• Country: Russia
  • State: Arkhangelsk Region
  • County: Onezhskij r-n
  • City: g Onega
  • Street, House: pr-kt Kirova, dom 132
  • Postcode: 164840
  • Site: http://onegasud.arh.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (81839)7-16-95
  • Longitude: 38.107918
  • Latitude: 63.901691
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

Zolotukhskoe municipal district: Zolotukha, Kusha, Sulozero, Unezhma; MO "Kodinskoe": 315 km, Glazaniha, Kodino, Kostoruchey, Mudyuga, Rimenga, Suhaya Vychera, Tesovka; MO "Maloshuiskoe": Abramovskaya, Kushereka, Maloshuyka, Unezhma, Shundanets; Municipality "Nimengskoe": Vorzogory, Nimenga, st. Nimenga, Ponga, Shasta, Shastinsky, Yudmozero; MO "Onega": Onega; MO "Pokrovskoe": Verkhneozersky, Kyanda, Lyamtsa, Malozhma, Nizhmozero, Pokrovskoe, Purnema, Tamitsa; MO "Porozhskoe": 243 km, Amosovskaya, Anda, Andozero, Vatega, der. Wonguda, Art. Vonguda, Gribanikha, Gribanovskaya, Kamennoe, Karamino, Korelskoe, Makaryino, Medvedevskaya, Naumovskaya, Pavlovskaya, Threshold, Semyonovskaya, Ust-Kozha, Chizhikovo; Chekuevskoe municipal district: Antsiferovskaya, Antsiferovsky Bor, Bolshaya Fekhtalma, Bolshoye Sharkovo, Bolshoy Bor, Bukobory, Vazentsy, Velikoselskaya, Upper, Voimozero, Grihnovo, Zalesye, Zatez'e, Kanzapelda, Karbatovo, Kaska, Kleschevo, Kovkula, Kopygovanov , Malaya Fechtalma, Maloye Sharkovo, Medvedevo, Mondino, Navolok, Nermusha, Pavlovsky Bor, Pachepelda, Pertema, Piyala, Pole, Posad, Priluki, Proshkovo, Pyantino, Selsky Bor, Raw materials, Tabory, Usolye, Filyava, Khachela, Khayala, Tselyagino , Chekuevo, Cheshyuga, Shomoksha.

Court hours

Monday from 9:00 to 18:00 Break
from 13:00 to 1348
Tuesday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wednesday from 09:00 to 18:00
Thursday from 9:00 to 18 . 00
Friday 9:00 to 17:00
Saturday Day off

Visitors are allowed to enter the courthouse upon presentation of documents identity. Opening hours of the reception court
Monday - Thursday
9.00 am to 6.00 pm
9.00 am to 5 pm. 00 hours
from 13. 00 to 13. 48 hours

Reception of statements of claim, issuance of documents, copies of decisions, sentences, rulings, certificates is carried out in the RECEPTION OF THE COURT office. No. 6 on the first floor of the building.
Claims are accepted upon presentation of a passport (or a certificate replacing it from the FMS). Persons who are not applicants must present an additionally duly executed power of attorney from the applicant. The chairman of the Onega City Court receives citizens without prior registration, in the order of priority of application upon presentation of identity documents.
from 16.00 to 17.00

Reception of the Onega City Court of the Arkhangelsk Region

Reception of claims (statements ) from citizens, their representatives and representatives of legal entities is carried out at the reception court (office No. 6). You must have a passport with you.

from 09:00 to 18:00
from 09:00 to 17:00
Lunch break from 13:00 to 13:48
tel./fax (81839) 7-10-31

Composition of the court

Position Surname, First name, Patronymic Date and number of the appointment order
President of the Court Olga Aleksandrovna Shakhrova Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2018 No. 1 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts" was appointed Chairman of the Onega City Court for a 6-year term of office.
Judge Sergey Aleksandrovich Kozhukhov Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2011 No. 1031 "On the appointment of district court judges" was appointed as a judge of the Onega City Court.
Alexey Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2011 No. 468 “On the appointment of district judges courts "was appointed to the position of a judge of the Onega city court.
Judge Karelina Svetlana Yurievna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2019 No. 40 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ”was appointed to the position of a judge of the Onega City Court.

Court apparatus

Court administrator
Konstantin Nikolayevich Gagarin 7 -16-99 Cab. 1
Assistant judges
Sergey Kimarev 7-23-66 Cab. 2
Peshekhonova Alexandra Alexandrovna 7-22-23 Cab. 7
Kazakova Valentina Sergeevna 7-17-36 Cab. 13
Khamatkhanova Angela Islamovna 7-23-66 Cab. 3
Department of Legal Proceedings
Head of Department Koshirina Natalya Vladimirovna 7-58-00 Cab. 10
Senior Specialist of the 1st category Tatiana Anatolyevna Zotova 7-16-95 Cab. 11
Court clerk Tsaruk Svetlana Vladimirovna
Court clerk Artemyeva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Court clerk Viktor Sergeevich Ermolaev 7-10-31 Cab. 6
1st category specialist Aleksandra V. Minina 7-16-95 Cab. 6
Consultant Ermolin Vyacheslav Alexandrovich 7-16-99 Cab. 1
Clerks of the court session of the department of legal support
Ivanova Nadezhda Gennadievna 7-22-23 Cab. 7
Privalikhina Marina Igorevna 7-23-66 Cab. 2
Elena Vladimirovna Likhacheva 7-17-36 Cab. 13
Maria Olegovna Samarskaya 7-23-66 Cab. 3
Anna Stanislavovna Ilyina 7-22-23 Cab. 7


Position Full name Cab. Telephone
President of the Court Olga Aleksandrovna Shakhrova 9
Referee Assistant Alexandra Alexandrovna Peshekhonova 7 (81839) 7-22-23
Secretary of the court session Anna Stanislavovna Ilyina 7 (81839) 7-22-23
Judge Sergey Kozhukhov 8
Judge Assistant Kimarev Sergey Viktorovich 2 (81839) 7-23-66
Court clerk Marina Igorevna Privalikhina 2 (81839) 7-23-66
Judge Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov 12
Judge assistant Kazakova Valentina Sergeevna 13 81839) 7-17-36
Secretary of the court session Elena Vladimirovna Likhacheva 13 81839) 7-17-36
Judge Karelina Svetlana Yurievna 14
Judge Assistant Angela Islamovna Khamatkhanova 3 (81839) 7-23-66
Court clerk Maria Olegovna Samarskaya 3 (81839) 7-23-66
Referee Assistant
Secretary of the court session Ivanova Nadezhda Gennadievna 7 (81839) 7-22-23
Start Department of Legal Proceedings Koshirina Natalya Vladimirovna 10 (81839) 7-58-00
Secretary court based on materials Zotova Tatyana Anatolyevna 11 (81839) 7-16-95
Secretary of the civil court Artemyeva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
criminal cases Tsaruk Svetlana Vladimirovna
Specialist of the 1st category Minina Aleksandra Valerievna 6
Court Consultant for Informatization Ermolin Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich 1 (81839) 7-16-99
Court Administrator Gagarin Konstantin Nikolaevich
Reception Court Viktor Sergeevich Ermolaev 6 (81839) 7-10-31

Powers of the District Court

(Article 34 of the Federal Constitution law of February 7, 2011 N 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation")
1. The District Court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. On the basis of Part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a district court has the right to apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request for the constitutionality of a law to be applied in a specific case.
4. The district court hears appeals, submissions against the decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

Bank details for payment of state fees in cases considered by the Onega City Court

OKTMO code 11646101
Payee's account number 03100643000000012400
Bank name Branch Arkhangelsk
BIK 011117401
Budget classification code (BCK) 18210803010011060110
Name of payment State duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (except for state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)

Details of the state duty in cases considered in the Arkhangelsk Regional Court

Name of the payee UFK for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Arkhangelsk)
TIN 2901061108
Number payee's account 40102810045370000016
Bank name Branch Arkhangelsk
BIK 011117401
KBK 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace

Details for paying the state duty when filing cassation appeals to the Third General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation

Gender payer UFK for St. Petersburg (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 9 for St. Petersburg)
TIN 7841000026
Checkpoint 783901001
OKTMO 40909000
Payee's account number 40102810945370000005
Bank name North-West State Administration Bank of Russia
BIK 014030106
KBK 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State fee

Details of the state duty for filing cassation and supervisory complaints to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Recipient's name payment UFK in Moscow (for IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow), l/s No. 401 007 700 04
TIN 7704058987
Account number 40102810545370000003
Bank name Branch 1 Moscow GTU Bank of Russia, Moscow
BIK 044525988
Checkpoint 770401001
KBK 182 1 08 03020 01 1000 110
Name of payment State duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

List of judicial conciliators

The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation approved a list of 342 judicial conciliators - retired judges whose task help the parties to the process to resolve the matter peacefully. The parties participate in judicial conciliation voluntarily - this is the basic principle of the procedure.
From the Arkhangelsk region, the list of judicial conciliators includes the retired judges of the Arbitration Court of the Arkhangelsk region Elena Ivanovna Bekarova, Irina Sergeevna Gulyaeva and Irina Anatolyevna Menshikova, retired judges of the Arkhangelsk Regional Court Larisa Nikolaevna Galkina and Lyubov Vladimirovna Schegolikhina.


For information on filling vacancies, please call (81839) 7-58-00
Head of Support Department Koshirina Natalya Vladimirovna


Interaction with the media in the Onega City Court of the Arkhangelsk Region is carried out by:
Koshirina Natalya Vladimirovna
tel. (81839) 75800
164840, Onega, st. Kirov, 132