• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Bashkortostan
  • City: g Ufa
  • Street, House: ul Georgiya Mushnikova, dom 11/1
  • Postcode: 450043
  • Site: http://kalininsky.bkr.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (347)239-20-95, 239-64-14
  • Fax: (347)239-20-95
  • Longitude: 56.11339
  • Latitude: 54.779125
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Contact numbers
Office for Criminal Cases: (347) 238-94-44
Civil Affairs Office: (347) 238-77-00
Office of Administrative Affairs: (347) 239-03-27
Head of Department: (347) 239-64-14
Archive: (347) 239-03-61
Fax: (347) 239-03-27

Territorial jurisdiction
The jurisdiction of the court extends to the entire territory of the Kalininsky district of Ufa
Ufa, Abzalilovskaya, Azeyrbadzhanskaya, Artema, Architectural (even side, houses from 2 to 24), Ashinskaya, Baikalskaya, Baikonurskaya, Begovaya, Belinsky, Bobruiskaya, Bogdan Khmelnitsky (houses from 36 to 64), Combat, Balandin Boulevard, Plekhanov boulevard, Tukhvata Yanabi boulevard, Vereshchagin, Vinnitsa, Volgograd, Vologda (houses from 1 to 38), Voroshilov, Vostochnaya, Vostretsova, Vybornaya, High-voltage, Guards (houses from 27 to 40), Geodetic, Glinka, Glinka odd, Goncharova, Dunayskaya, Yeletsskaya, Railway booths (1636, 1637, 1638), Zheleznodorozhny lane, Zhelyabova, Zaufimskoye, Chernikovskaya, forestry Kordon No. 3, Zvezdnaya, Zelenaya, Zianchurinskaya, Ivan Franko lane, Izyskatelskaya, Industrial highway, International (houses from 20 ro 193 with fractions), Kalinina (even side of house 76-84), Karmaskalinskaya, Kasimovskaya, Caspian, Kekhtsovelli, Kiginskaya, Brick, Koltsevaya (even side of house 128-204), Koltsova, Kommunalnaya, Kommunarov (houses 1 to 18), Kremlin aya (houses from 1 to 36), Kuibyshev, Lermontov, Maiskaya, Maysky lane, Malaya, Mashinostroiteley, Mayakovsky (houses at odd 1-19; even 2-24), Meleuzovskaya, Mebelnaya, Mechanization, Mechetlinskaya, Minyarskaya, Mishkinskaya, Mokhovaya, Mushnikova, A. Nevsky (odd, houses from 1 to 11), Nezhinskaya (houses from 21 to 24), Odessa, Olympic, Ordzhonikidze, Pervomaiskaya (houses odd side 27-95, even side 26-100), Peterhof, Petrozavodekaya, Pobedy (houses odd to 11, even to 18), Poymennaya, Postal, Postal lane, Press, Coastal, Lakeside, Direct, Roza Luxembourg , Rucheynaya, Rybakova (from Pervomaiskaya St. to the intersection with 40 Let Oktyabrya St.), Svoboda (odd 1-15, houses from 1 to 24), Communications, Sedova (even side), Rural Bogorodskaya, Rural, Semashko, Cross, Sovetov, Soldierskaya, Forty years of October (even 2-16 and from 25, odd 13-21), Pine, Spartak, Sports (odd), Stadionnaya, Starotorfyanaya, Stroievaya, Suvorova (from the intersection with Chernikovskaya street to the intersection with International), Tajik, Tatyshlinskaya, Tramway (14, 5 - UZMPI, 10 - 000 BASHVTORMET, Metalloprokat LLC, 4B - SU-8 Tresta 3, No. 8A - JSC "BASHSTROM", autocooperative "AGIDEL, RPCC "SPUTNIK", before the intersection with the street. Kaspiyskoy, 4A - JSC "UMKK", LLC "Myasnoy Ryad"), Transport, Corner, UMZB, Ulyanovs (even 2-32), Ural, Ussuriyskaya, Ufimskoe highway (from Tramvaynaya st.), Ushakov (odd to Koltsevaya st. , even in 74), Fadeeva, Ferina, Front Brigades, Furmanov, Khakimov, Khetagurov, Tsvetochnaya, Tsimlyanskaya, Chernikovskaya, Shakshinskaya, Shosseynaya, Shumavtsova, Yablonevaya;
the villages of Elkibaevo, Maksimovka, Fedorovka, Samokhvalovka, Karpovo, Elikbaevo, the village of Zhoma, the villages of Bazilevka, Knyazevo.

Court opening hours

Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 Tuesday from 09:00 to 18:00 Wednesday: from 09:00 to 18:00 Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00 Friday from 09:00 to 16:45 Lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45 Weekends: Saturday, Sunday

Archive mode:

Monday: from 9:00 to 18:00 Tuesday: from 9:00 to 18:00 Thursday: from 9:00 to 18:00 Lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45 Wednesday and Friday: off days Weekends: Saturday, Sunday

The issuance of copies of the requested court decisions is carried out daily, according to the working hours, except Wednesday.
Wednesday is prophylactic day.
Categories of citizens who are granted the right to extraordinary services under the legislation of the Russian Federation (upon presentation of relevant documents) are served on the day of application.
You can leave comments, suggestions and wishes regarding the work of the Kalininsky District Court of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Belarus at the address E-mail, state orally by phone: (347) 239-20-95, 238-94-44 or on the website in the section " Citizens' Appeals".

On amendments to the work schedule of the court from October 13, 2020:
1. Personal reception of citizens is terminated. It is recommended to send correspondence to the court via postal service or the "Electronic Justice" service. subsystems "Internet portal" State automated system of the Russian Federation "Justice".
2. Only participants in legal proceedings and representatives of the media are allowed to enter the court building.
3. Admission to the court building is carried out only in the presence of personal protective equipment, which persons provide themselves.
4. When passing the access control to the court building, establish the simultaneous presence in the vestibule of no more than 5 people.
5. Incoming process participants are subject to non-contact body temperature control. If the temperature reading is 37.0 above, as well as in case of refusal to measure the temperature, lack of personal protective equipment, they are not allowed into the courthouse.
6. It is possible to obtain information about the progress and results of the consideration of cases by telephone or on the official website of the court in the section on court proceedings.
7. Recommend visitors to the courthouse to maintain social distance (at least 1.5 meters).

Contact information of the Kalininsky District Court of Ufa, Republic of Belarus


Positions F. Acting name Telephone no. Judge no. Reception no.
32 Chairman
Judge's assistant
Rakhmatullin Rinat Rashitovich
Rishat Failevich Yangubaev
Olesya Abdulkhakovna Gilmanova
239-25-01 239-25-01 102 101
30 Deputy Chairman of the Court
Judge's Assistant
Albina Timurovna Suleymanova
Zulfiya Fagimovna Minniyarova
Nailya Razhapovna Khakimova
239-20-15 143 148
5 Referee
Assistant referee
Gaysin Ilgiz Mansurovich
Latypova Olga Evgenievna
Muftakhova Gulnaz Zinfirovna
239-20-82 144 108 35 Judge
Assistant judge
Venera Magalimovna Gaetova
Ildar Airatovich Biganyakov
Adelina Radikovna Akhmatyanova239-20-52
111 110
23 Judge
Assistant referee
Khamatshina Guzel Aslyamovna
Sultangulova Regina Ildarovna
Galiahmedova Nadezhda Vladimirovna
239-20-63 115 124
41 Judge
Judge's assistant
Safiullina Nafisa Shamilevna
Galina Raushania Radikovna
Nuretdinova Regina Ildarovna
239-20-47 150 150 td> 223
7 Judge
Judge's assistant
Azamat Yulaevich Mukhametzyanov
Faizov Rustam Zulfatovich
Garipova Albina Gazinurovna
239-17-45 113 114  
Assistant judge
KhasanovTimur Maratovich
Chukaev Arseniy Vasilyevich
Soboleva Tatyana Vladimirovna
239-20-37 217 218
28 Deputy Chairman of the Court
Assistant Judge
Bikchurina Oksana Vitalievna
Stadolnikova Marina Vadimovna
Valyaeva Marina Anatolyevna
239-63-91 107 112
9 Referee
Assistant referee
Davydov Denis Valerievich
Fazlieva Diana Rudikovna
Nabieva Irina Sergeevna
239-20-26 146 147 11 Judge
Assistant judge
Rakhimova Ramilya Vasimovna
Titova Arina Vladimirovna
Fedorova Ekaterina Ilyinichna239-63-95
133 149
34 Judge
Assistant referee
Sarvarova Tanzilya Kashfullinovna
Rashitova Regina Rinatovna
Panacheva Nadezhda Alekseevna
239-64-23 253 256
27 Referee
Assistant referee
  239-64-08 221 220
42 Judge
Judge's assistant
Tukhbatullin a Liana Khanifovna
Mukminova Aigul Radikovna
Sunagatova Alsu Vildanovna
239-64-31 119 122 37 Judge
Assistant judge
Alsu Firdausovna Sharipkulova
Eliza Vildanova Sunagatova
Irina Viktorovna Khafizova239-20-88
103 117
17 Judge
Assistant referee
Radik Amirovich Timerbaev
Gulsina Gafurovna Mardanova
Regina Rafitovna Faizova
239-20-79 142 116
19 Judge
Judge's assistant
Ibragimova Fauzia Minegaliyevna
Vasyutina Irina Vasilievna
Islamgalieva Alina Talgatovna
238-94-40 224 140
38 Judge
Assistant judge
Elza Rafisovna Bychkova
Albina Mavlyutovna Sabirova
Albina Nasimovna Kobyakova
239-30-35 139 137
29 Head of the General Department Sabyral Ieva Varvara Pavlovna 239-64-14 219  
26Head of the JFO for Criminal Cases Regina Rinatovna Sankina 239-64-14 109  
33 Head of the Environmental Protection Agency for Civil Affairs Albina Rezyapova 239-64-14 138  
25 Criminal Office Vakhrusheva Aliya Sultanovna
Dubovikova Alexandra Sergeevna
238-94-44 134  
24 Civil Affairs Office Anastasia Alexandrovna Rudkovskaya
Daria Andreevna Onina
Ruzilya Nisametdinovna Sufiyanova
238-77-00 135  
14 Office for cases (materials)
on administrative offenses
Akhmadeeva Alina Venerovna 239-03-27 121  
15 Office for cases (materials)
on administrative law violations (appeal)
Shafikova Guzaliya Rashitovna   118  
Court reception Rimma Insafovna Mukhametdinova
Ekaterina Pavlovna Malysheva
239-20-95 151  
21 Archive (21 cab. )
Archive (repository)
Davletshin Salavat Samatovich
Garifullina Gulshat Raufovna
Mufteev Denis Rinatovich
239-03-61 136
43 Administrator Renat Yusupov 238-33-48 250  
40 engineer td> Kayumov Rustem Rafisovich 238-43-70 155  
39 Consultant Aigul Mansurovna Mukhametzyanova
Maria Vladimirovna Razetdinova
238-43-70 222  
8 Mail Khamidullina Aislu Midikhatovna 239-13-56 145 153


F. Acting Position Grounds for empowerment
Rakhmatullin Rinat Rashitovich Chairman of the court td> Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2016 No. 176
Albina Timerzyanovna Suleimanova Deputy Chairman of the Criminal Court Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2014 No. 149
Bikchurina Oksana Vitalievna Deputy. Chairman of the Court for Civil Cases Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 09, 2010 No. 41
Gizetdinova Farida Gafuanovna Judge td> Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2009 No. 615
Ibragimov Airat Ravilievich Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2016 No. 552 No. 1174
Grafenkova Elena Nikolaevna Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2016 No. 338
Gaisin Ilgiz Mansurovich Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2008 No. 1209
Safiullina Nafisa Shamilevna Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2013 No. 69
Alsu Firdausovna SharipkulovaJudge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation resolution dated 13. 11. 2014 No. 719 No. 1170 of 2006
Radik Amirovich Timerbaev Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2011 No. 1028
Rakhimova Ramilya Vasimovna Judge  
Tukhbatullina Liana Khanifovna Judge  
Ibragimova Fauzia Minigaleevna Judge  
Mukhametzyanov Azamat Yulaevich Judge  
Davydov Denis Valerievich td> Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2011 No. 864
Regina Rinatovna Sankina Head of the General Department Order of the Kalininsky District Court of Ufa dated October 24, 2016 No. 121
Albina Ravilievna Romanova Head of the Civil Proceedings Support Department Order of the Kalininsky District Court of Ufa dated 01. 04. 2014 № 74 court of Ufa dated October 24, 2016 No. 120

Video conference call
Time difference with Moscow +2 hours
Hall equipped with video conferencing system: No. 4
IP address: 10. 3. 49. 50
Hall equipped with video conferencing system: No. 5
IP address: 10. 3. 49. 52
Responsible for organizing the HQS:
- Davletshin Salavat Samatovich engineer 8 (347) 238-43-70;
- Yusupov Renat Salavatovich administrator 8 (347) 238-33 -48

Bank details of a deposit account for crediting bail amounts selected as a measure of restraint on the basis of decisions of district (city) courts of the Republic Republic of Bashkortostan >in the GRCC NB of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Bank of Russia, Ufa
BIC 048073001

Details for payment of fines and amounts recovered from persons guilty of crimes

Recipient: Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Bashkortostan (UFSSP of Russia for the Republic of Bashkortostan)
TIN: 0274101120
KPP: 027801001
BIC: 048073001
Current account: 40101810100000010001
GRKTs National Bank of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Bank of Russia, Ufa

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing a claim with the court
name of the payee: UFK for the Republic of Belarus (interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 31 in the Republic of Belarus)
KPP 027301001
TIN of the tax authority 0273060707
OKTMO code 80701000
account number according to Payment Rayer 40102810045370000067
Name of the Bank Office-NB Republic of Bashkortostan Bank of Russia // UFK in the Republic of Bashkortostan G. Ufa
Beach 018073401
Name of the payment of state duty when contacting the court
Budget classification code 18210803010011050110

Receipt form "violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings"
Code of income received from monetary penalties (fines) for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings in in accordance with paragraphs. 1 p. 1 art. 46 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, parts 1 and 3 of Art. 17.14, Art. 17.15, art. 13.26, art. 18. 8. 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - 322 1 16 17000 01 6016 140 court session can be carried out by means of SMS-messages.
For the application of this method of notification, the voluntary consent of the participant in the process is required. And the subscriber's number, message text, information about its sending and delivery are recorded and attached to the case materials, while the traditional notification by registered mail is preserved. The plaintiff, when filing a statement of claim with the court, and the defendant and other persons, when appearing in court, will be offered this method of notification.
SMS messaging eliminates the need to appear at the post office and provides the necessary information to process participants in a shorter time.

Information on filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus can be found by phone (347)239-64-14

Responsible for media relations - consultant of the Kalininsky District Court of Ufa
Aigul Mansurovna Mukhametzyanova
tel: 8 (347) ) 238-43-70