• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Bashkortostan
  • County: Gafurijskij r-n
  • City: s Krasnousolskij
  • Street, House: ul Kommunisticheskaya, dom 25
  • Postcode: 453050
  • Site: http://gafuriysky.bkr.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (34740)2-18-52
  • Longitude: 56.474549
  • Latitude: 53.8938
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Gafury Interdistrict Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan
is located at the address: 453050, Republic of Bashkortostan, Gafury district, s. Krasnousolsky, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 25
contact phones: (34740) 2-18-52 (clerical department), (34740) 2-22-85 (reception of the court), fax (34740) 2-18-52

Permanent judicial presence in the village. Tolbazy of Aurgazinsky district
is located at the address: 453481, Republic of Bashkortostan, Aurgazinsky district, s. Tolbazy, st. Pervomaiskaya, 17
contact phones: (34745) 2-18-36 (clerical department), (34745) 2-14-48 (reception of the court), fax (34745) 2-18-36

Territorial jurisdiction
Gafurysky district: rural settlements of Beloozersky village council (villages of Beloe Ozero, Antonovka, villages of Russian Saskul, Darino, Tatarsky Saskul, Dmitrievka, Lugovaya, Voinovka, village of Ivanovka, villages of Beloozerovka, Uvarovka, Sofyino), Belsky village council (village of Inzelga, villages of Kutluguza, Novokaramyshevo , Tsapalovka, Krasnodubrovsk), Burlinsky village council (villages of Burly, Kurmantau, villages of Yavgildy, Baimbetovo, Zirikovo, Mikhailovka), Burunovsky village council (village of Burunovka, villages of Bazikovo, Petropavlovka), Zilim-Karanovsky village council (village of Zilim-Karanovo, villages of Uzbyakovo, Ibragimovo , Big Utyash, Bakrak, Small Utyash, Novozirikovo, Abdullino, Sredny Utyash, Yakty-Kul, Kyzyl Yar), Imendyashevsky village council (villages of Karagaevo, Imendyashevo, villages of Taishevo, Yurmash, Muraz, Tash-Asty, Nekrasovka, Novotaishevo, Novye Kovardy) , Kovardinsky village council (villages of Kovardy, Yulukovo, villages of Sabaevo, Aktashevo), Krasnousolsky village council (villages of Krasnousolsky, Kurorta, villages of the Village of a bee farm, Bely Kamen, Zarechny), Mr. Akovsky village council (Mrakovo village, villages of Karla, Dmitrievka, Novotroevka, Krasny Oktyabr), Saitbabinsky village council (Saitbaba village, villages of Yuzimyanovo, Karan-Elga, Usmanovo, Kulkanovo, Namennik, Tugay, Novozaitovo), Tabynsky village council (villages of Tabynskoe, Rodina, village Berezovka, the village of Arkhangelskoye, the villages of Novye Burly, Pavlovka, Akhmetka, Pobeda, Kuzma-Aleksandrovka, Geroevka), Tashbukanovsky village council (the village of Nizhny Tashbukan, the villages of Kurgashla, Upper Tashbukan), Tashlinsky village council (the villages of Tashla, Mendim, Novosemyonovka, Novaya Aldashla, Sukhodol ), Tolparovsky Village Council (villages Tolparovo, Zirikly), Utyakovsky Village Council (village Utyakovo, villages Tugaevo, Igenchelyar, Iktisad), Yangiskainsky Village Council (village Yangiskain, villages Ural, Noyabrevka).
Aurgazinsky district: rural settlements Balyklykul village council (villages of Balyklykul, Naumkino, Amzya, Chishma, Baikal), Batyrovsky village council (village of Kuezbashevo, villages of Mustafino, Novoitikeevo, Novoadzitarovo, Staroitikeevo, Ivanovka, Novomustafino, Knyazevka, Nikolaevka, Sabanchi), Bishkainsky village council (village Bishkain, the villages of Potashevka, Belogorsky, the farms of Belogorsky, Pushkinsky), Ibraevsky village council (the village of Maloye Ibraevo, the village of Novofedorovka, the villages of Staroe Ibraevo, Dubrovka, Baishevo, Berlek, Borisovka), Ismagilovsky village council (the village of Ismagilovo, the villages of Novotimoshkino, Uksunny, Nikolskoye, Pokrovka , Daryevka), Ishlinsky village council (village of Ishly, villages of Arslanovo, Akhmerovo, Muksino, Starokuzyakovo, Yakty-Yul), Kebyachevsky village council (villages of Kebyachevo, Tashlykul, Utarkul, Sitdik-Mullino, Ibraevo, Minnibaevo, Trudovka), Meselinsky village council (villages of Mesel , Maneevo, the villages of Staromakarovo, Dadanovka, Kamenka, Sosnovka, Krasny Vostok, Vyazovka, Zhuravlyovka), Mikhailovsky Village Council (the villages of Mikhailovka , Muradym, Kushkul), Nagadaksky village council (villages Tatarsky Nagadak, Chuvashsky Nagadak, Uteymullino, Lower Lekandy, Upper Lekandy, Ust-Belishevo, Suleymanovo, Nagadak, Malaya Ivanovka), Novokalchirovsky village council (villages Novy Kalchir, Kshanny, New Karamaly, Dyurtyuli, Kalchirburan, Mars); Nazmutdinovo, Tereshkovka); Tryapinsky village council (Tryapino village, the villages of Zaitovo, Maly Nagadak, Novogurovka, Veselovka, Tolmachevka, Novotroitskoye), Tukaevsky village council (villages of Tukaevo , Bolotino, Andreevka, villages of Tyubakovo, Abdrakhmanovo, Akhmetovo, Staraya Ivanovka, Volkovo, Makarovo), Turumbetovsky village council (village Turumbet, villages Usmanovo, Salikhovo, Igenche), Urshaksky village council (village Staroabsalyamovo, villages Kurmanaevo, Subkhangulovo, Starotimoshkino, Chulpan, Nadezhdino , Khasanovo), Chuvash-Karamalinsky village council (the village of Chuvash-Karamaly, the villages of Novochelatkanovo, Darino, Starye Karamaly, Ermolaevka).

Court opening hours
Monday – Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
on pre-holiday days until 16:30.
Friday from 08.30 to 16.15,
on pre-holiday days until 15. 15 hours.
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday.

Reception of citizens is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority. Pass mode. Visitors are allowed into the court during business hours upon presentation of identification documents.
On the basis of the decision of the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009, No. 179, the chairman of the district court issued order No. 43 o/v of 07.21. citizens is carried out by the assistant judge Taisina Alfiya Ravilovna on working days, from 08.30 to 17.30 (on Friday until 16.15). The office is located on the 1st floor of the building of the inter-district court in the village. Krasnousolsky, st. Communist, 25. Contact phones - code (34740) tel. : 2-22-85, 2-22-86.

Reception of citizens in permanent judicial presence in the village of Tolbazy, Aurgazinsky district, is carried out by assistant judge Dubovitskaya Ksenia Alexandrovna on working days, from 08.30 to 17.30 (on Friday until 16.15). The office is located on the 1st floor of the building in the village. Tolbazy, st. Pervomaiskaya, 17. Contact phones - code (34745) tel. : 2-14-48.

The issuance of documents and familiarization with the materials of criminal, civil, administrative cases is carried out in the office of the court record keeping department, an office on the first floor daily, from 08.30 to 17.30 (on Friday until 16.15).

Consideration of appeals on issues of organizing the activities of the court, complaints about the actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus that are not related to the consideration of specific cases, appealing against judicial acts and procedural actions in court is also carried out through the court reception and is considered directly by the chairman of the court.
Reception of citizens by the leadership of the court
The chairman of the court Urazmetov Ilmir Flyurovich receives citizens by appointment (every Thursday)
by tel. (34740) 2-22-85
The administrator of the court does not receive citizens.

Reception Court hours
Monday – Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
on pre-holiday days until 16:30.
Friday from 08.30 to 16.15,
on pre-holiday days until 15. 15 hours.
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday.

Phone numbers where you can get information of a reference nature:
With. Krasnousolsky:
- tel. : (34740) 2-18-52
- tel. : (34740) 2-22-86
With. Tolbazy:
- tel: (34745) 2-18-36
- tel: (34745) 2-14-48

From October 13, 2020, the Gafury Interdistrict Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan establishes the following working hours.
1. Only participants in legal proceedings with documents confirming this (passport, notice) are allowed into the court building.
Persons who enter the trial on the day of visiting the Gafury Interdistrict Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan, when issuing a pass, must present documents confirming their authority to participate in the case (warrant, power of attorney).
2. Participants in the trial are recommended to arrive at the court on time, but not earlier than 10 minutes before the start of the court session.
3. At the entrance to the court building, the participants in the proceedings must wear personal protective equipment that they provide themselves, as well as undergo non-contact body temperature control.
At a temperature of 37.0 and above, as well as in case of refusal to measure temperature, lack of medical masks, participants in court sessions are not allowed into the court building.
4. Personal reception of citizens is temporarily suspended.
5. Documents, complaints and applications of a procedural and non-procedural nature must be sent to the court by Russian post, facsimile or electronically. In the same way, copies of judicial acts and other documents are provided.
6. Information on the progress and results of the consideration of cases is provided by telephone or on the official website of the court in the "Courtwork" section.
7. Familiarization with case materials is carried out by appointment with an interval of up to 45 minutes for study and compliance with the above sanitary requirements.
8. In the court building, visitors are required to maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 m. Appointed to the position by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04.11.2019 No. 540 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification boards of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" for a 6-year term of office.
Judge's assistant - Taysina Alfiya Ravilovna (office No. 101). Contact phone (34740) 2-22-86.
Secretary of the court session - Faizova Gulnaz Gumarovna (office No. 204). Contact phone (34740) 2-22-85.
Secretary of the court session - Zainullina Zubarzhat Insafovna (office No. 203). Contact phone (34740) 2-22-85.
Judge - Akhmetov Rishat Rinatovich (permanent judicial presence in the village of Tolbazy, Aurgazinsky district). Appointed to the position by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2019 No. 496 "On the Appointment of Judges of Federal Courts and on Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Qualification Boards of Judges of the Subjects of the Russian Federation" for an unlimited term of office.
Judge's assistant – Dubovitskaya Ksenia Alexandrovna. Contact phone (34745) 2-14-48
Secretary of the court session - Nigmatullina Aigul Radikovna. Contact phone (34745) 2-16-70
Judge - vacancy
Judge's assistant - Ipatova Alfiya Rayanovna. Contact phone (34740) 2-22-85
Secretary of the court session - Saitgalieva Gulfiya Filaritovna. Contact phone number (34745) 2-16-70
CASE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT for criminal, civil and administrative cases
Lapatina Natalya Viktorovna-leading specialist, responsible official for archiving, office No. 110. Contact phone number (34740) 2- 18-52
Shagiyeva Tansylu Rinatovna - specialist of the 1st category, room No. 111. Contact phone (34740) 2-18-52
Sadykov Rafit Faritovich - administrator, room No. 104. Contact phone (34740) 2-23- 72
CASE WORK DEPARTMENT for criminal, civil and administrative cases (permanent judicial presence in the village of Tolbazy, Aurgazinsky district)
Vasilieva Diana Sergeevna - chief specialist. Contact phone number (34745) 2-18-36
Musina Aigul Farzatovna - secretary of the court, responsible official for archiving. Contact phone (34745) 2-18-36
Sadykov Rafit Faritovich - administrator. Contact phone (34745) 2-20-45 Reception of visitors by the chairman of the court is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis every Thursday in the village. Krasnousolsky.
In the permanent judicial presence in the village of Tolbazy, Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Belarus, reception is held every Thursday by appointment by phone. (34745) 2-18-36
Reception by judges is not carried out.
Reception of citizens, their representatives and representatives of legal entities by employees of the court apparatus is carried out during the entire working time from 08.30 to 12.45 hours. and from 13.30 to 17.30 h. , on Friday - until 16. 15 hours.
Reception of the chairman of the court - (34740) 2-22-85
Reception of the court in the village. Krasnousolsky - (34740) 2-22-86
Reception of the court in the village. Tolbazy - (34745) 2-14-48
General fax of the court in the village. Krasnousolsky - (34740) 2-18-52
General fax of the court in the village. Tolbazy - (34745) 2-18-36
(fax number can be used to contact employees who provide familiarization with the materials of civil, criminal and administrative cases).

Subdivisions of the court
Chairman of the court Urazmetov Ilmir Flyurovich
Reception (office No. 203) tel. : (34740) 2-22-85, fax (34740) 2-18-52
Reception time: By appointment by phone (34740) 2-22-85
Reception of citizens by judges is not carried out. Department of office work on criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses in the village. Krasnousolsky
official responsible for familiarization with criminal cases - Lapatina Natalia Viktorovna (office no. 110)
tel. /fax: (34740) 2-18-52
Officer providing familiarization with civil cases and cases of administrative offenses - Shagieva Tansylu Rinatovna (office No. 111)
tel. /fax: (34740) 2-18-52
Reception of citizens on issues of familiarization with the materials of criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses, familiarization with the materials of criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority . Pass mode. Visitors are allowed into the court during business hours upon presentation of identification documents.
Reception hours: Monday - Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
Friday from 08:30 to 16:15,
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday. Department of office work on criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses in the village. Tolbazy
official responsible for familiarization with criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses - Musina Aigul Farzatovna
tel. /fax: (34745) 2-18-36
Reception of citizens on issues of familiarization with the materials of criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses, familiarization with the materials of criminal, civil cases and cases of administrative offenses is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority . Pass mode. Visitors are allowed into the court during business hours upon presentation of identification documents.
Reception hours: Monday - Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
Friday from 08:30 to 16:15,
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday. Administrator Sadykov Rafit Faritovich (office No. 104)
tel. : (34740) 2-23-72, fax (34740) 2-18-52
Reception of citizens on organizational issues in turn.
Reception hours: Monday - Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
Friday from 08:30 to 16:15,
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday. Archive (village Krasnousolsky)
responsible official for maintaining the archive Lapatina Natalya Viktorovna
(office No. 110) tel. /fax: (34740) 2-18-52
Reception of citizens is not conducted, applications for the issuance of documents from the archive are accepted through the reception of the court.

Reception of the court Taysina Alfiya Ravilovna (office No. 101)
tel. : (34740) 2-22-86, fax (34740) 2-18-52
Reception of citizens is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority. Pass mode. Visitors are allowed into the court during business hours upon presentation of identification documents.
Reception hours: Monday - Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
Friday from 08:30 to 16:15,
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday. Archive (permanent judicial presence in the village of Tolbazy, Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Belarus)
responsible official for maintaining the archive Musina Aigul Farzatovna
tel./fax: (34745) 2-18-36
Reception of citizens is not conducted, applications for the issuance of documents from the archive are accepted through the reception of the court.

Court Reception
tel. : (34745) 2-14-48, fax (34745) 2-18-36
Reception of citizens is carried out without prior appointment in the order of priority. Pass mode. Visitors are allowed into the court during business hours upon presentation of identification documents.
Reception hours: Monday - Thursday from 08:30 to 17:30,
Friday from 08:30 to 16:15,
Lunch from 12:45 to 13:30.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday.

Court archive The archive fund of the Gafuri interdistrict court has been formed in criminal cases since 1958, in civil cases since 1960.

Court administrator Rafit Faritovich Sadykov
He has been working as administrator of the Gafury Interdistrict Court of the Republic of Belarus since 17.11.2015.
He has 11 years of public service experience.
Conducts a reception of citizens on organizational issues in turn.
Time of reception of citizens:
Monday - Thursday from 08. 30-17. 30
Friday from 08.30 to 16.15
Lunch break from 13.00-13. 45
Office No. 104 on the 1st floor
Phone number 8 (34740) 2-23-72
Fax number of the court: (34740) 2-18-52

Responsible for filling the website Responsible for maintaining the website of the court, selecting information for the website of the court, posting information on the website of the court
Administrator of the court Sadykov Rafit Faritovich tel: (34740) 2 -23-72

The powers of the court
In accordance with paragraph 3 of article 4 of the Federal constitutional law of 31. 12. 1996 No. 1-FKZ "On judicial system of the Russian Federation” the district court belongs to the federal courts.
According to Article 21 of the said Federal Constitutional Law, the competence of the district court includes the consideration of cases as a court of first and second instance and the exercise of other powers provided for by the federal constitutional law.
A district court is a directly superior court in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.

Address of the Gafury Interdistrict Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan:
453050, Republic of Bashkortostan, Gafury district, s. Krasnousolsky, st. Kommunisticheskaya, d. , 2nd floor
IP - address for videoconferencing 10. 3. 84. 50
Permanent judicial presence in the village. Tolbazy of the Aurgazinsky district
453481, Republic of Bashkortostan, Aurgazinsky district, s. Tolbazy, st. Pervomayskaya, d. , 1 floor
IP address for video conferencing 10. 3. 70. 50
Persons responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing

 F. ActingPositionPhone
s. KrasnousolskyRafit Faritovich SadykovCourt administrator(34740) 2-23-72
s . TolbazyMusina Aigul FarzatovnaChief Specialist(34745) 2-18-36

UFC recipient in the Republic of Bashkortostan (MRI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 in the Republic of Bashkortostan)
TIN 0268012257
KPP 026801001
OKTMO code 80621423
Recipient's bank Branch-NB Republic of Bashkortostan//UFK in the Republic of Bashkortostan Ufa
BIC 018073401
c/c No. 40102810045370000067
Recipient's account No. 03100643000000010100
Budget classification code KBK) 18210803010011050110
Name of payment State duty paid when applying to the courts

Details for filling out payment documents when transferring state duty in cases considered by the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Constitutional Court of the Republic Bashkortostan and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Budget classification code (BCC):
- when transferring the state fee for cases considered by the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan BCC - 18210801000011000110;
- when transferring the state fee for cases considered by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan KBK - 18210802020011000110;
- when transferring the state fee for cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan KBK - 18210803010011000110.
Recipient's bank - GRCC NB Resp. Bashkortostan of the Bank of Russia, Ufa
BIC of the beneficiary's bank - 048073001
Beneficiary's account - 40101810100000010001
Recipient - UFK in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 40 in the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Beneficiary's TIN - 0274034097
Receiver's checkpoint - 027401001
OKTMO code - 80701000

Requisites for filling out payment documents when transferring the state fee in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Budget code classification 182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110.
Recipient's bank - GU of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District//UFK for MOSCOW Moscow
Account 031 006 430 000 000 173 00
BIC 004 525 988
CORRESPONDENT 401 028 105 453 700 000 03
TIN and KPP of the recipient of funds - IFTS of Russia No. 4 for Moscow 7704058987/770401001
Recipient of the UFK for Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 for Moscow, l/с 40100770004)
Code OKTMO of the municipality 453 74 000
Name of payment State duty for cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Requisites for filling out payment documents when transferring the state fee in cases considered by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
KBK - 18210802010011000110
Recipient's bank - GRCC GU of the Bank of Russia for St. Petersburg St. Petersburg
BIC of the recipient's bank - 044030001
Recipient's account - 40101810200000010001
Recipient - UFK for St. Petersburg (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 7 for St. Petersburg)
TIN of the recipient - 7838000019
KPP of the recipient - 783901001
OKTMO code - 40303000

SMS notification of the participants in the process
In Gafurysky The inter-district court of the Republic of Belarus organized an SMS-notification of the participants in court sessions
SMS-notification becomes possible only after a receipt of consent to the SMS-notification is submitted to the court. If the SMS notification was not delivered to the subscriber after two attempts of re-sending, then the notification or subpoena to the participant in the court sessions is sent by a court summons with a notification of delivery.
By Order No. 33 of March 26, 2012, Assistant Judge Marina Sergeevna Otdelnova was appointed responsible for sending SMS messages through a specialized Internet resource; secretaries of the court session were appointed responsible for the preparation of SMS messages and their transfer to the assistant judge Otdelnova M.S. br>Code of income received as reimbursement of expenses for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the court and judicial system and court fines - 322 1 16 17000 01 6017 140 17. 6, 17. 8, 17. 9, 17. 14, 17. 15, part 1 of article 19. 4, part 1 of article 19. 5, 19. 6, 19. 7, part 1 of article 20. 25, 13. 26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3 article 57, part 2 article 140, part 3 article 159, part 4 article 162, part 2 article 168,
h 2 Article 226, part 4 article 246, part 2 article 249, 431 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, part 4 article 103, part 1 article 258, part 3 article 333 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
Recipient: UFK in the Republic of Belarus (UFSSP of Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan)
TIN 0274101120
KPP 027801001
BIC 048073001
Settlement account 40101810100000010001 violation of laws Government of the Russian Federation on Court and Judiciary

Details for paying a fine in a case of an administrative offense Name of the payee of the UFK MF in the Republic of Belarus (UGIBDD MIA RB )
TIN 0275006462
KPP 027501001
OKATO 802 218 23 000
account number of the payee 401 018 101 000 000 1001
Name of the bank GRCC NB RB Bank of Russia
BIC 048 073 001
Budget classification code (BCC) 18811630020016000140
Payment name Administrative fine for traffic violations

Criminal fines For this type income, special codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation are provided.
Code of income received in the order of reimbursement of expenses aimed at covering procedural costs in accordance with Art. Art. 131.132 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - 322 1 13 02030 01 6000 130.
Code of income received in the procedure for reimbursement of expenses for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the court and judicial system and court fines - 322 1 16 17000 01 6000 140 (in accordance with Art. Art. 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.8, 17.9, 17.14, 17.15, part 1 article 19.4, part 1 article 19.5 , 19. 6, 19. 7, part 1, article 20. 25, 13. 26, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3, article 57, part 2, article 140, part 3, article 159, part 4, article 162, part 2 of article 168, part 2 of article 226, part 4 of article 246, part 2 of article 249, 431 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, part 4 of article 103, part 1 of article 258, part 3 article 333 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, part 9 article 66, part 2 article 96, part 2 article 119, part 5 article 154, part 4 article 156, part 2 article 157, part 2 3 article 194, part 3 article 200, part 4 article 205, part 3 article 210 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).
Code of income received in the order of reimbursement of expenses as monetary penalties (fines) and amounts recovered from persons guilty of crimes and in compensation for damage to property credited to the federal budget (including fines as punishment for criminal offenses) cases) - 322 1 16 21010 01 6000 140.
Recipient: Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Bashkortostan (UFSSP of Russia for the Republic of Bashkortostan)
TIN 0274101120
KPP 027801001
BIC 048073001
Settlement account 401000181
GRCC NB of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Bank of Russia, Ufa. When voluntary payment of a certain type of penalty by the participants in the proceedings, it is necessary to indicate the specific type of penalty: “procedural costs in a criminal case”, “fine for violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on court and judicial system”, “fine in a criminal case”.
Administration of income received in order to reimburse the federal budget for funds paid to cover procedural costs, in accordance with Art. Art. 131, 132 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, exacted from persons sentenced to criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty, is entrusted to the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments. For this type of income, a special income code of the budget classification of the Russian Federation (KBK) is provided - 320 1 13 02030 01 0000 130.
Recipient: Department of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Bashkortostan (GUFSIN of Russia for the Republic of Bashkortostan) 027501001
BIC 048073001
Settlement account 40101810100000010001

Information on filling the vacant position of a judge, vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus can be obtained by phone: (34740) 2-18-52

Responsibilities for interaction with the media are assigned to the assistant judge Aminova Alfiya Rayanovna
Contact phone (fax): (34740) 2-22-86,