payee's account number 40101810350041010001
Name of the bank: GRCC GU of the Bank of Russia for the Altai Territory , Barnaul
BIC: 040173001
Budget classification code (BCC): 1. For payments credited to the budgets of urban districts 32111690040040000140; 2. For payments credited to the budgets of municipal districts 32111690050050000140; For payments credited to the budgets of settlements 0040100000140.
Payment: Administrative fine

LIST of mediation centers of the Altai Territory

Name of organization address phones
Mediation Center
Non-profit partnership Siberian Center for Mediation and Law» st. Proletarskaya, 139, of. 2, Barnaul, 656049 396-500, 222-007
Organizations providing mediation
Center for Conciliation Procedures (Mediation) at Altai State University pr. Socialist, 68, Barnaul, 656000. 8-913-082-81-73
367-377, 366-492
LLC legal company "Mediation" st. Petra Sukhova, 26, Barnaul, 656010 341-562, 341-563
Autonomous non-profit partnership "International Academy of Mediation" st. Partizanskaya, 132, Barnaul, 656049 383-631

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 193-FZ "On an alternative dispute resolution procedure involving a mediator (mediation procedure)" to the parties to disputes that are on consideration of district courts, the services of a professional mediator are offered - Sergey Alekseevich Sokolov.
Contact information:
Sokolov Sergey Alekseevich, 656010, Barnaul, st. P. Sukhova 26, tel. 34-15-63, 34-15-64, fax 34-15-62
More information about the expert can be found on the website: mediation22. en/experts/

Video conferencing
Time difference between Moscow and s. Eltsovka: + 4 hours
Numbers of courtrooms equipped with video conferencing systems: Hall No. 1
Telephone (fax) numbers of the departmental video conferencing network: hall No. 1 – tel. 7226504, fax. 7226599
IP-address of videoconferencing video terminal: Hall No. 1 - 10. 22.65.50
Hardware support for videoconferencing: Sergey Ivanovich Borisenkov, court administrator, tel. (38593) 22-1-01,
IP 722-65-02