• Country: Russia
  • State: Arkhangelsk Region
  • City: g Arkhangelsk
  • Street, House: pr-kt Lomonosova, dom 203
  • Postcode: 163000
  • Site: http://sudis.arh.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (8182)28-80-52
  • Longitude: 40.522706
  • Latitude: 64.546201

Territorial jurisdiction

Isakogorsk district of Arkhangelsk: 1-4 km of regional road "Isakogorka-Novodvinsk-Kholmogory" , 1212-1218 km of the federal highway "Arkhangelsk-Moscow", st. Admiral Makarov, st. Alleynaya, st. Basseynaya, Second line, st. Second street, 2nd km of the Severodvinskaya branch, st. Vychegodskaya, st. Mountain, st. 263rd Sivash division, st. Dezhnevtsev, st. Depovskaya, st. Dynamo, Dynamo, st. Dokovskaya, st. Dorozhnikov, st. Dreyer, st. Railway, st. Zavodskaya, house number 1, st. Closed, houses number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, st. Western, st. Zenkovich, st. Source, st. Karavannaya, KIZ "Isakogorka", KIZ "Cathedral", st. Brick, st. Klepach, st. Short, st. Kochurinskaya, Lakhtinskoe highway, st. Levoberezhnaya, st. Lesozavodskaya, st. Liternaya, st. Lokomotivnaya, st. Magistralnaya, st. Embankment, houses number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, st. Nakhimov, Novy Avenue, st. Bypass, st. Ozernaya, st. Onezhskaya, st. Pavel Orlov, st. Parkovaya, st. First, 1st line, st. Crossing, st. Pirsovaya, st. Plembaza, st. Border, st. Pryvokzalnaya, st. Suburban, st. Berth, st. Puteytsev, st. Raidovaya, st. Rechnikov, Northern Avenue, st. 100th division, st. Station, st. Shiprepair, st. Surpovskaya, st. Taezhnaya, st. Transformer, st. Third, Third line, st. Dead end, st. Turdeevskaya, st. Traction, st. Khimpromkombinat, st. Central, st. Fourth, st. School, No. 1 and No. 2, st. Shturmanskaya;
Tsiglomen district of Arkhangelsk: st. Bor, st. Vodoemnaya, Second working quarter, st. Zelenets, st. Brick factory, st. Kombinatovskaya, st. Krasin, st. Kuibyshev, st. L. N. Lochekhina, st. Leninskaya, st. Matrosov, st. Mira, Lane Eleventh, First Workers' Quarter, st. Roadside, st. Pustoshny, st. Sevstroy, st. Stevedorskaya, st. Tsiglomenskaya.


By public transport
From Tsiglomen: Bus No. 31 or No. 81 to the stop "Prospekt Obvodny Canal" , transfer "Prospect Obvodny Canal" to buses No. 1, No. 75 (big ring) or No. 76 to the stop "Loginova" (Troitsky Prospekt).
From the Left Bank: Bus No. 3, No. 23 to the sea river station, transfer at the Sea river station to buses No. 1, No. 9, No. 42, No. 43, No. 44, No. 61, No. 75 (big ring ), No. 76, No. 60 to the stop "Loginova" (Troitsky prospect).
Further from the stop of public transport "Loginova" (Troitsky prospect) to the courthouse.

Court hours

Monday - Friday from 08.30 to 17.30 o'clock
Lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30 o'clock
Saturday, Sunday Weekends

Visitors are allowed to enter the courthouse upon presentation of identity documents. Reception of claims (statements) from citizens, their representatives and representatives of legal entities is carried out in the reception area of ​​the court (office No. 100).

Monday - Friday 08.30 am - 12.30 pm
13.30 pm until 17.30 o'clock
Lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30 o'clock

Applications are accepted upon presentation of a passport or a certificate from the FMS replacing it. Persons who are not applicants additionally present a duly executed power of attorney from the applicant.
Reception of appellate and private complaints is carried out daily during the hours of the court.
Issuance of documents, certificates, copies of decisions, sentences, rulings is carried out daily during court hours. Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court is carried out in order of priority

Thursday from 10:00 to 11:00 am

Contact information

Court fax number (8182) 21-11-92

Position Full name Cab no. Phone number
President of the Court Trenin Sergey Alexandrovich 302
Assistant to the President of the Court Zobova Anastasia Vladimirovna 303 (8182) 288029
Court clerk 303 (8182) 288029
Deputy President of the Court 203
The secretary of the court session Melnikova Anastasia Avinerovna 213 (8182) 288040
The secretary of the court session Kolebakina Ekaterina Alexandrovna 213 (8182) 288040
Judge Belaya Natalya Yakovlevna 207
Judge Assistant Lyamina Maria Alexandrovna 206 (8182) 288046
Court clerk Vera Antipina 206 (8182) 288046
Judge Izot Ov Pavel Eduardovich 305
Judge Assistant Valentina Viktorovna Chernoudova 301 (8182) 288028
Secretary of the court session Nina Mikhailovna Baskakova 301 (8182) 288028
Judge Buzina Tatyana Yurievna 202
Judge Assistant Alexandra Pavlovna Cherepanova 206 (8182) 288072
Clerk of the court session Boyko Irina Evgenievna 211 (8182) 288072
Judge Sharpalova Lyubov Alekseevna 201
Assistant to the judge Toropova Anna Sergeevna 211 (8182) 210514
Secretary of the court session Goldobova Ekaterina Evgenievna 211 (8182) 210514
Judge Toritsyna Svetlana Vladimirovna 304А
Judge Assistant Gruzinskaya Victoria Alexandrovna 304B (8182) 200405
Clerk of the court session Movchan Ekaterina Sergeevna 304B (8182) 200405
Court administrator Alena Valentinovna Lisina 300 (8182) 288065
Head of Legal Proceedings Department Elena Ivanovna Lotareva 210 (8182) 288065
Consultant (litigation and statistics) Korelskaya Larisa Sergeevna 214 (8182) 288069
Consultant (informatization) Sergey Makarov 204 (8182) 288065
Leading specialist Makarova Lyubov Nikolaevna 208 (8182 ) 288065
Court clerk (civil cases) Tatiana Nikolaevna Sushkova 214 (8182) 288069
Clerk of the Court (criminal cases, cases of administrative offenses) Kas yanova Natalya Anatolyevna 214 (8182) 288069
Court clerk (materials) Emelyanova Natalya Yurievna 212 (8182) 288069
Senior Specialist of the 1st category (archive) Kobylkina Elvira Kustodianovna 104 (8182) 288061
Senior Specialist of the 2nd category Ekaterina Kalachnikova 100 (8182) 288052
Engineer Rebrikova Yana Igorevna 212 (8182) 288069
Courier Olga Yurievna Loboda 100 (8182) 288052

Composition of the Court

Position Last name, first name, patronymic Information about the appointment
Chairman of the Court Trenin Sergey Alexandrovich Appointed as Chairman of the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk for a six-year term of office by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Russian Federation of 17. 10. 2016 No. 552 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation". Qualification class - 5.
Judge Pavel Izotov Appointed as a judge of the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk for a three-year term of office by Decree President of the Russian Federation of 25. 06. 2004 No. 798 "On the appointment of judges of district courts". Appointed as a judge of the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk for an unlimited term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2008 No. 9 "On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts". Graduated from the Moscow Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2001. Qualification class - 5.
Judge Belaya Natalya Yakovlevna Appointed as judge of Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk without limitation of term of office by Decree President of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2016 № 241 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts". Qualification class - 6.
Judge Tatyana Yuryevna Buzina April 28, 2010 by the decision of the twelfth session of the fifth convocation of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies She was appointed to the post of magistrate of the judicial district No. 1 of Isakogorsky and Tsiglomensky districts of the city of Arkhangelsk for a three-year term of office. Appointed for a 5-year term of office from May 1, 2013 by the decision of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies dated March 12, 2013 No. 1797 as a magistrate of the court district No. 1 of the Isakogorsk judicial district of Arkhangelsk.
Appointed as a judge of the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk without limiting the term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15. 12. 2016 No. 669 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." In 2000 she graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute with a degree in finance and credit, qualification "economist". In 2004 she graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov with a degree in jurisprudence, qualification“ lawyer ”. Qualification class - 6.
Judge Sharpalova Lyubov Alekseevna Appointed as judge of Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk without limitation of term of office by Presidential Decree RF dated 23. 10. 2017 No. 506 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." Qualification class - 6.
Judge Svetlana Vladimirovna Toritsyna Appointed as judge of Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk without limitation of term of office by Presidential Decree RF dated 14. 10. 2019 No. 496 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." Qualification class - 7.

Court apparatus

Position Last name, first name, patronymic
Head of the Procedural Department Elena I. Lotareva
Assistant to the President of the Court Zobova Anastasia Vladimirovna
Assistant to the Judge Lyamina Maria Alexandrovna
Assistant to the judge Cherepanova Alexandra Pavlovna
Assistant to the judge Valentina Viktorovna Chernoudova
Judge Assistant Anna Sergeevna Toropova
Judge Assistant Gruzinskaya Viktoria Alexandrovna
Court Session Secretary Vera Antipina
Secretary of the court session Boyko Irina Evgenievna
Secretary of the court session Melnikova Anastasia Avineerovna
Court Clerk aniya Kolebakina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Secretary of the court session Goldobova Ekaterina Evgenievna
Clerk of the court session Movchan Ekaterina Sergeevna
Clerk of the court session Baskakova Nina Mikhailovna
Consultant Sergey Makarov
Consultant Korelskaya Larisa Sergeevna
Leading Specialist Makarova Lyubov Nikolaevna
Court Secretary Kasyanova Natalya Anatolyevna
Court clerk Natalya Yurievna Yemelyanova
Court clerk Tatiana Nikolaevna Sushkova
Senior specialist of the 1st category Kobylkina Elvira Kustodianovna
Senior specialist of the 2nd category Kalachnikova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Administrator Lisina Alena Valentinovna

Banking re Quisits for payment of state fees in cases considered by the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk

Beneficiary's name UFK for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (IFTS of Russia for the city of Arkhangelsk)
Checkpoint 290101001
TIN of the recipient 2901061108
OKTMO code 11701000
Beneficiary's bank account 40102810045370000016
Beneficiary's account 03100643000000012400
Name of the bank Branch of the Bank of Russia Arkhangelsk // UFK in the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous District of Arkhangelsk
BIK of the beneficiary bank 011117401
Budget classification code (BCK). State fee payable when applying to the court 18210803010011050110
Budget classification code (BCC). State duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits 18210803010011060110
Name of payment State duty

All specified details must be fully entered in the receipt.

Details of the state duty in cases considered by the Arkhangelsk Regional Court

Name of the payee UFK for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District (IFTS of Russia for Arkhangelsk)
Checkpoint 290101001
TIN of the recipient 2901061108
OKTMO code 11701000
Beneficiary's bank account 40102810045370000016
Beneficiary's account 03100643000000012400
Name of the bank Branch of the Bank of Russia Arkhangelsk // UFK in the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District of Arkhangelsk
Beneficiary bank BIC 011117401
Budget classification code (BCC). State fee payable when applying to the court 18210803010011050110
Budget classification code (BCC). State duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits 18210803010011060110
Name of payment State duty

All specified details must be fully entered in the receipt.

Bank details for payment of state fees in cases considered in the Third General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation.

Payee's name UFK in St. Petersburg (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 9 in St. Petersburg)
KPP 783901001
TIN of the tax authority 7841000026
OKTMO code 40909000
Current account 0310064300000001720
Bank name North-West Main Department of the Bank of Russia, St. Petersburg // UFK for St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg
BIK 014030106
Correspondent account 40102810945370000005
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Payment name State duty

All specified details must be fully entered in the receipt.

Details of the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Name of the payee UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow, account 40100770004)
Checkpoint 770401001
TIN 7704058987
OKTMO code 45374000
Payee's account number 03100643000000017300
Bank name Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District // UFK for MOSCOW, Moscow
BIK 004525988
Budget Classification Code (KBK) 18210803020011000110
Name of payment State duty on cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Public service

Get information about the replacement procedure For vacancies in the civil service in the court apparatus, contact the leading specialist Lyubov Nikolayevna Makarova by phone (8182) 28-80-65.

Press Service

Interaction with the media is carried out through the head of the department of legal proceedings, Elena Ivanovna Lotareva.
phone (8182) 28-80-65
fax (8182) 21-11-92

If you want to receive information messages prepared by the press service of the Isakogorsk district court of Arkhangelsk by e-mail, you must send a message to the e-mail address from your e-mail box, in which you must indicate: the name of the media, the address of the editorial office, the contact phone number, the full name of the head, the address of the official website (if any).
If you have a need to obtain information on a specific issue related to the competence of the Isakogorsk District Court of Arkhangelsk, you have the right to send an official request to the chairman of the court S.A. Trenin at the address: Lomonosov Ave., 203, Arkhangelsk, 163000. Phone: (8182) 28-80-65.

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