• Country: Russia
  • State: Chuvash Republic
  • City: g Cheboksary
  • Street, House: ul Bajdukova, dom 23
  • Postcode: 428003
  • Site: http://kalininsky.chv.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (8352)30-02-21
  • Longitude: 47.25575
  • Latitude: 56.138062

Territorial jurisdiction

Cheboksary: ​​
1st Kazanskaya, 1st Krupskaya, 1st Mopra, 1st Privostochnaya, 1st Passage, 1st Yakimovsky ravine, 15 years of Komsomol, 2nd Mopra, 2nd Privostochnaya, 2nd Passage, 2nd Yakimovsky ravine, 2nd Michurina, 2nd Pionerskaya , 2nd Rybatskaya, 3rd Yakimovsky ravine, 3rd Mopra, 3rd Pionerskaya, 3rd Rybatskaya, 324 bldg. Divisions (even side from houses N 4 to N 14, odd side from houses N 5 to N 9, from house N 13 to N 23, even side - houses N 20, 22, 28), 40 years of October (except for houses N 2, 5, 5a, 7a, 7b), 50 years of October (even side from house N 4 to N 26/24, odd side from houses N 1 to N 9, odd side from houses N 11 to N 23), Academician S. Fedorov, Anikeevskaya, Ashmarin, Bauman (odd side: houses N 1/68, 3/25, 5/38, 7, even side: houses N 10, 12), Bashmachnikov, Bezzubova, Berezovaya, Bichurin, Bolgarstroy, Brodsky, Orlov Boulevard, Williams, Volzhskaya, Volkova, Vostochnaya, G. Mikhailovsky, Gagarin (odd side from house N 25 to the end, even side from house N 24 to the end), Gaidar, Gastello (odd side: house N 1/72, from house N 9 to N 19, house N 23, even side: houses N 2/70, 4, 4/1, 4/2, 6/40, 8), Glinka, Gogol, Gremyachevskaya, Dekabristov (even side from house N 14 to the end, odd side from house N 25 to the end, even side from house No. 2 to No. 12, odd side from house No. 1 to No. 23), Dunaevsky, Zoya Yakovleva, Sorge, Kadykov (even side from house No. 2 to No. 18, house No. 18/1, odd side from house No. 9/9 to N 23, even side from house N 22 to N 36, house N 34/8, Kazanskaya, Kalinina, Kanashskoye highway, houses of the even side, Klara Zetkin, Klenovaya, Klubnaya, Kombinatskaya, Konstantin Fedin, Korney Chukovsky, Kremensky, Krupskaya, L. Komsomol (even side from house N 36 to N 40, houses NN 40/1, 40/2, even side from house N 42 to N 48, houses N 50, 50a, 52, 52a, 54, 56, 58, 58а, 60, 62, 66/2, 68/1, 68/2, 68/3, 74, 76, 76/1, 77, 78, 79, 80, 80а, 80/1, 81, 82, 83, 84, 84/1, 84a, 85, 86, 88/87), Lazo, Lesnaya (from houses N 1 to N 16), Magnitskiy, Malaya Pionerskaya, Michurina, Molodezhny, Mopra, Mopra unilateral, Musorskogo, Neftebazovskaya (Neftebaza), Nizhnyaya, Nikitina, Nikolaeva (houses NN 55, 57, 59, the even side from the house N 34/20 to N 48/108, the odd side from the house N 45/18 to N 53, the even side from the house N 18 to N 32, the odd side from the house N 25/15 to N 43/19), P. Lumumba (odd side from house N 13 to N 23, even side from house N 2 to N 16), Parkhomenko, Gremyachevsky Lane, Dekabristov Lane, Detsky Lane, Kombinatsky Lane, Lane Kuvshinsky, Molodezhny Lane, Uchitelsky Lane, Khalturin Lane, Yakimovsky Lane, Perova, Povorotno-Nagornaya, Vostochny Settlement, Drevzavod Settlement, Przhevalsky, Pribrezhnaya, Privostochnaya, Prirailovaya, Proezd Gremyaschevsky, Proezd Kabostroiteley, Prozdin Mashin i line, Proezd Myasokombinatsky 2nd line, Proezd Myasokombinatsky 3rd line, Proez e Myasokombinatskiy 4th line, F. Pavlova, Franko, Khlebozavodskaya, Tsivilskaya, Cheboksarskaya, Shumilova (odd side from house N 15 to N 29, houses NN 16.18, 22/18, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37 ), Egersky Boulevard (houses NN 6, 6/1, even side from house N 8 to N 18, even side from house N 20 to house N 32, even side from house N 34 to the end), Energetikov, J. Kupala, Yablochkova, Yakimovskaya, Yakimovsky ravine, Yarmarochnaya (houses of the odd side).

Working hours of the court and the reception area:

Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.
Lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00.
Saturday, Sunday - days off

Composition of the court

I. about. chairman of the court
Seleneva Maria Viktorovna
(appointed by the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 90 kd/23 of 16. 03. 2021)
Deputy chairman for criminal cases
Fadeeva Olga Mikhailovna
(appointed by decree President of the Russian Federation No. 253 of 21. 05. 2015)
Deputy Chairman for Civil Affairs
Seleneva Maria Viktorovna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 695 of 06. 12. 2018)
Algeshkina Galina Nikolaevna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1453 of 27.10.2012)
Volkov Eduard Gennadievich
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 619 of 05.07.2010)
Gorshkova Nadezhda Ivanovna > (appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 345 of 18.07.2019)
Dmitrieva Tatyana Aleksandrovna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 41 of 30.01.2014)
Olga Sergeevna Zakharova
(appointed by the Decree President of the Russian Federation No. 4 of 02. 01. 2021)
Indrikova Margarita Yurievna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 629 of 20.06.2002)
Laschenova Evgenia Vladimirovna
(appointed by the Decree of RF Identity No. 164 of 08. 02. 2011)
Martyanova Anna Vladislavovna
(appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 95 of 26. 01. 2008)
Mordvinov Yevgeny Nikandrovich
(appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 552 of 17.10.2016)
Elena Gennadievna Nikitina
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1453 of 27.10.2012)
Nikolaev Maxim Nikolaevich
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 241 of 23.05 . 2016)
Orlov Sergey Stanislavovich
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 600 of 07. 12. 2015)
Prokhorova Nadezhda Zinonovna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of 01.09. 1999)
Rozhkova Tatyana Ivanovna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 543 dated 03.05.2010)
Sidorov Vladimir Gennadievich
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 903 dated 21.08.2006)
Tigina Svetlana Nikolaevna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1777 dated 29. 12. 2007)
Timofeeva Elena Mikhailovna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 373 dated 28.05.2014)

Court divisions

Reception of the chairman of the court
assistant judge Kiznyakova Elena Arkadyevna cab. 212 tel. : 30-02-03
General Department
Head of Department Natalia Yarcheeva
Deputy ... head of department Skvortsova Tatyana Nikolaevna
office. 208 tel. : 30-02-18
tel. : 30-02-19
Reception of the court
consultant Albina Vitalievna Popova cab. 113 tel. : 30-02-21
Department of Criminal Proceedings
Head of Department Nikitina Angelina Nikolaevna cab. 206 tel. : 30-02-24
deputy head of department Avdeev Evgeny Valerievich office. 226 tel. : 30-02-12
Department of Civil Proceedings
Head of Department Natalya Valerievna Nonkina cab. 201 tel. : 30-02-28
Archive of the court
Senior Specialist Anastasia Aleksandrovna Semenova cab. 206А tel. : 30-02-29

Court Phone Book

Surname First name Patronymic Phone number
(area code 8352)
I. about. chairman of the court
Selendeeva Maria Viktorovna
Assistant to the chairman of the court
Kiznyakova Elena Arkadyevna
30-02-03 212
Secretary of the court session
Natalya Vladimirovna Illuminarskaya
30- 02-00 212
Deputy Chairman for Criminal Cases
Fadeeva Olga Mikhailovna
Judge assistant
Granatskiy Andrey Alexandrovich
30-02-04 125
Secretary of the court session
Kipyatkova Alina Nikolaevna
30-02-14 121
Deputy Chairman for Civil Cases
Selendeeva Maria Viktorovna
Judge Assistant
Kirgizova Nadezhda Yurievna
30-02-15 240
Secretary of the court session
Vera Nikolaevna Golovina
30-01-76 240
Galina Nikolaevna Algeshkina
Assistant judge
Vladimirova Lyudmila Alekseevna
30-01-92 105A
Secretary of the court session
Semenova Alexandra Dmitrievna
30-01-86 221
Volkov Eduard Gennadievich
Assistant judge
Volkova Lyudmila Ivanovna
30-01-77 228А
The secretary of the court session
Tikhonova Anastasia Nikolaevna
30- 01-88 105
Gorshkova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Judge Assistant
Ilya Konstantinovich Kozitsin
30-01-89 102A
Secretary of the court session
Afanasyeva Ksenia Olegovna
02-30-13 221
Dmitrieva Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Assistant judge
Romanova Larisa Valentinovna
30-01-81 123
Clerk of the court session
L vova Nadezhda Valerievna
30-02-32 125
Zakharova Olga Sergeevna
Assistant judge
Maria Evlogieva
30-01-75 103
Secretary of the court session
Stepanov Alexander Nikolaevich
30-01-79 103
Indrikova Margarita Yurievna
Assistant to the judge
Adyukova Larisa Nikolaevna
30-02-01 127
Secretary of the court session
Semenova Evgeniya Andrianovna
30-01-80 100
Laschenova Evgeniya Vladimirovna
Judge assistant
Olga Alekseevna Nikitina
30-01-82 125
Clerk of the court session
Verzilina Ekaterina Igorevna
30-01-74 102 A
Martyanova Anna Vladislavovna
Help nickname of the judge
Andreeva Vera Vitalievna
30-02-02 139
Secretary of the court session
Shipeev Andrey Dmitrievich
30-02-07 114
Mordvinov Evgeniy Nikandrovich
Assistant judge
Marina Gennadievna Matveeva
30-01-99 139
Court clerk-
Nikitina Elena Gennadievna
Judge assistant
Galina Olegovna Grigorieva
30-01-85 129
Secretary of the court session
Kuzmina Lyudmila Yurievna
30-01 -69 129
Nikolaev Maxim Nikolaevich
Assistant to the judge
Petrova Yulia Evgenievna
30-02-09 114
Secretary of the court session
Petrova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
30-02-08 129
Orlov Sergey Stanislavovich
Assistant judge
Isaeva Lyudmila Robertovna
30 -02-05 221
Secretary of the court session
Ismukov Sergey Vladimirovich
30-01-91 121
Prokhorova Nadezhda Zinonovna
Judge Assistant
Klementyeva Nataliya Yurievna
30-02-06 121
Secretary court session
Leontyeva Natalya Igorevna
30-02-25 133
Rozhkova Tatyana Ivanovna
Assistant judge
Ekaterina Nikolaevna Eremeeva
30-01-98 103
Secretary of the court session
Muzyakov Ivan Alexandrovich
01-30-90 125
Judge Vladimir Sidorov 236
Referee assistant
Dmitry Gennadievich Leontiev
30-01-94 133
Court secretary
Romanova Irina Petrovna
30-01-96 102А
Tigina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Judge Assistant
Elena Vladimirovna Petryakova
02-30- 10 133
Secretary of the court session
Egorova Kristina Vladislavovna
30-01-97 114
Timofeeva Elena Mikhailovna
Judge Assistant
Novikova Zoya Aleksandrovna
30-01-84 105
Secretary of the court session
Anastasia Igorevna Saparkina
30-01-71 105
Pavlov Oleg Evgenievich 30-01-73 135
The person responsible for providing information of a reference nature about the activities of the court is a consultant
Albina Vitalievna Popova
30-02-22 (fax )
Person responsible for interaction with the media - consultant
Valeeva Elvira Khamizovna
30-01-78 102B
General department
Head of Department
Natalya Valerianovna Yarcheeva
30-02- 18
30-02-34 (fax)
Deputy Head of Department
Tatyana Nikolaevna Skvortsova
30-02-19 208
Valeeva Elvira Khamizovna
30-01-78 102Б
Albina Vitalievna Popova
02/30/22 (fax)
Senior Specialist of the 3rd category
Dubrovina Faina Nikolaevna
- 113
Senior specialist of the 2nd category
Kitaeva Marina Mikhailovna
- 113
Specialists of the 1st category
Alexandrova Olga Valerianovna
Likhutina Lyudmila Engelsovna
30-02-20 115
Department ensuring legal proceedings in criminal cases
Head of Department
Angelina Nikolaevna Nikitina
30-02-24 206
Deputy Head of Department
Avdeev Evgeniy Valerievich
30-02-12 226
Court secretaries - Alevtina Petrovna Barkhatkina - Nadezhda Arkadyevna Egorova - Tatyana Vladimirovna Mayorova
30- 02-26

Civil Proceedings Department   
Head of Department
Natalya Valerievna Nonkina
30-02 -28 201
Chief specialist Stepanova Nadezhda Mikhailovna 30-02-30 201
Court clerk
Agafonova Svetlana Vasilievna
30-02-27 201
Senior specialist of the 1st category
Semyonova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
30-02-29 206А
Senior cn etsialist 1 category
Semyonova Anastasia Alexandrovna
30-02-29 206А

Powers of the court

The District Court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.

People with limited mobility

If you are a participant in the process and for health reasons it is difficult for you to move, you should inform the court in advance by the phone numbers indicated in a subpoena or letter, or on the court's website, in order for the proceedings to be held on the first floor of the House of Justice building, in which the Kalininsky District Court of the city of Cheboksary is located.

In order to provide conditions for unimpeded access of people with limited mobility, a ramp was installed to the left of the entrance to the courthouse.

Bank details for paying the state fee

Beneficiary's name UFK for the Chuvash Republic (IFTS of Russia for Cheboksary)
KPP 213001001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 2130000012 IFTS of Russia for Cheboksary
OKTMO 97701000
Payee's account number 03100643000000011500
Bank name OFFICE - NB CHUVASH REPUBLIC OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK for the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary
BIK 019706900
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Payment name state duty when going to court

Bank details for paying the collateral

Beneficiary's name: INN 2128026782 KPP 213001001
UFK for Chuv Ash Republic (Office of the Judicial Department in the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia l/s 05151331040)
Account number 03212643000000011500
Bank name: Branch - NB Chuvash Republic of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary
Correspondent account 40102810945370000084
BIK 019706900
Code of funds 438001331040024
Name of payment: funds received in temporary order - security amount

Notification of the participants in the trial about the date, time and place court session via sms messages

In the Kalininsky District Court of Cheboksary, the participants in the trial about the date, time and place of the court session can be notified by SMS messages.

Notification of the participants in the trial by means of an SMS message is carried out in case of their consent to the notification in this way and when the fact of sending and delivery of an SMS notification to the addressee is recorded. The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the information about the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in a similar way, the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent is indicated.

Video conferencing

Address of the Kalininsky District Court of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic: 428003, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Baidukova Street, house number 23.
There is no time difference between the city of Cheboksary and the city of Moscow.
The courtroom, equipped with a video-conferencing system, - No. 116 (1st floor of the House of Justice).
IP-address of the video-terminal videoconferencing - 10. 21. 71. 50
IP-phone number of the departmental network - 7217104
The person responsible for coordinating the work on holding court sessions using the video-conferencing system - assistant to the chairman of the court Kiznyakova Elena Arkadyevna, tel. 8 (8352) 30-02-03.
The person responsible for the technical support of video-conference communication is the deputy head of the department for the provision of legal proceedings in criminal cases Evgeny V. Avdeev, tel. 8 (8352) 30-02-12.
In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 10 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the use of video-conferencing systems in a closed court session is not allowed.


Telephone numbers where you can get information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus
1. General Department of the Kalininsky District Court of Cheboksary, tel. 30-02-18 (providing information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the court apparatus):
head of the department Natalya Valeryanovna Yarcheeva;
deputy head of the department Skvortsova Tatyana Nikolaevna.
2. Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Chuvash Republic-Chuvashia, tel. 30-00-11, 30-00-12 (providing information on filling the vacant position of a judge of a district court and a magistrate):
deputy head of the department Natalya Veniaminovna Kuzmina;
consultant Artur Yuryevich Smirnov.
3. Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Chuvash Republic-Chuvashia, tel. 30-00-14 (providing information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the offices of district courts):
consultant Vera Mikhailovna Kalashnikova.

Press Service

Person in charge of interaction with the media
Court consultant Valeeva Elvira Khamizovna, tel. : 30-01-78

Music production services and recording studio - Raz Klinghoffer