• Country: Russia
  • State: Perm Territory
  • County: Karagajskij r-n
  • City: s Karagaj
  • Street, House: ul Yubilejnaya, dom 1
  • Postcode: 617210
  • Site: http://karagai.perm.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (34297)3-12-06 (kants.s.), (34297)3-24-13 (priemnaya)
  • Longitude: 54.926545
  • Latitude: 58.264895
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction
Karagay municipal district: villages Azovo, Alikino, Antonyata, Bazhino, Baranyata, Batino, Bakharyata, Beklemyshevo, Bogdanovo, selo Bogoyavlensk, the villages of Bolshaya Kazan, Borshchovo, Burdovo, Bystryata, Vanevo, Vankino, Vakhrushevo, Vdovino, Vishnya, Volegi, Volodino, Volchata, the village of Voskresensk, the villages of Gavryata, Grudnaya, Gudyri, Gurino, Denisyata, Detlyata, Doronevo, Dubyata Egorshata, Elino, Ermaki, Erushnikovo, Ershovka, Efremyata, Zhdanovo, Zabolotnaya, Zapolskaya, Zotichi, Zyukai village, Ivankovo ​​villages, Ivashkovo, Ionino, Kadilovo, Kaigorodovo, Kaigorodovo, Kanyusyata, Karpikyvilyata village, Karpikyapilya village Kirshino, Kiselevo, Klimyata, the village of Kozmodemyansk, the villages of Kolgany, Kolupaevo, Kolyshkino, Konovalovo, Kormino, Kostyashcher, Kotelniki, Kochnevo, Kuzm, Kuzmino, Lazaryata, Larino, Levino, Levkovo, Lysekhino, Malchikovo, Makkovo, Mario settlement f. -d. Mendeleevo station, Mikishevo villages, Mitronino, Mishino, Monastyrek, Mukhino, Nerdva village, Nefedovo villages, Nizhneye Poselie, Nizhniy Kushcher, Nikolskoye village, Niya villages, Novoodintsovo, Novoselovo, Novy Poselok, Obvinsk village, Odintsovo villages, Omsyechki, Opalena, Os , Oshmash, Pazdnikova, Parashino, Pasino, Patrushevo, Pashkovo, Pashkovo, Pera, Petrushata, Petryata, Petukhi, Pirogovo, settlement Platform of the 1358th km, villages Podyukovo, Polyudovo, Podertsy, Prokino, Proletarsky village, Pustoramino villages, Pushkarnya Pyzhyanka, Rachevo, the village of Rozhdestvensk, the villages of Russkino, Ryazanovo, Savino, Savino, Samunyata, Sannikovo, Senevo, Sergino, Sivkovo, Sidorovo, Silkino, Silnovo, Simakovo, Sopino, Sosnovka, Sosunovo, Staraya Pashnya, Stary Posad, Syuzovyaki, Terekhino, Tereshata, Tesnikova, Tobolskaya, Trutnyata, Turpanovo, Tukhta, Tyukhtino, the village of Uzlos, the villages of Ust-Nerdva, Farino, Filina, Frolovo, Harichi, Tsenyata, Tsivino, Chaypyzh, Chalovka, Chelva, Cherepanovo, Chyornaya, Shali Shandyshi, Sharun Ovo, Shumikha village, Shcheluntsovo village, Yurich village, Yakshino, Yarino villages.

Court hours

Monday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 1348)
Tuesday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 1348)
Wednesday from 9:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 1348)
Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 1348)
Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 13:00 until 13.48)
Saturday Reception of citizens in the reception area of ​​the court by assistant judges from 09:00 to 12:00 every second Saturday of the month
Sunday day off    

The court office carries out reception of citizens according to the court's working hours.
assistant judges receive citizens:
- every day on weekdays from 09. 00 to 18. 00 o'clock
- every second Saturday of the month from 9. 00 to 12. 00 o'clock

Reception hours of citizens in court

Wednesday Acting President of the Court Politov Andrey Vasilyevich from 9:00 to 10:00 o'clock
  Reception of citizens is carried out at the reception of the court according to the regime work of the court from 9.00 to 18.00 (Friday to 17.00)

Assistant judges carry out reception daily from 9:00 to 18:00 (Friday until 17:00), every second Saturday of the month from 9:00 to 12:00.

Phones: (8-34297) 3-24-13, 3-26-51 (Assistant judges)
(8-34297 ) 3-12-06, 3-14-01 (office)
(8-34297) 3-18-00 (chief specialist)

Court archive
1st floor of the court
Kambalina Natalya Alekseevna
Tel. : 8 (34297) 3-12-06
Fax of the court: 8 (34297) 3-12-06
Archive working hours: 9. 00 - 18. 00
Lunch break: 13.00 - 13. 48
Type and order of admission: on a first come, first served basis for all categories of visitors.

Court Composition

President of the Court Judge's assistant Judge's secretary
Elena Aleksandrovna Kosyak Marina Svetlakova
tel. (34297) 3-26-51
Akhmetzyanova Yulia Vladislavovna Tel. (34297) 3-12-06
Elena Anatolyevna Malegina Olga Aleksandrovna Borchaninova
tel. (34297) 3-24-13
Filimonova Oksana Nikolaevna, tel. (34297) 3-12-06
Andrey Vasilyevich Politov Natalya Vladimirovna Noskova,
tel. (34297) 3-26-51
Zebzyaeva Olga Mikhailovna, tel. (34297) 3-14-01
Korepanova Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vorobieva Irena Valerievna
tel. (34297) 3-24-13
Novikova Yulia Valerievna, tel. (34297) 3-12-06

Appointment of federal judges of the Karagai District Court
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 90 dated February 15, 2021, for the first time, Elena Aleksandrovna Kosyak was appointed as the chairman of the Karagai District Court of the Perm Territory for a six-year term.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2010 No. 528 Politov Andrey Vasilyevich was appointed federal judge of the Karagai District Court of the Perm Territory.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23. 10. 2017 No. 5069 Malegina Elena Anatolyevna was appointed a federal judge of the Karagai District Court of the Perm Territory
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14. 10. 2019 No. District Court of the Perm Territory

Court staff

Administrator, tel ... (34297) 3-18-00 Koksharova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Assistant judges, tel. (34297) 3-24-13; 3-26-51 Noskova Natalya Vladimirovna
Borchaninova Olga Aleksandrovna
Vorobieva Irena Valerievna
Svetlakova Marina Yurievna

Court office, tel. (34297) 3-12-06; 3-14-01

Chief specialist,
tel. (34297) 3-18-00
Litvinova Elena Yurievna
(34297) 3-12-06, 3-14-01 Court clerks, court clerks, archive

Video conferencing
The time difference from Moscow is 2 hours. Time zone (GMT + 5) Ekaterinburg.
hall №7 is equipped with videoconferencing system
tel./fax 7596802/7596899
person responsible for organizing videoconferencing
Deryusheva Zulfiya Faizovna, consultant, tel. (34297) 3-26-51.
person responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing
Koksharova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, court administrator, tel. (34297) 3-18-00
Deryusheva Zulfiya Faizovna, consultant, tel. (34297) 3-26-51.

Details for payment of state fees

State fees: in cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction and issuance of duplicate copies of sentences, decisions, court orders, court rulings, decisions of the presidium of the supervisory court, copies of other documents from the case issued by the court, as well as the issuance of duplicates of executive documents:
Recipient: UFK for the Perm Territory (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 for the Perm Territory)
TIN 8107004281
KPP 810701001
Current account: 03100643000000015600
Bank: Perm Branch of the Bank of Russia/UFK in the Perm Territory
BIK 015773997
box. account 40102810145370000048
KBK 18210803010011050110
OKTMO 57522000.

State duty for filing a claim with the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory:
Recipient: UFK in the Perm Territory (IFTS of Russia in the Dzerzhinsky District of Perm)
TIN: 5903004894 KPP 590301001 OKTMO 57701000 Bank account: 401 018 107 000 000 100 03
Beneficiary's bank: GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm - BIK 045773001 KBK: 182 108 010 000 110 501 10
Name of payment: State duty on cases considered by the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory
State duty for filing a claim with the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal:
Recipient: UFK for the Perm Territory (IFTS of Russia for the Leninsky District of St. Perm)
TIN: 5902290787 KPP 590201001 OKTMO 57701000 Bank account: 40101810700000010003 - Beneficiary's bank: GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm - BIK 045773001 KBK: 182 108 010 000 110 001 10
Name of payment: State duty in cases considered by the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal

Details for paying the state duty when filing a complaint with the Perm Regional Court

Recipient Department of the Federal Treasury for the Perm Territory (IFTS of Russia for the Leninsky District of Perm)
TIN 5902290787
Checkpoint 590201001
OKTMO 57701000
Single Treasury Account 401 028 101 453 700 000 48
Treasury Account 031 006 430 000 000 156 00
Beneficiary's bank Perm branch, Perm
BIK 015773997
KBK 182 108 030 100 110 501 10
Payment name Payment of state duty

Details for payment of state duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Budget classification code * 182 1 08 03020 01 1050 110.
Beneficiary's bank - GU Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District // UFK for MOSCOW, Moscow
Account 031 006 430 000 000 173 00.
BIK 004 525 988.
CORSET 401 028 105 453 700 000 03.
TIN and KPP of the recipient of funds - IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow 7704058987/770401001.
Recipient of the UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow, l/s 40100770004)
OKTMO code of the municipality 453 74 000.
Payment name State duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
<*> - the corresponding code of the budget classification is indicated:
182 1 08 03 020 01 1050 110 - State duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state duty paid when applying to courts);
182 1 08 03 020 01 1060 110 - State duty in cases considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (state duty paid on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits).
In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 23, 2015 No. 148n "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n" from March 28, 2016 for payers - for individuals, in the absence of a unique accrual identifier (UIN), the indication of the value of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the order for the transfer of funds is mandatory.

Details for payment of the state duty in cases considered by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Name of the payee: UFK in St. Petersburg (Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in St. Petersburg)
TIN 7838000019
Payee's account number: 03100643000000017200
Bank name: North-West Main Department of the Bank of Russia // UFK for St. Petersburg St. Petersburg
BIC: 014030106
CORRECT: 40102810945370000005
Gearbox: 783901001
KBK 182 108020 1001 1050 110 OKTMO 4 0303000
Payment name: State duty on cases considered by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

We draw your attention to the fact that in case of difficulties in paying the state duty for applying to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (the absence of the details of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation for paying the state duty or the payee of the UFK in St. Petersburg (Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in St. Petersburg) in the information data of Sberbank of Russia) we recommend using the terminals of Sberbank of Russia and filling in the details manually, and when paying through an online service (for example, Sberbank-online) on the Internet, select the service `` Payment by arbitrary details '' ; and enter the required details.
We also inform you that in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.23.2015 No. 148n 'On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n'; from March 28, 2016, when paying state duties, it is necessary to indicate the tax number of the payer.

Details for payment of the state duty to the Fourth Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction
Payment of the state duty is made to the account of the Federal Treasury Department for the Nizhny Novgorod Region (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 22 for the Nizhny Novgorod region)
TIN 5262082560
Treasury account 03100643000000013200
Beneficiary's bank account No. 40102810745370000024 Volgo-Vyatskoe GU of the Bank of Russia // UFK for the Nizhny Novgorod region Nizhny Novgorod, OKMTO 227010001/KPP 526201001/KBK 18210803010011050110/BIK 012202102

Notification of participants in legal proceedings by means of SMS notifications
В the court introduced a system of notification of participants in legal proceedings by means of SMS-messages. By means of SMS messages, the participants in the proceedings can be notified of the place, date and time of the court session or the performance of certain procedural actions within the framework of civil, criminal and administrative proceedings.

Contact information about mediators
Association of mediators in the Perm Territory
On the territory of the Karagai region, a mediator, Yulia Alekseevna Ponomareva, operates.
Reception is carried out from 09. 00 to 17. 00 hours, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at the address: s. Karagay, st. Kirov, 11 (building "House of Life", second floor). On Tuesdays, the reception is carried out at home at the address of the village of Savino, st. Shosseinaya, d. 25. Phone 89027925536, 89588827676
Unified list of professional mediators of the Perm region
· "Association of mediators of the Perm region" - 8-902-798-72-76
· Perm branch of the non-commercial partnership "League of mediators "(St. Petersburg) - 8909-113-66-66
Monday from 9-00 to 13-00 by phone 293-48-72)

Powers of the court

According to Article 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 07. 02. 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation." Competence of the District Court
1. The District Court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
2. In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
3. On the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a district court has the right to apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request on the constitutionality of a law to be applied in a specific case.
4. The district court hears appeals, submissions against the decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
5. The district court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.
According to Article 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 31. 12. 1996, No. 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation"
1. The district court, within the limits of its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
2. The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial district.

Responsible for interaction with the media:
assistant judge Borchaninova Olga Aleksandrovna tel. (34297) 3-24-13