• Country: Russia
  • State: Saratov Region
  • County: Tatishchevskij r-n
  • City: rp Tatishchevo
  • Street, House: ul Sovetskaya, dom 10
  • Postcode: 412170
  • Site: http://tatishevsky.sar.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84558)4-18-89
  • Longitude: 45.593687
  • Latitude: 51.666914
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

p. p. Tatishchevo, ZATO Svetly, s. Vyazovka, s. Neelovka, s. Mizino-Lapshinovka, s. Sokur, p. Korsakovka, Agarevka, Khlebnovka, Gubarevka, Chenykaevka, Krivopavlovka, Gartovka, Doktorovka, Zelenkino, Ilyinovka, Shevyrevka, Kamensky, Labor, p. Kurdyum, s. Storozhevka, Art. Kurdyum, x. Polyakov, d. Elshanka, s. Kologrivovka, st. Kologrivovka, Kologrivovskoe forestry, Comintern settlement, Zh. d. r. Nikolsky, Polyanskoe village, Sadovy village, Shlykovka, Fedulovka village, Pervomayskoye village, x. Burlovino, x. Goat's Lob, x. Gazebo, with. Idolga, p. Wide, with. Bolshaya Kamenka, s. Sleptsovka, Makedonovka village, with. Glyadkovka, x. Petrov, s. Novopolye, with. Oktyabrsky Gorodok, s. Kuvyka, p. Timiryazevsky, s. Karamyshka, s. Konstantinovka, d. Novaya Tyoplovka, s. Kulikovka, s. Karjakino, s. Yagodnaya Polyana, s. Bolshaya Ivanovka, s. Bolshaya Fedorovka, with. Novoskatovka, s. Polchaninovka.

SCHEDULE OF THE Tatishchevsky District Court

Monday - Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00
Friday from 9-00 to 16 -45
Lunch break from 13-00 to 13-45
Weekends Saturday, Sunday

Reception of citizens

Reception of citizens (individuals), representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state authorities and local authorities is carried out from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00 hours, Friday from 9:00 to 16.45 hours, lunch from 13.00 to 13.45 hours.


President of the Court Khramushin D. V.
Thursday 14.00-15: 30

Composition of the court

Chairman of the court - Khramushin Dmitry Valentinovich
Assistant to the chairman of the court - vacancy
Secretary of the court session - Ustimenko Olesya Valerievna

Judge - Dobryden Olesya Aleksandrovna
Judge assistant - Yunina Oksana Yuryevna
Court secretary - vacancy

Judge - Irina Anatolyevna Shutova
Judge assistant - Yulia Yuryevna Alyusheva
Court secretary sessions - Agafonova Daria Andreevna

Judge - vacancy
Judge assistant - Moslyakova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Court secretary - vacancy

Judges of Tatishchevsky District Court

Chairman of the Tatishchevsky District Court Dmitry Valentinovich Khramushin
Born in 1974 in b. the item of Bald Mountains of the Saratov region. In 1995 he graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law, majoring in jurisprudence, qualified as a lawyer. From May 1996 to September 2005 he worked as a lawyer for the administration of the Lysogorsk municipal district of the Saratov region. By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma No. 42-1683 of September 6, 2005, he was appointed as a justice of the peace of the judicial district No. 2 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Saratov region. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1202 of August 12, 2008, he was appointed a judge of the Kalininsky District Court of the Saratov Region. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 304 of March 12, 2010, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Kalininsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a 6-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 601 of November 10, 2016, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Balashovsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a 6-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 of February 15, 2021, he was appointed chairman of the Tatishchevsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a 6-year term of office. Has 5 qualification class of a judge. The last advanced training took place in 2012 at the Russian Academy of Justice in Moscow.
Assistant to the President of the Court - vacancy, tel. 8 (84558) 4-15-74
The secretary of the court session - Ustimenko Olesya Valerievna, tel. 8 (84558) 4-15-74

Judges of the Tatishchevsky District Court

Dobryden Olesya Aleksandrovna
Born in 1982. In 2005 she graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law with a degree in jurisprudence. By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma of March 25, 2015 No. 35-1454 Dobryden O. A. was appointed to the position of the magistrate of the judicial section No. 9 of the Zavodskoy district of Saratov for a three-year term of office. By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma of March 21, 2018 No. 10-223 Dobryden O. A. was appointed to the position of the magistrate of the judicial section No. 9 of the Zavodskoy district of Saratov for a five-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2018, No. 776, she was appointed judge of the Tatishchevsky District Court of the Saratov Region. Has the eighth qualification class of a judge.
Judge assistant - Oksana Yunina, tel. 8 (84558) 4-26-10.
Court clerk - vacancy, tel. 8 (84558) 4-26-10.

Shutova Irina Anatolyevna
Born in 1986. In 2009 she graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law", was awarded the qualification "Lawyer" in the specialty "Jurisprudence". By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma No. 61-2227 dated 02.22.2017, she was appointed to the post of magistrate of the court district No. 2 of the Krasnoarmeyskiy district of the Saratov region for a three-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.08.2019, No. 376, she was appointed judge of the Tatishchevsky District Court of the Saratov Region. Has the ninth qualification class of a judge.
Judge assistant - Yulia Yuryevna Alyusheva, tel. 8 (84558) 4-21-70.
The secretary of the court session - Agafonova Daria Andreevna, tel. 8 (84558) 4-21-70

Judge assistant - Ekaterina Viktorovna Moslyakova, tel. 8 (84558) 4-26-77.
The secretary of the court session - Kiziryan Kristina Ashotovna, tel. 8 (84558) 4-26-77.

Divisions of the court

Office of the district court contact phone, fax - 8 (84558) 41889
Chief specialist - Kiziryan Kristina Ashotovna
Leading specialist - Marsakova Lyubov Gennadievna (criminal cases)
Court secretary - Abramova Svetlana Ivanovna (civil cases)
Specialist of the first category - Druzenko Olga Alekseevna
Specialist of the first category - Pesheva Tatyana Petrovna
Court consultant - Ivanina Irina Andreevna, contact phone 8 (84558) 41082
Administrator of the court - Sanin Vladimir Nikolaevich, contact phone 8 (8452) 53-64-88

Telephones of the Tatishchevsky District Court

Assistant to the chairman
Yunina Oksana Yurievna 8 (84558) 4-15-74

Assistant judges
Moslyakova Ekaterina Viktorovna (assistant to the judge Dobryden O. A .) 8 (84558) 4-26-10
Alyusheva Yulia Yurievna (assistant judge Shutovoy I. A.) 8 (84558) 4-21-70

Ivanina Irina Andreevna ( press service of the court) 8 (84558) 4-10-82

Secret Yard of court hearings
Agafonova Daria Andreevna (secretary s/s Shutovoy I. A.) 8 (84558) 4-26-77 fax
Ustimenko Olesya Valerievna (secretary s/s Khramushina D. V.) 8 (84558 ) 4-15-74

Court office 8 (84558) 4-18-89 FAX
Kiziryan Kristina Ashotovna, chief specialist
Svetlana Ivanovna Abramova, secretary for civil affairs
Marsakova Lyubov Gennadievna, leading specialist
Olga Alekseevna Druzenko, 1st grade specialist
Tatyana Petrovna Pesheva, 1st grade specialist

Jurisdiction of the district court

Article. 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of 31.12.1996 N 1-FKZ (as amended on 27.12.2009) "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" states that the district court, within its competence: as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
· is the immediately higher court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.

Details for payment of the state duty when applying to the Tatishchevsky District Court

State duty:

Recipient of payment: Federal Office Treasury for the Saratov region (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 12 for the Saratov region)
TIN of the recipient: 6450604885
Checkpoint of the recipient: 645001001
Bank of the recipient: DEPARTMENT OF SARATOV BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in Saratov region Saratov
BIK of the beneficiary bank: 016311121
Correspondent account No. 40102810845370000052
Current account No. 03100643000000016000
OKTMO 63646151
Budget classification code: 18210803010011000110

Video conference -communication

The premises of the court equipped with videoconferencing complexes

Name of the premises IP-address of the videoconferencing complex
Courtroom No. 4 10. 64.83.50

Time zone: UTC + 4 (local time - Moscow time + 1 hour)

Videoconferencing contact information

Coordinates the work on holding court sessions by using video-conferencing systems court consultant - Ivanina Irina Andreevna, tel. : (845-58) 4-10-82.
Persons responsible for organizing videoconferencing in the Tatishchevsky district court of the Saratov region: consultant Irina Andreevna Ivanina, tel. : (845-58) 4-10-82
Persons responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing in the Tatishchevsky district court of the Saratov region: consultant - Ivanina Irina Andreevna, tel. : (845-58) 4-10-82


Press Secretary of the Tatishchevsky District Court of the Saratov Region and responsible for content Internet site - court consultant - Ivanina Irina Andreevna
contact phone 8 (84558) 4-10-82