• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Karelia
  • City: g Kostomuksha
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 9A
  • Postcode: 186931
  • Site: http://kostomukshsky.kar.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (814-59)7-13-42, (814-54)4-10-83
  • Fax: (814-59)5-25-13
  • Longitude: 30.603616
  • Latitude: 64.58671
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Kostomuksha City Court

The jurisdiction of the Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia extends to the territory of the Kostomuksha City District and the Kalevala District of the Republic of Karelia ...
Kostomuksha urban district (Voknavolok village, Zarechny settlement, Kostomuksha town, Ladvozero, Pongaguba, Sudnozero, Tolloreka villages).
Kalevala region: Kalevala urban settlement (urban settlement Kalevala, Kuusiniemi settlement), Borovskoe rural settlement (Borovoy settlement), Luusalm rural settlement (Luusalmi settlement, Tikhtozero village, Voinitsa settlement), Yushkozerskoe rural settlement (villages, Yushkozerskoe rural settlement) Yushkozero).


Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia is located at the following addresses:
186931, Republic of Karelia Kostomuksha st. Lenin, 9а
186910 Republic of Karelia p. Kalevala st. Sovetskaya, 16a

Working hours:

Monday - Thursday - from 9-00 to 17-15
Friday from 8- 30 to 16-30
Break from 13-00 to 14-00

Reception of the court

In Kostomuksha tel. : (814 59) 5-25-13
In the village of Kalevala, tel. : (814 54) 4-10-07 (fax), 4-21-42, 4-10-44 (fax)

Monday 9:00 to 17.15
Friday 8.30 to 16.30
lunch from 13:00 to 14:00

Reception citizens are conducted without prior registration in the order of priority of application. Upon admission, a citizen presents an identity document.


The Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia informs about the mode of operation in compliance with the requirements provided for by the decisions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, by order Heads of the Republic of Karelia dated 12.03.2020 No. 127-r "On the introduction of a high alert regime on the territory of the Republic of Karelia from March 12, 2020" (subject to subsequent changes) from July 13, 2021
1. Reception of citizens, including representatives of the parties, representatives of organizations, public associations, government bodies, local authorities, the media, in the courthouse is not held.
2. Only persons participating in the case are admitted to court sessions. Admission to court sessions of persons who are not participants in the proceedings is carried out by prior agreement with the presiding judge in the case, based on the possibility of ensuring in the courtroom compliance with the rules for the simultaneous presence of persons in the room established by the order of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 22.05. 2020 No. 15 (subject to subsequent amendments) "On the approval of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of JV 3. 1. 3597-20" Prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) ", by order of the Head of the Republic of Karelia dated 12.03.2020 No. 127-r "On the introduction of a high alert regime on the territory of the Republic of Karelia from March 12, 2020" (subject to subsequent amendments).
3. Visitors are required to pass non-contact body temperature control at the entrance to the courthouse, to use personal protective equipment (masks) without fail. In case of refusal to fulfill these requirements, visitors to the court are not allowed. Also, persons with signs of SARS are not allowed into the courthouse.
4. The submission of documents to the court is carried out through postal services, and documents in electronic form - through the user's personal account, created in the section "Submission of procedural documents in electronic form" of the official website of the Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia.
5. Acquaintance with the materials of the cases is carried out by prior agreement of the date and time of acquaintance. Phones for making an appointment: 8 (81459) 7-19-36, 5-12-06 - criminal cases; 8 (81459) 7-19-85 - civil cases; 8 (81459) 7-19-36, 5-12-06 - administrative cases
6. Participants in legal proceedings in criminal, civil and administrative cases, in cases of administrative offenses, if their participation in the consideration of the case is not mandatory, before the court hearing on the case (material) have the right to file a motion for the consideration of the case (material) in their absence.
Such a petition can be filed with the court in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by filling out the form posted on the official website of the court in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", as well as by e-mail court (http: // kostomukshsky. kar. sudrf. ru /) in the form of a scanned written document, without fail containing a graphic signature of the applicant.
7. A visit to the Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia by persons who arrived on the territory of the Republic of Karelia from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation on a business trip to participate in court hearings, to familiarize themselves with the case materials, is possible only if you have negative test results for coronavirus infection, received no more than 2 days prior to arrival on the territory of the Republic of Karelia, either by a QR code or a vaccination certificate.

Court Composition

Cabinet Surname First name Patronymic Position Phone
Composition of the court in Kostomuksha      
No. 36 (3rd floor) Gelfenstein Vladimir Paulevich President of the Court (814 59) 7-19-85
Olga Anatolyevna Kavarnaly Assistant to the Chairman  
Martsynyuk Evgenia Nikolaevna Court Secretary  
No. 18 (2nd floor) Manaenkov Alexander Alexandrovich Judge (814 59) 5-25-44
Inna Artyushenko Judge Assistant  
Seletskaya Ekaterina Gennadievna Secretary of the court session  
No. 24 (2nd floor) Safaryan Ishkhan Artavazovich Judge (814 59) 7-15-05
Maria Sergeevna Prokhorova Judge Assistant  
Marina Vasilievna Haponen Clerk of the court session  
No. 14 (2nd floor)   Judge (814 59) 5-29-31
Volkova Olga Petrovna Assistant to the judge  
No. 10 (1st floor) Ivanov Aleksey Valerievich Judge (814 59) 5-12-06
Tsirkova Yulia Anatolyevna Assistant judge  
Olesya Sergeevna Nechaeva Court secretary  
No. 45 (4th floor) Mikhail Gennadievich Sakhoshko Deputy Chairman of the Court (814 59) 7-19-36
Remshueva Yulia Vladimirovna Assistant to the judge  
Rakhimova Yulia Bakhromkulovna Court clerk  
Composition of the court in Kalevala village      
  Bakulin Igor Vladimirovich Judge (814 54) 4-16-53
Pivankova Yulia Nikolaevna Judge Assistant (814 54) 4-10-07
Anita Anatolyevna Ozolina Court Clerk (814 54) 4-10-07
  Isakova Valentina Pavlovna Judge (814 54) 4-13-49
Yulia Runets Judge Assistant (814 54) 4-10-44
Filippovskaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Clerk of the court session (814 54) 4 -10-44

Grounds for empowering the chairman of the court, deputy chairman of the court and judges of the Kostomuksha City Court of the Republic of Karelia

Title Surname First name Report
President of the Court Gelf Eenstein Vladimir Paulevich
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 22.04.2020 No. 279
Deputy Chairman of the Court Mikhail Gennadievich Sakhoshko
Judge Bakulin Igor Vladimirovich
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.06.2012 # 849
Judge Safaryan Ishkhan Artavazovich
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2008 # 691
Judge Isakova Valentina Pavlovna
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2013 №509
Judge Inna Sofronova
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 30.06.2012 №940
Judge Bekhterev Evgeniy Sergeevich
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 30.06.2012 № 941
Judge Ivanov Aleksey Valerievich
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 18.08.2014 # 570

Court units

Office work department in Kostomuksha
Head of department Maria Mikhailovna Vladimirova tel. : (814 59) 7-13-42
Court office Court clerk Yekaterina Dmitrievna Elistratova
Court clerk Svetlana Lvovna Khalilova
Clerk court Nekrasova Galina Valerievna
tel. : (814 59) 7-51-44
Reception Court clerk Lyabegina Lidiya Alekseevna tel. : (814 59) 5-25-13
Informatization consultant Rogozova Anastasia Anatolyevna tel. : (814 59) 7-79-07
Office of the Kalevala settlement
Deputy head of department Verzhikovskaya Natalya Anatolyevna tel. : (814 54) 4-12-42
Court office Court secretary Ekaterina Vadimovna Khudokormova
Court secretary Oksana Nikolaevna Filonova
tel. : (814 54) 4-10-83
Engineer Kreitel Alexander Vladimirovich tel. : (814 54) 4-21-42
Administrator of the Kostomuksha City Court
Administrator of the Court Alexander Anatolyevich Vasilchenko tel. : (814 59) 7-77-71

Details for paying the state duty to the Kostomuksha City Court


Beneficiary's name UFK for RK (MRI FTS of Russia No. 1 for RK)
Receiver's checkpoint 100201001
TIN of the recipient 1002004080
OKTMO code 86706000
(Field 15) Account number of the beneficiary's bank (bank account number included in the single treasury account (TSA) 40102 810 9 453 700 00073
(Field 17) Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 03100643000000010600
Name of institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation // Name of TOFK: BRANCH-NB REPUBLIC OF KARELIA OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
BIK TOFK 018602104
Code budget classification (CCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State fee in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace

Details for payment of the state duty to the Kostomuksha City Court located in the village of Kalevala

Name of the payee: UFK for the Republic of Kazakhstan (IRI FTS of Russia No. 1 for the Republic of Kazakhstan)
INN 1002004080
bank account number of the TSA: 40102 810 9 453 700 00073
Name of institution Central Bank of the Russian Federation // Name of TOFK: OFFICE-NB REPUBLIC OF KARELIA BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
BIK TOFK: 018602104
KPP: 100201001
KBK 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
OKTMO: 86609151
number beneficiary's account (treasury account number): 03100643000000010600
Payment name: State fee in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction , justices of the peace

Details for paying the state fee when filing appeals to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia

Name of the payee UFK for the Republic of Kazakhstan (IFTS of Russia for Petrozavodsk)
Checkpoint 100101001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1001040537 IFTS of Russia for Petrozavodsk
OKTMO code 86701000
Payee's account number 40101 810 6 000 000 10006
BIK 048602001
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011000110
Payment name a State duty to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Details for paying the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Name of the payee UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow) l/s No. 401 007 700 04
KPP 770401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 7704058987 IFTS of Russia №4 in Moscow
OKTMO code 4537400
Payee's account number 40101810800000010041
Bank name Branch 1 of the Moscow GTU Bank of Russia
BIK 044583001
Budget classification code (BCK) 18210803020011000110
Name of payment State duty to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Details for payment of the fine to Kostomukshsk iy city court

Name of the payee UFK for RK (UF BSP for RK)
KPP 100101001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1001048550
OKTMO 86706000
Payee's account number 40101810600000010006
Bank name GRKTS NB RK Bank of Russia
BIK 048602001
Budget classification code (BCK) 32211621010010000140
Payment name fine in a criminal case

Details for paying the fine to the Kostomuksha City Court, located in Kalevala village

Name of the payee Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Kazakhstan (Department of the Federal Service of Bailiffs in the Republic of Karelia)
Checkpoint 100101001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1001048550
OKTMO 86609000
Payee's account number = "font-family:> 40101810600000010006
Bank name GRKTS NB RK Bank of Russia Petrozavodsk
BIK 048602001
Budget classification code (BCC) 32211621010010000140
Name of payment fine in a criminal case

Information about the mediators of the RK

Kugacheva Olesya Valerianovna
Phone: +7 921 423 78 55
Address for postal items: 186220 RK, Kondopoga, Oktyabrskoe highway, 81A-112
- Professional mediator. Issued certificate 27 0163149 on advanced training in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University" under the program "Mediation (mediation) in conflict resolution. Basic course."
- Higher legal education. Awarded Diploma No. VSG 5504175 NOU VPO "Institute of International Law and Economics named after A. Griboyedov" (Moscow) "Jurisprudence" July 01, 2010 Work experience in the specialty for more than 8 years.

Video conference call

The address of the Kostomuksha City Court, located in Kostomuksha: 186931, Republic of Karelia, Kostomuksha st. Lenin, 9a
tel./fax: (814 59) 5-25-13
The address of the Kostomuksha City Court located in Kalevala: 186910, Republic of Karelia, Kalevala st. Sovetskaya, 16a
tel./fax: (814 54) 4-10-83

The time of the court sessions is Moscow;

Name of the court Room number IP-address IP-telephone/fax
Kostomuksha city court of Kostomuksha №6 10. 110.52.50 710-52-02/710-52-99
Kostomuksha City Court of Kostomuksha # 7 10. 110.52.52 710-52-05/710-52-98
Kostomuksha City Court Kalevala # 2 10. 110.49.50 710-49-03/710-49-99

Responsible for technical support VKS Kostomuksha:
Chief specialist - Rogozova Anastasia Anatolyevna, tel. (814 59) 7-79-07
Responsible for the technical support of the VKS town. Kalevala:
Engineer of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IACSD in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Alexander Valentinovich Yankin, tel. (814 54) 4-21-42


Information on filling the vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the apparatus of Kostomuksha the city court can be found by phone (814 59) 7-13-42


Responsible for interaction with the media
in the city of Kostomuksha:
assistant to the chairman - Olga Anatolyevna Kavarnaly
tel. (814 59) 7-19-85
in the village of Kalevala:
assistant judge - Pivankova Yulia Nikolaevna
tel. (814 54) 4-10-07