• Country: Russia
  • State: Udmurtian Republic
  • City: g Sarapul
  • Street, House: ul Krasnaya Ploshchad, dom 6
  • Postcode: 427960
  • Site: http://sarapulskiygor.udm.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (34147)4-11-40
  • Fax: (34147)4-11-08
  • Longitude: 53.819713
  • Latitude: 56.478079
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

The jurisdiction of the Sarapul City Court of the Udmurt Republic extends to the territory of the city of Sarapul.

Opening hours:

Mon - Thu 8.30 - 17.30, Fri 8.30 - 16.30, lunch break 12 . 00 - 12.48

Working hours of the Reception Court: Mon - Thu 8.30 - 17.30, Fri 8.30 - 16.30, lunch break 12.00 - 12.48

Court Composition

city extension
Chairman of the Court
Alexey Anatolyevich Asetkin
Appointed to the position by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 3 dated 02.01.2016
(34147) 4-11-40 242
Deputy Chairperson of the Criminal Court
Natalya Viktorovna Morozova
Appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 681 of 25.10.2014
(34147) 4-11-05 226
Deputy Chairman of the Court for Civil Cases
Arefieva Yulia Sergeevna
Appointed to position by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 563 of 21.11.2015
(34147) 4-19-47 23 3
Mayorova Lyubov Viktorovna
Appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1130 of 01.09.2007
(34147) 4-11-39 232
Yevlevskikh Svetlana Vladimirovna
Appointed to the post by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1130 dated 01.09.2007
(34147) 4-11-40 241
Knyazev Dmitry Mikhailovich
Appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 294 of 22.06.2016
(34147) 4- 11-09 222
Melnikov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Appointed to the post by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 75 of 15.01.2010
(34147) 4-11-40 231
Mosaleva Olga Valerievna
Appointed to the post by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 883 of 09 . 07. 2010
(34147) 4-11-40 225
Chuprikova Viner Gabdenurovna
Appointed for the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 500 of 16.04.2008
(34147) 4-11-40 235
W adrina Elena Viktorovna (34147) 4-11-40 243
Appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 618 of 21 . 05. 2010   
Golubev Vyacheslav Yurievich
Appointed to the post by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1009 of 14.08.2010
(34147) 4-11-40 234
Kosarev Alexander Sergeevich
Appointed to the office by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 506 of 23.10.2017
(34147) 4-11-40
Kalistratova Veronika Viktorovna
Appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 584 of 06.12.2019
(34147) 4- 11-40 244
Kuzhbaeva Alsu Rifovna
Appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 4 dated 02.01.2021
(34147) 4-11-40 215

Contact information

Tel. : (34147) 4-11-40, 4-11-06
Fax: (34147) 4-11-08

Reception court
(34147) 4-11-40

Reception of the chairman of the court
(34147) 4-11-06

Head of the department of statistics and legal proceedings
(34147) 4-11-40
Peresypkina Olga Vladimirovna

Head of the department of civil service, personnel and office work
(34147) 4-16-81
Lisina Svetlana Valerievna

Court administrator
(34147) 4-19- 44
Krivosheev Vladislav Viktorovich

Consultant on informatization
(34147) 4-09-60
Ivanov Andrey Alekseevich

Powers of the court

In accordance with Art. 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 07. 02. 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation":
1. The District Court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses
3. On the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a district court has the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request for the constitutionality of a law to be applied in a specific case.
4. The district court hears appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.


Tel. : (34147) 4-11-40, 4-11-06
Reception of the court (34147) 4-11-40
Reception of the chairman of the court (34147) 4-11-06
Head of the department of statistics and support legal proceedings (34147) 4-11-40 Peresypkina Olga Vladimirovna
Head of the department of civil service, personnel and office work (34147) 4-16-81 Lisina Svetlana Valerievna
Administrator of the court (34147) 4-19-44 Krivosheev Vladislav Viktorovich

Details of payment of the state duty
(State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace (except for the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)

Payee's bank Branch-NB Udmurt Republic of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Udmurt Republic Izhevsk
Beneficiary's Bank account number 40102810545370000081
Beneficiary's account number (Treasury account number) 03100643000000011300
Naime identification of the payee UFK for the Udmurt Republic (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 5 for the Udmurt Republic)
TIN of the tax authority 1827019000
Checkpoint 183801001
OKTMO code 94740000
Name of payment State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace
Budget classification code ( KBK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
GP payment type state duty payment

(State duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits (except for the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)

Payee's bank Branch-NB Udmurt Republic of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Udmurt Republic of Izhevsk
BIC 019401100
Beneficiary's bank account number 4010281054537 0000081
Beneficiary's account number (Treasury account number) 03100643000000011300
Beneficiary's name UFK for the Udmurt Republic (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 5 for the Udmurt Republic)
TIN of the tax authority 1827019000
Checkpoint 183801001
OKTMO code 94740000
Name of payment State fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits
Budget classification code (BCC) 182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110

According to paragraph 3 of Article 333.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the state duty is paid locally committing a legally significant action in cash or non-cash form. When filing an appeal to the Supreme Court of the UR, the state fee should be paid according to the following details.


Payee's name Udmurtskaya Republic (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 for the Udmurt Republic)
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1831038252
OKTMO code 94701000
Single Treasury Account (TSA) 40102810545370000081
Treasury account (beneficiary's account) 03100643000000011300
Payee's bank Branch-NB Udmurt Republic of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Udmurt Republic of Izhevsk
BIK 019401100
Budget Classification Code (BCK) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction by justices of the peace

SMS notification of learning Proceedings of lawyers

The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, which, along with the information about the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, indicates the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent.
SMS notification will not be sent if there is a need to send any documents to the participant in the proceedings.
A receipt of consent to an SMS notification can be provided to a participant in the proceedings at the reception court (room 14) when filing a statement of claim (statement), directly at the court session, and can also be attached by the participant in the proceedings in a completed form to the one submitted to court to the statement of claim (statement).

List of judicial conciliators in the Udmurt Republic

In accordance with the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 01.28.2020 No. 1 "On the approval of the list of judicial conciliators "the following conciliators have been appointed in the Udmurt Republic:

F. I.O. Length of service, years Specialization Name of the court - place of work before retirement Name of the settlement and region residence
Akhmetova Larisa Garafeevna 27 civil proceedings Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
Galina Vladimirovna Degtereva 37 civil proceedings Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic
Olga Anatolyevna Sidorenko 35 civil proceedings Arbitration court of the Udmurt Republic g. Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic

Video conferencing

Difference in time with Moscow: +1
Number of a courtroom equipped with a videoconferencing system: 2
Telephone (fax) numbers of the departmental videoconferencing network: 718-70-01, 718-70-02 (phone), 718-70 -01,718-70-02 (fax)
IP-address of the videoconferencing: 10. 18. 70. 50
Responsible for organizing the videoconferencing: the secretary of the court session, assigned to the judge who is considering the case using the videoconferencing.
Responsible for technical support of videoconferencing: consultant Ivanov Andrey Alekseevich tel. (34147) 4-11-40.
During the absence of Andrei Alekseevich Ivanov, those responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing: court administrator Vladislav Viktorovich Krivosheev.
Applications for the organization of videoconferencing are accepted in writing, including by e-mail.


Department of civil service, personnel and office work of the Sarapul City Court of the Udmurt Republic
Head of Department Lisina Svetlana Valerievna
Tel ... (34147) 4-11-40


Contact person in charge of media relations:
Consultant Elena Shadrina Grigorievna tel: 4-11-40 (extension number 245)