• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
  • County: Mozdokskij r-n
  • City: g Mozdok
  • Street, House: ul Ordzhonikidze, dom 26
  • Postcode: 363750
  • Site: http://mozdoksky.wlk.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (86736)3-47-88
  • Longitude: 44.665098
  • Latitude: 43.728659
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Mozdok district: Mozdok urban settlement (Mozdok city), rural settlements Veselovskoye (Veseloye village, Druzhba village, Komarovo, Novo-Georgievskoye, Osetinsky village), Vinogradnenskoye (Vinogradnoye village, Mirny village), Kalininskoye (Kalininskoye village), Kievskoye (village Kievskoye), Kizlyarskoye (village of Kizlyar), Lukovskoye (village of Lukovskaya, village of Lukovskiy), Malgobekskoye (village of Nizhny Malgobek), Novo-Ossetinskoye (village of Elbaevo, villages of Novoossetinskaya, Chernoyarskaya, Chernoyarskaya railway station), Pavlodolskoye (village of Pavlodolskaya, village of Sovetsky) , Predgornenskoye (the villages of Maly Malgobek, Pidgornoye), Priterechnoye (the villages of Priterechny, Telman), Razdolnenskoye (the village of Razdolnoye), Sadovoe (the villages of Lyuba Kondratenko, Sadovy), Sukhotskoye (the village of Sukhotskoye), Terskoye (the village of Oktyabrskoye, the village of Terskaya), Troitskoye ( the village of Troitskoye), Khurikauskoye (the villages of Kusovo, Khurikau).

Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00
Friday from 9.00 to 17.00
Saturday, Sunday closed

Reception days of the Court Proceedings Department
Monday - from 9.00 to 13.00
Wednesday - from 9.00 to 13.00
Monday - Thursday – from 9:00 a.m. until 18:00 break from 13:00 until 14:00
Friday – from 9:00 a.m. to until 17:00 break from 13:00 until 14:00
Saturday, Sunday - day off

363753, North Ossetia-Alania, Mozdok, st. Ordzhonikidze, 26
Procedural support department: 8(86736)34788; 8(86736)36729
Fax 8(86736)34788; 35238

How to get to the building
Public transport - routes: No. 1, 2, 3, 6.

The structure of the organization of the activities of the Mozdok District Court of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Acting Chairman of the Mozdok District Court of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Armine Vladimirovna Oganesyan
Assistant to the Chairman of the Mozdok District Court of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Zalina E. Gusova Federal Judges of the Mozdok District Court of North Ossetia-Alania
Viktor Gennadievich Golovko
Armine Vladimirona Oganesyan
Nugzar Grafovich Khubaev
Elena Bondarenko
Oksana Konstantinovna Karabakhtsieva
Karginov Elbrus Alikhanovich
Osmanov Rasul Elmurzanovich Assistant judges of the Mozdok District Court
Kaloeva Z. O., Lebedeva T. G., Inozemtseva A. A., Gugieva O. V., Dziova L. A., Tuaeva Z. Kh., Khuriyeva S. M., Gabaraeva S. M.
Head of the department Kharebova O. V.
Consultant of the court Pankova O. Yu.
Senior specialist of the 3rd category (archivist) Abozina I. N.
Senior specialist of the 3rd category Shu Lepova A. Department of Legal Proceedings
Head of Department Dedegkayeva Zh. B.
Secretary of the Court for Criminal Cases Melikyan N. N.
Secretary of the Court for Civil Cases Blokhina N. I.
br>Secretary of the court for administrative cases Arefyeva L. A.
Courier of the court Kerimova E. L.
Secretaries of the court session Lutsenko G. P. , Indikova K. V. , Kolobekova L. L. , Galustova E. , Dzhelieva A. A.

Composition of the Court

Oksana Konstantinovna KarabakhtsievaJudge3-25-43Judge AssistantZalina Khasanbekovna Tuaeva3-25-43
F. Acting Position Tel. Position F. Acting phone
Markov Alexander Petrovich Chairman 3-33-26 Assistant to the Chairman of the Court Zalina Gusova 3-27-16
Armine Vladimirovna Oganesyan Deputy Chairman of the Court 3-25-89 Judge's Assistant Galina Pavlovna Lutsenko 3-25-89
Secretary of the court session Alexandra Anatolyevna Dzhelieva 3-25-89
    3 -45-44 Assistant referee Kaloeva Zalina Olegovna 3-45-44
Secretary court session Perepelitsyna Larisa Albertovna 3-45-44
    3-19-49 Assistant referee Lebedeva Tatyana Gennadievna 3-19-49
      Secretary of the court session Indikova Kristina Vagifovna 3-1 9-49
    3-69-25 Assistant referee Dziova Larisa Akhsarbekovna 3-69-25
Bondarenko Elena Alexandrovna judge 3-32-53 Judge's assistant Anastasia A. Inozemtseva 3-32-53
Secretary of the court session < 3-25-43
Elbrus Alikhanovich Karginov judge 3-33-87 Assistant referee Gugieva Olga Vladimirovna 3-33-87
Secretary of the court session   3-33-87
Osmanov Rasul Elmurzanovich court ya 3-69-25 Judge's assistant
Secretary of the court session
Sabina Maulitovna Gabaraeva
Ekaterina Magomedovna Arefieva
General Department
Kharebova Oksana Vladimirovna Head of the General Department 3-47-88      
Olga Yuryevna Pankova Court consultant 3-52-38    
Shulepova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Senior Specialist, 3rd category 3-47-88      
Abozina Irina Nikolaevna Senior specialist of the 3rd category (archivist) 3-47-88      
Provision Department Litigation
Dedegkayeva Zhanna Borisovna Head of the Department of Legal Proceedings 3-67-29 <      
Natalia Ivanovna Blokhina Court Secretary for Civil Affairs 3-67-29      
Arefyeva Lyudmila Anatolievna Court clerk for administrative cases 3-52-64      
Natalya Nikolaevna Melikyan Criminal Court Secretary 3-52-64      
Office Management Department
Daniella Ruslanovna AndrosovaI. about. leading specialist
i. about. Secretary for Criminal Affairs>Vasilchenko Aelita Ashotovna
Secretary for Administrative Offenses 9-99-06      
Karina Olegovna Kulumbegova Specialist 2nd category
courier, archivist
Protsenko Elena Nikolaevna consultant 9- 99-05      

Markov Alexander Petrovich. Chairman of the Mozdok District Court of North Ossetia-Alania. Appointed to the position of Chairman of the Mozdok District Court by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 147 dated March 16, 2021
Oganesyan Armine Vladimirovna. Deputy Chairman of the Mozdok District Court of North Ossetia-Alania. Appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the District Court by Presidential Decree No. 627 dated October 15, 2020
Elbrus Alikhanovich Karginov. Appointed to the position of a judge of the district court by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 of July 07, 2009
Khubaev Nugzar Grafovich. Appointed to the position of a judge of the district court by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 299 dated March 31, 2006
Bondarenko Elena Alexandrovna. Appointed to the position of a judge of the district court by Presidential Decree No. 313 dated March 10, 2007
Oksana Konstantinovna Karabakhtsiyeva. Appointed to the position of a judge of the district court by Presidential Decree No. 1280 dated October 31, 2002.
Victor Gennadievich Golovko. Appointed to the position of a judge of the district court by Presidential Decree No. dd
Osmanov Rasul Elmurzanovich. Appointed to the position of judge of the district court by Presidential Decree No. 858 of 21.11.2013

Requisites for paying the state fee in cases considered by the Mozdok District Court of North Ossetia-Alania

Recipient payment: UFK RNO-Alania
Tax authority: Interdistrict IFTS of Russia for Mozdok region
OGRN: 1041500754580
TIN: 1515900068
Checkpoint: 151001001
Tax authority code: 1510
OKTMO code: 90630101
Current account number: 03100643000000011000
Name of the bank: GRKTS NB, Vladikavkaz
BIC: 019033100
Budget classification code: 182 108 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment: state duty for cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction.

Video conferencing
Hall No. 4 is equipped with a video conferencing system
VCS IP address: 10. 15. 48. 52
Name of the person responsible for video conferencing: Gusova Z E.
Phone: +7(86736) 32716
Moscow Time