• Country: Russia
  • State: Stavropol Territory
  • County: Izobilnenskij r-n
  • City: g Izobilnyj
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 3
  • Postcode: 356140
  • Site: http://izobylnensky.stv.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (86545)2-40-61
  • Longitude: 41.714231
  • Latitude: 45.376533
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Izobilnensky District Court
Izobilnensky District (Izobilnensky City District): Baklanovskaya village, Belyaev farm, Gaevskaya village, Izobilny town, village Kamennobrodskaya, Kozlov farms, Krasnaya Balka, Levoegorlyksky village, Moskovskoye village, Naydenovka, Novoizobilny village, Novotroitskaya village, Peredovoi village, Podluzhnoye village, Ptichye village, Rozhdestvenskaya village, Ryzdvyany village, Smykov farm, Solnechnodolsk village, Sporny farm, Staroizobilnaya village, Sukhoi farm , the village of Tishchenskoye, the village of Filimonovskaya, the farm Shirobokov.

A number of restrictions are being introduced in the work of the Izobilnensky District Court of the Stavropol Territory, due to which the personal reception of citizens, the acceptance of documents and their issuance on purpose in the building of the Izobilnensky District Court are suspended.
Information about the work of the court and about all court sessions will be reported to the participants of the process additionally.
Submission of procedural documents (statements of claim, petitions, appeals, private and cassation complaints, applications for the issuance of judicial acts and familiarization with the case materials, as well as other documents) is possible in electronic form or by mail.
Submission of appeals addressed to the chairman of the court is possible by sending an electronic appeal through the website of the court (section "Appeals of citizens") or by mail
Participants of court sessions and representatives are admitted to the court building 5 minutes before the appointed time and for consideration of the case only after non-contact body temperature control carried out by bailiffs, mandatory hand treatment with an antiseptic and in the presence of personal protective equipment (mask, respirator).
Participants in trials with a body temperature of 37 degrees and above are not allowed into the courthouse.
Participants of processes independently provide themselves with masks. SCHEDULE OF RECEPTION OF CITIZENS

Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court Fominov R. Yu.: Thursday: 15. 00 - 15. 45 court reception Monday - Thursday: 8.30 - 16.30
Friday: 8.30 - 15.30
Issuance of copies of court records meetings, decisions (definitions), sentences (decrees), familiarization with the case materials is carried out by the departments of the court: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8.30 - 12.00

Contact Information
Head of the General Department: tel. 24-53
Chief specialist in civil and administrative cases: tel. (86545) 2-80-27
Specialist in cases of administrative offenses: tel. t. (86545) 2-02-92

Composition of the court

Lilyakova Irina AnatolyevnaSecretary of the meeting
Position Surname First name Middle name Contact
Cabinet number
Chairman Roman Yurievich Fominov   18
Assistant to the Chairman of the Court Timonov Sergey Alekseevich 2-38-57 2-38-57 28
Sidorova Irina Alekseevna 2-40-61 reception of the chairman of the court
Deputy chairman of the court Mishin Evgeny Alexandrovich   29 29
Assistant referee Alferova Marina Sergeevna 2-40-61 31
Secretary of the meeting Shupikova Tatyana Yurievna 2-40-61 31
Judge Shamanskaya Olesya Alekseevna   24
Judge Assistant Sidorkina Elena Vinyaminovna 2-36-70 25
Secretary of the meeting Tsovinar Mekhakovna Voskanyan 2-36-70 25
Judge Ekaterina Lutsenko Yurievna   27
Assistant referee Anna Morozova 2 -03-23 43
Secretary of the meeting Elena Nikolaevna Manapova 2-03 -23 43
Judge Tatyana Vladimirovna Deryabina    
Assistant Referee Glushchenko Irina Sergeevna 2-03-23  
Secretary of the meeting Bityukova Maria Dmitrievna 2-03-23  
Judge Grigoriev Alexey Gennadievich   37
Assistant refereeBorlova Elena Mikhailovna 2-22-89 38
Secretary of the meeting Pozhidaeva Natalia Alexandrovna 2-22-89 38
Judge Dudkin Sergey Alexandrovich   42
Assistant Referee 2-21-71 41
Secretary of the session Vlasyuk Marina Svyatoslavovna 2-21-71 41
Judge Andrey Vladislavovich counters    
Assistant referee Diana Ivanovna Bobrishova 2-28-64 46
Secretary of the session Cherkashina Marina Ivanovna 2-28-64 2-28-64 42
Judge Vadim Vladimirovich Guzhov    
Assistant Referee Galina Viktorovna Misyurina 2-21-71  
Ermolenko Anastasia Sergeevna 2-21-71  

Subdivisions of the court:

Position Surname First name Middle name Contact phone number Office number
Court administrator Skazhennikova Galina Aleksandrovna 2-58-69 3
General Department      
Head of Department Oksana Mikhailovna Bratusina 2-53-42 27
Consultant Alena Sinkevich 2-38-57, 2-02-92 11 (reception)
Consultant - - -
Specialist Solokhina Svetlana Viktorovna 2-24-53 7
Specialist Ovcharenko Elena Nikolaevna 2-24-53 7
Leading Specialist Lyudmila Anatolyevna Pavlova 2-24-53 7
Judicial Support Department
Head of Department B Obryshova Olga Petrovna 2-80-27 2
Chief Specialist Chentsova Svetlana Petrovna 2-80-27 2
Specialist Bronnikova Lyudmila Vasilievna 2-80-27 2
Specialist Martiyanova Elena Prokofievna 2-80- 27 2

Powers of the Court
Federal Constitutional Law No. 1-FZK of December 31, 1996
Article 21. District Court
1. The district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The district court is the directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
3. The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the district court are established by federal constitutional law.

For information on filling vacancies in the civil service in the Izobilnensky District Court and the results of competitions for filling vacant positions, please call tel. 8(86545) 2-22-89 - Bratusina Oksana Mikhailovna.

Press-Secretary-Consultant of the Izobilnensky District Court
Alena Olegovna Sinkevich
vol. (886545) 2-02-92, (886545) 2-22-89

Phone numbers where you can get information of a reference nature
Background information on the consideration of the appeal of citizens, organizations, public associations, state authorities, local authorities of a non-procedural nature can be obtained by phone
8(865-45) 2-38-57 Timonov Sergey Alekseevich
8(865-45) 2-02-92 Sinkevich Alena Olegovna


Name of the payee UFK in the Stavropol Territory (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 4 for the IC)
Treasury account (filled in the field "account number" of the recipient) 03100643000000012100
TIN of the tax authority and its name 2615012580
KPP of the recipient:
Single treasury account (filled in the "Account No" field of the beneficiary's bank) 40102810345370000013
Name of the beneficiary's bank BRANCH OF STAVROPOL BANK OF RUSSIA/UFK in the Stavropol Territory Stavropol
BIK 010702101
Budget classification code (BCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State fee when filing a claim