• Country: Russia
  • State: Saratov Region
  • County: Ershovskij r-n
  • City: g Ershov
  • Street, House: ul 25 Sezda Partii, dom 40
  • Postcode: 413503
  • Site: http://ershovsky.sar.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84564)5-40-34
  • Longitude: 48.294606
  • Latitude: 51.354183
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction (jurisdiction) of the district court

g. Ershov, p. Alexandria, f. village Mavrinka, p. Prudovoy, s. Antonovka, s. Mavrinka, s. Reflector, p. Bogdashino, p. Small Perelaz, p. Sadovy, with. Bolsheuzenka, p. Maryevka, s. Svetloye Ozero, s. Vasilievka, with. Mius, p. Semeno-Poltavka, s. Upper Kushum (Bobrinka), Mikhailo-Verbovka village, from. Sokornaya Balka, s. Upper Uzen, with. Mikhailovka (S/Z Reflector), p. Staraya Krasnyanka, v. Vetka, s. Mokhovoe, p. Trudovoy, p. Water, p. Nesterovo, p. Tulaykovo, s. Dmitrievka, s. Novaya Krasnyanka, p. Educational, with. Eremeevka, s. Novaya Slobodka, p. Tselinny, f. d. art. Zhulidovo, s. Novorepnoe, kp. Chapaevka, s. Kavelinka, s. Novoryazhenka, s. Black Padina, s. Stone Sarma, p. Novoselsky, with. Chisty Ples, s. Koptevka, p. Novy (3rd Department Decembrist), p. Chkalovo, s. Red Fighter, p. Oktyabrsky, s. Chugunka, f. d. art. Kushumskaya, s. Orlov-Gai, p. Yuzhny, p. Kushumsky, p. Osinov Gai, village Yagodinka, village Lesnoy, s. Perekopnoe, p. Ershovsky, s. Lobs, p. Fruit nursery, x. Lopatin, p. Midday;
rp. Dergachi, s. Altata, p. Krasnaya Rechka, s. Raduevka, s. Antonovka, p. Krasnoozerny, p. SHT, p. Vasilyevka, p. Lesnoy, p. Sadovy, p. Verhazovka, p. Mirny, s. Safarovka, Vostochny, Natalino, Svobodny, Gorelovsky, Novozizeevka, Slavino, Demyas, Novoroslyaevka, Slavny settlement, Novye Dergachi settlement, Sovetsky settlement, Zhadovka settlement, Ozerny settlement, Solnechny settlement, Zarechny settlement, Oktyabrsky settlement, Stepnoy settlement, Zernovaya settlement, Olympia settlement, Timonino settlement , p. Zolotukha, p. Irrigated, p. Ufimovka, p. Ilyinka, p. Pervomaysky, p. Khorolsky, p. Kazachka, p. Petropavlovka, p. Cement, s. Kamyshevo, p. Prudovoy, p. Komsomolsky, p. Worker;
rp. Ozinki, Balashi, Novozavolzhsky, Sinegorsky, Beloglinny, Novochernigovka, Slate Mine, Lipovsky, Solyanka, p. Modin, p. Pervotselinny, p. Starye Ozinki, Nepryakhino village, s. Pigari, settlement Tyurinsky.


Monday - Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00;
Friday: from 9: 00 to 16:45;
Lunch break: from 13:00 to 13:45;
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday


Chairman Ershovsky District Court A. Stepanov - Tuesday: from 10:00 to 12:00


p. Dergachi settlement - Deputy Chairman of the Court Eltaryov DG - Wednesday: from 09:00 to 10:00
p. Ozinki settlement - Deputy Chairperson of the Court Fedortsova Y. V. - Tuesday: from 10:00 to 12:00

Hours of Reception of Citizens by the OFFICE OF THE COURT:

Ershov, R. Dergachi village, r. p. Ozinki
Monday - Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00;
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.


Monday - Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00;
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.


Judge Assistant Bakal I. V.
Cab. 14
From 9:00 to 18:00
Judge Assistant Arefieva IA
Cab. 14
Tuesday from 9:00 to 18:00
Assistant to the judge Dontsova V. V.
Cab. 14
from 9:00 to 18:00
Judge's assistant OR Sidorkina
Cab. 14
from 9:00 to 18:00
Judge assistant Kakhaeva NA
Cab. 14
from 9:00 to 16:45

CLAIMS RECEPTION: p. Dergachi village.

Assistant to the judge N. V. Sukocheva
Monday - Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.


Judge Assistant Stroganov AK
Monday - Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.
Assistant to the judge Fedina Yu. Yu.
Monday - Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00
Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.

Reception of the court

Reception is located on the first floor of the building - office 14,
phone (845-64) 5-40- 34,

Reception opening hours coincide with the court hours.

General information

Ershovsky District Court - Ershov

Postal address
413503 Saratov region, Ershov, st. 25 Congress of the CPSU, 40

Surname, name, patronymic, of the chairman
Stepanov Anton Nikolaevich

(Code) telephone of the chairman's reception
telephone fax: 8 (845- 64) 5-40-34

Surname, name, patronymic of a media relations specialist, (code) phone number
Besedina Anna Nikolaevna
phone: 8 (845-64) 5-40- 34

Surname, name, patronymic of the chief specialist, (code) phone number
Nasyrova Elena Viktorovna
phone fax: 8 (845-64) 5-40-34

Ershovsky District Court - b. Dergachi village

Postal address
413440, Saratov region, r. Dergachi village, st. Chapaeva, 103

Surname, name, patronymic, deputy. chairman
Eltaryov Dmitry Gennadievich

(Code) phone of the reception deputy. Chairperson # 8 (845-63) 2-13-80

Last name, first name, patronymic of a media relations specialist, (code) phone number
Sukocheva Natalya Valerievna
phone: 8 ( 845-63) 2-13-80

Surname, name, patronymic of the chief specialist, (code) phone
Elena Viktorovna Doroshenko
phone fax: 8 (845-63) 2-24- 49

Ershovsky District Court - b. p. Ozinki

Postal address
413623, Saratov region, r. the village of Ozinki, st. Lesnaya, 22

Surname, name, patronymic, deputy. chairman
Fedortsova Yulia Viktorovna

(Code) phone of the reception deputy. chairman, 8 (845-76) 4-13-46

Surname, name, patronymic of a media relations specialist, (code) phone
Andrey Konstantinovich Stroganov
phone: 8 ( 845-76) 4-20-04

Surname, name, patronymic of the chief specialist, (code) phone
Marina Vladimirovna Stepanets
phone fax: 8 (845-76) 4-12- 91

State duty:

Payee: UFK of the RF Ministry of Finance for the Saratov region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 9 for the Saratov region)
Beneficiary's account number payment: 40101810300000010010
Name of the payee's bank: GRKTs in Saratov Main Department of the Bank of Russia for the Saratov region Saratov city BIK of the payee's bank: 046311001 TIN 6413521870 KPP 641301001
OKTMO (Ershovsky municipal district - 63617101; Dergachevsky municipal district - 63613151051;
Ozinsky municipal district - 63632151051)
Budget classification code 18210803010011000110

Composition of the Ershovsky district court

Ershovsky District Court - Ershov City
    Tel. Cab.
Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Stepanov Anton Nikolaevich   33
Assistant to the President of the Court Anna Nikolaevna Besedina 845-64-5-40-34 34
Secretary of the court session Usenina Daria Alexandrovna 845-64-5-40-34 35
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Beginin Alexander Nikolaevich   4
Assistant judges Arefieva Irina Alekseevna 845-64-5-40-34 3
Secretary court session Davtyan Armenuhi Yenokovna 845-64-5-40-34 1
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Vacancy   11
Judge Assistant Victoria Dontsova 845-64-5-40-34 13
Secretary of the court session Mashtakova Anastasia Nikolaevna 845-64-5-40-34 12
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Spirina Elena Pavlovna   49
Judge Assistant Olga Rashitovna Sidorkina 845-64-5-40-34 47
Clerk of the court session Disalieva Zhebek Urangalievna 845-64-5-40-34 46
Judge of Ershovsky district court Luchina Anna Alexandrovna   41
Judge assistant Bakal Inna Valerievna 845-64-5-40-34 43
Secretary of the court session Svetlana Sergeevna Tseptsura 845-64-5-40-34 42
Judge Ruff vskiy district court Lukyanova Zhanna Georgievna   19
Judge assistant Kakhaeva Natalia Aleksandrovna 845-64-5-40-34 20
Clerk of the court session Yakovleva Natalya Nikolaevna 845-64-5-40-34 21
Court administrator Mitina Maria Yurievna 845-64-5-40-34 45
Chief Specialist Elena Nasyrova 845-64-5-40-34 36
Court clerk Sizova Galina Vasilievna 845-64-5-40-34 44
Specialist Seitova Gulzhiyan Zhumashevna 845-64-5-40-34 32
Court consultant Yulia Shchekaturova 845-64-5-40-34 35
Chief Specialist Anna Shipovalova 845-64-5-40-34 2
Ershovsky district court - p. Dergachi village
    Tel. Cab.
Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Yeltaryov Dmitry Gennadievich   4
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Andrey Evstratov   1
Judge Assistant Natalya Valerievna Sukocheva 845-63-2-13-80 2
Court clerk Vacancy 845-63-2-25-00 7
Court clerk Vacancy 845-63-2-13-91 7
Court clerk Gavrik Nurzidya Rafikovna 845-63-2-24-49  
Chief Specialist Elena Viktorovna Doroshenko 845-63-2-24-49  
Ershovsky District Court - b. Ozinki village
    Tel. Cab.
Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Fedortsova Yulia Viktorovna   2
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Alexey Vladimirovich Agarev   3
Judge Assistant Andrey Konstantinovich Stroganov 845-76-4-20-04 17
Clerk of the court session Soloukhina Natalya Ivanovna 845-76-4-23-87 5
Judge Ershovsky District Court Fedenko Anton Nikolaevich   4
Judge Assistant Fedina Yulia Yurievna 845-76-4-20-04 17
Court clerk Vacancy 845-76-4-20-04 5
Court clerk Zagranichnova Tatyana Nikolaevna 845-76-4-13-46 1
Chief Specialist Marina Vladimirovna Stepanets 845-76-4-12-91 15

Judges of the Ershovsky District Court

Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Stepanov Anton Nikolaevich
Deputy Chairman of the Court Fedortsova Yu. V.
Deputy Chairman of the Court Yeltaryov DG
Judge Yevstratov AG
Judge Agarev AV
Judge Beginin A. N.
Judge Lukyanova Zh. G.
Judge Luchina A. A.
Judge Spirina E. P.
Judge Fedenko A. N.

Judges of the Ershovsky District Court

Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Stepanov Anton Nikolaevich
Born in 1977. In 1998 he graduated from the Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence. From October 2004 to May 2008, he worked as a justice of the peace at court section No. 1 of the Krasnopartizansky District of the Saratov Region By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 506 of October 23, 2017 "On the appointment of judges of district courts" for a 6-year term of office was appointed to the position of chairman of the Ershovsky district court.

Deputy Chairman of the Court Fedortsova Y. V.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2015 No. 208, Fedortsova Yulia Viktorovna was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a six-year term of office. Has the ninth qualification class of a judge. Fedortsova Yu.V. was born in 1979. In 2004 she graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law. From 2005 to 2010 she worked as an assistant to a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region. From 2010 until her appointment as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, she was the magistrate judge of the judicial section No. 1 of the Ershovsky District of the Saratov Region. From May 2013 to April 2015, Yulia Viktorovna Fedortsova worked as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region.

Deputy Chairman of the Court Yeltaryov DG
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19.04.2017 No. 172 Yeltaryov Dmitry Gennadievich was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a six-year term of office. Eltarev D.G. Born in 1974, was born in the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region. In 1995 he graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law (SGAP) with a degree in jurisprudence. From July 1995 to August 1995, he worked as a lawyer at the Atkar branch of Kompleksbank AKAPB. Since October 1995 he served in the State Tax Inspectorate for the city of Atkarsk (GosNI). In April 1999, he was dismissed from service in the tax authorities through transfer to the prosecutor's office of the Saratov region. In April 1999, he was appointed to the position of investigator of the Romanovsky District Prosecutor's Office of the Saratov Region. On February 11, 2000, he was transferred to the post of assistant prosecutor of the same district, on May 30, 2003, he was appointed to the post of deputy prosecutor of the Romanovsky district of the Saratov region. On January 11, 2005 he was dismissed from the prosecutor's office in connection with the appointment in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2004 No. 1544, to the position of a judge for a three-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1762 of December 12, 2008, he was appointed judge of the Atkar City Court of the Saratov Region for an unlimited term. In 2015, he completed advanced training courses at the Russian State University of Justice. Has the sixth qualification class of a judge.

Judge A. Evstratov
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2019 No. 496 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" Andrey Gennadievich Evstratov was appointed to the position of judge of the Ershovsky District Court (2) of the Saratov Region. Andrey Evstratov was born on April 01, 1988. Graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law" with a degree in jurisprudence. From January 2011 to February 2015 he worked as a secretary of the court session of the Frunzensky District Court of Saratov, from February 2015 to February 2017 as an assistant judge of the Frunzensky District Court of Saratov. From February 2017 until his appointment as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, he was an assistant to a judge of the Saratov Regional Court.

Judge AV Agarev
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2008 No. 1207 Alexey Vladimirovich Agarev was appointed judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region for a 3-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1029 dated July 28, 2011, Alexey Vladimirovich Agarev was appointed judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region for an unlimited term. Alexey Vladimirovich Agarev was born on May 10, 1976. Graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law. From September 1995 to February 2002 he worked as a court clerk of the Saratov Regional Court. From February 2002 to February 2007 he worked as a consultant in the department of informatization and judicial statistics of the Saratov Regional Court. From February 2007 to August 2008 he worked as an assistant judge of the Saratov Regional Court.

Judge Beginin A. N.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2000 No. 1322 (for the first time), and then by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2004 No. 568, the judge of the Ershovsky district Beginin Alexander Nikolaevich was appointed to the court of the Saratov region. A. Beginin was born in 1965. In 1989 he graduated from the Saratov Law Institute. D.I.Kursky. In 1989-1996, he worked as an assistant, senior assistant to the Ershovsky transport prosecutor of the Volga transport prosecutor's office. From 1996 until his appointment as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, he worked as an assistant to the Prosecutor of the Ershovsky District of the Saratov Region.

Judge Zh. G. Lukyanova. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2005 No. 474, Zhanna Georgievna Lukyanova was appointed judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region. Lukyanova Zh.G. was born in 1971. In 1994 she graduated from the Saratov Law Institute. D.I.Kursky. In 1994-2000, she worked as a lawyer at the Ershovskaya Legal Advice. From 2000 until her appointment as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, she worked as a justice of the peace at the judicial section No. 1 of the Ershovsky District of the Saratov Region.

Judge Luchina A. A.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2014 No. 570 Luchina Anna Aleksandrovna was appointed as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region. A. Luchina was born in 1977. In 1999 she graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Law. From 2003 to 2006, she worked as a secretary of the court session at the court section No. 1 of the Ershovsky district of the Saratov region. From 2006 to 2008 he was the secretary of the court session of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region. From 2008 until her appointment as a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, she was a magistrate judge of the judicial section No. 3 of the Ershovsky District of the Saratov Region.

Judge EP Spirina
Elena Pavlovna Spirina in 2006 graduated from the Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, qualification "Lawyer". On March 20, 2013, by the decision of the Saratov Regional Duma No. 8-315, she was appointed as a justice of the peace of the court district No. 1 of the Atkarsky district of the Saratov region. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2016 No. 552 Spirina E.P. was appointed a judge of the Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region.

Judge A. N. Fedenko
Anton Nikolaevich Fedenko was born on 01.03.1982. A. N. Fedenko graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law" in 2004 with a degree in jurisprudence. Since March 2005 he worked as a specialist of the 1st category of the Krasnoarmeysk city court. In the period from September 2005 to June 2007, he worked as a secretary of the court session of the Krasnoarmeysk city court. From June 2007 to March 2013 he worked as an assistant judge of the Krasnoarmeysk city court. Since March 2013, he was a justice of the peace at the judicial section No. 1 of the Samoilovsky district of the Saratov region. By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma No. 8-316 of March 20, 2013, he was appointed to the post of magistrate of the judicial district No. 1 of the Samoilovsky District of the Saratov Region for a period of three years. By the decree of the Saratov Regional Duma of December 23, 2015 No. 45-1776 A. N. Fedenko, from April 1, 2016, was appointed to the post of magistrate of the judicial district No. 1 of the Samoilovsky district of the Saratov region for a five-year term of office. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 20.07.2017 No. 329, to appoint Anton Nikolaevich Fedenko as a judge of the Ershovsky district court in the Saratov region.


Ershovsky District Court - Ershov Administrator tel. : - 8- (845-64) 5-40-34
  Office tel. : - 8- (845-64) 5-40-34 fax
  Reception tel. : - 8- (845-64) 5-40-34
Ershovsky District Court - b. Dergachi village Office tel. : - 8- (845-63) 2-24-49
  Reception tel. : - 8- (845-63) 2-24-49 fax
Ershovsky District Court - b. Ozinki village Office tel. : - 8- (845-76) 4-12-91
  Reception tel. : - 8- (845-76) 4-12-91 fax

Powers of the Court:

Article. 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of 31.12.1996 N 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" states that the district court, within its competence:
· considers cases as a court of first and second instance and carries out other powers stipulated by federal constitutional law;
· is the immediately higher court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the corresponding judicial region.

State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction located on the territory of Ershovsky, Dergachevsky, Ozinsky districts.

  State fee payable when applying to court State duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits
KBK - Budget classification code (field 104 of the settlement document) 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110 182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110
INN - Beneficiary (field 61 of the settlement document) 6413521870 6413521870
KPP - Recipient (field 103 of the settlement document) 641301001 641301001
OKTMO of the Beneficiary (field 103 of the settlement document) Ershov
Payee (field 16 of the payment document) UFK of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Saratov region (MIFNS of Russia No. 9 for the Saratov region) UFK of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Saratov region (MIFNS of Russia No. 9 for the Saratov region)
Beneficiary's account number (fields 15, 17 of the payment document) 03100643000000016000 03100643000000016000
Beneficiary's bank (field 13 of the payment document) DEPARTMENT OF SARATOV OF BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in Saratov region, Saratov DEPARTMENT OF SARATOV OF BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in Saratov region, Saratov
BIK (field 14 of the settlement document) 016311121 016311121
Cor. beneficiary's bank account 40102810845370000052 40102810845370000052

Contacts Ershov

Ershovsky District Court - Ershov Tel. Cab.  
Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Stepanov Anton Nikolaevich   33
Assistant to the President of the Court Anna Nikolaevna Besedina   34
Court clerk Usenina Daria Alexandrovna   33
  8 (845-64) 5-40-93   fax
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Beginin Alexander Nikolaevich   4
Assistant Judge Arefieva Irina Alekseevna   3
Court clerk Davtyan Armenuhi Enokovna   1
Judge's phone: 8 (845-64) 5-40-98    
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Vacancy   11
Assistant Judge Victoria Dontsova   13
Court clerk Mashtakova Anastasia Nikolaevna   12
Judge's phone: 8 (845-64) 5-40-96    
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Spirina Elena Pavlovna   49
Assistant Judge Sidorkina Olga Rashitovna   47
Court clerk Disalieva Zhebek Urangalievna   46
Judge's phone: 8 (845-64) 5-40-95    
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Luchina Anna Alexandrovna   41
Assistant Judge Inna V. Bakal   42
Court clerk Tseptsura Svetlana Sergeevna   43
Judge's phone: 8 (845-64) 5-40-97    
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Lukyanova Zhanna Georgievna   19
Assistant Judge Kakhaeva Natalia Alexandrovna   20
Court clerk Natalia Yakovleva   21
Judge's phone: 8 (845-64) 5-49-08    
Court Administrator Mitina Maria Yurievna   45
Chief Specialist Elena V. Nasyrova   36
Clerk Sizova Galina Vasilievna   37
Specialist Seitova Gulzhiyan Zhumashevna   32
Chief Specialist Anna Shipovalova   36
Court Consultant Shchekaturova Yulia Evgenievna   35

Contacts р. Dergachi village, r. Ozinki village

Ershovsky District Court - b. Dergachi village    
District Court Tel.  
Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Eltarev Dmitry Gennadievich 8 (845-63) 2-25-00
Assistant Judge Natalia Sukocheva 8 (845-63) 2-13-80
Court clerk Vacancy 8 (845-63) 2-14-54
Assistant Vice Chairman's phone number: 8 (845-63) 2-13-80  
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Andrey Evstratov 8 (845-63) 2-13-91
Court clerk Vacancy 8 (845-63) 2-14-54
Chief Specialist Elena Doroshenko 8 (845-63) 2-24-49
Clerk Gavrik Nurzidya Rafikovna 8 (845-63) 2-24-49
Ershovsky District Court - b. Ozinki village    
District Court Tel.  
Deputy Chairman of the Ershovsky District Court Fedortsova Yulia Viktorovna 8 (845-76) 4-13-46
Court clerk Soloukhina Natalia Ivanovna 8 (845-76) 4-13-46
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Fedenko Anton Nikolaevich 8 (845-76) 4-20-04
Assistant Judge Fedina Yulia Yurievna 8 (845-76) 4-20-04
Court clerk Vacancy 8 (845-76) 4-20-04
Judge of the Ershovsky District Court Alexey Agarev 8 (845-76) 4-23-87
Assistant Judge Andrey Konstantinovich Stroganov 8 (845-76) 4-20-04
Court clerk Zagranichnova Tatiana Nikolaevna 8 (845-76) 4-23-87
Chief Specialist Stepanets Marina Vladimirovna 8 (845-76) 4-12-91

Legal Aid Center


- Saratov Region Bar Association. Saratov Regional Bar Association Ershov branch "Lawyer". Director of the branch Zaitsev Vladimir Viktorovich, tel. 8-905-327-50-62,
- Saratov Region Bar Association. Saratov Regional Bar Association Ershov branch. Branch Director Igor Viktorovich Khrulev, tel: 8-903-329-72-66,
- Lawyer's office of attorney Valentina Yuryevna Mokrousova, address: Ershov, st. Stroitelnaya, 8 "A", tel: 8-962-629-67-71,
- Lawyer's office of lawyer Yakusheva Lyubov Vladimirovna, address: Ershov, st. 40 years of Victory, 42, tel: 8-927-103-28-21.


- Law office of attorney Valery Vladimirovich Babchenko, address: r. Dergachi village, st. Lenin, d. 95, apt. 16, tel. : 2-18-45, 89053209116;
- Lawyer's office of the lawyer Khudenkikh Yuri Valentinovich, address: r. Dergachi village, st. Mayakovsky, 1, tel. : 89271019858;
- Lawyer's office of the lawyer Karelov Sergey Alekseevich, tel. : 89093375921.


- Saratov Specialized Bar Association "Presidium". Lawyer Sasko Valentin Grigorievich, tel. 8-960-347-69-79,
- Saratov Region Bar Association. Bar Association "Arbiter". Attorney Skvortsov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, tel: 8-319-322-52-13, 8-927-1 14-18-45;
- Saratov Specialized Bar Association. Branch "Yurinform-Service". Lawyer Ryabtseva Svetlana Viktorovna, tel. : 8-927-147-86-12;
- Lawyer's office of attorney Nikolay Aleksandrovich Sazonov, tel: 8-927-053-85-48.


- In accordance with the letter from the Office of the Judicial Department in the Saratov Region, between the Office of the Judicial Department in the Saratov Region and the Center for Legal Assistance of the Volga Region (Saratov) Legal Institute (branch) of the RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia, in August 2009, an agreement on cooperation was concluded on rendering legal aid free of charge to low-income strata of the population. Under the terms of the agreement, the RPA (branch) of the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia undertakes to provide legal assistance to low-income citizens who apply to the Institute's Legal Aid Center on a free basis. In order to provide legal assistance on a gratuitous basis, low-income citizens should contact the following address: Saratov, st. Radishcheva, 55, phone 8 (845-2) 57-88-84, reception hours from Monday to Friday from 16 to 20 hours.

Video Conferencing

Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, Ershov
Address: 413503, Saratov Region, Ershov, st. 25 Congress of the CPSU, 40
Court sessions using the videoconferencing system are held in hall No. 1 of the building of the Ershovsky district court in the city of Ershov
IP-address of the videoconferencing system in the city of Ershov 10. 64. 62. 50
There is no telephone (fax) of the departmental videoconferencing network in Ershov.

Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, b. Dergachi settlement
Address: 413440, Saratov region, r. Dergachi village, st. Chapaeva, d. 103
Court sessions using the videoconferencing system are held in hall No. 2 of the building of the Ershovsky district court, r. Dergachi settlement
IP-address of the videoconferencing system in the r. Dergachi village 10. 64. 59. 50
Telephone (fax) of the departmental network of videoconferencing in the r. Dergachi village 7645902

Ershovsky District Court of the Saratov Region, b. p. Ozinki
Address: 413623, Saratov region, r. the village of Ozinki, st. Lesnaya, d. 22
Court sessions using the videoconferencing system are held in hall No. 3 of the building of the Ershovsky district court Ozinki settlement
IP-address of the videoconferencing system in the r. p. Ozinki 10. 64. 72. 50
Telephone (fax) of the departmental network of videoconferencing in the r. Ozinki village 7647201

Time calculation order: 3rd time zone (MSK + 1, Moscow time plus 1 hour, UTC + 4).
Persons responsible for the organization and technical support of the videoconferencing:
Ershovsky district court in the city of Ershov
Administrator of the court Mitina Maria Yurievna
Contact phone: 8 (84564) 54034
Ershovsky District Court in r. Dergachi settlement
Assistant to the judge Natalya Valerievna Sukocheva
Contact phone: 8 (84563) 21380
Ershovsky district court in the district. Ozinki settlement
Judge Assistant Andrey Konstantinovich Stroganov
Contact phone: 8 (84576) 41291


Media Relations Specialist
Ershovsky District Court of the city of Ershov
Assistant to the President of the Court
Besedina Anna Nikolaevna
tel. : 8 (845-64) 5-40-34
Ershovsky District Court, b. Dergachi settlement
Judge assistant
Natalya Valerievna Sukocheva
tel. : 8 (845-63) 2-13-80
Ershovsky District Court, b. Ozinki settlement
Judge assistant
Andrey Konstantinovich Stroganov
tel. : 8 (845-76) 4-20-04

Responsible for filling the court website
Court secretary
Svetlana Sergeevna Tseptsura
tel. : 8 (845-64) 5-40-34