• Country: Russia
  • State: Saratov Region
  • County: Krasnokutskij r-n
  • City: g Krasnyj Kut
  • Street, House: ul Moskovskaya, dom 60
  • Postcode: 413235
  • Site: http://krasnokutsky.sar.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84560)51469, (84561)21100
  • Longitude: 46.974918
  • Latitude: 50.947239
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

Upper Ruslan municipality: s. Upper Eruslan, Semennaya village Minks, rzd. Khlebny (railway station); Dyakovskoe municipal formation: with. Dyakovka; Zhdanovskoe municipality: s. Zhdanovka, s. Turnip; Zhuravlevskoe municipal formation: with. Baltika, s. Vladimirovka, s. Zhuravlevka, s. Yamskoe; International municipal formation: s. Voroshilovo, s. Ilyinka, s. International, p. Kalinino s. Cones, s. Communist, s. Record; Komsomolsk Municipal Formation: Art. Timofeevo, s. Solyanka, s. Komsomolskoe;
Krasnokutsk District Court (2): s. Agafonovka, s. Aleksashkino, s. Zaprudnoye, with. Kozlovka, s. Small Uzen, s. Mironovka, p. Niva, p. Novorechensky, s. Novotulka, st. Piterka, p. Trudovik, s. Morshanka, item MOS-Malouzenskaya experimental station; Lavrovskoe municipality: s. Goretskoye, s. Lavrovka, s. Wheat; Lebedevskoe municipality: s. Rozovka, s. Karpenka, s. Lebedevka; Loginovskoe municipality: s. Dyakonovka, s. Rudnya, s. Loginovka, s. Konstantinovka; Municipal formation of the city of Krasny Kut; Zagorodny settlement, Zoovettechnikum settlement, Krasny Kut; Pervomaisk municipality: with. Akhmat, p. Pervomaiskoe; Usatovskoe municipal formation: s. Kirovo, s. Usatovo, rzd. Usatovsky (railway station); Chkalovskoe municipality: s. Degtyarevka, with. Chkalovo s. Lepekhinka.

Directions to the building of the Krasnokutsk District Court

From the railway station and the bus station by route number 6 to the stop pl. Lenin.

Information about the work of the court

Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region in Krasny Kut
Postal address 413235, Krasny Kut, Saratov Region, st. Moscow, 60
Surname, name, patronymic of the chairman Palagin Dmitry Nikolaevich
Working hours court from 9.00 to 18.00 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
from 9.00 to 16.45 - Friday,
lunch break from 13.00 to 13 . 45
weekends: Saturday, Sunday
Chairman's reception telephone, fax
Chairman's assistant
(8-845-60) 5 -14-69
Sheibe Lilia Vladimirovna
fax (8-845-60) 5-13-04
Details for payment of the state duty
  • Name of the payee: UFK of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the Saratov region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 9 for the Saratov region)
  • KPP: 641301001
  • TIN 6413521870
  • OKTMO code: 63623101
  • Payee's account number: 40101810300000010010
  • Bank name: GRKTS Bank of Russia GU for Saratov Region, Saratov
  • BIC: 046311001
  • PSRN: 1046401303860
  • Budget code ssification (KBK): 18210803010011000110
  • Name of payment: state duty to court
Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region in Piterka
judge Krasnokutsk district court of the Saratov region in s. Piterka
Kruzhilina Ekaterina Andreevna
Postal address 413320, p. Piterka, Saratov region, st. Chapaeva, 16
Court hours from 9:00 to 18:00 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, from 9 . 00 to 16.45 - Friday,
lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45 - weekends: Saturday, Sunday
Reception phone (8-845-61) 2-10-46
Surname, name, patronymic of the head of the office, phone/fax Duko Natalia Yurievna
(8-845-61) 5-11-00
Details for payment of the state fee
  • Recipient's name payment: UFK of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the Saratov region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 9 for the Saratov region)
  • KPP: 641301001
  • TIN 6413521870
  • OKTMO code: 63636446
  • Payee's account number: 40101810300000010010
  • Bank name: GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for Saratov Region, Saratov
  • BIK: 046311001
  • OGRN : 1046401303860
  • Budget classification code (KBK): 18210803010011000110
  • Payment name: state duty in su d

Schedule of the court

Krasnokutskiy District Court
g. Krasny Kut
address: 413235, Saratov region, Krasny Kut, st. Moskovskaya, 60, Krasnokutskiy District Court, s. Piterka
address: 413320, Saratov region with. Petersburg, st. Chapaeva, 16

Working hours of the Krasnokutsk district court

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: from 9:00 to 18:00.
Friday: from 9:00 to 16:45
Lunch break: from 13:00 to 13:45
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday

Reception hours of citizens by the chairman of the court (Krasny Kut):
Thursday: from 09:00 to 11:00

Reception hours of citizens by the chairman of the court (Piterka village):
Every second Wednesday of the month: from 10: 00 hours to 12:00 hours
from 13:00 hours to 16:00 hours

Hours of reception of citizens by employees of the court apparatus
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm with lunch break.
Friday from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm with a lunch break

Reference phones of the court

Krasnokutsk District Court in the city of Krasny Kut
Telephone code - (845-60)
Administrator of the court - 5-13-04 - Reception of the court - 5-14-69
Chancellery - 5-13-04

Krasnokutskiy District Court in the village. Piterka
Telephone code - (845-61)
Chancellery - 2-11-00

Composition of Krasnokutsk district court of Krasny Kut city

Chairman of the Court Dmitry Nikolayevich Palagin
In 2006 he graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law. From March 2008 to March 2013, he held the position of a leading specialist and assistant judge of the Frunzensky District Court of Saratov. From March 2013 to January 2016, he held the position of assistant judge of the Saratov Regional Court. Has a PhD in Law. From January 02, 2016 to October 22, 2019, he worked as a judge of the Kirovsky District Court of Saratov. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2019 No. 496, he was appointed chairman of the Krasnokutsk District Court. Has the sixth qualification class of a judge.

Assistant to the chairman of the court Sheibe Lilia Vladimirovna
The secretary of the court session - the position is vacant
(reception phone/fax: 8-845-60-5-14-69)

Judge Nikolai Vladimirovich Khojayan
In 1996 he graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law with a degree in jurisprudence. From 04.02.1995 to 05.12.1997 worked in the Krasnokutsk CSO as a lawyer. From 08.12.1997 to 03.09.1999 worked in the Saratov Regional Registration Chamber as a specialist of the 11th category, then as a leading and chief specialist. From 08.09.1999 to 07.06.2001 worked in the Ministry of Justice as a senior bailiff of the Krasnokutsk district department of the bailiff service. From 08. 06. 2001 to 01. 03. 2004 he worked as a magistrate of the court district No. 2 Krasnokutsk district of the Saratov region. On 23.02.2004 he was appointed to the position of a judge of the Krasnokutsk district court of the Saratov region. Has the fifth qualification class of a judge. The last advanced training took place in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Justice in December 2019.

Judge assistant - Ekaterina Alekseevna Anonyan
Court secretary - Lilia Anvarovna Roth (phone: 8-845-60-5-14-60)

Judge Lyudmila Valentinovna Evlampieva
From 1991 to 1993 she studied at the Saratov Industrial-Pedagogical College, with the qualification "lawyer". In 1998 she graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law with a degree in jurisprudence. From February 1994 to June 1995 she worked as an operator in the Krasnokutsk branch of Intorgkoopbank. From September 1995 to November 1995 she worked as a lawyer at the Krasnokutsk motor depot. From November 1995 to December 1996 she worked as a lawyer at Remstroy LLC. From 1996 to 2001 she worked in the Krasnokutsk branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation in the position of "legal adviser". From June 1, 2001 to August 2003, she worked as a justice of the peace at the court district No. 1 of the Krasnokutsk district of the Saratov region. In August 2003, she was appointed judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court for a three-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 892 of July 14, 2007, she was appointed a judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region for an unlimited term. Has the fifth qualification class of a judge. The last professional development took place in January 2013 at the Russian Academy of Justice in Moscow.

Assistant to the judge - Gadyatskaya Irina Nikolaevna
The secretary of the court session - the position is vacant

The judge Pevneva Oksana Viktorovna
In 1997 she graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law with a degree in jurisprudence. From November 1997 to May 2001 she worked in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnokutsk region as a senior inspector of the Passport and Visa Service Department. From May 2001 to September 2001 she worked as a consultant to the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region. In the period from September 2001 to March 2005, she worked as an assistant to the chairman of the Krasnokutsk district court. In March 2005, she was appointed a judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court for a three-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1060 of July 10, 2008, she was appointed to the position of a judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region for an unlimited term. Has the fifth qualification class of a judge. The last advanced training took place in October 2019 at the Russian Academy of Justice in Moscow.

Judge's assistant - Yulia Aleksandrovna Budylina
Court secretary - Natalya Gennadievna Marina
(phone: 8-845-60-5-14-60)

Judge Sitnikova Tatyana Anatolyevna
From 1999 to 2004 she studied at the state educational institution of higher professional education "Saratov State Academy of Law". She began her career on August 23, 2004 as a secretary of the court session of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Saratov, from September 18, 2006 she worked as an assistant judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Saratov, on September 1, 2008 she was appointed to the position of assistant to the chairman of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Saratov ... By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma of December 27, 2011 No. 51-2379 T. A. Sitnikova was appointed to the post of magistrate of the court district No. 1 of the Ekaterinovsky district of the Saratov region for a period of three years. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2015 No. 135, T. A. Sitnikova was appointed to the position of a judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region. The last advanced training took place in November 2016 at the Russian Academy of Justice in Moscow. Has the sixth qualification class of a judge.

The position of the judge's assistant is vacant
The secretary of the court session - Tatiana Viktorovna Kharenko
(phone: 8-845-60-5-14-60)

Composition Krasnokutsk District Court with. Piterka

Judge - the position is vacant.

Judge's assistant - Alexander Valerievich Dobrynin
Court secretary - Olga Viktorovna Pichugina
(reception phone/fax: 8-845-61-2-11-00)

Judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court Kruzhilina Ekaterina Andreevna
From 2010 to 2012 she worked as a lawyer at Volga Service LLC. From 2012 to 2013, she worked as an assistant to the director, as a legal adviser at Pravo Povolzhya LLC. From 2013 to 2014 she worked as a senior specialist of the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Saratov Region in the Kirovsky district of Saratov. From 2014 to 2016, he was an investigator of the department for the investigation of crimes in the territory served by OP No. 4 as part of the Engelskoye MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov region. From 2016 to 2018 she worked as an investigator for the investigation of organized criminal activity in financial institutions and in the field of computer information of the investigative unit for the investigation of organized criminal activity of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Saratov Region. From 2018 to 2020, she worked as an investigator of the 2nd department of the investigative unit for the investigation of organized criminal activities of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Saratov Region. In April 2020, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 279 dated 04.22.2020, she was appointed to the position of a judge of the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region. The qualification upgrade did not take place.

Court clerk - Elena Evgenievna Zhigacheva

Divisions of the Krasnokutsk District Court

Krasnokutsk District Court in Krasny Kut
(413235, Saratov region, Krasny Kut, Moskovskaya street, 60)

Office tel. : 8 (845-60) 5-13-04
Consultant - Oksana Anatolyevna Borodina
Clerk of the Court - the position is vacant

Krasnokutsk District Court in the village. Piterka
(413320, Saratov region, Piterka village, Chapaeva str., 16)

Office tel. : 8 (845-61) 2-11-00
Chief Specialist- Duko Natalya Yurievna
Clerk of the Court- Abdullina Aislu Zhenisovna

State Duty Details

Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region in Krasny Kut

Recipient: UFK in the Saratov Region (Interdistrict IFTS No. 9 in the Saratov Region)
Bank: DEPARTMENT OF SARATOV BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Saratov region, Saratov - Account: 03100643000000016000 Cor/account 40102810845370000052 - BIK: 016311121 - KBK: 18210803010011050110 - OKTMO: 63623101 - INN: 6413521870
Checkpoint: 641301001
Name of payment: state duty to the court

Krasnokutsk district court of the Saratov region in the village. Piterka

Recipient: UFK in the Saratov region (Interdistrict IFTS No. 9 in the Saratov region)
Bank: DEPARTMENT OF SARATOV BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Saratov region, Saratov
Account: 03100643000000016000
Correspondent account 40102810845370000052
BIK: 046311001
KBK: 18210803010011050110
OKTMO: 63636446
INN: 6413521870
KPP: 641301001
Name of payment: state duty to court

About mediators

Mediator, mediators - an independent individual, independent individuals engaged by the parties as mediators in the settlement of a dispute to assist in the development of a solution by the parties on the merits of the dispute ;
The application of the mediation procedure is carried out on the basis of an agreement of the parties, including on the basis of an agreement on the application of the mediation procedure. A reference in an agreement to a document containing the terms of the settlement of a dispute with the assistance of a mediator is recognized as a mediation clause, provided that the agreement is concluded in writing.
The mediation procedure can be applied in the event of a dispute both before going to court or arbitration court, and after the start of the trial or arbitration, including at the suggestion of a judge or arbitrator.

Territorial League of Mediators. Saratov

NP "Territorial League of Mediators" was established on 28.01.2011.
Legal address: 410031, Saratov, Pervomayskaya street, 72, office No. 3.
Site: liga-mediatorov. ru
Director of the Partnership - Sergey N. Lomakin, 8-905-322-57-57; 22-43-25.

Details of the payment document for payment of the court fine:

RECIPIENT OF UFK in the Saratov region (Office of the Federal Service of Bailiffs in the Saratov Region)
TIN 6455039443
BIK 046311001
KPP 645501001
Bank GRKTs GU Bank of Russia for the Saratov region Saratov
Current account 40101810300000010010
Budget classification code 322 1 16 21010 01 0000 140
OKTMO code 63623101
Purpose of payment: fine

These details are only for payment of court fines in cases considered by the Krasnokutsk District Court

About the possibility of using as additional funds communication of SMS messages to notify the participants in the proceedings

In accordance with the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation" dated 09.02.2012 No. 3 the courts now have the opportunity to notify the participants in the proceedings va via SMS if they agree to be notified in this way and when the fact of sending and delivery of SMS notifications to the addressee is recorded. The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the information about the participant in the proceedings and his consent to the notification in a similar way, the mobile phone number to which it is sent is indicated.

To establish a general procedure and rules for organizing notification of participants in legal proceedings about the date, time and place of consideration of the case in a federal court of general jurisdiction by sending them SMS notifications via a specialized Internet resource, the "Temporary regulations for organizing notification of participants in legal proceedings via SMS ".

By the order of the Krasnokutsk District Court of the Saratov Region, the responsibilities for the preparation and sending of SMS notifications to the participants in the proceedings are entrusted.

List of employees responsible for notification by SMS

assistant judge - Mokrova Oksana Olegovna
c/c secretary - Nekipelova Natalia Aleksandrovna
secretary of the agricultural sector - Ivanova Alina Alekseevna
secretary of the agricultural sector - Marchenko Ksenia Andreevna
secretary of the agricultural sector - Karpova Elena Nikolaevna
secretary of the agricultural sector - Sotnikova Elena Olegovna


Provision of free legal assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation

Provision of legal assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 324-FZ "On free legal aid in the Russian Federation "(effective 15.01.2012), which establishes the basic guarantees for the realization of the right of citizens to free qualified legal aid. The law does not apply to criminal proceedings.

For free legal assistance, you can contact:

• Legal clinic of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law"
Saratov, st. Chernyshevsky, 135, building 4 "a", room. 108
tel. 29-91-18

• Legal clinic of the Interregional Law Institute GOU VPO "Saratov State Academy of Law"
Saratov, Molodezhny proezd, 7, tel. 63-37-77

• Legal clinic of the Legal Institute of Legal Administration GOU VPO "Saratov State Academy of Law"
Saratov, Osipova, 1, tel. 55-73-72 (ext. 126)

• Saratov Regional Public Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights
g. Saratov, st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 155
tel. 27-51-24

Legal Aid Center
c. Saratov, st. Radishcheva, 55 (corner of Kutyakova St.)
tel. 57-99-84

Video conferencing

Information on the organization of court sessions in the videoconferencing regime.
Address of the Krasnokutsk District Court: Saratov Region, Krasny Kut, st. Moskovskaya, d. 60.
Working hours of the court in the time zone MSK + 1.
The courtroom number 4 is equipped with the system of video-conferencing in Krasnokutskiy district.
The telephone number of the departmental network of videoconferencing is 7646501.
The schedule of videoconferencing in court is not established, it is carried out as the need arises.
The court administrator coordinates the work on holding court sessions by using video-conferencing systems.
Contact phone: (84560) 5-13-04


Media Relations Specialist (Krasny Kut) :
Sheibe Lilia Vladimirovna 8 (84560) 5-14-69

Media relations specialist (Piterka):
Dobrynin Alexander Valerievich 8 (84561) 2-11-00