• Country: Russia
  • State: Kaliningrad Region
  • City: g Svetlyj
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 2
  • Postcode: 238340
  • Site: http://svetlovsky.kln.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (40152)3-50-45
  • Longitude: 20.131686
  • Latitude: 54.673596
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

Svetly, Bobrovo, Veselovka, Vzmorye, Volochaevskoe, Izhevskoe, Kremnevo, Lyublino, Peschanoe, Cherepanovo, Shipovka.

Travel by bus # 105 to the Ploschad, DK stop

Court hours:

Monday - Thursday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Friday: from 8.30 to 16.15
break: from 13.00 to 13.45
weekends: Saturday, Sunday

Phones for information:
Reception - 8 (40152) 3-50-45
Claims, statements, complaints and other documents are accepted by the Reception Court employees in office # 8 every day from 08:30 to 17. 30 hours, Friday from 08.00 to 16.15 hours.
break: from 13.00 to 13.45

In accordance with the Concept of the federal target program "Development of the judicial system of Russia for 2007-2011" and taking into account the amendments made to the procedural legislation, the reception of citizens by the chairman of the court , by judges, assistant judges are not carried out.
On non-procedural issues, the applicant has the right to appeal to the chairman of the court by submitting a written application to the admissions court. If it is necessary to clarify any information specified in such appeals, if additional (clarifying) questions arise, the reception staff, at the direction of the chairman of the court, invite the applicant to the chairman of the court for a personal conversation.

Composition of the Court

Chairman of the Court Viktor Mikhailovich Kuznetsov - appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 279 of April 22, 2020.
tel. : 8 (40152) 366-22
Assistant to the President of the Court - Kochka Elena Viktorovna, tel. : 8 (40152) 329-82
Judge AVDEEVA Tatiana Nikolaevna - appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 509 of May 23, 2013.
Assistant - Klykova Elena Viktorovna, tel. : 8 (40152) 353-49
Judge Tatiana Anatolyevna BRATUS - appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 161 of February 08, 2010.
Assistant - Natalya Vladimirovna Berezina, tel. : 8 (40152) 370-92
Judge FEDOTOV Alexey Vladimirovich - appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1480 of November 27, 2010.
Assistant - Alena Sergeevna Yurgilevich, tel. : 8 (40152) 352-21
Judge YANCH Olesya Vadimovna - appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 195 of March 28, 2020.
Assistant - Khoroshun Anastasia Aleksandrovna, tel. : 8 (40152) 324-93

Divisions of the court

Tel. 8 (40152) 3-25-09
Assistant to the President of the Court
Tel. 8 (40152) 3-29-82
Office work (reception)
Tel. 8 (40152) 3-50-45
Judicial statistics
Tel. 8 (40152) 3-50-45


Name of the payee UFK in the Kaliningrad region. Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 for the Kaliningrad Region
Checkpoint 391701001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 3917007852
OKTMO code 27725000
EKS 40102810545370000028
Payee's account number 03100643000000013500
Bank name OFFICE OF KALININGRAD BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad
BIK 012748051
Budget classification code (BCK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Payment name state fee for filing a statement of claim in court

Details of the pledge account (for transferring funds when the suspect (accused) is elected a measure restraint in the form of bail:

Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad Region
236010, Kaliningrad, Pobedy Ave., 44 INN 3904035796 KPP 390601001
UFK in the Kaliningrad region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region, l/account 05351183050)
Ref. 40302810000001000001 in the Kaliningrad Branch, Kaliningrad
BIK 042748001
OKTMO 27701000
KBK 43800000000000000000
Purpose of payment - from the full name, name of the court, number and date of the judicial act (if any)

Bank details of the deposit account.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law dated 27.12.2019 No. 479-FZ "On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in terms of treasury services and the system of treasury payments" from 01.01. 2021 The Federal Treasury switches to a treasury payment system.
In this regard, starting from 01.01.2021, when transferring funds to an account to record transactions with funds received at a temporary disposal (deposit account) of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region for depositing:
- monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge;
- monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs related to the consideration of a civil, criminal case, or an administrative case;
- monetary funds as security for an application for participation in determining a supplier (contractor, executor ), ensuring the execution of the contract, the following DETAILS must be indicated:
Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad Region, 236010, Kaliningrad, Pobedy Ave., 44
Recipient: UFK for the Kaliningrad Region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region, l/s 05351183050) TIN: 3904035796 Checkpoint: 390601001 Bank BIK: 012748051 Treasury account: 03212643000000013500
Receipt bank tel .: DEPARTMENT OF KALININGRAD BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad
EKS: 40102810545370000028
OKTMO: 27701000
KBK: 43800000000000000000
Purpose of payment:
- for depositing funds that are the subject collateral; to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil, criminal or administrative case (full name, name of the court, number and date of the judicial act, for what purposes (securing claims, payment for examination);
- for making monetary funds, as security for the application for participation in determining the supplier (contractor, executor), security for the execution of the contract - for what purposes (securing the execution of the state contract; securing the fulfillment of warranty obligations).

From 01.01.2022 year when depositing cash in a temporary order with the bank, you must fill in field 22 of the payment order "Code" - the code of regulatory legal acts that determine the basis for the receipt, return or transfer of funds in temporary disposal.
Code of the regulatory legal act (NLA) for field 22 - Federal law (name, number, date) - Type of funds
0002 Federal law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" Securing applications during tenders and auctions. Enforcement of the contract. Providing warranty obligations.
0024 The Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation Monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge, monetary funds instead of measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendants); monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case, arbitration case or administrative case ; monetary funds as counter security when a federal arbitration court considers applications for interim measures and petitions with the suspension of the execution of a judicial act when they are considered by a federal arbitration court of an appellate or cassation instance
0025 Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation Monetary funds payable to witnesses, experts and specialists, or other expenses related to the consideration of the case, recognized by the court as necessary
0027 Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation Monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge, monetary funds instead of measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendants); monetary funds to ensure compensation legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case, arbitration case or administrative case; monetary funds as counter security when the federal arbitration court considers applications for interim measures and petitions with the suspension of the execution of a judicial act when they are considered by a federal arbitration court of an appellate or cassation instance
0028 Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation funds in place of the measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendants); monetary funds to ensure the reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case, arbitration case or an administrative case; monetary funds as counter security when a federal arbitration court considers applications for interim measures and petitions with suspension of the execution of a judicial act when they are considered by a federal arbitration court of an appellate or cassation instance
0029 Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation Monetary funds payable to witnesses, experts and specialists, or other expenses related to the consideration of the case, recognized by the court as necessary
0038 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge

Details for payment of a fine

Details for the payment of the fine of the OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for Svetlovsky GO: OKTMO: 27725000 Svetly.
KPP 391301001.
Name of the payee: UFK in the Kaliningrad region (OMVD of Russia in the Svetlovsky urban district).
INN 3913012788.
Account number of the payee: 40101810000000010002.
Name of the bank: branch in Kaliningrad.
BIK: 042748001.
Name of payment: fine by court order.
Code of the budget classification 18811630020016000140.
UIN: 18810439172210001322.

Details for payment of the fine of the OMVD of Russia in Svetlovsky GO:
OKTMO code: 27725000.
Name of the payee: UFK MF RF in the Kaliningrad region (OMVD of Russia for Svetlovsky GO).
INN 3913012788, KPP 391301001.
Account number of the payee: 40101810000000010002.
Name of the bank: GRKTS GU Bank of Russia in the Kaliningrad region.
BIK: 042748001.
Name of payment: administrative fine by court order.
Code of budget classification 18811640000016020140.
UIN 18880439171900117171

Details for payment of the fine of the Federal State Institution "Border Administration of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad Region":
- INN 3908013480,
- KPP 390601001,
- account 40101810000000010002,
- account 04351723160,
- BIK 042748001 in the Kaliningrad branch OKPO 08894600,
- OKMO 27701000,
- KBK 18911609000017000140

Details for transfer to the department for special enforcement proceedings of the Federal Bailiff Service in the Kaliningrad region:
TIN: 3906131456
KPP: 390632001
RECIPIENT: UFK in the Kaliningrad region (Department for special enforcement proceedings of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service in the Kaliningrad region, l/s 05351842920)
BIK: 042748001
ACCOUNT: 40302810000001000001
KBK: 32200000000000000180 (must be specified)
OKTMO 27701000
It is obligatory to indicate: full name of the payer, company name , No. of enforcement proceedings, No. of enforcement orders, yes the one issued by, the type of payment.

Details of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad Region

Main account
Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad Region
Postal address: 236010, Kaliningrad, Pobeda ave., 44
Legal address: 236010, Kaliningrad, Pobeda ave., 44
Tel. : (4012) 929901, fax: (4012) 929905
TIN 3904035796 KPP 390601001
Bank details: bank account 03351183050 in the UFK in the Kaliningrad region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region)
Account 03211643000000013500 in the Kaliningrad Branch of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad
BIK 012748051
EKS 40102810545370000028

Details of the security account:
Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region
236010, g Kaliningrad, ave. Pobedy, 44, TIN 3904035796 KPP 390601001 UFK in the Kaliningrad region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region, l/w 05351183050)
Ref. 40302810000001000001 in the Kaliningrad Branch, Kaliningrad/BIK 042748001
OKTMO 27701000
KBK 43800000000000000000
Purpose of payment - from full name, name of the court, number and date of the judicial act (if any)

Statistical information about the Office of the Judicial Department in the Kaliningrad region:
- OGRN - 1033900801868
- OKPO - 48749500
- OKTMO 27701000
- OKOGU - 1400025
- OKVED - 84. 23. 13
- OKFS - 12
- OKOPF - 75104

Kaliningrad Region

F. I.A.
Mozhegova Natalya Aleksandrovna 34 administrative and civil proceedings Arbitration court of the Kaliningrad region g. Kaliningrad, North-West Region
Elena Yurievna Prikhodko 23 y. Administrative proceedings Arbitration court of the Kaliningrad region g. Kaliningrad, North-West region
Agureeva Svetlana Anatolyevna 35 p. civil proceedings Kaliningrad Regional Court g. Kaliningrad
Boyarova Irina Konstantinovna 39 p. civil proceedings Kaliningrad Regional Court g. Kaliningrad
Shleinikova Irina Pavlovna 42 civil proceedings Kaliningrad Regional Court g. Kaliningrad

Video conferencing

Time difference between Moscow and the Kaliningrad region "-1" hour
Courtroom No. 5 is equipped with a video-conferencing system (VKS)
Responsible for the organization and technical support of VKS: Engineer Antonova Kristina Sergeevna tel. 8 (40152) 3-25-09
Telephone numbers of the departmental VKS network:
Secretary in the courtroom tel./fax 7396899
Service room tel. 7396802


Press Secretary of the Svetlovsky City Court of the Kaliningrad Region Natalya Vladimirovna Berezina
tel. 8 (40152) 3-70-92
Working hours:
8:30 - 17:30 (Mon-Thu)
8:30 - 16:15 (Fri)
Lunch: 13- 13:45
Day off: Sat-Sun.