• Country: Russia
  • State: Penza Region
  • County: Nikolskij r-n
  • City: g Nikolsk
  • Street, House: ul Moskovskaya, dom 11A
  • Postcode: 442680
  • Site: http://nikolsky.pnz.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84165)4-12-70
  • Longitude: 46.08538
  • Latitude: 53.716004
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court mode:

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00: 00
Friday 09:00 - 16:45
Saturday Weekend
Sunday Weekend
Lunch break 13:00 - 13:45

Territorial jurisdiction of the Nikolsky District Court

Nikolsky district of the Penza region: urban settlements the city of Nikolsk, the working settlement of Sura, rural settlements of the Akhmatovka village council (the villages of Akhmatovka, Korzhevka, the village of Kornevoy, the villages of Novaya Selya, Serman, Staraya Selya), Bazarno-Kenshensky village council (the villages of Bazarnaya Kensha), Lopukhovka , Ilminsky village council (Aleksandrovka village, Gremyachevka village, Zhuravli village, Ilmino villages, Nechaevka, Sokolovka, Ust-I Nza, village Chernyaevka), Kazarsky village council (villages Bolshoye Permievo, Vechkilei, Kazarka, village Maloye Permievo, villages Novikovka, Tyunyar), Karamalsky village council (villages Alovo, Karamaly, Sabanovo), Kerensky village council (village Zelenodolskoye, village Kivlei , Prudnoye), Maissky village council (Kenchurka village, Kochetovka village, Mais, Pavlovka villages, Pokrovka village, Rodniki village), Nizhneshkaftinsky village council (Arishka, Isaevka, Michkas villages, Nizhniy Shkaft, Nikityanka), Nochkinsky village council (Zaravkovy village villages Makhovka, Novoarapovka, Nochka, railway station Nochka, village Subbotino), Usovsky village council (villages Krasnoe, Stolypino, Usovka).

Powers of the court

In accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation" the district court, within the limits of its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of a district court are established by federal constitutional law.
In accordance with article 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 07.02.2011 No. 1-FKZ "On courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation", the district court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts.
In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.

The district court has the right to appeal on the basis of part 4 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request about the constitutionality of the law to be applied in a particular case.
The District Court considers appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
The District Court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances.

Contact information

Address: 442680, Nikolsk st. Moskovskaya, 11a
Phone: 8 (841-65) 4-12-70
Head of the Department for Provision of Legal Proceedings and Personnel - Spirkina Svetlana Yurievna, tel. 8 (84165) 4-12-70
Assistant to the Chairman of the Nikolsky District Court Kuznetsova I. S. Mityaeva Elena Viktorovna tel. 8 (84165) 4-18-91
Assistant to the judge of the Nikolsky District Court MV Bondar
Volodina Maria Vladimirovna, tel. 8 (84165) 4-19-62
Assistant to the judge of the Nikolsky district court Razdrogin N. А.:
Poldyaev Alexander Nikolaevich, tel. 8 (84165) 4-19-62
Assistant to the judge of the Nikolsky district court Naumova EI
Arkhipova Irina Aleksandrovna, tel. 8 (84165) 4-19-62
Consultant of the Nikolsky District Court:
Pavlushina Maria Alexandrovna, tel. 8 (84165) 4-12-70
Administrator of the Nikolsky District Court:
Ekimchev Dmitry Yuryevich

Organizational structure

Position Last Name First Name Patronymic
President of the Court Kuznetsova Irina Stanislavovna
Judge Marina Vladimirovna Bondar
Judge Nikolay Razdrogin
Judge Elena Ivanovna Naumova
Assistant to the President of the Court Elena Mityaeva
Judge Assistant Maria Vladimirovna Volodina
Judge Assistant Alexander Nikolayevich Poldyaev
Judge Assistant Irina Aleksandrovna Arkhipova
Court Clerk Ekaterina V. Martynova
Court Secretary Olga Valentinovna Kolesnikova
Court clerk Nezvankina Yulia Alexandrovna
Clerk of the court session Semina Marina Alexandrovna
Administrator of the court Dmitry Yuryevich Ekimchev
Informatization Consultant Maria Alexandrovna Pavlushina
Head of Legal Proceedings Department and personnel Spirkina Svetlana Yurievna
Deputy head of the department for office work and personnel Natalya Vasilievna Kryukova
Court clerk Galina Vasilievna Mityaeva
Court clerk Maria Yurievna Khruleva
Clerk of the Court Sharkova Galina Valentinovna

Grounds for vesting the powers of the chairman of the court, judges.

President of the Court Irina Stanislavovna Kuznetsova. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 of 23.02.2017 - Judge Marina Vladimirovna Bondar. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 631 of 14.05.2007 - Judge Nikolai Aleksandrovich Razdrogin. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 16.03.2007 - Judge Elena Ivanovna Naumova. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 540 of 23.09.2018

Video conference call

Time difference relative to Moscow: 0: 00:00
room number with videoconferencing - 1
IP address of videoconferencing 10. 58. 73. 50
IP phone number in hall 7587301
IP fax number in hall 7587399
technical capability - Polycom QDX6000
contact information:
person in charge of organizing the VKS - assistant judge Elena Viktorovna Mityaeva, Maria Vladimirovna Volodina, Alexander Nikolayevich Poldyaev, Sergey Nikolayevich Novikov, tel. 8 (84165) 4-19-62, 4-18-91
person in charge for technical support of videoconferencing - court consultant Pavlushina Maria Alexandrovna, phone 8 (84165) 4-12-70

Details for payment of the state duty

Name of the payee UFK across Penza region (Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 5 for the Penza Region)
Checkpoint Checkpoint 582601001
TIN tax authority and its name TIN 5826102020
OKTMO code OKTMO 56653101
Account number of the beneficiary's bank 40102810045370000047
Bank name Penza branch of the Bank of Russia/UFK in the Penza region Penza
BIK (TOFK) BIK 015655003
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number) 03100643000000015500
Current bank account number 40101810222020013001
KBK 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Name of payment state fee

Details for paying the state duty when filing an appeal are posted on the website of the Penza Regional Court:

KBK 18210803010011050110
R/Account 40102810045370000047
Penza branch of the Bank of Russia/UFK in the Penza region Penza - BIK 015655003
KPP 583601001
Treasury account number 03100643000000015500
Recipient of the UFK in the Penza region ( IFTS RF for the Leninsky district of Penza)
TIN 5836010018
OKTMO 56701000


For information about the announcement and holding of competitions for filling vacant positions and on the staffing of the court, please contact the website of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region usd. pnz. sudrf. ru, in the appropriate sections - "Civil Service - Vacancies" or by phone: 8 (8412) 63-80-21.
You can get information on filling the vacant position of a judge on the website of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Penza Region,


Court officer in charge of media relations:
Elena Mityaeva
Tel./fax: 8 (84165) 4-18-91