• Country: Russia
  • State: Vologda Region
  • County: Tarnogskij r-n
  • City: s Tarnogskij Gorodok
  • Street, House: ul Pionerskaya, dom 14
  • Postcode: 161560
  • Site: http://tarnogsky.vld.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (81748)2-12-75
  • Longitude: 43.572765
  • Latitude: 60.501952
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

Tarnogsky Gorodok village and Tarnogsky district of the Vologda region:
Verkhovskoe rural settlement: Verkhovsky Pogost villages ( administrative center), Potsky Pogost, village Elga, villages Agapitovskaya, Aksyutinskaya, Anosovskaya, Baranskaya, Budrinskaya-1, Burtsevskaya, Vasyutinskaya, Velikaya, Vlasyevskaya, Davydovskaya, Doroninskaya, Dubrova, Epifanovskaya, Ignatovskaya, Isainskaya, Kalugelinskaya, Kaplinskaya-2 , Kvashninskaya, Kichiginskaya, Kiyanskaya, Kuzminskaya, Lyapinskaya, Makarovskaya, Malyginskaya, Martyanovskaya, Maurnikovskaya, Naumovskaya, Obukhovskaya, Olikhovskaya, Ostashevskaya, Pavlovskaya, Palkinskaya, Patrakeevskaya, Pershinskaya-1, Pershinskaya, Savlinskaya, Sverdichevskaya, , Tarasovskaya, Tyrlyninskaya, Fedyukovskaya, Tsibuninskaya, Chernyatinskaya, Yafanovskaya; Zaborskoye rural settlement: the villages of Krasnoe (administrative center), Romashevsky Pogost, the villages of Aksenovskaya, Alferovskaya, Antipinskaya, Boyarskaya, Budrinskaya, Verkhnee Bukovo, Vidernikovskaya, Voroninskaya, Goryaevskaya, Gusikha, Dubrova, Zhukovskaya, Katerinino, Klevtsovskaya, Konashevskaya, Kvirin Makarovskaya, Mikhaliha, Nikitikha, Ozhiginskaya, Oliskino, Pakhotino, Petryaevskaya, Pigasovskaya, Ploshilovskaya, Pospelovskaya, Regishevskaya, Samsonovskaya, Sverchkovskaya, Semyonovskaya, Senyukovskaya, Smetanino, Strelitsa, Strukovo, Stulovskaya, Timonishaevskaya, Tyumenovskaya; Ileskoye rural settlement: the village of Ilezsky Pogost (administrative center), the villages of Aiga, Kontorka, the villages of Vyazutinskaya, Golchevskaya, Gribovskaya, Elifanovskaya, Elifanovskaya Exhibition, Ermakovskaya, Zarechye, Ivanovskaya, Karchevskaya, Korotkovskaya, Michurovskaya, Ogudalovskaya, Stepinoevskaya, Okulovskaya ; Markushevskoe rural settlement: the villages of Zarechye (administrative center), Andreevskaya, Baklanovskaya, Velikoye, Dor-Sukhonsky, Klenovaya, Criulya, Kuznetsovskaya, Milogorskaya, Monastyrskaya, Nesterikha, Par, Ramenye, Sergievskaya, Slobodka, Trufanikha, Cherepanikha, Cherelnyakovo; Spasskoye rural settlement: the villages of Nikiforovskaya (administrative center), Akulovskaya, Ananievskaya, Antipinskaya, Antsiferovskaya, Baryshevskaya, Bashevskaya, Borok, Buldachevskaya, Vanevskaya, Verkhnepauninskaya, Vlasyevskaya, Gavrilovskaya, Grigorievskaya, Gorka, Dementievskaya, Dubrovskaya, Elyadovskaya, Elyamovskaya , Karpovskaya, Kostaiha, Krivosheinskaya, Kuz'minskaya, Lyginskaya, Makarovskaya, Marachevskaya, Naumovskaya, Nizhnepauninskaya, Ovsyannikovskaya, Parovskaya, Pominovskaya, Pustochertakovo, Rykalovskaya, Sinyakovskaya, Fednevskaya, Filimonovskaya, Kharitonovskaya, Yaelinkovskaya, Shelov village Voschar; Tarnogskoe rural settlement: the villages of Tarnogsky Gorodok, Verkhnekokshengsky Pogost, Shebengsky Pogost, the village of Malakhovsky Bor, the villages of Abbakumovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Alferovskaya, Andreevskaya, Afanasyevskaya, Ozeretskiy village council, Afanasyevskaya Shevdenitskogo, Bakelievskaya, Afonovyno , Gorka, Demidovskaya, Dor, Durnevskaya, Evseevskaya, Efimovskaya, Zhukovskaya, Igumnovskaya, Isakovskaya, Kirivanovskaya, Klimovo, Kovrizhinskaya, Kozhevnikovskaya, End of Shebengsky village council, End of Shevdenitsky village council, Kokorikha, Korchazhinskaya, Kremlevo, Kuzmineshoket , Kurkovskaya, Lukinskaya, Lychnaya, Maklinskaya, Malchevskaya, Manyukovskaya, Matveevskaya, Mitinskaya, Mitroshinskaya, Mikhailovskaya, Mikheevskaya, Nefedovskaya, Nikolaevskaya, Nikonovskaya, Novgorodovskaya, Ogudalovo, Okatovskaya, Pavlovskaya, Pavlomatveevskaya, Pesterevskaya, Pershebenskaya about the village council, Podvolochnaya Shevdenitsky village council, Podgornaya Shebengsky village council, Podgornaya Shevdenitsky village council, Pogonyaevskaya, Popchevskaya, Prokopyevskaya, Pronevskaya, Pyatovskaya, Rylkovskaya, Silivanovskaya, Slobodinskaya, Sluda, Stary Dvor, Stepanovskaia village Verkhneetaevskaya, Tymerei Fedotovskaya, Feofilatovskaya, Filistevskaya, Khom, Shalimovskaya Verkhnekokshengskiy village council, Shalimovskaya Ozeretskiy village council, Shershukovskaya, Shkulevskaya, Chist, Yugra, Yarygino. (Law of the Vologda Oblast of December 6, 2004 N 1123-OZ "On the Establishment of the Boundaries of the Tarnogsky Municipal District, the Boundaries and the Status of the Municipal Formations That Are Part of it.")

Working hours Tarnogsky District Court:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 09.00 to 17.15
Friday from 09.00 to 16.00
Lunch from 13.00 until 14. 00

Phones for obtaining information:
Reception (81748) 2-13-44
Court Office (81748) 2-12-75

Schedule of reception of citizens:
Claims are accepted from individuals and legal entities (duly executed, paid by the state fee, with the attachment of a package of documents according to the number of participants in the process) is carried out by the assistant judge on duty at the address : with. Tarnogsky Gorodok, st. Pionerskaya, 14 on the following days:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - from 09.00 to 17.15;
Friday - from 09.00 to 16. 00.

SCHEDULE of the reception court

Reception of citizens in the Tarnogsky district court is conducted by:
- assistant judge Ordina Olga Alexandrovna
- assistant judge Reshetnikova Elena Evgenievna
every day during the working hours from 9 o'clock - until 17 o'clock 15 minutes on Friday from 9 o'clock to 16 o'clock
Claims from individuals and legal entities are accepted by the judge's assistant on duty at the address: Tarnogsky Gorodok, st. Pionerskaya, d. 14, room 6.

Telephone numbers by which information can be obtained:

- for information purposes, including those related to the consideration (movement) of cases in court tel: (81748) 2-12-75 - court office:
- senior specialist of the first category - Korepanova Nadezhda Valerievna
- Court secretary - Samodurova Irina Ivanovna
- on issues of filing and receiving claims, statements, complaints tel: (81748) 2-13-44 - reception of the court:
- assistant to the president of the court - Ordina Olga Aleksandrovna
- assistant judge - Reshetnikova Elena Evgenievna
- on the issues of filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant positions of civil service in the apparatus of the court tel: (81748) 2-26-83 - court administrator - Poklontsev Sergey Innokentievich

Court composition

Full name Name and telephone number of the assistant judge
Judge Igoshkina Olga Vasilievna Reshetnikova Elena Evgenievna
(81748) 2 -13-44
Chairman of Tarnogsky District Court Eina Nadezhda Nikolaevna Ordina Olga Aleksandrovna
(81748) 2- 13-44

Grounds for empowering judges

F. I. O Grounds for empowering
Judge Igoshkina Olga Vasilievna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 681 dated 25.10.2014
Judge Eina Nadezhda Nikolaevna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 506 of 23.10.2017
Chairman of the Tarnogsky District Court Eina Nadezhda Nikolaevna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 147 of 16.03.2021

Divisions of the Court

Title F. I.O. Phone
Assistant to the President of the Court Ordina Olga Alexandrovna (81748) 2 -13-44
Assistant to the judge Reshetnikova Elena Evgenievna
Clerks of the court session Guseva Vera Nikolaevna (81748) 2-11-75
Chirkova Maria Mikhailovna (81748) 2-26-45
(81748) 2-13-75
Court Administrator Sergey Innokentyevich Poklontsev (81748) 2- 26-83
Senior Specialist of the 1st category Korepanova Nadezhda Valerievna (81748) 2-12-75
Court clerk Irina Ivanovna Samodurova


Reception of citizens, including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, public authorities and local self-government bodies It goes through the reception area of ​​the court (office No. 6, 1st floor).
Reception of citizens is conducted by assistant judges without prior registration in order of priority upon presentation of an identity document:
Monday - Thursday from 09:00 to 17:15
Friday from 09:00 to 16:00 hours
Reception of citizens on issues not related to the consideration of cases is carried out by the chairman of the court strictly by appointment:
Friday from 14:00 to 15:30.
An appointment with the chairman of the court is made through the reception room of the court.

Details for paying the state duty when going to court

Name of the payee: UFK in the Vologda region of Vologda (MRI FTS No. 7 VO )
TIN 3521004144 KPP 352101001
Account number of the beneficiary's bank 40102810445370000022
Bank name - Vologda branch of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Vologda region of Vologda
Beneficiary account number 03100643000000013000
OKTMO 19642000
BIK 011909101
KBK 18210803010011050110
Name of payment: State duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction

Details for payment of the state duty when filing an appeal

Name of the payee UFK in the Vologda region
Checkpoint 352501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 3525022440 (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 11 for the Vologda Region)
OKTMO code 19701000
Bank account 03100643000000013000
Correspondent account 40102810445370000022
Bank name Branch of Vologda Bank of Russia // UFK in the Vologda region of Vologda
BIK 011909101
Budget classification code (BCK) 18210803010011050110
Payment name - State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction.

Details for payment of state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Budget classification code 182 1 08 03 020 01 1000 110.
Beneficiary's bank - GU Bank of Russia for Central Federal District // UFK for MOSCOW, Moscow
Account 031 006 430 000 000 173 00.
BIK 004 525 988.
CORSCHET 401 028 105 453 700 000 03.
TIN and KPP of the recipient of funds - IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow 7704058987/770401001.
Recipient of the UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow, l/s 40100770004)
OKTMO code of the municipal formation 453 74 000.

Details for the accounting of transactions with pledges and funds contributed by the defendants instead of the measures taken by the court to secure the claim

On the basis of the order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 05.11.2015 No. 345 "On approval regulations for organizing the activities of the supreme courts of republics, regional, regional courts, courts of federal cities, courts of autonomous regions and autonomous districts, district (naval) military courts, federal arbitration courts, departments of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on working with personal (deposit) accounts to account for transactions with funds received at a temporary disposal ", to the deposit account of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Vologda Oblast (hereinafter referred to as the Office) to record transactions with funds received on a temporary basis. th order, are entered:
- monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge;
- monetary funds in place of the measures taken by the court to secure the claim (submitted by the defendants);
- monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of civil case or administrative case.

Details for transfer:
Bank: VOLOGDA DEPARTMENT // UFK in the Vologda region of Vologda city BIK bank: 011909101
Bank account number: 40102810445370000022
Beneficiary's account number: 03212643000000013000
Recipient: UFK in the Vologda region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Vologda region, l/s 05301114780)
INN/KPP 3525090063/352501001
patronymic of the payer (name of the legal entity), case number (if any) and purpose of payment (payment of bail, securing a claim or securing reimbursement of legal costs).
From January 1, 2021, it is necessary to indicate in the payment documents the code of the regulatory legal act that determines the grounds for the receipt, return or transfer of funds. The code of the regulatory legal act (hereinafter referred to as the NLA) is entered in field 22 “Code” of the payment order.
ABO code must be selected from the list in accordance with the purpose of payment:

ABO code Purpose of payment
0024 Funds that are pledged.
0025 Monetary funds payable to experts (expert institutions) in the framework of a criminal case.
0027 Monetary funds instead of measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendant); monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of an administrative case.
0028 Monetary funds instead of measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendant); monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case.
0029 Monetary funds payable to experts (expert institutions) in the framework of a civil case.

A copy of the payment document, according to which the funds were deposited into the deposit account of the Department, is submitted by the payer to the court for attachment to the case file.

Information about mediators

Vologda Regional Collegium of the United Mediation (Intermediation) Service under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
NP "Center for Conflict Resolution"
tel: (8202) 52-06-37; fax: (8202) 59-34-45.

Antipov Vladimir Mikhailovich - Advisor to the General Director of the Severstal Russian Steel Division "; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Vikulova Irina Aleksandrovna - Interdepartmental service for children and youth" Ascent ", mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University Govorushko Alexander Viktorovich - director of JSC "Cherepovets match factory" FESKO ", mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Zakamenny Mikhail Yurievich - Deputy Director of JSC "Cherepovets Match Factory" FESKO "; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University, mediator in the resolution of interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Levitsky Andrey Leonidovich - Director of Unitary Enterprise" ZhilKomfortService "; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Salomashenko Tatiana Evgenievna - OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international Certificate. Shiryaev Evgeny Leonidovich - executive director; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Shishmilo Tatyana Anatolyevna - psychologist; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in the resolution of interpersonal and social conflicts - international Certificate Alexander A. Gilgenberg - executive director of the Kirov branch of PhosAgro AG; Conflict of Stability and Public Conflict - International Certificate. Isupov Andrey Anatolyevich - manager of the legal department of OJSC "Severstalmetiz"; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Elena Valentinovna Klimakova - Head of the Foreign Economic Activity Department, Severstal Russian Steel Division; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University. Kozyreva Tatyana Viktorovna - manager for administrative issues of the legal department of OJSC "Severstal-metiz"; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Koryugin Fedor Nikolaevich - Moscow, manager of Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Kondratyev Alexander Konstantinovich - arbitration manager, mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Kolokolnikov Oleg Gennadievich - arbitration manager, mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Levitskaya Viktoria Vitalievna - chief accountant "ZhilKomfortService"; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Makarov Andrey Nikolaevich - Head of the Department of Legal Support of the Severstal Russian Steel Division in the domestic market; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University, mediator in the resolution of interpersonal and social conflicts - international Certificate. Moiseichik Yuri Stepanovich - Attorney of the Bar Association " Renome "Vologda region; expert of the Union of Consumers of Russia; mediator certificate of St. Petersburg State University, mediator in the resolution of interpersonal and social conflicts - international Certificate. mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international Certificate. Member of the international certification commission P-APK (from the Russian side). Smirnov Igor Borisovich - individual entrepreneur, mediator, certificate from St. Petersburg State University. Smirnova Tatyana Evgenievna - mediator, certificate from St. Petersburg State University. Tomilov Sergey Anatolyevich - bankruptcy commissioner, mediator, certificate of St. Petersburg State University. Tkachuk Stepan Nikolaevich - Commissioner for the Rights of Entrepreneurs of the Vologda Region, mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University. Filipenko Veronika Sergeevna - doctor of BUZ Cherepovets City Children's Hospital; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Yuganov Maxim Anatolyevich - General Director of JSC "Russian Biscuit"; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate. Yudichev Evgeny Alekseevich - bankruptcy commissioner; mediator certificate from St. Petersburg State University, mediator in resolving interpersonal and social conflicts - international certificate.

Video Conferencing

Polycom IP Address -

time difference between the cities of Russia and Moscow; 0 hours
courtroom number meetings equipped with a videoconferencing system; No. 1
telephone (fax) number of the departmental videoconferencing network; VoIP-fax - 7356899 . (Courtroom)
technical capability of videoconferencing; Polycom IP-address -
periods of availability (inaccessibility) of courtrooms, if on some days videoconferencing sessions are not held in a specific hall; Available during business hours
contact information:
Responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing:
- assistant judge Ordina Olga Alexandrovna
- assistant judge Reshetnikova Elena Evgenievna
Tel. 8 (81748) 2-13-44
Responsible for conducting videoconferencing:
- secretary of the court session Guseva Vera Nikolaevna
- secretary of the court session Chirkova Maria Mikhailovna
VoIP Tel. - 7356802 (Courtroom No. 1)
8 (81748) 2-11-75
8 (81748) 2-26-45
Responsible for technical support of VKS
- court administrator Poklontsev Sergey Innokentievich
8 (81748) 2-26-83


Telephone number where you can get information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus:
8 (81748) 2-26-45
court administrator
Poklontsev Sergey Innokentievich


Responsible person of Tarnogsky district court for interaction with the media
assistant to the chairman of the court Ordina Olga Aleksandrovna, phone 8 (81748) 2-13-44, fax 8 (81748) 2-12-75,

United Press Service of the Courts of the Vologda Region :
"Vkontakte" - vk. com/sudpress35, Telegram - t. me/sudpress35, TamTam - tt. me/sudpress35.

Responsible for the website of the Tarnogsky district court:
assistant to the president of the court - Olga Alexandrovna Ordina phone: 8 (81748) 2-13-44, fax 8 (81748) 2-12-75 ...