• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Tatarstan
  • County: Leninogorskij r-n
  • City: g Leninogorsk
  • Street, House: ul Agadullina, dom 12
  • Postcode: 423254
  • Site: http://leninogorsky.tat.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (85595)6-48-01, 5-15-48
  • Longitude: 52.469033
  • Latitude: 54.602429
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Leninogorsk city court

Municipal Formation "Leninogorsk Municipal District", Leninogorsk; Glazovskoye rural settlement: Urnyak-Kumyak village (administrative center), Glazovo village, Petropavlovka village; Zai-Karatay rural settlement: the village of Zai-Karatay (administrative center), the village of Uzbyak; Zelenoroshchinskoe rural settlement: the villages of Zelenaya Roshcha (administrative center), Spiridonovka; Ivanovskoye rural settlement: the villages of Ivanovka (administrative center), Mikhailovka, the villages of Akkul, Medvedka, the village of Maryanovka; Karkala rural settlement: Karkali village (administrative center), Tukmak village; Karmalka rural settlement: the village of Mordovskaya Karmalka (administrative center); Kerligach rural settlement: Kerligach village (administrative center), Altai village; Kuakbash rural settlement: Kuakbash village (administrative center), Skhodnevo-Chertanla, Chuti villages; Michurinskoye rural settlement: village named after Michurina (administrative center), the village of Novoye Serezhkino; Mukmin-Karatay rural settlement: the village of Mukmin-Karatay (administrative center); Nizhnechershilinskoe rural settlement: the villages of Nizhnie Chershily (administrative center), Verkhniye Chershily, Mordovskaya Ivanovka; Novoishteryak rural settlement: the villages of Novy Ishteryak (administrative center), Novy Utyamysh, the village of Chiyaletau; Novochershilinskoye rural settlement: Novochershilinsky settlement (administrative center), Aleshkino, Gorkino, Kuzaykino, Sergeevka villages, Aleksandrovka, Valeevsky settlements; Pismyanskoye rural settlement: Podlesny village (administrative center), Durasovo, Staraya Pismyanka villages, Voskhod, Savochkino villages, Verkhniy Karan, Vozdvizhenka, Stepnoy Zay villages; Sarabikulovo rural settlement: Sarabikulovo village (administrative center); Staroishteryak rural settlement: the village of Stary Ishteryak (administrative center), Bakirovo, the village of Yaltau; Starokuvak rural settlement: the village of Stary Kuvak (administrative center); Staroshugurovo rural settlement: the village of Old Shugurovo (administrative center), the village of New Shugurovo; Sugushli rural settlement: Sugushla village (administrative center), Yultimirovo village; Timyashevskoe rural settlement: Timyashevo village (administrative center); Tuktarovo-Urdala rural settlement: the village of Tuktarovo-Urdala (administrative center), the village of Karagai; Urmyshlinskoe rural settlement: villages of Urmyshla (administrative center), Staraya Varvarinka, villages Bulgar, Bukhar, Novaya Varvarinka, Novoye Elhovo; Shugurovskoe rural settlement: Shugurovo village (administrative center); Fedotovskoe rural settlement: the villages of Fedotovka (administrative center), Kuzminovka, the village of Tukmak.

Working hours of the court:

Monday - from 8:00 to 17:00 and Tuesday - from 8:00 to 17:00. 00
Wednesday - from 8. 00 to 17. 00
Thursday - from 8. 00 to 17. 00
Friday - from 8. 00 to 15. 45
Lunch break: from 12. 00 until 12.45

Opening hours of the public reception

Reception of citizens is carried out by assistant judges in the office. №107
Reception ends one hour before the end of working hours. Reception of nonresident citizens is carried out during the entire working time.
Daily: from 08 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 16 hours. 00 minutes
On Friday and pre-holiday days from 08 o'clock. 00 minutes up to 15 o'clock. 00 minutes
Reception is conducted without prior appointment in order of priority.
The reception office does not provide legal assistance to persons, with the exception of providing information on the issues of processing applications submitted to the court, the procedure for submitting them, the procedure for receiving a response or requested documents.
At the reception, a citizen presents an identity document.

Hours of reception of the archive of the court

The reception of citizens is carried out by the archivist
Titenkova Venera Shagalievna in office. №109
from 08. 00 to 12. 00, from 13.00 to 17. 00.
On Friday and pre-holiday days:
from 08. 00 to 12. 00, from 13.00 to 16. 00.

Court leadership

Chairman of the Leninogorsk city court
Sakhavov Rinat Minnebaevich July 05, 1974, born the city of Leninogorsk, Tatar ASSR. In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kazan State University named after V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin with a degree in jurisprudence. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 432 dated 06.30.2020, he was appointed Chairman of the Leninogorsk City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. Over 20 years of legal experience.

Deputy Chairman of the Leninogorsk City Court
Position vacant

Composition of the Leninogorsk City Court

Surname, name, patronymic Position Grounds for granting powers Cabinet number/Secretary phone number
Sakhavov Rinat Minnebaevich Chairman of the Court ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2020 N 432 office №205/(85595) 64802
deputy chairman of the court position is vacant
Gleydman Alesya Aleksandrovna judge ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 14. 10. 2019 No. 496 office №207/(85595) 64831
Ivanova Svetlana Vladimirovna judge ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.03 . 2016 № 111 room №206/(85595) 64820
Kompaniytseva Alla Nikolaevna judge ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.10.2014 No. 681 cabinet No. 108/(855 95) 64828
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Linevich judge ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.07.2021 # 410 office # 103/(85595) 64826
Shaydullin Erik Almazovich judge ORDER of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.05 . 2008 No. 698 Cabinet No. 202/(85595) 64817

Subdivisions of the Court

Reception of the chairman of the court,
assistant to the chairman of the court:
Kashapova Gulnaz Ibragimovna
office №205 (85595) 6-48-01
Court administrator:
Shafigullin Ruslan Rafgatovich
office №102 (85595) 6-48-08
Head of the department of legal proceedings:
Kazachkova Olga Vladimirovna
office №111 (85595) 6-48-32, 5-15-48
Office of Criminal Cases:
Shalkina Luiza Rastamovna
office # 110 (85595) 6-48-36
Office of Civil Affairs: Ilyukhin's office Albina Nafisovna room # 113 (85595) 6-48-33
Titenkova Venera Shagalievna
room 109 (85595) 6-48-37


The Leninogorsk City Court, in accordance with the law, is a federal court of general jurisdiction. It is the immediately superior court for justices of the peace located on the territory of Leninogorsk and the Leninogorsk region, and inferior in relation to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Leninogorsk City Court, in accordance with the current legislation, within the limits of its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance.

Federal Constitutional Law of 31. 12. 1996 N 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation"
Article 21. District Court
1. The district court, within the limits of its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.

Video conferencing

Time zone: RTZ 2, (GMT + 3). There is no difference with Moscow time
A hall equipped with a videoconferencing system: courtroom No. 3, available from 08:00 to 17:00. Phone: 7168801, 7168802; fax: 7168899
Responsible for organizing video conference calls (VKS):
- secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Samigullina Natalya Aleksandrovna, tel. (85595) 6-48-02;
- secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Shavaleeva Leysan Nazipovna, tel. (85595) 6-48-31;
- secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Fedotova Daria Viktorovna, tel. (85595) 6-48-20;
- Secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Kasimova Elvira Mansurovna, tel. (85595) 6-48-26;
- secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Gavrilova Tatyana Valerievna, tel. (85595) 6-48-17;
- secretary of the court session of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravilova Rimma Almazovna, tel. (85595) 6-48-28;
Responsible for the technical support of video-conference communication (VKS): head of the general department of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan Burov Vsevolod Maksimovich, tel. (85595) 6-48-48

Details for payment of state duty and fine


Name of the payee RECEIVER of the UFC for the Republic of Tatarstan (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan No. 17)
KPP 164501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1645006101
OKTMO code 92636101 - Leninogorsk
Account number of the beneficiary's bank 40102810445370000079
Beneficiary account number 03100643000000011100
Bank name BRANCH-NB REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN BANK RUSSIA // UFK for the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
BIK 019205400
Budget classification code (KBK) When applying to the court: 18210803010011050110
Based on the results of the consideration of cases: 18210803010011060110
Name of payment State ina to court


Name of the payee RECEIVER of the UFC for the Republic of Tatarstan (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan No. 17)
KPP 164501001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 1645006101
OKTMO code 92636101 - Leninogorsk
Payee's account number 40101810800000010001
Bank name Branch - NB Republic of Tatarstan
BIK 049205001
Budget classification code (KBK ) 18210803010013000110
Name of payment Payment of criminal and administrative fines

Details for payment of the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan at the first and cassation instances

Details of the Single Treasury Account of the region on, as well as the value of the details of the tax authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan for filling out settlement documents when paying the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan by the first, appeal and cassation instances
1. Payee's account number - No. 03100643000000011100
2. Payee's bank: branch - OFFICE-NB REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan
3. Bank BIK - 019205400
4. Recipient: UFK for the Republic of Tatarstan (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan No. 14)
5. TIN/KPP of the recipient -1655005361/165501001
6. OKTMO - 92701000
7. KBK:
182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110 State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, by justices of the peace (state duty paid when applying to courts)
182 1 08 03010 01 1060 110 State duty on cases, considered in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace (state duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)

PERSONAL (DEPOSIT) ACCOUNT (for depositing funds that are the subject pledge; funds to secure a claim; funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs - expert examinations)

UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan (Office of the Judicial Department in the Republic of Tatarstan l/s No. 05111479890)

INN 1654034024 KPP 165501001

Branch - NB Republic of Tatarstan

Settlement account No. 40302810100001000001

BIK 049205001

OKTMO 92701000


On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, nd providing mediation services include:
- non-profit partnership "League of Mediators of the Volga Region" (420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Ostrovsky, 67; Tel. : 8 (843) 245-23-28, website: www. mediators-tatarstan. ru);
- Volga region center of legal reconciliation (mediation). ChOU VPO "Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)" (420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Moskovskaya st., 42 (building 2), tel.: 8 (843) 231-92-90, 231-92-98, 231-92-85);
- ANO "Mediator of the Volga Region" (Kazan, Yamasheva st., 10, office 220A, tel. 89173933074).
- non-commercial partnership "Vash mediator" (Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Tekhnicheskaya st., 120 "a", website: vashmediator.com) conflict, is the unconditional right of the parties to the dispute, who have the right to contact a mediator who carries out conciliation activities not only in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, but in any other constituent entity of the Russian Federation. } 6-48-01, (85595) 6-48-32.


Secretary of the press center of the Leninogorsk city court of the Republic of Tatarstan:
Samigullina Natalya Aleksandrovna, court secretary
contact phone: (85595) 6-48-02