• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Ingushetia
  • County: Dzhejrakhskij r-n
  • City: s Dzhejrakh
  • Street, House: ul D.Lyanova, dom 47
  • Postcode: 386430
  • Site: http://djeirah.ing.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (8734)33-10-56
  • Longitude: 44.689344
  • Latitude: 42.819639
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Jeirakh region: rural settlements of Beini (villages of Beini, Govzt, Duhurgisht, Kasheti, Khyastmage, Eban), Guli (villages Angenty, Anty, Barakh, Barkhane, Biysar, Birgi, Bisht, Vovnushke, Gadaborsh, Galoshpe, Ganti, Gappi, Gireti, Gu, Guli, Gyant, Dakhala, Doshalkhe, Iskontne, Ismail-kov, Yovli, Kashtam, Kekki, Keli, Kerda, Kiy, Koirakh, Kost, Khart, Khyakhk, Kayna, Kyazi, Leimi, Lyalakh, Meler, Musiyk’ongiykote, Mukhali, Myashkhi, Niy, Niykoite, Nilha, Nyakaste, Ozdig, Ozig, Pui, Pyaling, Salgi, Targim, Tumag, Khairakhe, Khamkhi, Khyani, Tsoli, Tsori, Tskharalte, Tskhiyri, Tsyzdi, Egikhal, Eyhante, Ersh), Dzheyrakh (villages of Armkhi, Gorbani, Dzheyrakh, Pkhmat, Tamariani, Furtoug), Lyazhgi (villages of Gark, Lyazhgi, Metskhal, Morchi, Falkhan), Olgeti (villages Byalgan, Kerrakh, Koshk, Olgeti, Tyarsh, Hamishk, Shoani, Erzi).

Schedule of reception of citizens by judges of the Dzheyrakhsky District Court of the Republic of Ingushetia

Position Name Reception day Reception hours
I. about the chairman of the court Gadaborsheva T.M.

Special operating hours of the court in connection with the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) have been extended until March 1, 2022, inclusive, which provides for the following changes:
Suspended personal reception of citizens Chairman of the Dzheyrakhsky District Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, held weekly on Friday, as well as the acceptance of documents on purpose and their issuance in the building of the Dzheyrakhsky District Court of the Republic of Ingushetia.
Reception and issuance of documents in the court is carried out by postal communication, through the e-mail of the court and through the service on the website of the court "Submission of procedural documents in electronic form".
Restricted access to court for persons who are not participants in litigation.
The admission of visitors and court employees to the court building is carried out only after non-contact body temperature control carried out by bailiffs, mandatory hand sanitizing and personal protective equipment (masks, respirators, gloves).
It is forbidden to enter the courthouse if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) and acute respiratory viral disease.
In the building of the Dzheirakhsky District Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, it is necessary to observe a social distance of 1.5 - 2 m, wearing masks (the participants in court sessions provide themselves with masks).
It is prohibited to admit the participants of the court sessions to the premises of the court and the courtrooms in case of non-compliance with the specified restrictions.

Contact numbers
Chairman (8734) 33-10-56 3-10-56
Administrator (8734) 33-10-53 3-10-53
Office (8734) 33-10-53 (f)
Reception (8734) 33-10-56 3-10-56

I. about. President of the Court

Full name of the judge Previous appointment, by whom (date, document number)
Gadaborsheva Tamara Mussaevna appointed to the position of a judge by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 dated December 30, 2018.

Court staff
• Assistant to the chairman of the court
- Lyanov Magomed Amurkhanovich
• Judges' assistants
General department
• Head of the general department
-Keligov Saigodin Aslanovich
• Chief Specialist
- Lyanov Adam A
• Court clerk
- Matieva Toma Ibragimovna
• Secretaries of the court session
- Bekova Aza Aboevna
- Chanieva Pyatimat Muharbekovna
- Barakhoeva Makka Savarbekovna
- Sagova Khyadi Tamerlanovna
• Senior specialist of the 1st category
- Kostoev Adam Khadzhibikarovich
• Specialist of the 1st category
- Tsitskiev Magomed Alambekovich
• Court administrator
- Bogolov Beslan Ruslanbekovich

General Department
Head of Department Keligov Saigodin Aslanovich (8734) 33-10-53

Powers of the court
District courts are the main link in the Russian judicial system.
A district court is created in a judicial district, the territory of which covers the territory of one district, city or other corresponding administrative-territorial unit of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. A district court may also be established in a judicial district, the territory of which covers the territories of several districts having common (adjacent) boundaries or other administrative-territorial units of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation corresponding to them.
A district court considers all civil and criminal cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by law to the jurisdiction of other courts, as well as appeals (representations) against decisions of justices of the peace acting in the territory of the corresponding judicial district.

Information on filling vacant positions in the state civil service in the court apparatus can be obtained at: 386430, p. Dzheyrakh, st. Lyanova, d. 47
Tel. : (8734) 33-10-56

Chairman - (8734)33-10-56
Judge - (8734)33-10-53

Organization of SMS notifications
In the Dzheyrakhsky district court, notification of the participants in the trial about the date, time and place of the court session can be carried out via SMS messages.
Notification of the participants of the trial by means of SMS is carried out if they agree to notification in this way and upon fixing the fact of sending and delivering the SMS notification to the addressee. The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the data on the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent is indicated.

Responsible for notifying via SMS messages
SMS notification of participants in court sessions in the Dzheyrakhsky District Court of the Republic of Ingushetia is carried out by secretaries of court sessions Chanieva P.M. and Bekova A.A.


Name of the bankBranch of the National Bank of the Republic of Ingushetia
Name of the payee UFK for RI ( MI FTS of Russia No. 1 for Ingushetia) 060601001
Cor. account 40102810345370000027
BIC 012618001
Code budget classification (BSC) 18210803010011050110
OKTMO 26620410
Name of payment State duty


Name of the bankBranch of the National Bank of the Republic of Ingushetia
Name of the payee UFK for Ingushetia (MI FTS of Russia No. 1 for Ingushetia)
TIN 0606013400
Checkpoint 060601001
Cor. account 40102810345370000027
BIC 012618001
Code budget classification (BSC) 18210803010011060110
OKTMO 26620410
Name of payment Fine

Video conferencing
Numbers of courtrooms equipped with videoconferencing systems:
In the Dzheyrakhsky District Court, hall No. 1 is equipped with a videoconferencing system
✓IP address of the videoconferencing system:10. 6. 51. 50
✓Telephone number (fax) of the departmental network of the videoconferencing network: 7065101
✓Contact details of the person responsible for organizing the videoconferencing network:
- chief specialist of the general department Lyanov Adam Amurkhanovich
- phone:( 8734)33-10-56