• Country: Russia
  • State: Penza Region
  • County: Kamenskij r-n
  • City: g Kamenka
  • Street, House: ul Tsentralnaya, dom 8
  • Postcode: 442240
  • Site: http://kamensky.pnz.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84156)9-87-77
  • Fax: (84156)9-87-87
  • Longitude: 43.996878
  • Latitude: 53.184629
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the court

Since December 22, 2010, 65 settlements within one urban and 11 rural settlements located on the territory of the Kamensky district of the Penza region:
urban settlement Kamenka town, Anuchinsky village council (Anuchino village, Varvarovka village, Gavrilovka villages, Gai, Selitba village), Vladykinsky village council (Bessonovka village, Vladykino village, the villages of Klyuchi, Nikolaevka, the village of Sobolevka, the village of Troitskoe Branch), the Golovinshchinsky village council (the villages of Golovinshchino, Andreevka, Kochetovka, Nizovka, Skvorechnoye, Adikayevka, the Adikayevka railway station, the villages of Rostok, Raduga, Tulytba), the Kamensk village council (the village of the Central named estate Kalinina, the villages of Rostovka, Kuvaka, Kochaleyka, Zalesnoe, Bolshie Verkhi, Blinovka, the village of Znamenka), the Kevdo-Melsitovsky village council (the villages of Bezrukovo, Kevdo-Melsi tovo), Kikinsky village council (villages of Kikino, Mochaleika, Velyatino), Kobylkinsky village council (villages Kobylkino, Lvovskaya mitten, Pokrovskaya mitten), Mezhdurechensky village council (villages Mezhdurechye, Vrazhskoe, Nikivalovka, Kleimenovka, Krylovka, point Pervomaisky village council (villages Batrak, Varvarovka, Klyuchische, Maksimovka, Novaya Yesineevka, Staraya Yesineevka), Pokrovo-Archadinsky village council (villages Pokrovskaya Archada, Kazanskaya Archada, Pustyn, Ust-Atmis, village Aleksandrovka, village Akhmatovka, villages Nadezhdinka 1-Aleksevka , passing Lermontovsky), Fedorovsky village council (villages Fedorovka, Aleksandrovka, village Kurganovka, village Oktyabrsky, railway station Studenets).


Monday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 am to 4:45 pm
Lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45

The President of the Court considers applications and complaints on the following issues:
- organization of the work of the Chancellery court and archive;
- terms of consideration of court cases;
- incorrect behavior of a judge;
- incorrect behavior of employees of the court apparatus.
President of the court accepts citizens on Wednesday from 9. 00 to 17. 30

The reception of citizens of the court accepts and issues documents during working hours.

Contact information

Address: 442200, Penza region, city of Kamenka, Tsentralnaya street, 8
phone: (8-84156) 9-87-77
fax: (8-84156) 9-87-87
Information on civil cases 8 (84156) 9-87-81
Information on criminal cases 8 (84156) 9-87 -81
Information on administrative cases 8 (84156) 9-87-86
Information on personnel 8 (84156) 9-87-84
Information on filling vacant positions in the state civil service in the apparatus of the court you can get in the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region, tel. : 8 (8412) 63-80-07 or on the USD website.
Information on filling a vacant position of a judge can be obtained on the website of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Penza Region.

Composition of the court

Kurdyukov Valery Anatolyevich (chairman of the court): On October 17, 2016 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 552, he was appointed chairman of the Kamensk city court for 6 -year term of office.
Lavrova Svetlana Anatolyevna: On February 3, 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 127, she was appointed a judge of the Kamensk City Court.
Sedova Natalya Viktorovna: On May 1, 2021, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 265, she was appointed a judge of the Kamensk City Court.
Misulin Mikhail Mitrofanovich: On March 10, 1995, by Presidential Decree No. 256, he was appointed a judge of the Kamensk City Court.

Court Divisions

Position Full name Phone
Internal City
Reception of the President of the Court
Assistant to the President of the Court Kukhnina Ekaterina Anatolyevna 1204 (84156) 9 -87-90
Reception of Citizens
Court consultant Fomina Maria Aleksandrovna 1209 (84156) 9-87-77
Assistant judges
Judge Assistant Zomchak Snezhanna Anatolyevna 1215 (84156) 9-87-88
Assistant to the judge Misulina M.M. Ustinova Irina Vyacheslavovna 1216 (84156) 9-87-79
Judge Assistant Olga Anatolyevna Medvedeva 1217 (84156) 9-87-76
Assistant to judge S. A. Lavrova Magdeeva Maryam Zhafyarovna 1218 (84156) 9-87-98
Assistant to the judge N. V. Sedovoy Dlikina Oksana Aleksandrovna 1219 (84156) 9-87-83
Department of Proceedings and Human Resources
Head of Department Anisimova Olga Valentinovna 1206 (84156) 9-87-87
Deputy Head of Department Natalia Kudryashova Vladimirovna 1226 (84156) 9-87-84
Leading specialist (civil proceedings) Bazarnova Tatyana Vladimirovna 1231 (84156) 9-87-81
Leading specialist (criminal proceedings) Marina Gennadievna Kustova 1232 (84156) 9-87-81
Court administrator Alexey Baburin 1205 (84156) 9-87-85
Chief specialist (system administrator) Khvan Dmitry Fedorovich 1207 (1239) (84156) 9 -87-96
Bailiffs for OUPDS 1208 (84156) 9-87- 99

Video conferencing

Time difference between Penza and Moscow: 0 hours (UTC +3)
Numbers of courtrooms equipped with video-conferencing systems: courtroom No. 2
Telephone (fax) numbers of the departmental video-conferencing network communication: 7585901 - IP-telephone in the courtroom No. 2;
7585902 - IP-telephone in the courtroom No. 2;
7585999 - IP-fax in the courtroom No. 2
Technical capability for video conferencing: available, Polycom QDX 6000
IP address of the video conferencing kit: 10. 58.59.50
Video conferencing schedule: on request
Period courtroom availability: according to court hours
Person in charge of video conferencing: assistant to the chairman of the court and assistant judges:
Kukhnina Ekaterina Anatolyevna t. 8 (84156) 9-87-90;
Zomchak Snezhanna Anatolyevna t. 8 (84156) 9-87-88;
Ustinova Irina Vyacheslavovna t 8 (84156) 9-87-79;
Medvedeva Olga Anatolyevna t. 8 (84156) 9-87-76;
Magdeeva Maryam Zhafyarovna t. 8 (84156) 9-87-98;
Dlikina Oksana Aleksandrovna t. 8 (84156) 9-87-83
Person responsible for the technical support of the video conference call: Khvan Dmitry Fedorovich , ch. court specialist, t. 8 (84156) 9-87-96

Bank details when filing claims with Kamensk City Court of the Penza Region

Name of the payee UFK for the Penza Region (MIFNS RF No. 2 in the Penza region)
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5802002185 (MIFNS RF No. 2 in the Penza region)
KPP 580201001
Payee's account number
Payee's bank account number (single treasury account)
Name of the bank Branch of PENZA BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Penza region of Penza
BIC 015655003
OKTMO 56629000
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Payment name State fee


For information on announcing and holding tenders for replacement for vacancies and for staffing the court, contact the website of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region usd. pnz. sudrf. ru, in the appropriate section - "Civil Service - Vacancies", or by phone: 63-80-21.

Press service

An employee of the court staff appointed by the order of the chairman of the court to be responsible for interaction with the media:
Kukhnina Ekaterina Anatolyevna, phone 8 (84156) 98790.
In the absence of the employee responsible for interaction with the media, his duties, in accordance with the order of the chairman of the court, are performed by:
Zomchak Snezhanna Anatolyevna, phone 8 (84156) 98788.