Monday | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 8:00 - 16:00 |
Break for lunch: 12:00 - 12:45 | |
Saturday | Day off |
Sunday | Weekend |
Reception of citizens is carried out daily throughout the working day
COURT FAX (general) | (84362) 2-35-80 |
Reception of the chairman of the court | (84362) 2-29-57 |
Judge's assistant Galimzyanov N. M . | (84362) 2-29-61 |
Office | (84362) 2-29-52 |
Court Administrator | (84362) 2-29-54 |
Territorial jurisdiction
Sabinskoe urban settlement: p. g. t. Bogatye Saby, der. Middle Saba; Artash rural settlement: der. Two Fields Artash, s. Big Artash, der. Yazly Artash; Bolshekibyachinskoe rural settlement: with. Big Kibyachi, der. Malye Kibyachi, s. Tyubyak; Bolshenyrtynskoe rural settlement: with. Bolshie Nyrty, s. Nyrty plant, der. Middle Nyrty, der. Chabya-Churchi; Kildebyaksky rural settlement: with. Kildebyak, s. Martynovo, der. Tuktar; Meshinskoe rural settlement: pos. Leskhoz, s. Sababash; Nizneshitsa rural settlement: with. Lower Shitsy, der. Upper Shitsy, der. Elyshevo, der. Mamalaevo, der. Chabki Saba; Satyshevskoe rural settlement: with. Satyshevo, s. Kazanchi-Bigeney, der. Akkul-Bigeney; Staroikshurminskoe rural settlement: with. Old Ikshurma, s. Tatar Ikshurma, der. Three Pines; Yulbatskoe rural settlement: with. Yulbat, s. Yusuf-Alan, der. Tnekeevo, pos. Kalatau; Bolsheshinarskoe rural settlement: with. Bolshoi Shinar, s. Maly Shinar, s. Comfort, der. Chulpych, pos. Tulushka; Verkhnesimetskoe rural settlement: with. Verkhny Simet, s. Lower Simet; Yevlashtau rural settlement: with. Yevlashtau, der. Meshabash; Izminskoe rural settlement: Izma, s. Izma, p. Oluyaz, der. Ileber, der. Pukal, der. Lost; Ishtugan rural settlement: railway station R. Ishtugan; Korsabash rural settlement: with. Korsabash, s. Upper Otar, der. Lower Otar, der. Sulya, rzd. Mendyush; Michanskoe rural settlement: with. Old Michhan, s. New Michhan, s. Crenny, village. Bakshand; Timershikskoe rural settlement: with. Timershik, s. Minger, der. Sabai, der. Kyzyl Misha, der. Kuyuk; Shikshinskoe rural settlement: with. Shikshi, s. Alan-Elga, der. Cerda; Shemordanskoe rural settlement: with. Shemordan, der. Kyrbash, s. Michanbash.
Reception of documents is carried out by the office and assistants
Monday-Thursday from 08:00. 00 minutes until 17 o'clock. 00 minutes
Friday from 08 o'clock. 00min. up to 16 hours. 00 minutes
break from 12 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 12 o'clock. 45 minutes
Time of issue of permission for visits:
Monday-Thursday from 08:00. 00 minutes until 17 o'clock. 00 minutes
Friday from 08 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 16 hours. 00 minutes
Time of issue of copies of court orders:
Monday-Thursday from 08:00. 00 minutes until 17 o'clock. 00 minutes
Friday from 08 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 16 hours. 00 minutes
Time to familiarize yourself with the case materials: Monday-Thursday from 08:00. 00 minutes until 17 o'clock. 00 minutes
Friday from 08 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 16 hours. 00 minutes
On Fridays and on pre-holiday days, the time for receiving citizens and issuing documents is reduced by one hour.
Composition of the court
Chairman of the court Sabirov Damir Raisovich. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 531 of October 22, 2015, he was appointed Chairman of the Sabinsky District Court. Film Judge Rinat Yakupovich Shafigullin. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1358 of November 11, 1998, he was appointed judge of the Sabinsky District Court.
Court archive phone | 8 (84362) 2-29-52 |
Court archive fax | 8 (84362) 2-35-80 |
Hours of visitors | from 8:00 to 17:00 |
Last name, first name and patronymic of the person responsible for maintaining the archive | Salikhova Ilzira Ilgizovna |
Court staff
Title | F. I.O. | Phone | Cab. |
Court administrator | Khalimov Radis Farisovich | (84362) 22954 | 15 |
Judge Assistant | Galimzyanov Niyaz Mazitovich | (84362) 22961 | 13 |
Court clerk | Khuzina Gulia Mannurovna | (84362) 22952 | 14 |
Clerk court | Salikhova Ilzira Ilgizovna | (84362) 22952 | 14 |
Specialist 1st category | Usmanova Farida Fanilevna | (84362) 22952 | 14 |
Court clerk | Maulina Guzel Ildarovna | (84362) 22958 | 4 |
Court clerk | Abdullina Reseda Mavletzyanovna | (84364) 22957 | 12 |
Video conferencing
Time zone: RTZ 2, (GMT + 3). There is no difference with Moscow time.
A hall equipped with a videoconferencing system: courtroom No. 4, available from 08:00 to 17:00. Phone: 7167401, 7167402; fax: 7167499
Responsible for the technical support of video-conferencing (VKS): Administrator of the Sabinsky District Court of the Republic of Tatarstan Radis Farisovich Halimov, tel. (84362) 2-29-54
Name of the payee | UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan (MRI FTS of the Russian Federation No. 10 in the Republic of Tatarstan) |
KPP | 163501001 |
TIN of the tax authority and its name | 1635004063 |
OKTMO code | 92652151 |
Beneficiary's bank account number | 40102810445370000079 |
Beneficiary's account number | 03100643000000011100 |
Bank name | BRANCH-NB REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK for the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan |
BIK | 019205400 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 18210803010011050110 |
Name of payment | state duty to court |
Bank details of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tatarstan
Details of the Single Treasury Account of the region, as well as the value of the details of tax authorities new RT for filling out settlement documents when paying the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan in the first instance and on appeal
1. Beneficiary account number - No. 03100643000000011100
2. Beneficiary's bank account number - No. 40102810445370000079
6. Payee's bank: branch - OFFICE-NB REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan
4. BIK of the bank - 019205400
5. Recipient: UFK for the Republic of Tatarstan (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan No. 14)
6. TIN/KPP of the recipient -1655005361/165501001
7. OKTMO - 92701000
8. KBK: 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110 State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, by justices of the peace (state duty paid when applying to courts)
Amount of state duty from January 01, 2021.
The changes are due to the provisions of the Federal Law dated 27.12.2019 No. 479-FZ "On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in terms of treasury services for the treasury payment system" that come into force in 2021.
State duty on cases considered by courts of general jurisdiction is paid in the following amounts:
when filing an application for challenging (in whole or in part) regulatory legal acts (regulatory acts) of state bodies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds, bodies of local self-government, state corporations, officials, as well as statements challenging non-normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government Commission for the Control of Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation Federation: for individuals - 300 rubles, for organizations - 4,500 rubles;
when submitting an application for recognizing a non-normative legal act as invalid and recognizing decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies, local authorities self-government, other bodies, officials illegal: for individuals - 300 rubles, for organizations - 2,000 rubles;
when filing an appeal and (or) a cassation complaint - for individuals - 150 rubles, for organizations - 3,000 rubles;
when filing a statement of claim of a property nature that is not subject to assessment, as well as a statement of claim of a non-property nature: for individuals - 300 rubles, for organizations - 6,000 rubles;
when submitting an application for awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time: for individuals - 300 rubles, for organizations - 6,000 rubles.
Details for the payment of the state duty when filing statements of claim in the district (magistrates) courts, as well as when filing appeals, are available in the courts at the place of consideration of cases.
Personal (deposit) account (for depositing funds that are the subject of a pledge; funds to secure a claim; funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs - expert examinations)
UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan (Office of the Judicial Department in the Republic of Tatarstan l/s No. 05111479890)
TIN 1654034024 KPP 165501001
Branch - NB Republic of Tatarstan
Settlement account No. 40302810100001000001
BIK 049205001
OKTMO 92701000
On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, among the organizations that provide mediation services are:
- non-commercial partnership "League of Mediators Volga region "(420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Ostrovsky, 67; tel.: 8 (843) 245-23-28, website:;
- Volga center legal conciliation (mediation). ChOU VPO "Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)" (420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Moskovskaya st., 42 (building 2), tel.: 8 (843) 231-92-90, 231-92-98, 231-92-85);
- ANO "Mediator of the Volga Region" (Kazan, Yamasheva st., 10, office 220A, tel. 89173933074).
- non-commercial partnership "Vash mediator" (Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Tekhnicheskaya st., 120 "a", website: conflict, is the unconditional right of the parties to the dispute, who have the right to contact a mediator who carries out conciliation activities not only in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, but in any other constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Powers of the court
Federal Constitutional Law of 31.12.1996 N 1-FKZ (as amended on 05.02.2014) " On the judicial system of the Russian Federation "
Article 21. District court
1. The district court, within the limits of its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.
Background information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the Sabinsky District Court of the Republic of Tatarstan and on the results of competitions for filling vacancies positions can be obtained at the address: 422060, p. g. t. Bogatye Saby, st. Tukaya, 12 B
tel. 8 (84362) 2-29-54
Halimov Radis Farisovich
contact phone: 8 (84362) 2 -29-61
Press Secretary - Galimzyanov Niyaz Mazitovich