• Country: Russia
  • State: Arkhangelsk Region
  • County: Pinezhskij r-n
  • City: s Karpogory
  • Street, House: ul Fedora Abramova, dom 49A
  • Postcode: 164600
  • Site: http://pinegasud.arh.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (81856)2-17-20
  • Longitude: 44.441624
  • Latitude: 63.999411
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

The territorial jurisdiction of the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region is limited by the boundaries of the Pinezhsky Municipal District. The boundaries of the municipal formation "Pinezhsky municipal district" include the territories of the municipalities "Verkolskoye", "Karpogorskoye", "Kevrolskoye", "Kushkopalskoye", "Lavelskoye", "Mezhdurechenskoye", "Nyukhchenskoye", "Pinezhskoye", "Pirinemskoye", " Pokshengskoe, Siyskoe, Sosnovskoe, Surskoe, Shilegskoe.
Territorial jurisdiction (jurisdiction) of the Pinezhsky District Court was determined by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Arkhangelsk Regional Council of Workers' Deputies No. 686 dated October 11, 1960. The boundaries of the territories of municipalities are determined by the Law of the Arkhangelsk Region dated September 23, 2004 No. 258-extrach. - OZ "On the status and boundaries of the territories of municipalities in the Arkhangelsk region."
Municipal formation "Verkolskoye": v. Verkola (administrative center), v. Letopala, v. Smutovo, v. Losevo, v. Novy Put: municipality “Karpogorskoe”: v. Ainova, v. Vaimusha, v. Maryina, village Tserkova, village Chardonem, village Shotova, p. Karpogory (administrative center), Municipal entity "Kevrolskoye": village Edoma, village Kevrola (administrative center), village Kiglokhta, village Nemnyuga, Municipal entity "Kushkopalskoye": village Yerkino, village Kushkopala (administrative center), Pachikha village, Lavelskoye municipality: Zayedovye village, Zanavolok village, Lavela village, Repishche village, Yavzor village, Novolavela village (administrative center), Ruchyi village, Mezhdurechenskoye municipality: Mezhdurechensky (administrative center), Privokzalny settlement, Soga settlement, Shangas settlement, Nyukhchenskoye municipal formation: Zanyukhcha village (administrative center), Kuchkas village, Nyukhcha village, Pinezhskoye municipal formation: Bereznik village, v. Valdokurye, v. Veshkoma, v. Vizhevo, v. Voepola, v. Vonga, v. Zaborie, v. Zaozerye, v. Kargonem, v. Krylovo, v. Kulogora, v. Kuloi, v. Maletino, v. Okatovo, Pepino, Pershkovo, Petrova, Pilyegory, Soyala, Kholm, Tsimola, Chushela, Shchelya, Yurola, Golubino, Krasnaya Gorka , item Krasny Bor, item K Rivye Ozera, Pinega village (administrative center), Taiga village, Kholm village, Bereznik village, Valtevo village, Vysokaya village, Zaozerye village, Konetsgorye village, Matvera village, Mikheevo village, Pechgora village , v. Podradie, v. Pochezerye, v. Trufanova, v. Ust-Pocha, v. Chikinskaya, v. Yubra, Municipal formation "Pirinemskoe": v. Veegora, v. Vodogora, v. Gorodok, v. Kochmagora, v. Kusogora, Pirinem village (administrative center), Chakola village, Cheshegora village, Shasta village, Sheimogory village, Shotogorka village, Shirokoye village, Pokshengskoye municipal formation: Bolshoye Krotovo village, Kobelevo village ( administrative center), village Krasnoe, village Lokhnovo, village Maloe Krotovo, Municipal formation "Siyskoye": item Siya (administrative center), item Syloga, Municipal entity "Sosnovskoye": item Kulosega, item Mamonikha, item Sosnovka, village Sultsa, village Shidnema (administrative center), Municipal formation "Surskoe": village Gora, village Gorodetsk, village Gorushka, village Zasurye, village Markovo, village Oksovitsa, village Osanovo, . Island, village Pakhurovo, village Pimbera, village Priluk, village Sluda, village Kholm, the village of Shulomen, the item of Shuyga, with. Sura (administrative center), Municipal entity "Shilegskoye": village Bereznik, village Zemtsovo, village Ruskovera, village Taezhny, village Shilega, village Yasny (administrative center).

Travel by regular buses to the village. Karpogory, stop "Central".

Court mode

Monday 8 hours 30 minutes. - 17 hours. 30 minutes.
Tuesday 8 hours 30 minutes. - 17 hours. 30 minutes.
Wednesday 8 hours. 30 minutes. - 17 hours. 30 minutes.
Thursday 8 o'clock. 30 minutes. - 17 hours. 30 minutes.
Friday 8 o'clock. 30 minutes. - 17 hours. 30 minutes.
Lunch break (Monday - Friday) 12:00 30 minutes. - 13 o'clock. 30 minutes.
Reception time citizens by the president of the court
Tuesday 9 o'clock. 00 minutes - 11 o'clock. 00 minutes
Thursday 15 hours 30 minutes. - 16 hours 30 minutes.

Reception of citizens living in remote settlements is carried out during the working day.

Reception of the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region

Reception of claims (statements) from citizens, their representatives and representatives of legal entities is carried out in the Reception of the Court ( office No. 101). You must have a passport with you.

Monday-Friday 08:30 to 17:30
Lunch break from 12:30 to 13:30
tel. (81856) 2-27-80, fax (81856) 2-17-20

Composition of the court

Reception telephone of the chairman of the court (81856) 2-13-33

Position Surname, First name, Patronymic Date and number of the order on appointment
President of the Court Vtoraya Irina Anvarovna By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.02.2019 No. 40 I. A. Vtoraya was appointed as the chairman of the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region for a 6-year term of office
Judge Zhuk Olga Yuryevna By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2014 No. 503 Zhuk O. Yu. Was appointed to the position of judge of the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region without limitation of the term of office
Judge Elena Aleksandrovna Pershina By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1030 dated July 28, 2011 E. court of the Arkhangelsk region without time limit is complete urine

Court Divisions

Reception is conducted by assistant judges Bovsunovsky Eduard Valerievich
Khudyakova Oksana Sergeevna
Usynina Elena Nikolaevna
(81856) 2 27 80
Assistant judges
Bovsunovsky Eduard Valerievich (81856) 2 12 96
Oksana Khudyakova (81856) 2 26 70
(81856) 2 11 10
Usynina Elena Nikolaevna (81856) 2 13 33
Department of Legal Proceedings
Head of Department Bobyleva Natalya Alexandrovna (81856) 2 17 20
Clerk of the court session Chupakova Eleonora Vladimirovna (81856) 2 26 70
Court clerk Yankova Maria Gennadievna (81856) 2 12 96
Secretary of the court session Tarakanova Tatyana Nikolaevna (81856) 2 11 10
Secretary of the court session Polikarpova Olga Vladimirovna (81856) 2 13 33
Court clerk Lyudmila Ivanovna Skvoznyakova (81856) 2 24 59
Clerk court Sinitskaya Anna Mikhailovna (81856) 2 12 77
Pulina Tatyana Mikhailovna (81856) 2 12 77
Court administrator
Valentina Petrovna Vorobieva (81856) 2 10 58

Court staff

Position Last name, first name, patronymic
Head of the Department of Legal Proceedings Natalya Alexandrovna Bobyleva
Judge Assistant Khudyakova Oksana Ser gay
Assistant to the judge Bovsunovsky Eduard Valerievich
Assistant to the judge Usynina Elena Nikolaevna
Clerk of the court session Chupakova Eleonora Vladimirovna
Clerk of the court session Tarakanova Tatiana Nikolaevna
Secretary of the court session Yankova Maria Gennadievna
Secretary of the court meetings Olga Vladimirovna Polikarpova
Court Secretary Lyudmila Ivanovna Skvoznyakova
Court clerk Anna Mikhailovna Sinitskaya
Consultant Tatyana Mikhailovna Pulina
Administrator of the court Vorobyeva Valentina Petrovna

Contact information

fax: (81856) 2-17-20

Cabinet Position Last name, first name, patronymic Phone
201 President of the Court Vtoraya Irina Anvarovna
201 Assistant to the judge Usynina Elena Nikolaevna (81856) 2-13-33
201 Secretary of the court session Olga Vladimirovna Polikarpova (81856) 2-13-33
206 Judge
206 Judge Assistant (81856) 2-11-10
206 Secretary of the court session Tarakanova Tatiana Nikolaevna (81856) 2-11-10
204 Judge Zhuk Olga Yurievna
204 Assistant judge Bovsunovsky Eduard Valerievich (81856) 2-12-96
204 Secretary of the court session Yankova Maria Gennadievna (81856) 2-12-96
205 Judge Elena Pershina
205 Assistant Referee Khudyakova Oksana Sergeevna (81856) 2-26-70
205 Secretary of the court session Chupakova Eleonora Vladimirovna (81856) 2-26-70
104 Court administrator Vorobieva Valentina Petrovna (81856) 2-10-58
104 Engineer Mansurova Tatyana Alexandrovna (81856) 2-10-58
202 Head of Legal Proceedings Department Bobyleva Natalia Alexandrovna Tel./fax (81856) 2-17-20
203 Court clerk Skvoznyakova Lyudmila Ivanovna (81856) 2-24-59
203 Court clerk Anna Mikhailovna Sinitskaya (81856) 2-12-77
203 Consultant Pulina Tatyana Mikhailovna (81856 ) 2-12-77
101 Reception Duty Assistant Judge (81856) 2 -27-80
105 Bailiff for OUPDS (81856) 2 -12-89

Powers of the District Court

Art. 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation"
1. The District Court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. On the basis of Part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a district court has the right to apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request for the constitutionality of a law to be applied in a specific case.
4. The district court hears appeals, submissions against the decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

BANK DETAILS for payment of state fees in cases considered in the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region

Beneficiary's name: UFK for Arch. region and NAO. (MIFNS of Russia No. 3 for the Arkhangelsk region and NAO)
Beneficiary's bank: Branch of the Bank of Russia Arkhangelsk // UFK for the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug . Arkhangelsk
BIK of the beneficiary bank: 011117401
Account of the beneficiary bank: 40102810045370000016
Beneficiary's account: 03100643000000012400
Beneficiary's INN: 2903006014
Receiver's checkpoint: 290301001
OKTMO: 11648408
Budget classification code (BCK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110 - state fee paid when applying to the courts;
182 1 08 03 010 01 1060 110 - state duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits.
Payment name: State fee

BANK DETAILS for paying the state fee when filing appeals to the Arkhangelsk Regional Court

Name of the payee : UFK for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Arkhangelsk)
Beneficiary's bank: Branch Arkhangelsk of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District of Arkhangelsk
BIK of the beneficiary's bank: 011117401
Beneficiary bank account: 40102810045370000016
Beneficiary account: 03100643000000012400
TIN of the recipient: 2901061108
KPP of the recipient: 290101001
OKTMO: 11701000
Budget classification code (BCK) 182 1 08 03010 0 1 1050 110 - the state fee paid when applying to the courts;
182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110 - the state fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits.
Payment name: State fee

BANK DETAILS for paying the state fee when filing cassation appeals to the Third General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation

Name of payment:
Name payee: UFK for St. Petersburg (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 9 for St. Petersburg)
Beneficiary: North-West Main Department of the Bank of Russia, St. Petersburg // UFK for St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg
BIK of the beneficiary bank: 014030106
Beneficiary's bank account: 40102810945370000005
Beneficiary's account: 03100643000000017200
TIN of the recipient: 7841000026
KPP of the recipient: 783901001
OKTMO: 40909000
Budget classification code: 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
State duty

BANK DETAILS for payment of state duty for appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Name of the payee: UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 for Moscow, l/s 40100770004)
Beneficiary's bank: Main Department of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District // UFK for St. Moscow, Moscow
BIK of the beneficiary bank: 004525988
Account: 03100643000000017300
CORRECTION: 401 028 105 453 700 000 03
INN recipient: 7704058987
Recipient's checkpoint: 770401001
OKTMO : 45374000
Budget classification code: * 182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110
Payment name: State duty on cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

* - indicate the corresponding code of the budget classification:
182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110 - State duty on cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state duty paid when applying to the courts);
182 1 08 03020 01 1060 110 - State duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits).

State Service

Head of the Department of Procedural Support
Bobyleva Natalya Alexandrovna
Tel./fax (81856) 2-17-20

Press Service

In the Pinezhsky District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region, an assistant is responsible for interaction with the media judges Usynina Elena Nikolaevna contact phone: 8 (81856) 2-13-33
fax: 8 (81856) 2-17-20
Address: 164600, p. Karpogory, st. F. Abramova, 49-a