• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Daghestan
  • County: Sulejman-Stalskij r-n
  • City: s Kasumkent
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 26a
  • Postcode: 368760
  • Site: http://s-stalskiy.dag.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: +7(872)363-41-24
  • Longitude: 48.157847
  • Latitude: 41.67746
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Suleiman-Stal district court
Suleiman-Stal district: rural settlements Alkadar village council (Alkadar villages, Sardarkent), Ashaga- village council Stalsky (Ashaga-Stal-Kazmalyar, Ashaga-Stal villages), Gereykhanovsky village council (villages of the 2nd branch of the state farm, Gereykhanovskoye, Novy Mamrach), Darkush-Kazmalyar village, Ispiksky village council (Asalikent, Ispik, Salyan villages), Karchagsky village council (villages Zizik, Karchag, Nyutyug, Ekendil), the village council of Kasumkent (the villages of Kasumkent, Kakhtsug, Saidkent), the village of Kurkent, the village council of Novomakinsky (the villages of Novaya Maka, Chuhverkent), the village of Orta-Stal, the village council of Ullugatagsky (the villages of Ashagakartas, Ptikent, Saitarkent, Tatarkhankent, Ullugatag, Yukharikartas), Khpyuk village, Tsmursky village council (Ichin, Kachalkent, Tsmur villages), Shikhikentsky village council (Butkent, Zukhrabkent, Piperkent, Khtun, Shihikent villages), Eminkhyur village, Yukhari-Stal village.

Territorial jurisdiction of Suleiman-Stalsky district court No. 2
Kurakhsky district: rural settlements Aladash village, Asharsky village council (Ashar, Kukvaz villages), Gelkhensky village council (Gelkhen, Kvardal villages), Ikrinsky village council (Bakhtsug, Ikra, Rugun, Sarag villages), Kabir village, Kochkhursky village council (Bugdatepe, Kochkhur villages), Kumuk village, Kurakhsky village council (Kurakh, Khurekhyur villages), Kutulsky village council (Akhnig, Kutul villages), Mollakentsky village council (Arablyar villages, Mollakent), Usugsky village council (Ukuz, Usug, Khverej villages), Khpyuk village, Shimikhyursky village council (Ursun, Khpej, Shimikhyur villages), Shtulsky village council (Ashakent, Shtul villages).

Court Hours

Monday from 09:00 until 18:00
Tuesday from 09:00 to 18:00
Wednesday from 09:00 to 18:00
Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00
Friday from 09:00 until 18:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Tuesday from 09:00 to 18:00 ( lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Wednesday from 09:00 to 18:00(lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Thursday from 09:00 to 18 :00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Friday from 09:00 until 18:00 (lunch from 13 :00 to 14:00)
Saturday No applications

Civil Litigation Support Reception

Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Tuesday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Wednesday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Thursday from 09:00 to 18: 00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Friday from 09:00 until 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Saturday No Reception

Accomplishment in the support department criminal proceedings

Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Tuesday from 09:00until 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Wednesday from 09 :00 until 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00)
Saturday No appointment

The following mode of operation is being established:
Personal reception of citizens, personal reception of applications, complaints and other procedural documents has been suspended.
Restricted access to the court of citizens who are not participants in the process. To submit procedural documents, we suggest using the "Electronic Justice" service or postal services, and for filing other appeals - the "Electronic Justice" service or the court's official e-mail.
All cases scheduled for consideration at a court session at the present time are considered if the court has information about the proper notification of the participants in the process and the absence of their petitions to postpone the consideration of the case for a good reason, including in connection with the isolation regime in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The court may also decide to consider the case via video link.
Access to the building of the Suleiman-Stalsky District Court, including participants in court hearings, is allowed only if there is personal respiratory protection equipment (mask, respirator) and hands (gloves), mandatory hand treatment with an antiseptic, and also after body thermometry with a special device.

Contact information
Postal address: 368760, Republic of Dagestan, Suleiman-Stalsky district, s. Kasumkent, Lenina, 26 "A"
Phone numbers/fax:
+7 (872) 363-41-20 - Reception of the chairman of the court/fax
+7 (872) 363-41-24 - Office Court
+7 (872) 363-41-25 - Court Administrator

Judges and the grounds for empowering judges
Chairman of the court Dovletkhanov Alirza Farizovich
Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 106 of March 18, 2019
Reception of the chairman of the court: tel. Tel. +7 (872) 363-41-21
Mayina Nazimovna Tagirova
Appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 141 dated February 20, 2020
Reception of a judge: tel. +7 (872) 622-41-21

Judges' assistants
Judges' assistant
Maidin Rabiddinovich Shikhbabaev
Contact working teflon: 8 (872)-363-41-20
Judge's assistant
Alimirzoev Salman Kasumovich
Contact work phone: 8 (872) 363-41-21
Judge's assistant
Abdul Bilalovich Makhmudov
Judge's assistant
Kyurebekova Amina Ekendarovna

Judicial Support Department
Secretary of court session
Shaydabegov Mukhtar Ezmirovich
Secretary of court session
Shaydabegov Kazbek Ezmirovich
Secretary of court session
Aminov Imam Kachabekovich
Secretary of the court session
Bugaeva Larisa Musaevna

General department of office work and personnel
Secretary of the court
Babakhvaev Eldar Tofikovich
Contact work phone: +7 (872) -363-41-24
Chief specialist of the court
Elvira Alimovna Gadzhikurbanova
Contact work phone: +7 (872)-363-41-24
Court specialist
Mukailov Khadzhimurad Rashidovich
Contact work phone: +7 (872)-363- 41-24

Court administrator
Renat Kamilovich Gasanov
contact work phone +7 (872) 363-41-25

Court Division

F. I. O.
Gasanov Renat Kamilovich
Shikhbabaev Maidin Rabiddinovich
Alimirzoev Salman Kasumovich
Makhmudov Abdul Bilalovich
Kyurebekova Amina Eskendarovna
Chairman of the court
court administrator
assistant prev. judge
assistant judge
assistant judge
assistant judge
+7 (872) 363-41-20
+7 (872) 363-41-21
+ 7 (872) 622-41-21
+7 (872) 363-41-25
+7 (872) 363-41-20
+7 (872) 363-41-21
+7 (872) 363-41-21

Judicial Support

F. I. O.
Shaydabegov Mukhtar Ezmirovich
Secretary of court session
Secretary of court session
Secretary of court session
Secretary of court session

Composition of the Suleiman-Stalsky District Court No. 2 in the village of. Kurakh
Judicial Support

F. I. O. judge
secretary of the court session
assistant of the judge
+7 (872) 622-41-21
+7 (872) 622-41-21

Address: 368180; The Republic of Dagestan; Kurakhsky district; from. Kurakh; st. Embankment d. 23 "a".
tel. (fax): +7 (872) 622-25-45

Personnel support
Postal address: 368760, Republic of Dagestan, Suleiman-Stalsky district, s. Lenina, 26 "A"
Phone numbers/fax:
8(236) 3-41-20 - Reception of the chairman of the court/fax
8(236) 3-41-24 - Office of the court
8(236) 3-41-25 - Court administrator
Management of the Judicial Department in the Republic of Dagestan, personnel department:

Press Service
Head of the Press Service
Salman Kasumovich Alimirzoev
Phones: +7 (872) -363-41-24.
Postal address:
368760, Republic of Dagestan, Suleiman-Stalsky district, s. Kasumkent, st. Lenina 26a
Telephone numbers/fax:
+7 (872) 363-41-20 - Reception of the chairman of the court/fax
+7 (872) 363-41-24 - Office of the court
+7 (872) 363-41-25 - Court Administrator

State duty details
368760. Republic of Dagestan, Suleiman-Stalsky district, village. Kasumkent, st. T. Khryugskogo 25, Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 2 for the Republic of Dagestan.
Recipient's bank: GRCC NB RD, Bank of Russia, Makhachkala, BIK 018209001, account 03100643000000010300.
Recipient: UFK for RD (MRI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 2 for RD) TIN 0529010930,
KPP 052901001, KBC 18210803010011050110, OKTMO 82647000.

Video conference call
Court address: 368760, p. Kasumkent, st. Lenina, 26a.
The time difference with Moscow is 0 hours.
IP address – 10. 5. 86. 50 - 1 s/z hall
IP address – 10. 5. 72. 50 - 1 s/s hall Building No. 2
Contact details of persons, responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing:
Tel. : 8 (872) 363-41-24
Court worker Babakhvaev Eldar Tofikovich