• Country: Russia
  • State: Chechen Republic
  • County: Gudermesskij r-n
  • City: g Gudermes
  • Street, House: ul Belorechenskaya, dom 34A
  • Postcode: 366208
  • Site: http://gudermessky.chn.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (87152)2-22-38
  • Longitude: 46.095117
  • Latitude: 43.345062
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Gudermes district: Gudermes urban settlement (Gudermes town), rural settlements Azamat-Yurtovskoye (Azamat-Yurt village), Biltoy-Yurtovskoye (Biltoy-Yurt village), Bragunskoye (Braguny village), Upper Noiberskoye (Verkhny Noyber village), Gerzel-Aulskoye (Gerzel-Aul village), Gordali-Yurtovskoye (Gordali-Yurt village), Darbanhinskoye (Darbankhi village) , Dzhalkinskoye (the village of Dzhalka), Ishkhoy-Yurtovskoye (the village of Ishkhoy-Yurt), Kadi-Yurtovskoye (the village of Kadi-Yurt), Komsomolskoye (the village of Komsomolskoye), Koshkeldinskoye (the village of Koshkeldy), Melchkhinsky (the village of Melchkhi), Nizhne-Noyberskoye (the village Nizhny Neuber), Novo-Benoiskoye (the village of Novy Benoy), Novo-Engenoiskoye (the village of Novy Engenoy), Oiskharskoye (the village of Oiskhara), Khangish-Yurtovskoye (the village of Khangish-Yurt), Shuaninskoye (the village of Shuani), Engel-Yurtovskoye (the village of Engel -Yurt).

Court timetable
Beginning of working day 9.00
Lunch break 13.00 - 14.00
End of working day 18.00

Schedule of reception of citizens
Reception of citizens is carried out daily, except Saturday, Sunday
Reception of citizens takes place in office No. 1
Reception starts at 9:00
Break from 13 :00 – 14:00
End of reception 18:00

Composition of the Gudermes City Court of the Chechen Republic

Tamakov Ramzan Abuzeitovich
F. Acting Position
Amirov Usman Andyevich Chairman of the Court
Ibragimov Arbi Iysaevich Federal Judge
Boshayeva Larisa Langievna Federal Judge
Federal Judge
Khamzatov Ramzan Beksultanovich Federal Judge
Avrabiev Mukhmad Mutsuevich Federal judge
Batashev Aslanbek Akhmedovich Assistant to the chairman of the court
Masra Adrisovna Nasukhanova Judge's assistant
Malika Zelimkhanova Esbulatova Judge's assistant
Ataeva Aza Badrudinovna Assistant judge
Termolaeva Zarema Aslambekovna Assistant judge
Sultanova Larisa Rakhmanovna Head of the Judicial Department
Movlaeva Elina Nasrudinovna Secretary of the Court
Atabaeva Makka Abusoltaevna Secret Container of the court td>Secretary of the court session
Akhmedova Zaira Gairbekovna Secretary of the court session
Akhmataeva Linda Saidmagometovna Secretary of the court session
Gastemirova Inna Ruslanovna Secretary of the court session
Viskhanova Zarina Mukhmadamiyevna Secretary of the court session
Shamilova Zulikhan Usmanovna Court specialist