• Country: Russia
  • State: Perm Territory
  • County: Chernushinskij r-n
  • City: g Chernushka
  • Street, House: per Bankovskij, dom 6
  • Postcode: 617830
  • Site: http://chernush.perm.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (34261)4-28-05
  • Longitude: 56.072166
  • Latitude: 56.516184

In order to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) in the building of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, to ensure safe working conditions, the safety of life and health of judges and employees of the apparatus of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, as well as its visitors (Order "on the use of personal protective equipment protection when visiting the building of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory" (approved by the Chairman of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory dated May 20, 2020 No. 27)):
From May 20, 2020, until further notice, visitors to the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, including participants in legal proceedings, while in the building of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, use personal respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators) and hands (gloves). Persons who do not comply with these requirements are not allowed into the building of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. From May 20, 2020, until further notice, restrict citizens' access to court, with the exception of persons participating in the process.

Territorial jurisdiction of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory:
Chernushinsky urban district: the village of Agarzinsky, the village of Agarzya, the village of Azinsky, the village of Aminkai, the village of Ananyino, the villages of Anastasino, Andronovo, Atnyashka, Ashsha, Baranovo, the village of Bedryazh, the villages of Berezovka, Bizyar, Bikulka, Bogatovka, Bolshoi Kachino, Bolshoi Bereznik, Bolshoy Ulyk , Big South, the village of Brod, the villages of Verkh-Emash, Verkh-Kiga, the village of Upper Kozmyash, the villages of Vinokurovo, Gary, the village of Demenevo, the villages of Detkino, Emash-Pavlovo, the villages of Ermia, Esaul, Yetysh, the villages of Zverevo, Ivanovka, Kazantsevo, populated points Barracks 1295 km, Barracks 1317 km, Barracks 1325 km, Barracks 1331 km, Barracks 1333 km, the village of Kalinovka, the villages of Kamennye Klyuchi, Kapkan, Karamorka, Komarovo, Korobeiniki, Kuznetsovo, Kutana, the village of Leninsky, the villages of Lysaya Gora, Malanichi, the village Nizhny Kozmyash, the village of Nizhnyaya Kuba, the village of Nikolaevsky, the village of Olkhovka, the village of Orekhovaya Gora, the village of the junction Osinovaya Gora, the village of Pavlovka, the village of Pokrovka, the village of the Trun junction, the village of Rakino, the villages of Ryabki, Sludka, the village of Central Cuba, the village of r junction Strezhe, the village of Sulmash, the village of Tanypskiye Klyuchi, the village of Taush, the villages of Teklovka, Temnoye, Troitsk, the villages of Trun, Trushniki, Tyuy, the villages of Ulyanovka, Ustinovo, the town of Chernushka.

Contact information
Telephone/fax: 8 (34261) 4 28 05 (reception)
8 (34261) 4 41 03 (chief specialist)
8 (34261) 4 41 03 (administrator)

Court opening hours

Mondayfrom 09-00to 18-00(lunch from 13-00 to 13-48)
Tuesdayfrom 09-00to 18-00(lunch from 13-00 to 13 -48)
Wednesdayfrom 09-00to 18-00(lunch from 13-00 to 13-48)
Thursdayfrom 09-00to 18-00(lunch from 13-00 to 13-48)
Fridayfrom 09-00to 17-00 (lunch from 13-00 to 13-48)

Reception Schedule

MondayCourt staff td>from 09.00 to 18.00
TuesdayCourt stafffrom 09.00 to 18.00
WednesdayCourt staff
from 09.00 to 18.00
from 10.00 to 12.00
ThursdayCourt stafffrom 09.00 to 18.00
FridayCourt Stafffrom 09.00 to 17.00

Reception of citizens on personal matters of a non-procedural nature is carried out by the chairman of the court on Wednesdays from 10-00 to 12-00 (office No. 3).
Reception of statements of claim and statements of a different nature is carried out by an employee of the court apparatus in the public reception room from 9-00 to 18-00 (office No. 15). 1
The office of the court receives citizens according to the working hours of the district court.

PHONES, on which you can get information of a reference nature, including the progress of cases pending in court: Court office

8 (34261) 4 23 74, 4 41 03

Composition of the Court

Chairman of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 28 05
Olga Aleksandrovna Men
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 42 88
Dyakova Natalia Vladimirovna
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 62 29
Yanaeva Olga Yurievna
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 62 29
Belev Ivan Pavlovich
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 42 88
Klepilina Ekaterina Igorevna
tel. secretary s/z 8 (34261) 4 26 43
Grebnev Dmitry Vadimovich
Court Office 
tel. 8 (34261) 4 58 66
Ksenia Dmitrievna Shelemetyeva
Court administrator
tel. 8 (34261) 4 63 11
Olga Pikuleva
Chief Specialist
tel. 8 (34261) 4 41 03
Galina Viktorovna Basalgina
Court Secretary for Criminal Cases
Court Secretary for Civil and Administrative Cases
Secretary court on cases of administrative offenses and materials
tel. 8 (34261) 4 23 74
Nina Mikhailovna Pankova
Anastasia Rafikovna Baboshina
Olga Vadimovna Pikuleva
Assistant judges
tel. 8 (34261) 4 26 43
Nefedova Dina Mikhailovna
Mikitenko Olga Nikolaevna
Alexandrova Oksana Viktorovna
Alikina Larisa Valerievna
Novokshonova Larisa Alexandrovna
Court clerks
tel. 8 (34261) 4 62 29, 4 28 05, 4 42 88, 4 26 43 Filyukova Alena Petrovna
Sharapova Tatyana Viktorovna

The grounds for empowering federal judges of the Chernushinsky District Court

F. Acting judgeQualification classDate of appointment and transfer
Olga Men'5 -th qualification class- Appointed for an unlimited term of office by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1408 of 09.11.2010
- By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 171 of 15.04.2019 appointed to the position chairman of the court for a 6-year term of office
Dyakova Natalia Vladimirovna - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 468 of 16. 08 2021 appointed for an unlimited term of office
Yanaeva Olga Yuryevna7th qualification class- by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 601 dated 10. 11. 2016 appointed for an unlimited term of office No. 540 dated 09/23/2018 was appointed for an unlimited term of office No. 625 dated 08.11.2021 appointed and an unlimited term of office
Grebnev Dmitry Vadimovich7th qualification class- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 142 of 20. 02 2020 appointed for an unlimited term of office

(St. Perm, st. Ekaterininskaya, 24 t. (342) 212-12-61)
www. pravovsem59. en
Free legal assistance in the form of legal advice in oral and written form, in the form of drawing up applications, complaints, petitions and other legal documents.

Territories of the regionPoint of reception and legal advice
Bardymsky, Elovsky, Kuedinsky, Oktyabrsky, Osinsky, Chaikovsky, Chernushinsky districts Chernushka, 48th Rifle Brigade, 3
vol. 89048498811

Perm Territory State Legal Bureau
614000, Perm, st. Ekaterininskaya, d.
lunch: 13.00 – 13.48 hours.

Video conferencing
Time difference, in hours: Moscow +2 (GMT +5)
Numbers of courtrooms equipped with the system Video conferencing: courtroom No. 101
Departmental videoconferencing network number (IP): 10. 59. 89. 50
Telephone/fax number: 7598902/7598999
Availability period for courtrooms equipped with video conferencing system: Wednesday - from 9:00 to 10:00, Friday - from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00 (approved by the Order of the President of the Court No. 25 of 12.03.2021)
Responsible person for the organization of the videoconferencing and technical support in the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, an informatization consultant, Pavlov Alexey Borisovich, phone 8 (34261) 4-63-11, was appointed.

Responsible for juvenile justice By order of the Chernushinsky District Court on the introduction of restorative technologies in cases involving minors, judge Elena Rashitovna Nizaeva was appointed ( tel. 8(34261) 42805), an assistant judge Nefedova Dina Mikhailovna was appointed to use the elements of juvenile justice (tel. 8(34261) 45866).

Information about the possibility of notifying participants in the process by SMS-messages In accordance with the changes made on February 09, 2012 to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 24 June 2008 N 11 "On the preparation of civil cases for trial", it is possible to notify the participants in the proceedings via SMS messages if they agree to be notified in this way.
The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the data on the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, the mobile phone number to which the SMS message is sent is indicated.
The use of this method of notification does not contradict the norms of procedural legislation. A prerequisite for the application of this procedure is the voluntary consent of the process site to its application.
When sending an SMS message, the subscriber's number, text of the message, information about its sending and delivery will be recorded. This information will be attached to the case file as confirmation of delivery of the notice to the participant in the process. Having received a subpoena via SMS, participants in litigation will not only get rid of the need to appear at the post office to receive a letter, but will also be able to find out the information they need in a shorter time.

For background information on filling vacancies in the state civil service in the apparatus of the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory, ongoing competitions for filling vacant positions and their results, you can get:
1. In the Chernushinsky District Court: 617830, Chernushka, per. Bankovsky, d. 6, room. No. 3, tel. (34261) 4-41-03, chief specialist - Filyukova Alena Petrovna
2. In the Office of the Judicial Department in the Perm Territory: 614000, Perm, st. Petrovlovskaya, 16a, tel. : (342) 201 33 70. Official website: usd. perm. sudrf. en

Responsible for the media - Nefedova Dina Mikhailovna, assistant judge, tel. /fax (34261) 4 28 05
Responsible for posting information on the site - court consultant

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing an application with the Chernushinsky District Court of the Perm Territory

Name of the payeeUFK (Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 18 for the Perm Territory)
TIN of the tax authority and its name5959000010
Bank correspondent account number40102810145370000048
Beneficiary's account number03100643000000015600
Beneficiary's bankPerm branch of the Bank of Russia/ UFK in the Perm Territory, Perm 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of paymentstate duty (court of general jurisdiction)

Details for paying the state fee when filing a complaint with the Perm Regional Court

RecipientOffice of the Federal Treasury for the Perm Territory (IFTS of Russia for the Leninsky District of Perm)
Single treasury account401 028 101 453 700 000 48
Treasury account 031 006 430 000 000 156 00
Beneficiary's bankPerm Branch, Perm
KBK182 108 030 100 110 501 10
Payment nameState duty payment

Requisites for payment of the state fee when filing a complaint with the Seventh Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction

Recipient: UFK for the Chelyabinsk Region sti (IFTS of Russia for the Central District of Chelyabinsk)
TIN 7453040999
KPP 745301001
field 14 of the payment order "BIC of the beneficiary's bank" 017501500
Name of the beneficiary's bank Chelyabinsk
Kor. account 40102810645370000062
Account 03100643000000016900
KBK 18210803010011050110
OKTMO 75701390

Requisites for paying the state fee when filing a complaint with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Budget classification code* 182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110.  
Recipient's bank - GU of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District//UFK for MOSCOW Moscow
Account 031 006 430 000 000 173 00.  
BIC 004 525 988.  
CORRESPONDENT 401 028 105 453 700 000 03.  
TIN and KPP of the recipient of funds - IFTS of Russia No. 4 for Moscow 7704058987/770401001 .  
Recipient of the UFK for the city of Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 for the city of Moscow, p/n 40100770004)
OKTMO code of the municipality 453 74 000.  
Name of payment State duty for cases under consideration by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation <*> – indicate the corresponding budget classification code:
182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110 – State fee for cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state fee paid when applying to courts);
182 1 08 03020 01 1060 110 - State fee for cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state fee paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits). In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 23, 2015 No. 148n "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n" from March 28, 2016 for individual payers in the absence of a unique accrual identifier (UIN), the indication of the value of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the order for the transfer of funds is mandatory.

Requisites for transferring fines

Name of the payeeUFK in the Perm Territory (GU MIA of Russia for the Perm Territory)
TIN of the tax authority and its name5904140498
OKTMO code57701000
Payee's account number40101810700000010003
Bank namePerm Branch, Perm
Budget classification code (BCC)18811621020026000140
Name of paymentOther penalties established by the relevant legislation or other regulations

Name of the payeeUFK for the Chelyabinsk Region (IFTS of Russia for the Central District of Chelyabinsk)
TIN of tax body and its name OKTMO75701390
Single Treasury Account40102810645370000062
Treasury number accounts03100643000000016900
Beneficiary's bankBRANCH OF CHELYABINSK BANK OF RUSSIA/UFK in the Chelyabinsk region Chelyabinsk
RecipientUFK for the Chelyabinsk Region (IFTS of Russia for the Central District of Chelyabinsk)
Budget classification code (BCC)18210803010011050110
Name of paymentstate fee to court

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