• Country: Russia
  • State: Komi Republic
  • City: g Syktyvkar
  • Street, House: ul Pushkina, dom 20
  • Postcode: 167000
  • Site: http://syktsud.komi.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (8212)40-96-21 (obshch., ug.), 40-96-44 (grazhd.), 24-97-58 (adm.)
  • Longitude: 50.842247
  • Latitude: 61.666261
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Syktyvkar city district: Verkhny Myrtyyu village, Upper Maksakovka village, Vyltydor village, Krasnozatonsky village, Sedkyrkeshch, Syktyvkar city, village Trehozerka.

Court opening hours

Monday 8:25 - 18:00Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00
Tuesday8:25 – 18:00Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00
Wednesday8:25 – 18:00Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00
Thursday8:25 – 18:00Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00
Friday8:20 – 14:00without lunch break
Saturdayday off 
Sundayday off 

Schedule of personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations by the Chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Komi Republic and Deputy Chairmen of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Komi Republic

Position F. Acting name Date of personal receptionTimeCourt staff member responsible for organizing personal reception, contact phone  to make an appointment
Chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Republic of KomiSarvilina Nadezhda Alexandrovnalast Friday of every monthfrom 09-00 to 10-00Igor Vyacheslavovich Nogovitsin,  Assistant to the Chairman of the Court,
(8212) 40-96-21
Deputy Chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Komi Republic for Civil CasesPlatto Natalia ValerievnaFirst Wednesday of each monthfrom 09-00 to 10-00Anna Aleksandrovna Dokukina assistant judge,
(8212) 40-96-44
Deputy Chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Komi Republic for Criminal CasesZverev Viktor NikolaevichSecond Thursday of each monthfrom 09-00 to 10-00Tatyana Ivanovna Loginova assistant judge,
(8212) 40-96-33
Deputy Chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court of the Republic of Komi for Administrative CasesLekontsev Alexander Panteleevichthird Thursday of each monthfrom 09-00 to 10-00 Lyakhova Oksana Viktorovna Assistant Referee,
(8212) 24-97-58

In the case when the day of the personal reception falls on a public holiday, the date of the personal reception is transferred, as a rule, to the next working day.

Taking into account the extension of the high alert regime and quarantine measures in the region until the relevant decision is made by the Head of the Komi Republic (Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 15.03. 2020 No. 16 "On the introduction of a high alert regime", as amended on 09.28.2021 No. 115), on the basis of the order of the chairman of the Syktyvkar City Court dated 01.10.2021 No. 107, the court proceedings were organized in compliance with the requirements of epidemiological safety, mask regime and rules of social distancing.
When in the courthouse, use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators), observe social distance.
Personal reception of citizens by the chairman of the court and his deputies to be suspended.
Recommend citizens to submit documents through the electronic Internet reception of the court or through postal services. If it is impossible to submit documents by the above methods, documents can be submitted through the court reception by appointment by phone number 8 (8212) 40-96-68.
Restrict access to the premises of the court of citizens who are not participants in the processes, not included in the lists for filing documents by appointment, not related to the activities of the court, media representatives. In exceptional cases, media representatives are admitted to court hearings in cases of public interest with the permission of the chairman of the court
Participants in proceedings are admitted only if there is a summons or SMS notification, after measuring body temperature with a special device (medical non-contact infrared thermometer), without signs of respiratory diseases, in personal respiratory protection (masks, respirators). In the absence of a summons or SMS notification, admission to the court building is carried out with the permission of the judge presiding over the case.
Familiarization with the materials of court cases is carried out in the general manner by appointment.

Reception of the chairman of the court 8(8212)40-96-21
Reception of the deputy chairman for criminal cases (8-8212) 40- 96-33
Deputy Chairman's Office for Civil Cases (8-8212) 40-96-44
Deputy Chairman's Office for Administrative Cases (8-8212) 40-96-36
Criminal Litigation Department ( 8-8212) 40-96-62
Civil Litigation Division (8-8212) 40-96-61
Administrative Litigation Division (8-8212) 40-96-65
Incoming Registration correspondence (8-8212) 40-96-68
Archive (8-8212) 20-25-67

Contact information

24-97-58  >40-96-4221-60-14Rodionov Alexey VyacheslavovichSecretary of the court sessionChuprova Yana Vladimirovna 609 21-67-86
PositionF. I. O. office No. Telephone number (8212)
ChairmanSarvilina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna805  
Assistant to the Chairman of the CourtIgor Vyacheslavovich Nogovitsin80440-96 -21
Secretary of the court sessionBelova Olga Sergeevna80440-96-21
Deputy Chairman of the Court for Criminal CasesZverev Viktor Nikolaevich605 
Assistant refereeTatyana Ivanovna Loginova60440-96-33
Secretary of the court sessionKolegova Marina Ivanovna60440-96-33
Deputy Chairman of the Administrative CourtAlexander Panteleevich Lekontsev57 
Assistant judgeLyakhova Oksana Viktorovna5624-97-58
Secretary of the court sessionElena Nikolaevna Gut56
Deputy Chairman of the Court for Civil CasesNatalia Valerievna Platto607 
Assistant refereeAnna Dokukina60640-96-44
Secretary of the court sessionStartseva Inna Mikhailovna60640-96-44
Judge-civilianLushkova Svetlana Valerievna707 
Assistant refereePakhinova Tatiana Evgenievna70840-96-30
Secretary of the court sessionKaneva Lyudmila Sergeevna70840-96-30
Judge- CivilianOlga Aleksandrovna Mashkaleva710 
Judge's AssistantBishyus Marina Vyacheslavovna70940-96-32
Secretary of the court sessionUkhanova Margarita Sergeyevna70940-96-32
Civilist judgePopov Andy Rey Valeryevich711 
Assistant refereeBabikova Ksenia Antonovna70940-96-31
Secretary of the court sessionPilipenko Ekaterina Grigorievna709 40-96-31
Civilist judgeOleynik Ivan Ivanovich704
Assistant refereeGrigoryeva Galina Andreevna70340-96 -28
Secretary of the court sessionNatalia Nikolaevna Vaneeva70340-96-28
AssistantNatalya Alexandrovna Bigler70240-96-34
Secretary of court sessionKristina Viktorovna Dikgaut70240-96-34
Judge -criminalistSemenova Ekaterina Nikolaevna306 
Assistant judgeHemp Olga Andreevna30740-96-58
Secretary of the court sessionPundikova Ekaterina Vladimirovna30740-96-58
Civilist judgeSaenko Olga Leonidovna 501 
Judge's assistantYulia Davidovna Sokolova502
Secretary of the court sessionAnastasia Vitalievna Kryzhevskaya50240-96-42
Judge-civilianKolosova Nadezhda Egorovna503 
Assistant judgeIrina Alexandrovna Kiprusheva50240-96-43
Secretary of the court sessionOksana Sergeevna Gorbatenko50240-96-43
Civilian JudgePrilepova Natalya Nikolaevna505 
Secretary of the court sessionMaria Nikolaevna Voitko50440-96-36
Judge- civilis tDilyara Faritovna Gubaeva401 
Assistant refereePechenkina Anna Andreevna40240-96-49
Secretary of the court sessionGalina Sinitskaya Fedorovna40240-96-49
Civilist judgeNikitenkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna td>403 
Assistant refereeAdamenko Ekaterina Anatolyevna40240-96-50
Secretary of the court sessionOlga Anatolyevna Komarova402 40-96-50
Civil JudgePanshin Dmitry Alexandrovich301  
Assistant refereeTebenkova Natalia Valentinovna30240-96-55 td>
Secretary of the court sessionSemenchina Elizaveta Evgenievna30240-96-55
Judge-civilianAvtushin Fedor Aleksandrovich303 
Judge's assistantBelyakova Alexandra Igorevna30240-96-56
Judicial secretary sessionMarina Vladimirovna Letun30240-96-56
Civilist Judge td>Olga Sergeevna Nekrasova305 
Judge's AssistantEkaterina Nikonova Sergeevna30440-96-57
Secretary of the court sessionYulia Dmitrievna Katarzhnova td>30440-96-57
Civilist judgeShishelova Tatyana Leonidovna405 
Assistant judgeDaria Yuryevna Koroleva404 40-96-51
Secretary of the court sessionAnna Ruslanovna Chernysheva404 40-96-51
Civil JudgeLyudmila Anatolyevna Pechinina706 
Assistant refereeNatalia Mikhailovna Abramova70540-96-29
Secretary of the court sessionChalanova Maria Vladimirovna70540-96-29
Judge -criminalistNadezhda Nikolaevna Kostyunina309 
Assistant judgeVictoria Alekseevna Knyazeva30840-96-41
Secretary of the court sessionIvanova Natalia Vladimirovna30840-96-41
Civilist judgeSukhorukova Svetlana Munirovna36 
Assistant refereeVakhnina Irina Nikolaevna32 21-60-14
Secretary of the court sessionOlga Anatolyevna Malozemova32
Forensic judgeMaxim Sergeevich Moiseev406 
Assistant refereeZakharevich Anastasia Anatolyevna40740-96-52
Secretary of the court sessionAgieva Yulia Andreevna40740-96-52
Forensic judgeValentina Sergeevna Trofimova614 
Assistant refereeAnna Vladimirovna Danilova61340-96-40
Secretary of the court sessionAlina Vladimirovna Ploskova61340-96-40
Forensic judgeKoyusheva Elena Aleksandrovna611 
Judge's assistantLubov Vladimirovna Vervay61040-96-38
Secretary of the court session Nikita Viktorovich Lobanov61040-96-38
Forensic judge61240-96-47
Assistant referee Pokrovkova Oksana Nikolaevna61040-96-47
Secretary of the court sessionYushkov Kirill Olegovich 61040-96-47
Forensic judgeValentina G. Shpileva 51240-96-47
Assistant refereeElena Leonidovna Kvaskova 51140-96-48
Secretary of the court sessionVera Nikolaevna Sukhorukova 51140-96-48
Forensic judgeNatalya Vasilievna Ignatova713713 td> 
Assistant refereePavlova Tatyana Nikolaevna71240- 96-59
Secretary of the court sessionOleg Vasilyevich Dzerin71240-96-59
Forensic judgeLekomtseva Maria Mikhailovna801 
Assistant refereeIgnatova Yulia Vasilievna80240-96-27
Anikina Yulia Pavlovna80240-96-27
Forensic judgeVyborova Svetlana Stanislavovna608 
Judge's assistant60940-96-37
Secretary of the court sessionAnastasia Sergeevna Gorbunova40-96-37
Forensic judgeGainetdinova Larisa Alexandrovna506 
Assistant RefereeVsevolod Petrovich Khozyainov50740-96-45
Secretary of the court sessionSalimova Natalia Alekseevna50740 -96-45
Forensic judgeSazhin Evgeny Alekseevich411 
Assistant RefereeNatalia Yermolaeva41040-96-54
Secretary of the court sessionTatyana Sergeevna Artemyeva41040-96-54
Forensic judgeArtem Yurievich Sadov510 
Assistant judgesKuznetsova Ekaterina Ivanovna50840-96-46
Secretary of the court session td> Eliseev Sergey Alexandrovich50840-96-46
Forensic judge Skolyarov Kirill Anatolyevich 50840-96-39
Secretary of the court sessionPolina Olegovna Natyaga 50840-96-39
Forensic judge 601
Assistant refereeEkaterina Andreevna Nechaeva60240-96 -53
Secretary of the court sessionAlena Vladimirovna Turkina60240-96-53
Civil JudgeMisharina Irina Sergeevna52 
Assistant refereeLitikova Marina Evgenievna5321-60-77
Secretary of the court sessionTatyana Sergeevna Muravieva5321-60-77
Civilian JudgeIrina Novikova Vladimirovna55 
Assistant refereeGalina Anatolyevna Perfilyeva5424-97-55
Secretary of the court sessionKrutikov Pavel Pavlovich5324-97-55
Civilist judgeYanina Vladimirovna Kodaneva47  
Assistant refereeVal Yulia Viktorovna4221-40- 61
Secretary of the court sessionEkaterina Sergeevna Steblina4221-40-6121-40-61 td>
Civil JudgeTatyana Anatolyevna Popova33 
Assistant refereeNatalya Shcherbakova4421-68-26
Secretary of the court sessionKazakova Elena Nikolaevna4421-68-26
Judge civil lawyerNatalia Nikolaevna Charkova43 
Judge's assistantLukonina Natalia Valentino vna4520-01-17
Secretary of the court sessionIsmailova Shahla Asif kyzy4520-01-17
Judge-civilianDultseva Yulia Alexandrovna 23 
Judge's assistantYegor Aleksandrovich Butenko27
Secretary of the court sessionSamsonov Artur Evgenyevich2721-67-86
Civil JudgeMosunova Elena Vasilievna26 
Assistant refereeSavitskaya Tatyana Sergeevna2121-61-24
Secretary of the court sessionBryazgina Anastasia Stanislavovna2121-61-24
Court AdministratorSergei Ivanovich Purtov80640-96-22
40-96-68Popova Evgenia Nikolaevna809
HR Department in and judicial office work
Head of the personnel departmentVera Vladimirovna Beresnevich81040-96- 25
Deputy Head of DepartmentNatalia Vechkanova81040-96-25 td>
Chief SpecialistSvetlana Stepanovna Rozova4020-25-67
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryLytkina Maria Gennadievna4020-25-67
Senior specialist 1 categoryFrolova Arina Nikolaevna4020-25-67
Registration of incoming correspondence
Chief SpecialistLyudmila Pavlovna Romanova10240-96-68
Chief SpecialistLyubov Yurievna Kirillova20740-96-68
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryKlimova Alexandra Andreevna102
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryAlexandra Nikolaevna Matveeva102 (fax)
Registration of outgoing correspondence
Senior specialist 1 categoryNefyodova Svetlana Viktorovna10140-96-67
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryAnna Ivanovna Serditova10140-96-67
Senior specialist 1st category10140-96-67
Senior Specialist, 1st CategoryOtev Vladimir Sergeevich10140-96-67
Department for Ensuring Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Head of DepartmentLebedeva Rada Nikolaevna20340-96-62
Deputy Head of DepartmentAnna Nikolaevna Belykh20340-96-62
Court SecretaryGalina Vasilievna Matveeva203 40-96-62
Court SecretaryOlga Vladimirovna Makhova203 40-96-62
Court SecretaryVeronika Vladimirovna Zinishina20340 -96-62
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryTatyana Viktorovna Morozova20340-96 -62
Civil Litigation Support Section
Head of Section Razmyslova Natalya Vladimirovna20240-96-61
Deputy Head of DepartmentKulakova Elena Aleksandrovna 20240-96-61
Specialist of the 1st categoryMaximova Olesya Vladimirovna20240-96-61
Court clerk 202 40-96-61
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryNatalya Ivanovna Ketova202 td>40-96-61
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryZabayrachnaya Natalia Mikhailovna20240-96-61
Administrative Proceedings Support Division
Head of DepartmentShakhtarova Elena Alexandrovna20140-96-65
Senior specialist of the 1st categoryLikhacheva Alexandra Ivanovna20140-96-65
Department of Informatization and Logistics
Head of DepartmentKhoroshko Marina Fedorovna808 40-96-24
Deputy Head of DepartmentDenis Vladimirovich Len809 40-96-24
Court consultantElena Mozhegova80940-96- 24
Chief SpecialistVurdova Irina Aleksandrovna20740-96-66
Senior specialist of the 1st categorySvetlana Anatolyevna Zubkova20440-96-63
EngineerArtemy Aleksandrovich Serov40-96-24
EngineerDmitry Yatsko809 40-96-24

Grounds for Empowerment
1. Sarvilina Nadezhda Alexandrovna - Chairman of the Court. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2019 No. 376.
2. Zverev Viktor Nikolaevich - Deputy Chairman of the Court for Criminal Cases. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 08, 2020 No. 377.
3. Lekontsev Alexander Panteleevich - Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Court. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 07, 2017 No. 361.
4. Platto Natalia Valerievna - Deputy Chairman for Civil Affairs. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2021 No. 565.
5. Avtushin Fedor Alexandrovich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 2, 2016 No. 3.
6. Vyborova Svetlana Stanislavovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2013 No. 512.
7. Gainetdinova Larisa Aleksandrovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2013 No. 514.
8. Gubaeva Dilyara Faritovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2019 No. 345.
9. Dultseva Yuliya Alexandrovna - retired judge, has been called to serve as a judge for up to 6 months.
10. Kodaneva Yanina Vladimirovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2016 No. 338.
11. Koikova Taisiya Alexandrovna – judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2021 No. 565.
12. Kolosova Nadezhda Egorovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 No. 938.
13. Kostyunina Nadezhda Nikolaevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2020 No. 779.
14. Koyusheva Elena Alexandrovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2013 No. 644.
15. Lekomtseva Maria Mikhailovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 02, 2021 No. 4.
16. Lushkova Svetlana Valerievna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 23, 2017 No. 506.
17. Mashkaleva Olga Alexandrovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 243.
18. Misharina Irina Sergeevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2019 No. 225.
19. Moiseev Maxim Sergeevich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2015 No. 531.
20. Mosunova Elena Vasilievna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2019 No. 496.
21. Nekrasova Olga Sergeevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2012 No. 684.
22. Nikitenkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2014 No. 41.
23. Novikova Irina Vladimirovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 776.
24. Oleinik Ivan Ivanovich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2007 No. 936.
25. Panshin Dmitry Alexandrovich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2015 No. 381.
26. Pechinina Lyudmila Anatolyevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2020 No. 554.
27. Popov Andrey Valerievich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2016 No. 552.
28. Popova Tatyana Anatolyevna - a retired judge, was called to the performance of the duties of a judge for a period of up to 1 year.
29. Prilepova Natalya Nikolaevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2021 No. 755.
30. Rodionov Alexey Vyacheslavovich judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.11.2021 No. 625.
31. Sadov Artem Yurievich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2018 No. 540.
32. Saenko Olga Leonidovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2309. 2018 No. 540.
33. Sazhin Evgeny Alekseevich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 858.
34. Selezneva Natalya Vasilievna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2018 No. 467. October 14, 2021, the surname Ignatov was assigned.
35. Semenova Ekaterina Nikolaevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2018 No. 573. No. 36. Skolyarov Kirill Anatolyevich - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2019 No. 496.
37. Sukhorukova Svetlana Munirovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 23, 2017 No. 506.
38. Trofimova Valentina Sergeevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 07, 2004 No. 1507.
39. Charkova Natalya Nikolaevna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2017 No. 246.
40. Shishelova Tatyana Leonidovna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2017 No. 329. No. 41. Shpileva Valentina Grigorievna - judge. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2003 No. 450.

Head of the Human Resources and Records Department Vera Vladimirovna Beresnevich
8(8212) 40 -96-25

Assistant to the chairman of the court Nogovitsin Igor Vyacheslavovich
tel. 8(8212)40-96-21
Anna Alexandrovna Dokukina, Assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the Court for Civil Cases
tel. 8(8212)40-96-44
Assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the Court for Administrative Cases Oksana Viktorovna Lyakhova
tel. 8(8212)24-97-58

The powers of the district court
The powers and competence of the district court are defined by art. 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation No. 1-FKZ of December 31, 1996 “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation”
1. The district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The district court is the directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
3. The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the district court are established by federal constitutional law.
And also art. 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation No. 1-FKZ dated 07.02.2011 “On Courts of General Jurisdiction of the Russian Federation”
1. The district court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. The district court has the right to apply on the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request on the constitutionality of the law to be applied in a particular case.
4. The district court considers appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

Requisites for payment of the state fee

UFK for the Republic of Kazakhstan (IFTS RF for Syktyvkar)
BankBRANCH - NB REPUBLIC KOMI BANK OF RUSSIA//UFK in the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar
OKTMO code877 010 00 td>
Current Account03100643000000010700
Corresponding Account40102810245370000074


Payer/beneficiaryUFK in the Komi Republic (Department of the Judicial Department in the Komi Republic l/s 05071146090)
Payer's bank/ recipientDepartment-NB of the Komi Republic// UFK for the Komi Republic
OKTMO 87701000
Settlement account40102810245370000074
Treasury account number03212643000000010700

In connection with the entry into force on 01.01.2021 of the Procedure for authorizing transactions with funds received during the temporary order of the recipients of federal budget funds, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2020 No. 119n, when transferring funds to the deposit account of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Komi Republic, payers must fill in field 22 "Code" of the payment order, which indicates the code of the legal an act that determines the basis for admission. Otherwise, payments will be received as outstanding.
In the purpose of payment, you must indicate the number of the case, the court that issued the ruling.

Rproperty for the transfer of fines for violation of the law on court and judicial system, on enforcement proceedings and court fines /Art. 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.8, 17.9, 17.14, 17.15, part 1, 3 art. 19.4, art. 19. 7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3 of Art. 57, part 2 of Art. 140, part 3 of Art. 159, part 4 of Art. 162, part 2 of Art. 168, part 2 of Art. 226, part 4 of Art. 246, part 2 of Art. 249, Art. 431 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, part 1 of Art. 258, part 4 of Art. 103, part 3 of Art. 333 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, part 9 of Art. 66, part 2 of Art. 96, part 5 of Art. 154, part 4 of Art. 156, part 2 of Art. 157, part 3 of Art. 194, part 4 of Art. 205, part 3 of Art. 210, part 3 of Art. 215, Art. 331, Art. 332 APC RF/
(the administrator of budget revenues is the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia for the Republic of Komi)
Recipient - UFK for the Republic of Kazakhstan (Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Republic of Komi)
TIN - 1101486237
KPP – 110101001
R/account 40101810000000010004
Bank – GRCC NB Resp. Komi Bank of Russia, Syktyvkar
BIC - 048702001
KBK - 32211617000010000140

Details for the transfer of fines in administrative cases (the administrator of budget revenues is the IFTS for Syktyvkar)
KBK – 18211603030010000140
R/s – 40101810000000010004
Bank – GRCC NB Resp. Komi Bank of Russia, Syktyvkar
BIC of the bank - 048702001
Recipient - UFK in the Republic of Komi (IFTS of Russia for Syktyvkar)
TIN - 1101481359
KPP - 110101001
OKTMO for Syktyvkar - 87701000

Details for the transfer of fines in administrative cases (the administrator of budget revenues is the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Recipient - UFK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
TIN - 1101481581
KPP - 110101001
R/c - 40101810000000010004
Bank - GRCC NB RK of the Bank of Russia Syktyvkar
BIC - 048702001
KBK - 1881169004004
OKTMO -code 87701000 Syktyvkar

Details for the transfer of fines in administrative cases (the administrator of budget revenues is the OPFR for the Komi Republic)
Recipient - UFK for the Komi Republic (OPFR for Republic of Komi)
TIN - 1101471400
KPP - 110101001
Bank - GRCC NB of the Republic of Komi Bank of Russia Syktyvkar
Bank BIC - 048702001
R/c - 40101810000000010004
OKTMO code - 87701000
KBK - 39211 620010060000140

Details for the transfer of fines in administrative cases (the administrator of budget revenues is Rosselkhoznadzor)
Account No. 40101810000000010004
Bank - GRCC NB of the Komi Republic of the Bank of Russia
Recipient - UFK MF RF for the Republic of Kazakhstan (administrator code 081 - Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) >OKTMO - 87701000

Details for transferring fines in administrative cases (the administrator of budget revenues is the Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Recipient - UFK for the Republic of Kazakhstan RK - payment administrator)
C/C - 40101810000000010004
TIN - 1101486396
KPP - 110101001
Bank - GRCC NB of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar
BIC - 048702001
KBK - 141116200000010
br>OKTMO code - 87701000

Details for the transfer of fines in administrative cases on violation of fire safety rules (the administrator of budget revenues is the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Kazakhstan) Settlement account – 40101810000000010004
Bank – GRCC NB of the Komi Republic of the Bank of Russia in Syktyvkar
Bank BIC – 048702001
KBK – 17711627000010000140
OKTMO– 87701000 >Details for the payment of court costs from those sentenced to punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty (the administrator of budget revenues is the State represented by the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan)

KBK 320 1 13 01270 01 0000 130
KPP 110101001
OKTMO code 87701000

Requisites for paying a fine in criminal cases (administrator of budget revenues of the UFC in the Komi Republic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
TIN - 1101481581
KPP - 110101001
Settlement account: 40101810000000010004
GRKTS NB Republic of Komi Bank of Russia Syktyvkar
BIC- 048702001
KBK – 188 1 16 21010 01 0000 140
OKTMO code -87701000

List of mediators in the Komi Republic

F. Acting name of a mediatorDocuments confirming the status of a mediatorContact information
Averina Kristina Nikolaevna Mediator-trainer, with the right to conduct educational activities in the field of mediation
Certificate “Mediation. Basic course" 120 hours, Kazan, 2014 Certificate "Family mediation", 60 hours, Moscow, 2015
Retraining diploma mediator-trainer, 576 hours. , Moscow, 2015 . Certificate “Mediation. Basic course, 120 hours, Kazan, 2014 td>
Mediator. Certificate “Mediation. Basic course, 120 hours, Moscow, 2021 +7(912)167-81-32

List of court mediators in the Komi Republic

F. Acting name Senior serviceSpecializationCourt name - place of employment before retirementName of locality and region of residence
Vera Nikolaevna Antonik17 y.o. civil and administrative proceedingsSupreme Court of the Republic of Komi Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
Voinov Sergey Anatolyevich30 y. civil and administrative proceedingsSupreme Court of the Republic of Komi Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
Anna Vladimirovna Novoseltseva13 y.o. civil litigationSupreme Court of the Komi Republic Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
Vyacheslav Leonidovich Golovkov21 administrative proceedingsSupreme Court of the Republic Komi city Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
Sazhin Alexey Vasilievich29 y. administrative proceedingsSupreme Court of the Komi Republic Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi

Video conference call
Syktyvkar city court established equipment that provides videoconferencing sessions with other courts and correctional institutions. This makes it possible to hold court hearings without summoning witnesses directly to the court from other cities of Russia, as well as without transporting convicts from places of deprivation of liberty.
Place of equipment installation: 167000, Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, st. Pushkina, 20
Time difference with Moscow: +0
Persons responsible for the organization of the HQS:
Assistant judges
Persons responsible for the technical organization of the HQS:
Deputy. Head of the Department of Informatization and MTO - Len Denis Vladimirovich, tel. (8212) 40-96-24
Head of the Informatization and Logistics Department - Marina Fedorovna Horoshko, tel. (8212) 40-96-24

CourtroomIP address
videoconferencing set
IP Telephone/fax
internal network
Hall No. 2810. 11. 48. 527114801/7114899
Hall No. 2910. 11. 48. 507114803/7114899
Hall No. 710. 11. 48. 547114805/7114897
Hall No. 610. 11. 48. 62Missing