• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Tatarstan
  • County: Drozhzhanovskij r-n
  • City: s Staroe Drozhzhanoe
  • Street, House: ul S.Nafieva, dom 17
  • Postcode: 422470
  • Site: http://drozhanovsky.tat.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84375)2-12-02
  • Longitude: 47.573376
  • Latitude: 54.722737

Territorial jurisdiction of the Drozhzhanovsky District Court of the Republic of Tatarstan

Aleshkin Saplyk rural settlement: the village of Aleshkin Saplyk, the villages of Tatarsky Saplyk, Novaya Zadorovka, Staraya Zadorovka, Staraye Duvanovo, Novoye Duvanovo; Bolsheaksinskoe rural settlement: the villages of Bolshaya Aksa, Chuvashskaya Abyss; Bolshetsilna rural settlement: the village of Bolshaya Tsilna; Gorodischenskoye rural settlement: Gorodishche village, Novoye Chekurskoye village; Zvezdinskoye rural settlement: the villages of Hornovar Shigali, Chepkas-Ilmetyevo, the villages of Korshanga-Shigali, New Shigali, Nizhnepodlesnye Shigali; Malotsilna rural settlement: Malaya Tsilna village; Marsovo rural settlement: the villages of Nizhniy Karakitan, Upper Karakitan, Tatarskaya Abyss; Matak rural settlement: villages of Mataki, Mochaley, Chuvash Ishli; Nizhnechekurskoye rural settlement: the villages of Nizhnee Chekurskoe, Verkhnee Chekurskoe, Staroe Chekurskoe, Malaya Aksa, Tatarskie Shatrashany; Novoburundukovskoe rural settlement: pos. Railway station Chipmunks; Novoilmovskoe rural settlement: the villages of Novoye Ilmovo, Novye Chukaly; Novoishlinskoe rural settlement: the villages of New Ishli, Old Ishli, New Kakerli; Village-Ubey rural settlement: villages Kill, New Kill, Small Kill, Old Kill; Starodrozhzhanovskoe rural settlement: the villages of Old Drozhzhanoye, New Drozhzhanoye, Old Ilmovo; Starokakerlinskoe rural settlement: the village of Starye Kakerli, the village of Tatar Tyuki; Starochukalinskoye rural settlement: the village of Starye Chukaly; Staroshaimurzinskoe rural settlement: villages of Old Shaimurzino, Chuvashskoe Shaimurzino; Chuvashsko-Drozhzhanovskoe rural settlement: the village of Chuvashskoe Drozhzhanoe, the villages of Khaibuldino, Kushkuvai; Shlangovskoye rural settlement: the village of Shlanga.

Court working hours

Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 17:00
Lunch from 12:00 to 13:00
Weekends Saturday, Sunday

Reception of citizens is carried out by:
Assistant judge Musharapova LF - during working hours
Citizens are received by the court office during working hours, except Saturday and Sunday.

Contact information

Position F. I.O. Phone
Reception of the court Ilmira Irfanovna Kamalova 2-12-10
Leading specialist (office) Oksana Nikolaevna Ilyina 2-12-08
Judge Assistant Lilia Firkatovna Musharapova 2-12-02
Administrator Andrey Nikolaevich Miskin 2-12-01
secretary of the court session Semenova Natalya Nikolaevna 2-12-06

Panel of judges

Position Last name, first name, patronymic Grounds for authorization
President of the Court Rakipova Alsu Akhmetzyanovna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of October 14, 2019 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation ", http: // www. kremlin. ru/acts/bank/44741
Federal Judge Medvedev Marat Shavkyatovich Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 468 of August 16, 2021 year "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation",

Organizational structure

Position F. I.O.
President of the Court Rakipova Alsu Akhmetzyanovna

Court staff

Position F. I.O. Phone
Assistant to the judge Musharapova Lilia Firkatovna 8 (84375 ) 21202
Leading specialist Ilyina Oksana Nikolaevna 8 (84375) 21208
Clerk of the court session Miskina Tatyana Nikolaevna 8 (84375) 21207
Clerk of the court session Semenova Natalya Nikolaevna 8 (84375) 21206
Court clerk Kamalova Ilmira Irfanovna 8 (84375) 21210

Video conferencing data

422470, Republic of Tatarstan, s. Old Yeast, st. S. Nafieva, 17
Difference with Moscow time +0 hours
Courtroom № 1
VoIP - Avaya 1608 by dhcp 7166102 Judges in the meeting room
Polycom RealPresence Group 300 IP codec: 10 16. 61. 50
VoIP - Audiocodes MediaPack 112 10. 16. 61. 51 7166199 Secretary in the courtroom
VoIP - Avaya 1608 by dhcp 7166101 Secretary in the courtroom
Videoconferencing schedule - as agreed with the court
Availability periods - as agreed with the court
Responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing,
assistant judge - Musharapova Lilia Firkatovna
(84375) 2-12-02
Responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing,
Administrator of the court - Miskin Andrey Nikolaevich
(84375) 2-12-01, fax 2-27-92

State duty in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace located on the territory of the Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan (with the exception of the state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation):

1. State fee payable when applying to the court.
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (requisite 15) - 40102810445370000079
Account number of the beneficiary (requisite 17) - 03100643000000011100
Beneficiary's bank (requisite 13) - Branch - NB Republic of Tatarstan Bank of Russia // UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, BIK 019205400
RECIPIENT OF UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan (MRI FTS of Russia No. 8 in the Republic of Tatarstan)
TIN 1648011396, OKTMO 92624470, KBK 18210803010011050110, KPP 164801001

2. State duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of the consideration of cases on the merits.
Account number of the beneficiary's bank (requisite 15) - 40102810445370000079
Account number of the beneficiary (requisite 17) - 03100643000000011100
Beneficiary's bank (requisite 13) - Branch - NB Republic of Tatarstan Bank of Russia // UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan, BIK 019205400
RECIPIENT OF UFK in the Republic of Tatarstan (MRI FTS of Russia No. 8 in the Republic of Tatarstan) TIN 1648011396,
OKTMO 92624470, KBK 18210803010011060110, KPP 164801001

Penalty in criminal cases

Beneficiary's name UFK for RT (MIA RT)
KPP 165501001
TIN 1654002946
OKATO 92204551000
Single Treasury Account 40101810800000010001
Bank name GRKTS NB RT Bank of Russia of Kazan
BIK 049205001
Budget classification code (BCK) 18811621010010000140
Name payment Court fine (from persons guilty of committing crimes)

State institutions

GAUZ" RKPB im. acad. V. M. Bekhterev MH RT "
FBU" Sredne-Volzhsky RCSE of the Ministry of Justice of Russia "


State Autonomous Healthcare Institution "Republican Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan"
Republic of Tatarstan, . Kazan, st. Siberian tract, 31a
Official website: www. sudmedrt. kgts. ru/content/buro
reception - (843) 273-91-45
Fax: (843) 273-91-45
1) Public services www. sudmedrt. kgts. ru/content/gosservices/
2) Paid services www. sudmedrt. kgts. ru/content/services/

GAUZ "RKPB im. acad. VM Bekhterev MH RT "

GAUZ" Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after acad. V. M. Bekhterev of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan "
Kazan, st. Ershova, 49
Phone: (843) 272-41-92
Official website: www. rkpbtatar. ru/science/about-the-departments/forensic-psychiatric-expert-examination-of-the-ksma. php


Kazan, Sechenova st., d. 6
+7 (843) 272-33-11
Official website: rnd-kazan.ru/dis

FBU "Sredne-Volzhsky RCSE of the Ministry of Justice of Russia"

Federal budgetary institution Sredne-Volzhsky regional center of forensic examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Russia, Kazan, Lesgaft st., 33, tel./fax +7 (843) 236-22-61,
Official website: www.sudexpert.ru/seu/
Working hours: Monday-Friday from 8.30 to 17.30
lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00
Opportunities: www.sudexpert.ru/possib/


On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the organizations providing mediation services and those using conciliation procedures in resolving disputes include:
- non-profit partnership "League of Mediators of the Volga Region" (420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Ostrovsky str., 67; tel.: 8 (843) 245-23-28, website: www. mediators-tatarstan. ru);
- Volga region center of legal reconciliation (mediation). ChOU VPO "Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)" (420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Moskovskaya st., 42 (building 2), tel.: 8 (843) 231-92-90, 231-92-98, 231-92-85);
- ANO "Mediator of the Volga region" (Kazan, Yamasheva st., 10, office 220A, tel. 89173933074).
- non-profit partnership "Vash mediator" (Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Tekhnicheskaya st., 120 "a", website: vashmediator. com)
- Branch of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (Kazan, Pushkin St., 18, tel.: 8 (843) 238-61-04, 8 (843) 236-06-27.
In this case, the final choice of the organization that will assist the parties in resolving the conflict, is the unconditional right of the parties to the dispute, who have the right to apply to a person who carries out conciliation activities not only in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, but in any other constituent entity of the Russian Federation.


For information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant positions in the state civil service in the apparatus of the Drozhzhanovsky District Court of the Republic of Tatarstan and on the results of competitions for filling a vacant position, please contact: 422470, Republics and Tatarstan, s. Old Drozhzhanoe st. S. Nafieva, 17
tel. : 8 (84375) 2-12-02


contact phone-fax: (8-84375) 2-12 -01; 2-27-92
Andrey Nikolayevich Miskin - administrator
Lilia Firkatovna Musharapova - press secretary

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