Territorial jurisdiction
The jurisdiction of the Kambarsky District Court of the Udmurt Republic extends to the entire territory of the Kambarsky District of the Udmurt Republic.
The following municipalities are included in the Kambarsky district.
Municipal formation "Armyazskoe": the village of Nizhniy Armyaz (the administrative center of the municipality), the village of Sholya, the village of Zeleni;
Municipal formation "Ershovskoe": the village of Ershovka (the administrative center of the municipality;
Municipal formation : the village of Kama (the administrative center of the municipality);
Municipal formation "Mikhailovskoye": the village of Mikhailovka (the administrative center of the municipality), the village of Gogoli, the village of Oktyabrskaya, the village of Balaki, the village of Novokreschenka;
Municipal formation "Neftebazinskoe": the village Kamskoye (administrative center of the municipality);
Municipal formation "Sholinskoye": the village of Sholya (the administrative center of the municipality), the village of Mazuninskoye forestry, Houses 1164 km;
Municipal formation "Borkovskoye": the village of Borok (the administrative center of the municipality ), Savino village, Armyaz station, Houses 1152 km, Houses 1153 km, Houses 1155 km).
Municipal formation-settlement "Kambarskoe" as part of the settlement of the city of Kambarka (the administrative center of the municipal formation);
Municipal formation "Kambarsky district": with the administrative center of the city of Kambarka.
Monday - Thursday | 8:30 - 17:30 |
Friday | 8:30 - 16:30 |
Lunch break: 12:30 - 13:18 | |
Saturday | Day off |
Sunday | Day off |
Reception of citizens is carried out at the reception of the court (room 4)
Contact information
President | Viktor Aleksandrovich Ikonnikov | (34153) 3-09-68 |
Judge | Mavliev Salavat Fidusovich | (34153) 3-00-72 |
Judge | Shadrina Gulfiya Anatolyevna | (34153 ) 3-13-28 |
Head of General Department | Sterkhova Tatiana Viktorovna | (34153) 3-16-81 |
Court administrator | Dvinskikh Andrey Sergeevich | (34153) 3-16-81 |
Answers Chief for work with mass media | Korpachev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich | (34153) 3-15-69 |
Reception court | (34153) 3-16-81 |
Composition court
Chairman of the court
Viktor Aleksandrovich Ikonnikov
(appointed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 506 of 23.10.2017)
Mavliev Salavat Fidusovich
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 941 of 30.06.2012)
Shadrina Gulfiya Anatolyevna
(appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 147 of 16.03.2021)
Powers of the court
In accordance with Art. 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 07. 02. 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation":
1. The District Court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. On the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a district court has the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request for the constitutionality of a law to be applied in a specific case.
4. The district court hears appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.
Details for payment of state duty
Details for individuals and legal entities when applying for payment of state duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction and justices of the peace
Name of the UFK: Department of the Federal Treasury for the Udmurt Republic (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 5 for the Udmurt Republic);
- payee's bank: Branch-NB Udmurt Republic of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Udmurt Republic Izhevsk ;
- account number of the beneficiary's bank: (number of the bank account that is part of the single treasury account EKS) 40102810545370000081;
- beneficiary's account number (treasury account number): 03100643000000011300
-BIK of the beneficiary's bank: 019401100;
-INN of the recipient: 1827019000;
-KPP of the recipient: 183801001;
-OKTMO: 94620101;
-KBK: 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110;
- name of the payment - state. duty to the state income in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, by justices of the peace,
- taxpayer status for legal entities. persons - "01",
- individual entrepreneurs - "09",
- individuals - "13"
- tax period - the specific date of payment of the state duty
Bank details for funds in temporary possession and for depositing funds into a deposit account from 2021
r/s 03212643000000011300
c/s 40102810545370000081
l/sch 05131419630
BIK 019401100
INN 1835037450 KPP 184101001
KBK 43800000000000000000
OKPO 49632438
OGRN 1021801668569 Payment name: - bail in a criminal case against. ... ... ; - Full name of the pledger; - for whom the pledge of full name is made; - case number.
Penalty in criminal cases
Purpose of payment: The main punishment in the form of a fine in criminal cases
p/s 40101810200000010001 UFK in the Udmurt Republic (Office of the Federal Service for Social Security for the UR)
TIN 1835062680; KPP 183501001
KBK 32211621050050000140
OKTMO 94620101
BIK 049401001
Video conference call
Time difference from Moscow: +1
Number of a courtroom equipped with a videoconferencing system: 7
Telephone (fax) numbers of the departmental videoconferencing network: 718-62-99 (fax), 718-62-06 (phone)
IP -address of the videoconferencing: 10. 18. 62. 50
Responsible for the organization and technical support of the videoconferencing: court consultant Mineev Andrey Vladimirovich, tel. (34153) 3-13-60, 718-62-05
The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Head of the General Department Sterkhova Tatiana Viktorovna
Tel. (34153) 3-16-81
Responsible for media relations:
assistant to the president of the court
Korpachev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich
tel. : (34153) 3-15-69