• Country: Russia
  • State: Stavropol Territory
  • City: g Stavropol
  • Street, House: ul Dzerzhinskogo, dom 235
  • Postcode: 355035
  • Site: http://oktyabrsky.stv.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (8652)71-58-98
  • Longitude: 41.945871
  • Latitude: 45.041534
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Oktyabrsky district of the city of Stavropol: passages 1 Berezovy, 2 Berezovy, streets 347 Rifle Division, 50 years of Victory, May 9, Avangardnaya, Aviatsionnaya, Avtomobilny Lane, DNT "Avtopritsep" (streets Autotrailer-1, Autotrailer-2, Trailer-3, Trailer-4, Trailer-5, Trailer-6, Trailer-7, Trailer-8, Trailer-9, Trailer -10, Trailer-11, Trailer-12, Trailer-13, Trailer-14, Trailer-15, Trailer-16, Trailer-17, Trailer-18), Azovskaya, Aivazovsky, Akulova, Aleksandrovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya square, Andzhievsky street , April lane, Aralsky proezd, ST "Aronia" (streets Aronia-1, Aronia-2, Aronia-3, Aronia-4, Aronia-5, Aronia-6, Aronia-7, Aronia-8), Arsenalskaya, Artilleryskaya streets , Arkhangelskaya, Astrakhan lane, Atamanskaya street, Aeroflotsky lane, Babushkina street, Bazhova proezd, V. Duhin, Vavilov, Vasyakin streets (except for No. 127, 127A, 129, 190, 192, 194), Verbny lane, passages Verny, Vesely, Spring lane, ST "Spring" (streets Spring-1, Spring-2, Spring-3, Spring-4, Spring-5), Veteranov street, passages Cherry, Vladimirsky, Inner lane, ST "Vodnik" (streets Vodnik-1, Vodnik-2, Vodnik-3, Vodnik-4, Vodnik-5, Vodnik-6, Vodnik-7), Voznesensky Lane, Voitik Street, Vokzalnaya, Volovodova, Volochaevsky Lane, Volnaya Street, Voronezhskaya, Second Lane, Garrison Street, SNT "Gvozdika" (streets Gvozdika-3, Gvozdika-4, Gvozdika-5, Gvozdika-6, Gvozdika-7, Gvozdika-8), streets of Hero of the Soviet Union Kozlov, Gogol, Golenev (on No. 42, No. 49), Gomelsky proezd, ST "Gorka" (streets Gorka-1, Gorka-2, Gorka-3), Gornaya Sosny, Gorky, Grazhdanskaya, Grachevskaya, Griboyedova, Dachnaya, Double passage, Dekabristov street, Democratic passage, Deputatsky lane, Dzerzhinsky streets (odd side at No. 223), Dobrovolnaya, ST "Dolina" (streets Dolina-1, Dolina-2, Dolina-3, Dolina-4, Dolina-5, Dolina-6, Dolina-7 ), lanes Dombaisky, Dra gunsky, Druzhnaya street (ST Chapaevets), Dunaysky passage, Evdokievskaya, Elovaya, Yerevansky passage, Zheleznodorozhnaya street, Zhigulevsky passage, Zavetnaya, Zavodskaya streets (even side and up to No. 44/1 on the even side), Zavokzalnaya, Zagorskaya, Zaitseva lane, passages Western, Zarechny, Zaslonova lane, Zelenaya Roscha Boulevard, ST "Green Yar" (Zeleny Yar-1, Zeleny Yar-2, Zeleny Yar-3, Zeleny Yar-4, Zeleny Yar-5 streets), Iverskaya streets , Ignatievskaya, Named after Alexander Nevsky Square, Named after General A. Ermolov Boulevard, Named after General A. Ermolov Square, streets named after Temirkelov, Inzhenernaya, lanes Intendantsky, Internatsky, International, Ioannomarinsky street, passages Irkutsky, Irtyshsky, K. Marx Avenue, streets K Khetagurova (on No. 7, No. 8), K. Zetkin, Kavaleriyskaya, Kazanskaya, Kazachya, ST "Kalina Krasnaya" (Kalina Krasnaya-1, Kalina Krasnaya-2, Kalina Krasnaya-3, Kalina Krasnaya-4, Kalina Krasnaya streets -5, Kalina Krasnaya-6, Kalina Krasnaya-7, Kalina Krasnaya-8, Kalina Krasnaya-9 ), Kalinina street, Kalinovy ​​pereulok, Kamsky proezd, Karaulnaya, Karbysheva streets, Karerny proezd, Kaspiyskaya street, Cathedral square, Chestnut grove streets (ST "Chapaevets"), Kashtanovaya, Kerchenskaya, Kizlyarsky proezd, Kirova street, Klukhorsky pereulok, Kluchevoy driveways , Kozhevenny, Collective, Kolomiytseva streets (before the intersection with Kulakov avenue), Kolos ST (Kolos-1, Kolos-2, Kolos-3, Kolos-4, Kolos-5, Kolos-6 streets), Komplex- 2" (streets Complex-2/1, Complex-2/2, Complex-2/3, Complex-2/4), streets Konechnaya, Korundovaya, passages of Kotovsky, Kochubey, lanes of Koshevoy, Krasina, Krasnaya street, passages of Krasnodonsky, Krasnoyarsky, Krepostnaya Gora, Krinichnaya, Kristalnaya streets, Kropotkin, Krugovoi lanes, Krutoy lanes, Kuznetsky lanes, Kulakova prospect (from No. 39 on the odd side), Kulibina dead end, Kursky lane, Ladozhsky passage, Lazo street, Landysh station (Landysh streets -1, Landysh-2, Landysh-3, Landysh-4, Landysh-5), Lesnaya street, Lesnoy cordon, Lipetsky passage, Deciduous lane lok, Listopadnaya, Lozovaya, Lopatina, Lopyrin, Lyubimaya, Lyapidevsky, Maysky lane, Makarenko street, Makarova lane (except for houses on the even side from No. 20), Maly proezd, Martovsky lane, Marshal Zhukov streets (by No. 5, No. 8 ), Mashinostroiteley Street, Melnichny Lane, Mirny Proezd, Mikhailovskoye Highway, Mozhaysky, Mozdoksky, Molodezhny Proezd, Monastyrsky Dead End, Mostovaya Street, Motor Lane, Murmansky, Nadezhny, Narodnaya Street, Nevsky Proezd, Nizhnyaya Street (odd numbers), Nikitin , Nikolaevskaya, passages Novorossiysky, Novoselsky, Novosibirsky, Novoslobodsky lane, streets Obraztsovaya, Ovrazhnaya, Ogorodnaya, Okrainnaya (ST Chapaevets), Oktyabrskaya, Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii avenue (at No. 13, No. 6), Olkhovy proezd, Onezhsky lane, Opolznevaya street (ST "Chapaevets"), Orangery passage, DNT "Orbita" (streets Orbita-1, Orbita-2, Orbita-3, Orbita-4), Ordzhonikidze, Orlovskaya, Ostrovsky, Otvazhnaya, Otradnaya, Okhotnichiy, P. Morozova streets , Steam Izhskoy Kommuny street, Parkovy passage, Parkhomenko street, First lane, Sandy, Pechorsky lanes, Pitomnikovy, Planerny lanes, Platanovaya street, Plekhanova passage, Pobeda streets, Border, Podgornaya, Podgorny passage, Pokrovsky lanes, Polzunova, Colonel street, Polyarny passage, Popova, Posadskaya, Pospelovsky pereulok, Postnikova, Postovaya, Potemkinskaya, Honornaya, Pochtovy proezd, Pravdy pereulok, Station Square, Privolnaya, Prigorodnaya, Prikumskiy pereulok, Priovrazhnaya streets (ST Chapaevets), Prirechnaya (ST Chapaevets) , Longitudinal, Prokofieva lane, Proletarsky, Pskovskiy passages, Pugacheva, R. Luxembourg streets (at No. 6, No. 9), Radolitsky passage, Raduzhnaya-1 streets (ST Chapaevets), Raduzhnaya, Razdolnaya, Razina, Revolutionary, Repina, Republican, Rovny, ST "Springs" (Rodniki-1, Rodniki-2, Rodniki-3, Rodniki-4, Rodniki-5 streets), Rozhdestvensky proezd, Rossiyskaya street, lanes Rtishchensky, Rulevoi, Russkiy, Rustaveli street, DNT " Ruch she’s red” (streets Krasnenky-1, Krasnenky-2, Krasnenky-3, Krasnenky-4), Ryleeva lane (at No. 9, No. 10), Ryazanskaya street, Sadovy lane, Salsky lane, Saratovskaya street, Svetly proezd , Svobodnaya street, Severny lane, Severny bypass, Selektsionnaya streets (except for houses at No. 3, No. 4), Sennaya, Serafimovskaya, Lilac lane, Skomorokhova, Slavyanovskaya, Slobodskaya, Snezhny proezd, Sovetskaya, Solovyinaya, Spokoynaya, Stavropolskaya, Stanichnaya streets , Storozhevaya, Suvorova, Tamanskaya, Tashlyanskaya, Tverskaya passage, Tenistaya street, Quiet lane, Poplar street, Traktovy lanes, Third, Troitsky, Trunova street, Tulsky lane, Turgenev street, Mulberry lane, Corner passage, Ukrainian streets, Uralskaya street, Harvest passage , ST "Success" (streets Success-1, Success-2, Success-3, Success-4, Success-5, Success-6, Success-7, Success-8, Success-9, Success-10, Success-11 , Uspek-12, Uspek-13), Ufimsky, Uchitelsky, Ushakova passages, Uyutny, Fadeeva, February, Federal lanes street, Fedorova proezd, Fedoseeva dead end, Fedoseeva street, Fialkovaya, Filatova proezd, Frunze square, Frunze, Furmanov, Khalturin streets, DNT "Khimik" (streets Khimik-1, Khimik-2, Khimik-3, Khimik-4, Khimik- 5, Khimik-6), Kholodny Lane, Khutorskaya Street, Tsvetnaya, Tselinnaya, Centralnaya, Chaadaeva Lane, Chaikin Square, Chapaeva Street, Chapaevsky, Chernomorsky, Chitinsky, Chongarsky Lane, Chukotsky Proezd, Shaumyan Street, Shafranovaya, Shakhtinsky Proezd, Shevchenko , Shkolny Lane, Shukshina, Shchadenko, Shchorsa, Yablochkina Proezd, Yablochko-1 SNT (Yablochko-1/1, Yablochko-1/2 Streets), Yagodny Lane, Yagodka DNT (Yagodka-1, Yagodka- 2, Yagodka-3, Yagodka-4, Yagodka-5, Yagodka-6), Yaltinskaya, Yarmarochnaya, Yaroslavsky lane, Yasenovskaya, Yasnaya streets.


Monday - Friday 8:30 - 17:00
break: 13:00 - 13:45  
Saturday - Sunday Closed


Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:15
Friday 8: 30 - 17:00
break: 13:00 - 13:45
Saturday - Sunday Day off

tel: (8652) 71-58-98
fax: (8652) 71-58-98 Reception of the chairman of the court:
office No. 21
Schedule of reception of citizens:
Chairman of the court - Tuesday from 14.00 to 16.00. 00
Deputy chairman of the court - Thursday from 14.00 to 16.00
Saturday, Sunday: days off

Public reception of the court:
telephone, fax: (8652) 71-58-98
Schedule for receiving claims:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
from 09:00 to 12:00 Civil Proceedings Support Department:
phone: (8652) 35-36-54
Criminal Proceedings Support Department:
phone: (8652) 35-38-24
General department:
phone:(8652) 75-29-97
phone:(8652) 75-43-54
Reception schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 09:00 to 12:00
Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court:
Tuesday - from 14.00 to 16.00
Thursday - from 14.00. 00 to 16. 00
Make an appointment with the assistant to the chairman
Maslennikov K. A. tel: (8652) 35-31-33

Composition of the court
President of the court:Mkrtychyan Armen Stepanovich
Deputy chairman of the court:Eshchenko Irina Anatolyevna

Yulia Nesretdinovna Sedirovatd>>5
F. Acting Position Phone Office
Mkrtychyan Armen Stepanovich Chairman   21 Kristina Aleksandrovna Maslennikova Assistant to the Chairman of the Court 35-31-33 21
Secretary 35-31-33 4
Eshchenko Irina Anatolyevna Deputy Chairman of the Court 75-30-52 20
Mikhail Alekseevich Starovoitov Secretary 75-30-52 20
Svetlana Fedorovna Guseva judge   24 24
Posevina Polina Andreevna assistant referee 35-36-09 24
Ostrikova Inna Vladimirovna Secretary 35-36-09 24
Anna Nikolaevna Korzhova Judge   25
Vadim Alexandrovich Bakanov assistant referee 71-48-57 25
Salpagarov Anzor Arturovich secretary 71-48-57 25
Pogodina Nina Viktorovna judge   21
Daria Sergeevna Pervushina assistant referee 75-45-86 21
Elmira Vladimirovna Geyvandova Secretary 75- 45-86 4
Tkachuk Vladimir Nikolaevich Judge   10
Gomanova Olga Mikhailovna assistant referee 75-30-29 17
Viktor Petrovich Zdorovets Secretary 75-30-29 17
Marina Viktorovna Volkovskaya judge <   5
Orlova Elena Alexandrovna Secretary 75-30-23 5
Eminov Alexey Ivanovich Judge   6
Vartanova Inna Albertovna assistant referee 35-20-84 6
Kucherenko Alina Nikolaevna Secretary 35-20-84 6
Dubrovskaya Marina Gennadievna Judge   7
Kolyadova Ekaterina Evgenievnaassistant referee 71-48-56 7
Mursalov Kadim Lachinovich secretary 71-48-56 7
Tatyana Alexandrovna Sheludchenko judge   15
Umarova Albina Makharovna assistant referee 75-22-41 15
Valeria Igorevna Sukhova Secretary 75-22-41 15
Elena Valentinovna Rudenko judge   16
Alekseev Dmitry Aleksandrovich assistant referee 71-48-50 16
Babbuchieva Farida Khyysaevna Secretary 71-48-50 16
Natalia Kuznetsova Judge   23
Yanina Oksana Viktorovna Judge Assistant 35-09-78 23
Andreeva Oksana Alexandrovna Secretary 35-09-78 23
Vacant Judge   -
Viktor Rozhko Assistant referee 71-58-78 18
Yuri Lyashov Secretary 35-09-78 23
vacant judge   -
Zurab Gedygushev assistant judge - -
Rusetskaya Elizaveta Alekseevna Secretary 75- 45-86 4
Vacant Judge - 8
Zakharova Elena Viktorovna assistant referee 75-43-74 8
Natalya Vladimirovna Radchenko Secretary 75-43-74 8
Kopyryulina Alexandra Sergeevna Secretary 75-43-54 12

Decrees on empowerment of judges
. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated May 18, 2019 "On the appointment of Armen Stepanovich Mkrtychyan as Chairman of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol."
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 265 dated May 01, 2021 “On the appointment of Irina Anatolyevna Yeshchenko as Deputy Chairman of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1430 of October 27, 2011 “On the appointment of Natalia Mikhailovna Kuznetsova as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 344 dated March 24, 2011 “On the appointment of Svetlana Fyodorovna Guseva as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 76 of January 17, 2012 “On the appointment of Marina Viktorovna Volkovskaya as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1240 of October 25, 2005 “On the appointment of Aleksey Ivanovich Eminov as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 147 of February 03, 2011 “On the appointment of Vladimir Nikolaevich Tkachuk as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1583 of December 01, 2012 “On the appointment of Irina Anatolyevna Yeshchenko as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 358 of June 11, 2021 “On the appointment of Nina Viktoronvna Pogodina as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of October 14, 2019 “On the appointment of Anna Nikolaevna Korzhova as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city Stavropol".
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 535 of November 07, 2017 “On the appointment of Elena Valentinovna Rudenko as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 554 of September 14, 2020 “On the appointment of Marina Gennadievna Dubrovskaya as a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol”.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 627 of October 15, 2020 “On the Appointment of Tatyana Alexandrovna Sheludchenko as a Judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Stavropol”.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION on filling vacancies in the state civil service in the apparatus of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Stavropol and the results of competitions for filling vacant positions can be obtained by phone:
( 8652) 75-29-97 - Petrova Svetlana Viktorovna.

Press Secretary of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol
assistant to the chairman of the court - Maslennikova Kristina Aleksandrovna
tel. 35-31-33

Law offices and law offices
Law office No. 6 of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Stavropol
address: 355003 Stavropol, Krasnoflotskaya street, house 32
tel: +7 (8652) 35 -72-13
Law office of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Stavropol
address: 355003 Stavropol city, Krasnoflotskaya street, house 32-a,
tel: (8652) 49-66-37
Lawyer chamber of the Stavropol Territory
address: 355000 Stavropol, Dovatortsev street, house 30-b
tel: (8652) 95-11-61,
tel/fax: 95-11-77 br>address; 119002, Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek street, 43
tel: 8 (495) 787-28-35;

BENEFICIARY: UFK for the IC (MIFNS of RUSSIA No. 12 for the Stavropol Territory)
TIN 2635028267
OKTMO 07701000
SINGLE Treasury account number 40102810345370000013
Treasury account 03100643000000012100
code 1400102
Recipient Bank Grkzgu Bank of Russia on SK
Beach 010702101
PPP 263501001
CBC 18210803010011000110

Procedural costs in criminal cases
BENEFICIARY: Office of the Federal Treasury for the UK (Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service for the UK, ph. 04211785200)
Requisites for transfer to the budget:
Personal account 04211785200
TIN 2634063910
KPP 263401001
Account 03100643000000012100
Cor. account 40102810345370000013
BIC of the beneficiary's bank 04211785200
OKTMO 07701000
KBK 32211302030016000130 - income received in order to reimburse the federal budget for expenses aimed at covering procedural costs Stavropol