• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Karelia
  • County: Suoyarvskij r-n
  • City: g Suoyarvi
  • Street, House: ul Pobedy, dom 20
  • Postcode: 186870
  • Site: http://suoyarvsky.kar.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (814-57)5-13-85
  • Longitude: 32.365626
  • Latitude: 62.084531
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Suoyarvi district court
Suoyarvi municipal district: Suoyarvi urban settlement (Suoyarvi town), Veshkelsky rural settlement (Arkoila village, Veshkelitsa village , the village of Ignoila, the villages of Hautavaara, Khyursyulya), the Loimolskoye rural settlement (the village of Vegarus, the village of Käsnyaselka, the village of Leppäsyurja, the Leppäsyurja station, the villages of Loimola, Piitsieki, Raikonkoski, Soanlakhti, the posyouystamo village) , Leppyaniemi, Naistenjärvi, Suoyoki, Toivola, Turhanvaara), Porosozerskoe rural settlement (villages Gumarino, Kostomuksa, Porosozero, Sovdozero village).

Opening hours

Monday from 8:30 to 17:45
lunch from 13:00 to 14:00
Friday 8:30 to 16: 30
lunch from 13:00 to 14:00

Reception of the court
Tel: (814 57) 5-13-85, 5-14-82

Reception hours
Monday 8.30am to 4.45pm
Friday from 8.30 to 16.30
lunch from 13:00 to 14:00

Reception of citizens is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority of application. Upon admission, a citizen presents an identity document.

Hours of reception of citizens by the president of the court

The president of the court Thursday
from 10:00 to 16:45
lunch from 13:00 to 14:00
Pre-registration by phone: (81457) 5-14-85

Taking into account the changes made to the order of the Head of the Republic of Karelia dated March 12, 2020 No. 127-r, from March 22, 2021 the work of the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia will be carried out in the following mode:
1. The restrictions on access to court for persons who are not participants in court proceedings are lifted.
2. The work of the reception court is resumed, including for the filing and issuance of documents.
3. At the entrance to the building of the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia, body temperature is measured with a non-contact thermometer. Persons with signs of respiratory diseases, elevated body temperature will not be admitted to the building of the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia.
4. All visitors to the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia, while in the courthouse, must use personal respiratory protection (masks), and also maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other and from court employees (social distance). The use of personal protective equipment for hands (gloves) is recommended.
5. Violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules by a court visitor is the basis for refusing to admit him to the premises of the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia or the basis for terminating his presence in the courthouse.
* Participants in legal proceedings in civil and administrative cases, in cases of administrative offenses, if their participation in the consideration of the case is not mandatory, before the court session on the case (material) have the right to file a motion for the consideration of the case (material) in their absence. Such a petition must be sent in advance by any available means of communication: by mail, to the court's e-mail address, through the court's Internet reception, by sending a telephone message to the phone numbers indicated in the procedural documents issued by the court.

Composition of the Court

President of the Court
Tereshko Victoria Yaroslavovna
Assistant to the President of the Court
Lyudmila Viktorovna Fomina
tel. (814 57) 5-14-85
Assistant Referee
Elena Mikhailovna Kruchinova
tel. (814 57) 5-10-89
Erokhina Viktoria Genrikhovna
Judge assistant
Kozlova Irina Nikolaevna
tel. (814 57) 5-10-97
Kempi Elena Ivanovna
Assistant to the judge
Oparina Tatiana Petrovna
tel. (814 57) 5-10-95
Head of Office Management
Natalya Vyacheslavovna Fedorova
tel. (814 57) 5-13-85
Veselov Alexey Viktorovich
tel. (814 57) 5-13-08

Grounds for empowering the chairman of the court and judges of the Suoyarvsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia :

position Surname First name Patronymic
President of the Court Tereshko Victoria Yaroslavovna
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14. 10. 2019 No. 496
Judge Erokhina Viktoria Genrikhovna
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.09.2008 № 1285
without limitation of term of office
Judge Kempi Elena Ivanovna
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15. 10. 2020 No. 627
without limitation of the term of office

Subdivisions of the court
Department of office work
Head of the department of office work Fedorova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
tel. (814 57) 5-13-85
Administrator of the court Veselov Aleksey Viktorovich
tel. (814 57) 5-13-08

Contact information
Assistant to the President of the Court Tereshko V. Ya.
Fomina Lyudmila Viktorovna tel. (81457) 5-14-85
Assistant to the judge Erokhina V. G. Kozlova Irina Nikolaevna tel. (81457) 5-10-97
Assistant to the judge EI Kempi
Oparina Tatiana Petrovna tel. (81457) 5-10-95
Assistant to the judge
Kruchinova Elena Mikhailovna tel. (81457) 5-13-49
Office work department tel. (81457) 5-13-85

Requisites for paying the state fee in cases considered by the Suoyarvi District Court

Payee's name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Karelia (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 10 for the Republic of Karelia)
INN 1001047814
KPP 100101001
Treasury account number 03100643000000010600
Payee's account number 40102810945370000073
Bank name BRANCH-NB REPUBLIC OF KARELIA OF BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
BIK 018602104
OKTMO code 86650101
Budget classification code (BCK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment state duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, amicable with udyami (payable when applying to the courts)

Details for paying the state fee in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia

Payee's name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Karelia (IFTS of Russia for Petrozavodsk)
INN 1001040537
Checkpoint 100101001
Treasury account number 03100643000000010600
Payee's account number 40102810945370000073
Name of the bank OFFICE-NB REPUBLIC OF KARELIA OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
BIK 018602104
OKTMO code 86701000
Budget classification code ( KBK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment state duty on cases, considered imposed in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace

Details for payment
(in criminal cases in which the preliminary investigation or inquiry was carried out by officers of the internal affairs bodies)

Payee's name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Karelia (Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia)
TIN 1001041280
KPP 100101001
Payee's account number 40101810600000010006
Bank name Branch - NB Republic of Karelia
BIK 048602001
OKTMO 86701000
KBK 18811621010016000140
Payment name Criminal fine (date, number), full name

(in criminal cases, in which the preliminary investigation was carried out by officers of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation)

Payee's name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Karelia (Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Karelia, l/s 04061A58660)
INN 1001242526
KPP 100101001
Payee's account number 40101810600000010006
Bank name Branch - National Bank of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
BIK 048602001
OKTMO 86701000
Income code 41711621010016000140
Payment name Criminal fine (date, number), full name

Video conferencing
Time I Moskovskoe;
Courtroom No. 2 (No. 4), equipped with a videoconferencing system;
Videoconferencing phone number - 7106502, 7106599 (fax);
IP address of the videoconferencing set - 10. 110. 65. 50;
Responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing:
- engineer of the II category Korableva Elena Alekseevna, 7106502.

Qualification collegium of judges of the Republic of Karelia
Secretary Guzhieva Olga Anatulovna
tel. : (8142) 775-104
fax: (8142) 790-287

Suoyarsky District Court of the Republic of Karelia
Head of the Office of Records Management Tatiana Aleksandrovna Savelyeva,
tel. : (814 57) 5-13-85
fax: (81457) 5-14-82

Information support of court activities entrusted to the assistant to the chairman of the court Fomin Lyudmila Viktorovna, contact phone (81457) 5-14-85