• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
  • County: Irafskij r-n
  • City: s Chikola
  • Street, House: ul A.Fadzaeva, dom 16
  • Postcode: 363500
  • Site: http://irafsky.wlk.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (86734)3-17-85
  • Fax: (86734)3-17-85
  • Longitude: 43.923153
  • Latitude: 43.200267
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Irafsky District Court.
Irafsky district: rural settlements of Akhsarisar (villages of Akhsarisar, Kalukh), Galiatskoe (villages of Galiat, Dunta, Kamunta), Gularskoe (villages of Akhsau, Dzinaga, Nogkau), Zadaleskoe (villages of Upper Zadalesk, Upper Nar, Donifars , Lezgor, Matsuta, Nizhny Zadalesk, Nizhny Nar, Khanaz), Leskenskoe (Lesken village), Makhcheskoe (Vakats, Kazakhta, Kalnakhta, Kamata, Makhchesk, Faraskatta, Fasnal villages), Novourukhskoe (Dzagepbarz, Novy Urukh villages), Sovetskoye (village Sovetskoye), Sredneurukhskoye (Sredny Urukh village), Stur-Digorskoye (Kussu, Moska, Odola, Stur-Digora villages), Surkh-Digorskoye (Surkh-Digora village), Toldzgunskoye (Toldzgun village), Khaznidonskoye (Khaznidon village), Chikolinskoye ( Chikola village).

Court opening hours
Monday - Thursday 9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.00
Lunch break from 13.00 - 14.00
weekends: Saturday, Sunday Federal judges do not receive receptions Reception of the court
Reception of citizens is carried out daily:
Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 18 00:00
Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00
tel. 3-11-32
Court Office:
office. No. 2 (1st floor) tel: 3 - 17 - 85

Order of the Reception Office
Reception is conducted by assistant judges: Dzoblaev A.S., Tsavkaev A.T. in office No. 8 (2nd floor).
Reception of citizens is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis upon presentation of an identity document, a document confirming the authority of a representative, during working hours.

Working hours of the Reception of the Irafsky District Court of North Ossetia-Alania
From the 1st to the 15th day of the month from 9-00 to 18-00 - assistant to the chairman of the court Dzoblaev A.S.
From 16 to the 30th day of the month from 9-00 to 18-00 - assistant judge Tsavkaev A.T.

Court office: (886734)3-17-85
Court archive: (886734) 3-17-85
Fax: (886734) 3-17-85

Composition of the court

Position Surname, name, patronymic Office phone Cab. Basic of empowerment
I. about. Chairman of the Court Tsopanov Arsen Valerievich 8 (86734) 3-18-36 9 Order of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 90KD/75 dated 30. 07. 2021 8  
Secretary of Court Sessions Angelika Arturovna Bolloeva 8 (86734) 3-21-18 11  
Judge Batyrov Alan Ramazanovich       8 (86734) 3-18-82 11 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 644 of July 25, 2013
Assistant referee Pinova Guara Vladimirovna 8 (86734) 3-11-32 8  
Secretary of Court Sessions Tamara Alanovna Marzoeva 8 (86734) 3-18-82 7  
Judge Oksana Stanislavovna Temirova 8 (86734) 3-16-45 8 (86734) 3-16-45 15 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 dated June 18, 2007
Secretary of Court Sessions Khamitsaeva Marina Khet agovna 8 (86734) 3-17-47 14  
Court administrator Irma Isaevna Fadzaeva 8 (86734) 3-17-85 2  
Leading Specialist Balikoeva Irma Avdrakhmanovna 8 (86734) 3-17-85 4 <
Chief Specialist Tsokova Taisa Dzankhotovna 8 (86734) 3-17-85 2  
Secretary of the Court for Civil Cases Albina Slavikovna Kardanovna 8 (86734) 3-17-85 8 (86734) 3-17-85 3  
Criminal Court Secretary Abisalovna Albina Ivanovna 8 (86734) 3-17-85 3  

Court Office

Alan Stanislavovich Dzoblaev Assistant to the Chairman of the Court 3-11-32
Tsavkaev Azamat Totrazovich Assistant Referee 3-11-32
Pinova Guara Vladimirovna Consultant 3-11-32
Balikoeva Irma Avdrakhmanovna Leading Specialist 3-17-85
Abisalova Albina Ivanovna Court Secretary for Criminal Cases 3-17-85
Albina Slavikovna Kardanova Secretary of the Court for Civil Cases 3-17-85
Khamitsaeva Marina Khetagovna Secretary of the court session 3-17-47
Mukhammedova Manana Nikolaevna Secretary of the court session 3-21-18
Ezeeva Diana Anatolivna Secretary of the court session 3-21-18
Fadzaeva Ir Ma Isaevna Administrator
Tsokova Taisiya Dzankhotovna Chief Specialist 3-17-85
Tsamakayeva Indira Borisovna Courier 3-17- 85

Requisites for paying the state fee

Payee: BRANCH -NB RESP. NORTH OSSETIA - ALANIA OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA//UFK for the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Vladikavkaz
OGRN: 1101516001575
TIN: 1514000018 1514000018
Checkpoint: 151401001
Tax authority code: 1514
OKTMO code: 90620470
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (number of the bank account included in the Treasury Single Account (TSA)): 40102810945370000077
Beneficiary Account Number (Treasury Account Number: 03100643000000011000
Number of a valid bank account: 40101810100000010005
Name of the bank: OFFICE-NB RESP. NORTH OSSETIA - ALANIA OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA 18210803010011050110
Name of payment: state shock duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction.