• Country: Russia
  • State: Chechen Republic
  • County: Naurskij r-n
  • City: st-tsa Naurskaya
  • Street, House: ul Kh.Batyrova, dom 36
  • Postcode: 366128
  • Site: http://naursky.chn.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (87143)2-23-22, 2-23-17
  • Longitude: 45.312496
  • Latitude: 43.653267
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Naursky district of the Chechen Republic: rural settlements Alpatovskoye (villages of Alpatovo, Svobodnoye), Ishcherskoye (the village of Dalnee, the village of Ishcherskaya, a farm Krechetovo), Kalinovskoye (village Kalinovskaya, farms Kozlov, Postny, Selivankin), Levoberezhnenskoe (villages Levoberezhnoye, Yubileynoye), Mekenskoye (farms Klinkov, Mayorsky, village Mekenskaya, farm Mirny), Naurskoye (village Naurskaya), Nikolaevskoye (village Nikolaevskaya, farms Obilny, Semikolodtsev, Suvorovskiy), Novo-Solkushinskoye (the village of Novoe Solkushino), Novoterskoye (farm Korneev, Novoterskoye village), Rubezhnenskoye (Rubezhnoye village), Savelyevskoye (village Savelyevskaya), Ulyanovskoye (Ulyanovskoye village), Frunzenskoye (Frunzenskoye village), Chernokozovskoye (farm Kapustino, Chernokozovo village).

Court Schedule

Start of Working Day nine. 00
Lunch break 13. 00 - 14.00
End of the working day 18. 00

Schedule of reception of citizens
Reception of citizens is carried out daily, except Saturday, Sunday
Reception of citizens takes place in the office No. 1-4
Reception starts at 9:00
Break from 13:00 – 14:00
End of reception 18:00

Hours of the reception court (reception of statements of claim and other documents):
reception is carried out by an assistant judge on a first-come-first-served basis (1st floor, office No. 4), disabled people of groups I and II are accepted without a queue :
Monday - Thursday from 9:00 - 17:00
Friday from 9:00 - 16:00
Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00,
Citizens are accepted throughout the working day, without technical breaks, taking into account the lunch break.
When submitting an application, appeal, complaint, you must have an identity document with you. Representatives must also have a document confirming their representative powers.
To get acquainted with the materials of the case, you must contact the court office during opening hours.
To get acquainted with the materials of the case, you must have an identity document with you. Representatives must have a document confirming their representative powers, as well as a copy of it. When familiarizing yourself with the case, you have the right to make extracts, photograph or copy materials at your own expense.
Familiarization with the audio protocol, as well as making and issuing a copy of the audio recording of the court session is carried out upon a written application of the persons participating in the case, their representatives (parties, other participants in the trial) and at their expense.
To make a copy of an audio recording, the person who filed the application provides the court with a material medium (flash card, CD-R, DVD and other media, the technical possibility of recording on which is available in court). Material carriers of information submitted to the court shall not contain any information.
For security purposes, before recording the audio protocol of the court session, the material carrier submitted to the court can be formatted by an authorized employee of the court apparatus.
Familiarization and issuance of copies is carried out in the office.
It is possible to send applications, appeals, complaints and other documents by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In order to promptly notify the participants in the process, it is necessary to indicate in the documents not only the full postal address, but also mobile, home, work phone numbers, as well as an e-mail address.

Composition of the Court

F. I. O. Kulbakov Vasily Vladimirovich Judge
Tazabaev Rezvan Khizbulaevich Judge
Roman Dmitrievich Lobov Judge
Malkan Abasovna Tokhtarova Assistant to the Chairman of the Court
Gereeva Gulistan Salmanovna Head of Department
Magomedova Malika Said-Akhmedovna Assistant Judge
Okueva Liana Rautovna Assistant judge
Takaeva Zalina Ziyavdievna Assistant judge
Mamaeva Khava Saidalievna Secretary of the court session
Akaeva Khava Yusupovna Secretary of the court session
Khadayeva Fatima Vakhaevna Secretary of the court session
Gaziyeva Aina Alkhazurovna Secretary of the court session
Umarova Yakha Khusenovna Secretary court session
Madina Isaevna Khadzhieva Court session secretary
Zaydat Khalidovna Astamirova Court Specialist
Dianna Khamzatovna Akhmadova Court Secretary
Satsita Usmanovna Israilova
Clerk of the Court

Judge's assistant Breslavtseva Zhanna Abuevna has been appointed responsible for interaction with the media.
Contact phone - (887143) 2-23-22

State duty

Recipient's bank of subsidiaries in Naurskaya station OJSC Rosselkhozbank
BIC 049690001
Recipient Office of the Federal Treasury for the Chechen Republic (MRI No. 5 of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Chechen Republic)
Account No. 40101810200001000001
TIN 2007002963
CAT 200701001
KBK 18210801000011000110
OKATO 96622416101